4.6 Article

Topological encounters in biodiversity conservation: Making and contesting maps in the Colombian high Andean paramos


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The minimum land area requiring conservation attention to safeguard biodiversity

James R. Allan et al.

Summary: Ambitious conservation efforts are necessary to address the global biodiversity crisis. This study estimates the minimum land area required to protect important biodiversity areas, ecologically intact areas, and optimal locations for representation of species ranges and ecoregions. At least 64 million square kilometers of land would need conservation attention, which is 44% of the terrestrial area. Immediate action is needed as 1.3 million square kilometers of this land is at risk of conversion for intensive human land uses by 2030.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Ecology

Monitoring litter and microplastics in Arctic mammals and birds

A. L. Lusher et al.

Summary: Monitoring litter and microplastics using Arctic mammals and birds has strengths in understanding the potential impacts on Arctic biodiversity and human health. The monitoring programs need to be designed practically and consider a range of approaches and species. Northern fulmars can be used as an environmental indicator to establish spatial and temporal trends of plastic pollution. The selection of species and locations for monitoring should be based on the priorities of local communities to enhance understanding of potential implications for human health.


Article Ecology

Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water

Martin Jung et al.

Summary: In order to achieve the goals of biodiversity and climate conventions, spatial guidance is needed to optimize land conservation strategies and balance multiple objectives. Prioritizing the top 30% and 50% of land areas can significantly contribute to carbon retention, water quality regulation, and species conservation targets. Fully protecting all species considered would require conservation efforts on approximately 70% of terrestrial land.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Assembling an Ecosystem: The Making of State Paramos in Colombia

Paula Ungar

Summary: In Colombia, paramos were legally delimited as conservation areas in 2016, leading to the prohibition of most human activities. The author examines this exclusionary process using an assemblage framework, highlighting the roles of state power, scientific practices, and social organizations, influenced by the threat of mining extractivism.


Article Environmental Studies

Mapping ice in the Norwegian Arctic - on the edge between science and policy

Ingrid Bay-Larsen et al.

Summary: In the Norwegian Arctic, the boundary for petroleum exploration is defined by the ice edge, but there is no scientifically 'correct' position for it. The geographical positioning of the ice edge is a result of co-production processes involving multiple actors and practices. Maps serve as visual discourses in debates over petroleum activities and there is a strong correlation between different definitions of the ice edge and political commitments.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

The map of biodiversity mapping

Marco Malavasi


Article Social Issues

Making and Doing Politics Through Grassroots Scientific Research on the Energy and Petrochemical Industries

Sara Wylie et al.


Article Social Issues

Topologies of Race: Doing territory, population and identity in Europe

Amade M'charek et al.


Review Geography

Participatory GIS - a people's GIS?

Christine E. Dunn