4.6 Article

Dispatchable capacity optimization strategy for battery swapping and charging station aggregators to participate in grid operations


Article Energy & Fuels

Bidding strategy for virtual power plants with the day-ahead and balancing markets using distributionally robust optimization approach

Chunning Song et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a two-stage distribution robust optimization (DRO) model for determining the optimal bidding strategy for virtual power plant (VPP) participation in the energy market and combines L1 norm with L8 norm to simultaneously constrain the confidence set of uncertain probability distributions. The robustness and feasibility of the proposed model are verified by a case study.


Article Energy & Fuels

Orderly automatic real-time charging scheduling scenario strategy for electric vehicles considering renewable energy consumption

Guoyu Zhang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes the ORTCS strategy for collaborative optimization of electric vehicles and renewable energy output, taking into account the flexibility of charge and discharge in the intelligent transportation field. The strategy aims to maximize the consumption of renewable energy while minimizing waiting time and expenses for car users. It evaluates the organized planning of charge and discharge based on the initial battery SOC of an electric vehicle connected to the power system, in order to obtain the real-time schedulability level from the perspective of the entire charging station.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Performance assessment of a distribution system by simultaneous optimal positioning of electric vehicle charging stations and distributed generators

Ranjita Chowdhury et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a technique for determining the optimal placement of an Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) in a distribution system, taking into account time-driven load models. The technique also considers factors such as traffic and weather conditions, as well as the availability of EVCS. Using Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis and Bayesian optimization techniques, the initial State of Charge of the PEV is reformulated. The results are validated by comparing them with computation of three REDG assessment indices for arbitrary positioning of the elements.


Article Energy & Fuels

Resilience-oriented planning method of local emergency power supply considering V2B

Changsheng Lin et al.

Summary: Private electric vehicles have the potential to provide emergency power supply to buildings. By upgrading charging piles to support bi-directional power supply, EVs can assist in the restoration of disaster-affected buildings. A planning method that considers uncertainties and uses a stochastic programming model is proposed to determine the upgrade plan.


Article Energy & Fuels

Adaptive robust unit commitment with renewable integration: An extreme scenarios driven model

Wen Lu et al.

Summary: This paper improves the traditional two-stage robust optimization model by generating extreme scenarios and incorporating all-scenario-feasibility and nonanticipativity constraints into the model, enabling it to better handle the uncertainty problem brought by renewable energy.


Article Energy & Fuels

Optimal operation between electric power aggregator and electric vehicle based on Stackelberg game model

Jiajie Chen et al.

Summary: This paper establishes an optimal operation model for Electric Vehicles in Electric Power Aggregators based on Stackelberg Game Model to achieve a win-win situation between the grid and Electric Vehicles, reducing costs and load fluctuations.


Article Thermodynamics

A robust model for aggregated bidding of energy storages and wind resources in the joint energy and reserve markets

Meysam Khojasteh et al.

Summary: The study introduces a new model to assess the performance of BES in various markets and determines optimal participation levels based on market prices, ramp rates, marginal costs, and technical constraints of units.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Data-driven on-demand energy supplement planning for electric vehicles considering multi-charging/swapping services

Yuechuan Tao et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a data-driven two-stage charging/swapping service scheme for electric vehicles (EVs), offering multiple service options for EV owners. The large-scale sequential decision-making problem is addressed using deep reinforcement learning and mixed-integer linear programming. Simulation results show that the proposed method performs better in relieving the burden of the power sector and improving daily revenue, answer rate, and queue length at fast-charging stations.


Review Thermodynamics

Application of two-stage robust optimization theory in power system scheduling under uncertainties: A review and perspective

Haifeng Qiu et al.

Summary: This paper reviews the research on two stage robust optimization (TSRO) scheduling of power systems, which is an effective approach in dealing with the uncertainties in optimal power system scheduling. It summarizes the formulations and solution algorithms of multi-type TSRO models, generalizes various modeling methods for continuous and discrete uncertainties, and reviews the achievements of TSRO in unit commitment, economic dispatch, active/reactive power coordination and resilient dispatch. The paper also discusses the existing research gaps and provides an outlook for future work.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

A scenario-based approach for optimal operation of energy hub under different schemes and structures

Younes Noorollahi et al.

Summary: Due to the importance of economic and environmental issues in the energy field, the development of smart energy systems and energy hubs has been accelerated. This research proposes a scenario-based approach for the optimal operation of energy hubs considering uncertainties in wind turbines and photovoltaics. The research findings suggest that Structure 3 (AC thorn HP) is more efficient in terms of energy consumption and investment costs when considering investment and operation and maintenance costs.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Electric vehicle charging load prediction considering the orderly charging

Jiang Tian et al.

Summary: This article proposes a method for predicting the orderly charging load of electric vehicles based on the characteristics of EV charging behavior and nonlinear programming. It utilizes the Monte Carlo algorithm to predict the charging probability and disorderly charging load of EVs, and employs a nonlinear programming algorithm to solve the optimized target function of orderly charging, thereby achieving the prediction of orderly charging load in the region.


