4.7 Article

Trust in Physicians in the Context of HPV Vaccination of Children from the Perspective of Social Exchange Theory: A Representative Study of Polish Parents


Article Immunology

Cognitive and Cultural Factors That Affect General Vaccination and COVID-19 Vaccination Attitudes

Alla Keselman et al.

Summary: The development of COVID-19 vaccines is a significant scientific achievement that has provided effective tools for epidemic control globally. However, vaccine hesitancy has hindered COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the US. Through surveys, we examined the impact of cognitive and cultural factors on the public's vaccination attitudes, attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccination status. Factors such as information literacy, science literacy, attitudes towards science, trust, political ideology, and religiosity were analyzed. The findings suggest that vaccination attitudes are influenced by multiple complex factors, with attitudes towards science and public health trust playing major roles. Public health trust also heavily influences attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccines, while vaccination status is most influenced by public health trust.


Review Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Social exchange theory: Systematic review and future directions

Rehan Ahmad et al.

Summary: The social exchange theory is a highly influential theory in social sciences, with implications across various fields. It is important to examine it from the perspective of psychological transactions to further its development and identify future directions. After reviewing a total of 3,649 articles from the Social Science Citation Index and Scopus, 46 articles were selected for a comprehensive systematic review. This research highlights the need for further exploration in psychological transactions, reciprocity principles, exchange relations, and the impact of various factors on the exchange process. Among other exchange rules and transactions, this study provides a platform for investigating the less explored exchange rules in psychological transactions. Social exchange theory encompasses many other theories in the social sciences.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Feminized vaccine? Parents' attitudes toward HPV vaccination of adolescents in Poland: A representative study

Tomasz Sobierajski et al.

Summary: In 2023, Poland began gradually introducing universal, free HPV vaccination into the vaccination program for children. This study examined the attitudes of parents of adolescents towards these vaccinations. The survey showed that parental education and the gender of the child were significant factors influencing parents' knowledge and willingness to vaccinate against HPV.


Article Immunology

The Influence of Recommendation of Medical and Non-Medical Authorities on the Decision to Vaccinate against Influenza from a Social Vaccinology Perspective: Cross-Sectional, Representative Study of Polish Society

Tomasz Sobierajski et al.

Summary: The low influenza vaccination rate in Poland necessitates understanding the reasons and assessing the influence of medical and social authorities on vaccination decisions. A survey among adult Poles revealed that physicians hold the highest authority, particularly among the elderly population, followed by pharmacists. Strengthening the authority of physicians and pharmacists and allowing pharmacists to administer influenza vaccinations should be considered.


Article Immunology

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Attitudes toward Vaccination: Representative Study of Polish Society

Tomasz Sobierajski et al.

Summary: The study investigated the link between individuals' attitudes towards vaccination and their actual vaccination behavior, with a focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing vaccination debate. The survey conducted among a representative sample of Poles revealed that strong vaccine supporters were more likely to receive COVID-19 booster doses, follow physicians' recommendations, and have increased confidence in vaccines during the pandemic. However, communication plays a crucial role as over half of moderate vaccine supporters reported weakened vaccine confidence and a significant portion remained unvaccinated against COVID-19.


Article Ecology

A cultural evolutionary model of the interaction between parental beliefs and behaviors, with applications to vaccine hesitancy

Kerri-Ann Anderson et al.

Summary: Health perceptions and behaviors can change as cultures evolve. Vaccine hesitancy, influenced by historical, political, and socio-cultural factors, is believed to be responsible for decreasing vaccine coverage and increasing the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Influenza vaccination from the perspective of health care workers at university hospitals

Dominika Rykowska et al.

Summary: This study investigated the knowledge and attitudes towards influenza vaccination among healthcare workers (HWs) in university hospitals in Poland. Results showed that males, people <40 years old, physicians, and those working in children's hospitals were more likely to get vaccinated and had more positive attitudes towards influenza vaccination. On the other hand, people >40 years old and nurses can be effectively persuaded to get vaccinated through free and on-site vaccination. Free access to vaccination was found to be the strongest motivator for vaccination among all HWs. Attitudes towards mandatory influenza vaccination differed significantly between physicians and nurses.

PLOS ONE (2023)

Article Immunology

'I trust them because my mum trusts them': Exploring the role of trust in HPV vaccination decision-making among adolescent girls and their mothers in France

E. Karafillakis et al.

Summary: The low confidence in HPV vaccination in France is influenced by broader trust issues, including public mistrust in vaccines, providers, policy-makers, and information. The study reveals that trust plays a crucial role in HPV vaccination decision-making. Low trust in healthcare professionals and health authorities, negative influences from information sources, and a lack of exposure to positive information contribute to the low awareness about HPV vaccination among adolescent girls. Addressing the trust issues in France will require long-term efforts.

VACCINE (2022)

Article Immunology

Parents' Knowledge and Attitude towards HPV and HPV Vaccination in Poland

Katarzyna Smolarczyk et al.

