4.7 Article

Structure-Activity Relationship of Novel ACE Inhibitory Undecapeptides from Stropharia rugosoannulata by Molecular Interactions and Activity Analyses


Article Chemistry, Applied

Purification identification and function analysis of ACE inhibitory peptide from Ulva prolifera protein

Zhiyong Li et al.

Summary: In this study, Ulva prolifera, an edible alga, was used to prepare angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide. The highest ACE inhibitory activity was obtained from the hydrolysate of algae protein, which was processed using various methods and identified as the peptide DIGGL. DIGGL exhibited non-competitive inhibition against ACE and mainly achieved this effect through three conventional hydrogen bonds. It also showed the ability to activate endothelial nitric oxide synthase and decrease endothelin-1 secretion in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Moreover, DIGGL promoted splenocyte proliferation and remained active during gastrointestinal protease digestion.


Article Food Science & Technology

Identification of a Novel ACE Inhibitory Hexapeptide from Camellia Seed Cake and Evaluation of Its Stability

Qiaonan Zhu et al.

Summary: The proteins in camellia seed cake were hydrolyzed with different proteases, and the hydrolysate obtained from neutral protease showed the highest ACE inhibitory activity at 67.36%. Through various separation and analysis techniques, Val-Val-Val-Pro-Gln-Asn (VVVPQN) was identified as an ACE inhibitor with an IC50 value of 0.13 mg/mL. Molecular docking studies revealed that VVVPQN could form eight hydrogen bonds with ACE. Stability studies showed that VVVPQN remained active in weakly acidic and neutral conditions, and was relatively unaffected by heat treatment and certain metal ions. The findings suggest that VVVPQN from camellia seed cake has potential applications in functional food and antihypertensive drugs.
Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Purification, molecular docking and in vivo analyses of novel angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from protein hydrolysate of moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Marechal) seeds

Amita Bhadkaria et al.

Summary: This study aims to produce, screen and identify natural ACE-I inhibitory peptides derived from moth bean seed protein hydrolysates. Alcalase achieved the greatest degree of hydrolysis and ACE inhibition. In vivo administration of MBP hydrolysate to dexamethasone-induced hypertensive rats reduced their systolic blood pressure.


Article Food Science & Technology

Study on the In Silico Screening and Characterization, Inhibition Mechanisms, Zinc-Chelate Activity, and Stability of ACE-Inhibitory Peptides Identified in Naked Oat Bran Albumin Hydrolysates

Yan Li et al.

Summary: In this study, safe peptides were identified in naked oat bran albumin hydrolysates (NOBAH) with potential ACE inhibition and zinc-chelating abilities. Molecular docking results showed interactions between the peptides and ACE, affecting zinc coordination. These findings suggest the potential applications of naked oat peptides in hypertension treatment and zinc fortification.
Article Food Science & Technology

Identification and Characterization of Novel ACE Inhibitory and Antioxidant Peptides from Sardina pilchardus Hydrolysate

Mingyang Shao et al.

Summary: In this study, we investigated the ACE inhibitory activity of Sardina pilchardus protein hydrolysate (SPH). We found that low molecular mass fractions (<3 kDa) obtained through ultrafiltration showed more effective ACE inhibition. Using LC-MS/MS, we identified 37 peptides with potential ACE inhibitory activity, and further molecular docking resulted in the identification of 11 peptides with higher ACE inhibitory scores than lisinopril. These findings suggest that Sardina pilchardus may be a potential source of natural antioxidants and ACE inhibitors for functional foods, and LC-MS/MS combined with molecular docking is a promising approach for the discovery of novel ACE inhibitory peptides.
Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular dynamics simulation and in vitro digestion to examine the impact of theaflavin on the digestibility and structural properties of myosin

Guanxu Liu et al.

Summary: In this study, the interaction between theaflavin and myosin was investigated to determine the potential application of theaflavin in the meat protein system. Spectroscopic studies showed that theaflavins formed complexes with myosin and altered its microenvironment. The addition of theaflavin caused static quenching of the myosin solution. Hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds were found to contribute to the binding of theaflavin and bovine myosin, resulting in a decrease in the α-helix content of myosin. Furthermore, theaflavin was shown to significantly reduce the digestibility of myosin.


