4.6 Article

The complex genetic landscape of southwestern Chinese populations contributed to their extensive ethnolinguistic diversity


Article Plant Sciences

Reconstructing the genetic admixture history of Tai-Kadai and Sinitic people: Insights from genome-wide SNP data from South China

Meng-Ge Wang et al.

Summary: The study reveals the genetic history of the population in South China, showing genetic affinities between inland Tai-Kadai-speaking people and coastal Austronesian-speaking people as well as between southwestern Han Chinese and Neolithic Yellow River basin farmers. Genetic differentiations are identified among Tai-Kadai people from South China and Southeast Asia, as well as between northern and southern inland Chinese Tai-Kadai people. The findings suggest a common origin of the Austronesian and Tai-Kadai groups.


Article Plant Sciences

Extensive ethnolinguistic diversity at the crossroads of North China and South Siberia reflects multiple sources of genetic diversity

Guang-Lin He et al.

Summary: This study explores the population genetic structure and admixture history of North China and South Siberia using genome-wide data. They found genetic substructures within different language groups, as well as differentiated admixture history between Western and Eastern Mongolians and Northeast Hans. Additionally, the study reveals the significant contribution of historical pastoral empires to the gene pool of northern Mongolic people and identifies natural selection signatures associated with alcohol metabolism in Mongolians.


Article Plant Sciences

Northern gene flow into southeastern East Asians inferred from genome-wide array genotyping

Guang-Lin He et al.

Summary: This study provides insights into the population history of Southeast China by analyzing genetic data from present-day Han Chinese and Hmong-Mien-speaking She people, as well as ancient individuals from Fujian and Taiwan Island. The findings reveal genetic differentiation between northern and southern East Asians and a genetic affinity between southern East Asians and southern indigenous populations. The study also identifies a new genetic cline in East Asia and highlights the genetic affinity of She people with southeastern ancient indigenous rice farmers. The ancestry of southeastern Han Chinese is shown to be related to both Yellow River Basin millet farmers and rice farmers.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Protocol to analyze population structure and migration history based on human genome variation data

Zicheng Zhao et al.

Summary: This article describes a protocol for integrating genome variation data from different data sets to explore the population structure and migration history of human populations. The protocol includes semi-automated scripts for variant filtering, principal component analysis, ancestry component analysis, population size inference, and migration and isolation analysis. It can be adapted for variation data from other sources.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic inference of a severe human bottleneck during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition

Wangjie Hu et al.

Summary: In this study, the researchers developed a fast infinitesimal time coalescent process (FitCoal) to analyze genomic sequences of 3154 individuals. The results showed that human ancestors experienced a severe population bottleneck between approximately 930,000 and 813,000 years ago, lasting for about 117,000 years and bringing them close to extinction. This bottleneck aligns with a significant chronological gap in the fossil record.

SCIENCE (2023)

Article Genetics & Heredity

Genome-wide allele and haplotype-sharing patterns suggested one unique Hmong-Mein-related lineage and biological adaptation history in Southwest China

Jiawen Wang et al.

Summary: By analyzing the genetic data of the Miao people in Guizhou, it was found that they have a unique genetic structure and a close genetic relationship with southern Chinese indigenous populations and historical populations in Guangxi. The Miao people primarily descend from the Guangxi Gaohuahua people, with evidence of a plausible population bottleneck contributing to their unique genetic diversity and population structure patterns. Future ancient DNA studies will provide more insights into the origin of the Miao people.


Article Plant Sciences

Fine-scale north-to-south genetic admixture profile in Shaanxi Han Chinese revealed by genome-wide demographic history reconstruction

Guang-Lin He et al.

Summary: Genetic studies on Han Chinese in Shaanxi province reveal a north-south genetic cline in Han Chinese with a significant contribution from Tibetans and southern Han, as well as southern Chinese and Southeast Asian populations. The genetic substructure in Shaanxi Han corresponds to latitudes, demonstrating a complex admixture pattern in the region.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The genomic history of southwestern Chinese populations demonstrated massive population migration and admixture among proto-Hmong-Mien speakers and incoming migrants

Yicheng Wang et al.