Summary: The study reveals that parents in Poland have low knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccines, with only 49.4% providing correct answers. Parents' attitudes are influenced solely by knowledge and education.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

HPV vaccination coverage: slightly improved two-dose schedule completion estimates and historical estimates lower on AIR than HPV Register

Julia Brotherton et al.

Summary: The coverage of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) is slightly lower compared to the former National HPV Vaccination Program Register. Completed course coverage for 15-year-olds in 2020 has improved compared to 2019. However, there are lower completion rates in areas with lower socioeconomic status and greater remoteness.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: misinformation and perceptions of vaccine safety

Katherine Kricorian et al.

Summary: The study found that people who perceived the COVID-19 vaccine as unsafe were less willing to receive it, had less knowledge about the virus, and were more likely to believe in vaccine myths. These individuals typically had lower education levels, income, and were more rural compared to those who believed the vaccine was safe.


Article Immunology

Level of Acceptance of Mandatory Vaccination and Legal Sanctions for Refusing Mandatory Vaccination of Children

Aneta Reczulska et al.

Summary: The study shows that slightly over 50% of adolescent Poles and young adults in Poland accept the vaccine mandate, and only 25% of them support sanctions for refusing mandatory vaccination of children. Acceptance of mandatory vaccination is associated with COVID-19 vaccination status, religiosity, and having children.


Article Immunology

Does Hospitalization Change the Perception of COVID-19 Vaccines among Unvaccinated Patients?

Dorota Zarebska-Michaluk et al.

Summary: The study shows that personal experience with severe COVID-19 can influence the perception of vaccination, but approximately one-third of unvaccinated hospitalized patients still appear to express vaccine hesitancy. Furthermore, fear of adverse effects, skepticism about vaccine testing, and belief that COVID-19 will not affect them are common reasons for vaccine refusal.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Cost-effectiveness and epidemiological impact of gender-neutral HPV vaccination in Spain

Renata Linertova et al.

Summary: This study estimated the costs and benefits of HPV vaccination in Spain, comparing two types of vaccine, only in girls or in both genders. The analysis considered both direct and indirect protection provided by vaccination. The results suggest that vaccinating all adolescents may not be cost-effective, but including protection against additional cancers or reducing the vaccine price would make it worth vaccinating all adolescents in Spain. The study also highlighted ethical arguments supporting HPV vaccination for both genders.


Review Oncology

Human Papillomavirus-Associated Head and Neck Cancers. Where are We Now? A Systematic Review

Milosz Pinkiewicz et al.

Summary: This review presents the latest findings on HPV-induced head and neck cancers, providing essential information on epidemiology, cancerogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The study highlights the importance of improving vaccination rates, reducing radiation dose, and shortening treatment time to prevent the epidemic of HPV-induced HNC.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cancer incidence and mortality in Poland in 2019

Joanna Didkowska et al.

Summary: The 2019 cancer report in Poland revealed that prostate and breast cancer were the most common malignant neoplasms among male and female patients, while lung cancer was one of the most deadly tumors.


Article Immunology

Behavioural and Cognitive Attitudes of Paediatricians towards Influenza Self-Vaccination-Partial Mediation Model

Tomasz Sobierajski et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that the pro-vaccination behaviors of pediatricians are influenced by both cognitive factors and behavioral components of attitudes. The conclusions highlight the crucial role of shaping pediatricians' knowledge and understanding of immunization programs in fostering pro-vaccination attitudes.


Article Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Determinants of patients' satisfaction and trust toward healthcare service environment in general practice clinics

Yun Ai et al.

Summary: This study examines the healthcare service environment, patients' experience, and responses to healthcare services in private general practice clinics in Malaysia. The results show that ambiance, service delivery, interior decor, and cleanliness significantly influence patients' trust and satisfaction, while exterior design does not. Patients' satisfaction and trust also have a significant impact on their repatronage intention, willingness to pay for premium healthcare services, and engagement in word-of-mouth for healthcare services.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

HPV Vaccination among Polish Adolescents-Results from POLKA 18 Study

Michalina Drejza et al.

Summary: This study investigated HPV vaccination levels among high school students in Poland and found that the majority of respondents were unaware of their vaccination status. Only a small percentage of respondents had received the HPV vaccine, and there were significant regional differences in vaccination rates. The findings suggest the need for a national-level vaccination program to reduce cervical cancer incidence.


Article Infectious Diseases

Human papillomavirus vaccination in the European Union/European Economic Area and globally: a moral dilemma

Edoardo Colzani et al.

Summary: While many EU/EEA countries have expanded HPV vaccination to boys, low and middle-income countries severely affected by HPV still face limited vaccine supply for girls. Global introduction of HPV vaccination is at 50%, with some LMICs with high cervical cancer burden lagging behind or having suboptimal coverage. WHO's call for cervical cancer elimination in 2018 is hindered by a predicted global shortage of HPV vaccines until at least 2024.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

HPV vaccination introduction worldwide and WHO and UNICEF estimates of national HPV immunization coverage 2010-2019

Laia Bruni et al.