Article Food Science & Technology

ACE inhibitory activities of two peptides derived from Volutharpa ampullacea perryi hydrolysate and their protective effects on H2O2 induced HUVECs injury

Chen-Xin Wang et al.

Summary: This study explored the effects of two ACE inhibitory peptides, IVTNWDDMEK and VGPAGPRG, purified from Volutharpa ampullacea perryi, on ACE's two domains and nitric oxide (NO), endothelin-1 (ET-1) production in human vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs). The results showed that these peptides had a stronger inhibitory effect on ACE C-domain compared to ACE N-domain. Molecular dynamics (MD) analysis revealed that hydrogen bonds interactions between ACE and the peptides, as well as chelation between the peptides and Zn(2+), played important roles in the ACE inhibitory activity. The peptides also increased NO and ET-1 production, protected against H2O2-induced HUVEC cell injury, and up-regulated the expression of Nrf2 and HO-1 while reducing the accumulation of ROS and MDA.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Exploration of interaction between angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) and the inhibitory peptide from Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida)

Xuezhen Feng et al.

Summary: This study explored the interaction between an inhibitory peptide KNFL from Wakame and angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) using various experimental techniques and molecular dynamics simulations. The results revealed that the binding of KNFL to ACE is a spontaneous exothermic process driven by enthalpy and entropy, forming stable complexes through multiple binding sites. The study also showed that KNFL affects the microenvironment around ACE and alters its conformation.


Article Food Science & Technology

Two Novel Antihypertensive Peptides Identified in Millet Bran Glutelin-2 Hydrolysates: Purification, In Silico Characterization, Molecular Docking with ACE and Stability in Various Food Processing Conditions

Yajun Zheng et al.

Summary: This study identified two novel ACE-inhibitory peptides in millet bran glutelin-2 hydrolysates, which exhibited stability in various conditions and could be used as antihypertensive agents in food.
Article Chemistry, Applied

Characterization of ACE inhibitory and antioxidant peptides in yak and cow milk hard chhurpi cheese of the Sikkim Himalayan region

Md Minhajul Abedin et al.

Summary: In this study, simulated in vitro GI digestion of Himalayan hard chhurpi cheese resulted in increased hydrolyzed protein content, antioxidant, and ACE-inhibitory activities. Peptidomics and molecular docking studies identified peptides with antioxidant and antihypertensive properties in hard chhurpi cheese.


Article Acoustics

Structural characterization and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory mechanism of Stropharia rugosoannulata mushroom peptides prepared by ultrasound

Wen Li et al.

Summary: This study investigates the structural characteristics and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition mechanism of Stropharia rugosoannulata mushroom peptides prepared by multifrequency ultrasound. The peptides in S. rugosoannulata mushroom samples treated by ultrasound were primarily octapeptides, nonapeptides, and decapeptides. Hydrophobic amino acids were predominant in the peptides prepared by ultrasound, and the peptide bonds at the C-terminal dissociated mainly to produce hydrophobic amino acids. The characteristic amino acid sequences of the active peptides of S. rugosoannulata mushroom were Pro and Val (PV), Arg and Pro (RP), Pro and Leu (PL), and Asp (D) combined with hydrophobic amino acids. The docking results showed that hydrogen bond interaction was the primary mode of interaction between ACE and the peptides prepared by ultrasound. Cation-pi interactions also played a significant role in the binding between mushroom peptides and ACE.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Identification of peptides in Qingke baijiu and evaluation of its angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and stability

Zhongtian Yin et al.

Summary: This study identified four novel peptides in Qingke baijiu and evaluated their in vitro angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activities. Two of the peptides showed high affinity with ACE and demonstrated significant inhibitory activity, possibly due to their hydrophobicity. Additionally, the peptides showed no obvious toxicity to Caco-2 cells.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Potential antihypertensive mechanism of egg white-derived peptide QIGLF revealed by proteomic analysis

Mingjie Zhou et al.