Summary: Southwest China, known for its high language and genetic diversity, played a significant role in the genetic makeup and human expansion of East Asian populations. A study conducted on Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman, and Sinitic people from southwestern Chinese groups revealed a new genetic cline in the region, which contributed to the gene pool of modern southern East Asians. The study also identified genetic substructure among Hmong-Mien-speaking populations and found a strong genomic affinity between southwestern Sinitic populations and adjacent Hmong-Mien-speaking populations and lowlander Tibeto-Burman-speaking populations. The research shed light on the evolutionary and admixture history of southwestern East Asians.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Genomic Insights Into the Population History and Biological Adaptation of Southwestern Chinese Hmong-Mien People

Yan Liu et al.

Summary: Hmong-Mien (HM)-speaking populations, distributed in South China, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, have unknown biological adaptation and ancestral lineage. This study used genome-wide SNPs to analyze the genetic characteristics of Miao and other HM populations, revealing genetic substructures and a specific ancestral lineage. The findings also suggested that HM-speaking populations originated from Southwest China and migrated southward in the historic period. Additionally, specific adaptive signatures associated with human nervous system functions were identified.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Fine-Scale Population Admixture Landscape of Tai-Kadai-Speaking Maonan in Southwest China Inferred From Genome-Wide SNP Data

Jing Chen et al.

Summary: This study investigated the genetic origin and admixture history of Tai-Kadai-speaking populations in Guizhou Province using genome-wide SNP data. The findings revealed a genetic affinity between Guizhou Maonan people and reference Maonan from Guangxi, as well as a connection between Maonan and geographically adjacent Hmong-Mien and Sino-Tibetan populations. The study also demonstrated that the Maonan people were an admixed population with primary ancestry related to Guangxi historical people and a minor proportion of ancestry from Northeast Asians, supporting their linguistically supported southern China origin.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic analyses of 10,376 individuals in the Westlake BioBank for Chinese (WBBC) pilot project

Pei-Kuan Cong et al.

Summary: Through the WBBC pilot project, we conducted large-scale genome sequencing and genotyping on Chinese individuals and established a population-specific reference panel and an online imputation server. By analyzing the data, we discovered the geographical boundary and genetic differences among the Han Chinese, providing important insights into the genetic characteristics and evolution of the Chinese population.


Article Ecology

Genomic Insights Into the Demographic History of the Southern Chinese

Xiufeng Huang et al.

Summary: Southern China is the birthplace of rice-cultivating agriculture and has witnessed various human migrations. This study analyzes genetic data from present-day Southern Chinese individuals along with ancient and modern genomes to uncover the genetic diversity and history of the region. The research reveals a significant association between language classification and genetic variation, particularly among Hmong-Mien and Austronesian speakers, indicating shared genetic history. The findings also suggest a geography-related genetic sub-structure that existed before the Holocene period, shaped by Neolithic populations in Fujian and Mainland Southeast Asia. Admixture events have further influenced the genetic makeup of ancient Southern Chinese populations, leading to a high level of genetic homogeneity. Additional admixture is observed among Hmong-Mien and Kra-Dai speakers in Southwest China, occurring around 1,500-1,000 BP, coinciding with the reigns of local chiefdoms. The study also identifies a connection between local populations in the Yellow River Basin and the genetic sub-structure in Southern China, dating back to around 9,000 BP. Gene flow from the Southern Chinese Cluster has likely contributed to the ancestry profile of the Han Chinese population since the Longshan period.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

High-coverage whole-genome sequencing of the expanded 1000 Genomes Project cohort including 602 trios

Marta Byrska-Bishop et al.