Article Energy & Fuels

Electric vehicle clusters scheduling strategy considering real-time electricity prices based on deep reinforcement learning

Kang Wang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes an EV cluster scheduling strategy considering real-time electricity prices based on deep reinforcement learning. It effectively addresses the curse of dimensionality problem and the challenges of uncertainty in user demand and electricity price, achieving a win-win situation between the power grid and EV users.


Article Energy & Fuels

Joint charging scheduling of electric vehicles with battery to grid technology in battery swapping station

Ran Ding et al.

Summary: This paper summarizes the development and present situation of battery swapping station and analyzes the distribution probability model of EVs' arrival. By combining the particle swarm optimization algorithm with the immune algorithm, the convergence accuracy of the traditional algorithm is improved. An economic scheduling method based on monte carlo simulation is proposed, and the function of BSS as an energy storage device is analyzed. A mathematical model of multi-objective joint optimization is established and the simulation analysis verifies the effectiveness of this model.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A chance-constrained optimization framework for wind farms to manage fleet-level availability in condition based maintenance and operations

F. Fallahi et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a condition-based maintenance and operations scheduling approach that utilizes real-time sensor data and considers dependencies and uncertainties in wind farm operations. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in asset availability, market revenue, and maintenance costs.


Article Energy & Fuels

Optimal scheduling of battery charging-swapping systems for distribution network resilience enhancement

Quan Sui et al.

Summary: When offshore-island renewable distribution systems (OIRDSs) face multiple failures during extreme weather conditions, the battery charging-swapping system (BCSS) is a promising solution to reduce power outage losses and enhance the resilience of OIRDSs. However, extreme weather, such as heavy rain, can affect logistics speed and result in non-integer-hour battery scheduling time between stations. To address this issue, a novel OIRDS resilience enhancement strategy is proposed that analyzes the impact of rainfall, solar radiation, and wind speed on renewable generation and battery transfer time. The strategy also presents a dual unit commitment method to coordinate scheduling steps and non-integer-hour battery transfer time, as well as an optimal OIRDS resilience enhancement model that integrates battery scheduling and network reconfiguration decisions.


Article Energy & Fuels

Chance-constrained unit commitment with energy storage systems in electric power systems

Ying-Yi Hong et al.

Summary: This study combines chance-constrained programming with goal programming to optimize risk-based unit commitment (UC). It explores the use of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in flexible operations to reduce risk costs. The research finds that BESS significantly reduces risk costs in a realistic Taiwan power system in 2025.


Article Energy & Fuels

Going, Going, Gone: Optimising the bidding strategy for an energy storage aggregator and its value in supporting community energy storage

F. A. Biggins et al.

Summary: Energy storage aggregation offers various advantages to electrical power systems, such as enhanced flexibility, cost reduction, and decreased reliance on carbon-intensive peaking plants. This study examines the value obtained by an aggregator using energy storage for arbitrage in Great Britain's day-ahead and balancing energy markets, employing linear and quadratic optimization models. The findings demonstrate that optimal arbitrage strategies depend on whether the aggregator acts as a price-taker or price-maker, and the availability of up to 500 MW battery storage. Additionally, the analysis highlights the significant impact of battery efficiency and duration on profits, and suggests that community-owned energy storage can positively impact household electricity bills.


Article Thermodynamics

A unified configurational optimization framework for battery swapping and charging stations considering electric vehicle uncertainty

Mingze Zhang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a double-stage coordinative decision-making framework for battery swapping and charging stations (BSCSs), using distributed robust optimization for multi-timescale battery inventories to maximize annual income. The framework enhances scheduling flexibility of BSCSs, improves regional load characteristics, and has been tested and verified through extensive simulation and comparison studies.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Optimal scheduling of an EV aggregator for demand response considering triple level benefits of three-parties

Hui Ren et al.

Summary: The electric vehicle, when managed by an aggregator, is a suitable candidate for participating in demand response in power system operation. An optimal scheduling algorithm is necessary to maximize the aggregator's benefit, considering the benefits of distribution system, aggregator, and EV users. This study defines the benefits of the three parties and tests the optimal scheduling system to analyze the impact of aggregator facilities, technology, and operation mode on the benefits.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Aggregated impact of coordinated commercial-scale battery energy storage systems on network peak demand, and financial outcomes

Hou Sheng Zhou et al.

Summary: This paper presents an algorithm for optimizing the sizing and operation of battery energy storage systems in commercial buildings, aiming to coordinate and optimize the systems based on the value of reducing demand peaks.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

On the Interaction Between Aggregators, Electricity Markets and Residential Demand Response Providers

Kenneth Bruninx et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Robust Control Scheme for Distributed Battery Energy Storage Systems in Load Frequency Control

Arman Oshnoei et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Aggregated Energy Storage for Power System Frequency Control: A Finite-Time Consensus Approach

Yu Wang et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Riemannian Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices

Salem Said et al.


Article Engineering, Industrial

Robust optimal policies of production and inventory with uncertain returns and demand

Cansheng Wei et al.


Article Management

A robust optimization approach to inventory theory

D Bertsimas et al.