Summary: This study clarified the antihypertensive mechanisms of QIGLF on spontaneously hypertensive rats by using a serum proteomic approach. QIGLF was found to potentially exert antihypertensive effects by inhibiting Na+ reabsorption and oxidative stress, and restoring gap junction and tight junction.


Article Food Science & Technology

Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and antihypertensive effects of rice peptides

Jingjing Dong et al.

Summary: This study investigated the antihypertensive effect of rice peptide (RP) and revealed its mechanism of action. The results demonstrated that RP could effectively reduce systolic blood pressure in hypertensive rats, potentially through regulating the renin-angiotensin system and nitric oxide release.


Article Food Science & Technology

Structural requirements and interaction mechanisms of ACE inhibitory peptides: molecular simulation and thermodynamics studies on LAPYK and its modified peptides

Biying Zhang et al.

Summary: This study investigated the structural requirements of ACE inhibitory peptides by modifying an egg-white derived peptide LAPYK and exploring the interactions with ACE. The results indicated that hydrophobicity and amino acids with ring structures were beneficial for the ACE inhibitory activities of the peptides.


Article Food Science & Technology

Structural requirements and interaction mechanisms of ACE inhibitory peptides: molecular simulation and thermodynamics studies on LAPYK and its modified peptides

Ting Zhang et al.

Summary: Understanding the structural requirements and intermolecular-interaction mechanisms is crucial for discovering potent ACE inhibitory peptides. In this study, LAPYK-derived peptides were modified using amino acids of different properties to explore the structural requirements of ACEIPs. Hydrophobicity and amino acids with ring structures were found to be beneficial for the ACE inhibitory activities of the peptides, with charged peptides showing unfavorable binding to ACE based on binding free energy calculations. Enthalpy-driven ACE-peptide interactions were more favorable than entropy-driven interactions based on isothermal titration calorimetry analyses.


Article Food Science & Technology

Proteolysis of tilapia skin collagen: Identification and release behavior of ACE-inhibitory peptides

Junde Chen et al.

Summary: The SAR and release behavior of ACEi peptides from collagen enzymolysis have an impact on large-scale production. Different proteases have varied effects on the release of peptides from collagen and the SAR of larger collagen peptides, which can guide food production processes for ensuring food safety and producing high-quality active peptide products.


Article Food Science & Technology

Angiotensin I-Converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory and dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-IV) inhibitory activity of umami peptides from Ruditapes philippinarum

Yue Zhang et al.

Summary: Umami peptides derived from Ruditapes philippinarum have demonstrated ACE and DPP-IV inhibitory activities, as well as the ability to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels. These peptides function by promoting nitric oxide secretion and reducing endothelin-1 production to exert hypoglycemic and hypotensive effects.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Identification of post-digestion angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides from soybean protein Isolate: Their production conditions and in silico molecular docking with ACE

Zhenqiu Xu et al.

Summary: This study investigates natural angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors by preparing soybean protein isolated (SPI) hydrolysate (SPIH) through Alcalase hydrolysis, and obtaining ACE inhibitory peptides through membrane separation, ethanol precipitation, and adsorption chromatography enrichment. Activated carbon is more suitable for peptide enrichment than eight macroporous resins, and peptides like IY, YVVF may be the main contributors to SPIH's ACE inhibition with high ACE inhibitory activity.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Structural analysis of ACE -inhibitory peptide (VL-9) derived from Kluyveromyces marxianus protein hydrolysate

Mahta Mirzaei et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cerebrovascular risk factors impact frontoparietal network integrity and executive function in healthy ageing

Michele Veldsman et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Enzyme inhibition kinetics and molecular interactions of patatin peptides with angiotensin I-converting enzyme and renin

Yu Fu et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Crystal structure of the human angiotensin-converting enzyme-lisinopril complex

R Natesh et al.

NATURE (2003)