Summary: The 1000 Genomes Project is the largest open resource of whole-genome sequencing data, and a new high-coverage WGS 1kGP resource has been released, improving the sensitivity and accuracy of variant calls and making it more valuable for association studies.
Article Ecology

Genetic substructure of Guizhou Tai-Kadai-speaking people inferred from genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms data

Zheng Ren et al.

Summary: This study provides a detailed analysis of the genome characteristics and admixture history of Tai-Kadai-speaking populations in southern China. The study reveals genetic substructure within these populations and their genetic affinity with other groups. These findings are important for understanding population dynamics in southern China.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic diversity and post-admixture adaptation in the Uyghurs

Yuwen Pan et al.

Summary: Population admixture in the Uyghur population in Xinjiang, China has led to increased genetic diversity and phenotypic variation. The study identified functional variants associated with facial morphology and skin pigmentation, as well as genes related to metabolism, digestion, olfactory perception, and immunity that have undergone post-admixture adaptation.


Article Anthropology

The genomic formation of Tanka people, an isolated gypsies in water in the coastal region of Southeast China

Guanglin He et al.

Summary: This study investigates the genetic origin and admixture history of the Tanka people in Southeast China using genome-wide SNP data. The results show a close genetic relationship between the Tanka people and northern Han Chinese, as well as a southern East Asian ancestry related to AA/HM/TK speakers. The findings suggest that the modern Tanka people originated from ancient North China and received additional gene flow from southern East Asians during southward migrations.


Article Anthropology

Genomic insights into Neolithic farming-related migrations in the junction of east and southeast Asia

Jianxin Guo et al.

Summary: This study focuses on detecting the demographic history and early farming-related migration in the crossroad area between East Asia and Southeast Asia. The findings reveal population substructure within Tibeto-Burman populations, with northern groups showing a genetic legacy associated with millet farming from North China and southern groups showing a genetic legacy associated with rice farming. There is a strong genetic affinity between Austroasiatic populations in Yunnan and mainland Southeast Asia.


Article Plant Sciences

Fine-scale genetic structure of Tujia and central Han Chinese revealing massive genetic admixture under language borrowing

Guang-Lin He et al.

Summary: By genotyping over 60K genome-wide markers in 505 unrelated individuals from 63 indigenous populations, it was found that both Han Chinese and Tujia populations were positioned in the intermediate zone of the modern East Asian North-South genetic cline, with a correlation between genetic composition and latitude. There was strong genetic assimilation observed between Tujia and central Han Chinese populations, indicating massive population movements and genetic admixture under language borrowing.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

New insights into the fine-scale history of western-eastern admixture of the northwestern Chinese population in the Hexi Corridor via genome-wide genetic legacy

Hongbin Yao et al.

Summary: Genetic studies show that northwestern Han Chinese individuals have higher genetic homogeneity compared to other ethnic groups in the region. The primary ancestry of this population comes from northern millet farmer ancestors, supporting the hypothesis of their origin in North China and northwestward population expansion. Interestingly, there is evidence of western Eurasian admixture in northwestern Han individuals dating back to around 1000 CE.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia

Chuan-Chao Wang et al.

Summary: Using genome-wide data from 166 East Asian individuals dating to between 6000 BC and AD 1000, this study reveals the population history of Japan, the Amur River Basin, Taiwan, and the Tibetan Plateau. It traces expansions from different regions in East Asia during the Holocene epoch, shedding light on the genetic origins of present-day East Asian populations.

NATURE (2021)

Article Cell Biology

NyuWa Genome resource: A deep whole-genome sequencing-based variation profile and reference panel for the Chinese population

Peng Zhang et al.

Summary: The NyuWa genome resource, based on deep sequencing of 2,999 Chinese individuals, provides a high-quality reference panel with 5,804 haplotypes and 19.3 million variants, facilitating genetic research in Chinese and Asian populations. The NyuWa reference panel reduces the imputation error rate for Han Chinese and is applicable for both northern and southern Chinese populations.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Massively parallel sequencing of 165 ancestry-informative SNPs and forensic biogeographical ancestry inference in three southern Chinese Sinitic/Tai-Kadai populations

Guanglin He et al.