Summary: The estimated global coverage of HPV vaccination from 2010 to 2019 is not high, with low- and middle-income countries showing relatively better progress. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve the 90% coverage target for HPV vaccination by 2030. Efforts should be made to maintain the pace of introductions and improve program performance globally, especially in the most populous countries.


Article Immunology

Physicians' decision processes about the HPV vaccine: A qualitative study

Maite Bouchez et al.

Summary: The study found that physicians' decision-making in recommending the HPV vaccine is influenced by their trust in stakeholders within the vaccination system. Different physicians interact with patients on this topic differently, and they are also strongly influenced by their professional style and ethos.

VACCINE (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Assessment of the State of Knowledge about HPV Infection and HPV Vaccination among Polish Resident Doctors

Katarzyna Smolarczyk et al.

Summary: The study found that doctors in Poland have low knowledge about HPV and HPV vaccines, regardless of gender, age, or specialization. However, this lack of knowledge does not affect their attitude towards HPV vaccination and does not impact their proactive behaviors.


Review Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Vaccine hesitancy in the era of COVID-19

G. Troiano et al.

Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy remains a significant issue, with factors such as ethnicity, working status, religiosity, politics, gender, age, education, and income influencing acceptance or refusal. Common reasons for vaccine refusal include concerns about safety, belief in the vaccine's ineffectiveness, lack of trust, doubts about vaccine efficiency, belief in preexisting immunity, and skepticism about the vaccine's origins.


Article Environmental Sciences

Misinformation, Fears and Adherence to Preventive Measures during the Early Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Poland

Bartosz M. Nowak et al.

Summary: The study found that during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, some adult Poles did not fully adhere to preventive measures, and some also believed in conspiracy theories related to the pandemic, indicating that the public response to the pandemic may pose challenges.


Review Oncology

Epidemiology and incidence of HPV-related cancers of the head and neck

Benjamin R. Roman et al.

Summary: Globally, 4.5% of cancers are caused by HPV, with HPV oropharyngeal cancer now surpassing cervical cancer in the United States. The highest burden of oropharyngeal cancer is seen in middle-aged and older White men. HPV vaccination offers promise in changing disease epidemiology, but current vaccination rates are too low to effectively reduce disease transmission.


Article Education, Scientific Disciplines

Factors influencing nursing students' intention to accept COVID-19 vaccination: A pooled analysis of seven European countries

Evridiki Patelarou et al.

Summary: A study conducted in 7 countries including Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, and Kosovo showed that 43.8% of nursing students agreed to accept a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine, with Italian students showing a higher acceptance rate. Factors influencing the intention to get vaccinated included male gender, lack of healthcare work experience during the pandemic, receiving influenza vaccination in 2019 and 2020, trust in doctors, governments, and experts, high level of knowledge, and fear of COVID-19.


Review Health Care Sciences & Services

The role of trust in HPV vaccine uptake among racial and ethnic minorities in the United States: a narrative review

Nicole Harrington et al.

Summary: The review found that vaccination coverage of the HPV vaccine is suboptimal among racial and ethnic minority populations in the US. Lack of trust in doctors and healthcare institutions may contribute to lower vaccine uptake. Minority groups are more likely to trust family members, religious organizations, and media sources compared to their white counterparts.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Underpinning of the sharing knowledge about immunisation (SKAI) communication approach: A qualitative study using recorded observations

Sue Randall et al.


Review Oncology

Epidemiology of head and neck cancers: an update

Anne Auperin


Editorial Material Emergency Medicine

Infodemic and the spread of fake news in the COVID-19-era

Daniele Orso et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018: a worldwide incidence analysis

Catherine de Martel et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Exploring factors improving support for vaccinations among Polish primary care physicians

Pawel Stefanoff et al.

PLOS ONE (2020)

Article Medicine, General & Internal

HPV Vaccination and the Risk of Invasive Cervical Cancer

Jiayao Lei et al.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

The Impact of Patient Satisfaction on Patient Commitment and the Mediating Role of Patient Trust

Ayhan Durmus et al.


Article Oncology

HPV Vaccination Communication Messages, Messengers, and Messaging Strategies

Kathleen B. Cartmell et al.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer: a review on burden of the disease and opportunities for prevention and early detection

Mary Roz Timbang et al.


Letter Medicine, General & Internal

Prevalence of Oral HPV Infection in Unvaccinated Men and Women in the United States, 2009-2016

Anil K. Chaturvedi et al.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

HPV vaccination in a context of public mistrust and uncertainty: a systematic literature review of determinants of HPV vaccine hesitancy in Europe

Emilie Karafillakis et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Vaccine Information Sources and Parental Trust in Their Child's Health Care Provider

Nikki M. Eller et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent anogenital diseases

Suzanne M. Garland et al.