4.6 Editorial Material

Editorial for Special Issue Molecular Mechanisms and Signaling Pathways in Melanoma


Article Oncology

P38 Mediates Tumor Suppression through Reduced Autophagy and Actin Cytoskeleton Changes in NRAS-Mutant Melanoma

Ishani Banik et al.

Summary: NRAS mutations are common in melanoma but lack targeted therapies. This study demonstrates that p38 acts as a tumor suppressor in NRAS mutant melanoma by regulating mTOR phosphorylation, autophagy, and actin remodeling. Pharmacologically available small molecules can modulate p38 and its downstream targets, providing a potential strategy for treating NRAS mutant melanoma. Combining these compounds with FDA-approved drugs like MEK inhibitors may offer a novel approach for targeting NRAS-mutant melanoma.

CANCERS (2023)

Review Oncology

Exosome-Derived microRNA: Implications in Melanoma Progression, Diagnosis and Treatment

Qiang Ye et al.

Summary: Melanoma is a malignant and invasive cancer with increasing incidence. Current therapy options for melanoma are insufficient and challenging. Exosomes, particularly the miRNAs derived from them, have important roles in melanoma progression, diagnosis, and treatment. This review summarizes the functions of exosomal miRNAs in melanoma and their potential as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets.

CANCERS (2023)

Article Oncology

Cancer statistics, 2023

Rebecca L. Siegel et al.

Summary: The American Cancer Society predicts that there will be 1,958,310 new cancer cases and 609,820 cancer deaths in the United States in 2023. While incidence trends for most cancers are favorable, prostate cancer saw a significant increase of 3% annually from 2014 to 2019. However, the overall cancer death rate continues to decline due to advances in treatment, with a 33% reduction since 1991.


Review Oncology

New Insights into the Phenotype Switching of Melanoma

Chiara Pagliuca et al.

Summary: Late-stage melanoma frequently acquires resistance to standard therapies due to its plasticity in switching among different differentiation phenotypes. Understanding the origin and markers of this plasticity in melanoma can provide insights into developing new strategies to overcome treatment resistance.

CANCERS (2022)

Article Oncology

RNA-seq and ChIP-seq Identification of Unique and Overlapping Targets of GLI Transcription Factors in Melanoma Cell Lines

Matea Kurtovic et al.

Summary: Researchers have found that the Hedgehog-GLI (HH-GLI) signaling pathway is involved in the development of melanoma and its interaction with the MAPK pathway. By using RNA sequencing and ChIP sequencing, they have identified new targets regulated by GLI proteins in melanoma cell lines and validated them through experiments. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of the GLI code in melanoma.

CANCERS (2022)

Review Dermatology

Treatment of Advanced Melanoma in 2020 and Beyond

Russell W. Jenkins et al.

Summary: The melanoma field has made significant clinical advances in the past decade, with improved therapeutic efficacy for advanced or metastatic melanoma. Targeted approaches and immunotherapy have become the primary treatment strategies, with targeted approaches showing high predictability of efficacy and immunotherapy leading to higher rates of durable remissions. These advancements have not only transformed the standard of care for patients but also suggested novel strategies to further enhance effectiveness for more patients.


Review Pathology

The Role of MET in Melanoma and Melanocytic Lesions

Yan Zhou et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal


Dirk Schadendorf et al.