Summary: Ancestry informative markers (AIMs) with significant allele frequency differences among diverse ethnic groups are attracting interest in the forensic community for population history reconstruction. This study used the Precision ID Ancestry Panel to analyze Chinese individuals, showing its potential as a robust tool in forensic individual identification. However, limitations in discriminatory power were observed in intercontinental individuals, highlighting the need for more specific AIM sets and comprehensive population reference data validation in the future.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Genomic Insight Into the Population Admixture History of Tungusic-Speaking Manchu People in Northeast China

Xianpeng Zhang et al.

Summary: The Manchu people, the third largest ethnic minority in China, have a close genetic relationship and significant admixture signal with northern Han Chinese. The modern Manchu people were formed with major ancestry related to Yellow River farmers and minor ancestry linked to ancient populations from the Amur River Basin or others. The genetic structure of northeastern Chinese Manchu people in Liaoning differs from other Tungusic-speaking populations due to large-scale population migrations and genetic admixtures in the past few hundred years.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Genomic insights into population history and biological adaptation in Oceania

Jeremy Choin et al.

Summary: The study analyzed high-coverage genomes of 317 individuals from 20 populations in the Pacific region, revealing a strong bottleneck in the ancestors of Oceanian populations before their settlement and a divergence between East Asian Pacific populations and Taiwanese Indigenous peoples before the Neolithic expansion. The research also showed significant differences in the Denisovan genetic contribution among Pacific groups and highlighted selective sweeps and polygenic adaptation linked to pathogen exposure and lipid metabolism in the region.

NATURE (2021)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The deep population history of northern East Asia from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene

Xiaowei Mao et al.

Summary: Modern humans have been living in Northern East Asia as early as 40,000 years ago, as demonstrated by the Tianyuan individual. The genetic continuity of human populations in the Amur region has been maintained since 14ka, representing the closest East Asian source known for Ancient Paleo-Siberians. This study provides insights into the population dynamics of Northern East Asia.
Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Human population history at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia since 11,000 years ago

Tianyi Wang et al.

Summary: The study reveals the presence of ancient East Asian ancestry in southern China's Guangxi region, as well as a history of admixture with deep Asian ancestry related to Southeast Asia and local ancestry. Historical populations in Guangxi dating back to 1,500 to 500 years ago are closely related to Tai-Kadai and Hmong-Mien speakers, indicating interactions between East and Southeast Asia.
Article Genetics & Heredity

Significant East Asian Affinity of the Sichuan Hui Genomic Structure Suggests the Predominance of the Cultural Diffusion Model in the Genetic Formation Process

Yan Liu et al.

Summary: Genomic analysis of Chinese Hui people revealed a strong genetic affinity with modern and ancient Northern East Asians, with a minor influx of western Eurasian ancestry. This suggests the Huis are a mixture of western Eurasian and predominant East Asian ancestry.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Fine-Scale Genetic Structure and Natural Selection Signatures of Southwestern Hans Inferred From Patterns of Genome-Wide Allele, Haplotype, and Haplogroup Lineages

Mengge Wang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the genetic origin and population admixture history of Han Chinese individuals in Guizhou Province, finding genetic homogeneity within Guizhou populations and their strong genetic affinity with the inland Hmong-Mien people. The study also confirmed the admixture of ancient Yellow River Millet farmers and southern Yangtze River farmers in the demographic history of Guizhou Hans, and identified strong natural selection signatures in candidate loci associated with complex diseases, morphology formation, alcohol, and lipid metabolism in this population.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Genomic Insights Into the Admixture History of Mongolic- and Tungusic-Speaking Populations From Southwestern East Asia

Jing Chen et al.

Summary: The genetic study on Mongolian and Manchu populations from Guizhou province in southwestern China suggests a strong genetic affinity with southern East Asians, stemming from a mixture of northern Tungusic/Mongolic speakers or Yellow River farmers and southern Austronesian, Tai-Kadai, and Austroasiatic speakers. This intermixing of ancestries likely occurred during the Mongolian Empire expansion approximately 600 to 1,000 years ago.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Reconstructing the Human Genetic History of Mainland Southeast Asia: Insights from Genome-Wide Data from Thailand and Laos

Wibhu Kutanan et al.

Summary: The study revealed genetic structure among different ethnolinguistic groups in Thailand and Laos, with heterogeneity in certain language families and populations reflecting population interactions and genetic drift. Some Thai groups show admixture from South Asia, likely associated with intensive international trade networks around 600-1000 years ago.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Genetic Origins and Sex-Biased Admixture of the Huis

Xixian Ma et al.

Summary: The Hui people, a unique ethnic minority in China who speak Mandarin and practice Islam, showed genetic similarity to East Asian populations and significant functional genetic variations in skin pigmentation, facial morphology, and lipid metabolism. Their history includes two episodes of admixture, reflecting interactions between western and eastern Eurasians during different periods. Strong sex-biased admixture was also observed, with an excess of western males and eastern females contributing to the genetic pool of the Hui people.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

IQ-TREE 2: New Models and Efficient Methods for Phylogenetic Inference in the Genomic Era

Bui Quang Minh et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Insights into human genetic variation and population history from 929 diverse genomes

Anders Bergstrom et al.

SCIENCE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ancient DNA indicates human population shifts and admixture in northern and southern China

Melinda A. Yang et al.

SCIENCE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ancient genomes from northern China suggest links between subsistence changes and human migration

Chao Ning et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Extensive Ethnolinguistic Diversity in Vietnam Reflects Multiple Sources of Genetic Diversity

Dang Liu et al.


Review Cell Biology

The importance of including ethnically diverse populations in studies of quantitative trait evolution

Michael A. McQuillan et al.


Editorial Material Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The Missing Diversity in Human Genetic Studies

Giorgio Sirugo et al.

Article Genetics & Heredity

Tai-Kadai-speaking Gelao population: Forensic features, genetic diversity and population structure

Guanglin He et al.


Article Ecology

The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia

Choongwon Jeong et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Ancestry-specific recent effective population size in the Americas

Sharon R. Browning et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Differentiated demographic histories and local adaptations between Sherpas and Tibetans

Chao Zhang et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Accurate Non-parametric Estimation of Recent Effective Population Size from Segments of Identity by Descent

Sharon R. Browning et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA

Emilia Huerta-Sanchez et al.

NATURE (2014)

Article Genetics & Heredity

Inferring human population size and separation history from multiple genome sequences

Stephan Schiffels et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A Genetic Atlas of Human Admixture History

Garrett Hellenthal et al.

SCIENCE (2014)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Genetic Evidence of Paleolithic Colonization and Neolithic Expansion of Modern Humans on the Tibetan Plateau

Xuebin Qi et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Ancient Admixture in Human History

Nick Patterson et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

A linear complexity phasing method for thousands of genomes

Olivier Delaneau et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Inference of Population Splits and Mixtures from Genome-Wide Allele Frequency Data

Joseph K. Pickrell et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Inference of Population Structure using Dense Haplotype Data

Daniel John Lawson et al.


Article Genetics & Heredity

A Fast, Powerful Method for Detecting Identity by Descent

Brian L. Browning et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Sequencing of 50 Human Exomes Reveals Adaptation to High Altitude

Xin Yi et al.

SCIENCE (2010)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Fast model-based estimation of ancestry in unrelated individuals

David H. Alexander et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity in Asia

Mahmood Ameen Abdulla et al.

SCIENCE (2009)

Article Genetics & Heredity

Population structure and eigenanalysis

Nick Patterson et al.