4.6 Article

Soil Erosion in a Changing Environment over 40 Years in the Merguellil Catchment Area of Central Tunisia


Article Environmental Sciences

Prioritization of soil erosion-prone sub-watersheds using fuzzy-based multi-criteria decision-making methods in Narmada basin watershed, India

S. G. Meshram et al.

Summary: In this research, fuzzy MCDM approaches were used to prioritize sub-watersheds in the Manot watershed in order to identify areas prone to soil erosion. The findings showed that morphometric parameters and the fuzzy MCDM approach have high efficiency in recognizing areas that are vulnerable to erosion.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of land use/land cover and soil property changes on soil erosion in the black soil region, China

Shuai Ma et al.

Summary: Soil erosion poses a serious threat to grain production and the ecological environment in the black soil region. This study examines the impact of land use/land cover changes and soil property changes on soil erosion in the region from 1980 to 2020. The results show that changes in land use/land cover and soil properties have contributed to an increase in soil erosion, with agricultural development policy identified as a major driver of land use changes.


Article Environmental Sciences

Hydrological Components and Sediment Yield Response to Land Use Land Cover Change in The Ajora-Woybo Watershed of Omo-Gibe Basin, Ethiopia

Meseret Bekele Toma et al.

Summary: Understanding the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) changes on watershed hydrology is essential for water and soil resource management. The LULC changes in the Ajora-Woybo watershed in Ethiopia have significantly affected water and soil resources. The study investigates the effects of LULC changes on hydrological components and sediment yield, both historically and in the future.


Review Food Science & Technology

Soil and water conservation measures to adapt cropping systems to climate change facilitated water stresses in Africa

Mavis Badu Brempong et al.

Summary: The complex controls and non-linear responses of the climate system to global warming make it difficult to predict future precipitation amounts and timelines. However, current observations indicate that unusually high rates of flooding and droughts are occurring in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), threatening food security. Climate change has a huge impact on SSA despite its minimal contribution to global climate change. To ensure sustainable food availability, SSA needs to prepare agricultural soils for anticipated climate variabilities by employing technologies from various scientific fields.


Article Environmental Sciences

Modeling Hydrological Responses to Land Use Change in Sejnane Watershed, Northern Tunisia

Manel Mosbahi et al.

Summary: Land use change is a critical factor affecting hydrological processes, and understanding its long-term dynamics is essential for sustainable water resources management. This study aimed to quantify and analyze land use change and its impacts on hydrology in the Sejnane watershed in northern Tunisia from 1985 to 2021. Remote sensing and a SWAT model were used, and land use maps were developed for different years. The results showed significant changes in land use, which strongly influenced water balance components, with an increase in runoff and a decrease in percolation. The construction of a dam, expansion of irrigated areas, and growth of olive tree plantations were identified as major contributors to the hydrological changes.
Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India

Durlov Lahon et al.

Summary: The alteration of land use and land cover caused by human activities has had a notable impact on ecosystem services at regional and global levels. In this study, we estimated and showed the spatio-temporal variation of ecosystem service values in a small freshwater wetland in India from 1990 to 2040. The results indicated an increase in built-up areas and agricultural land, as well as a decrease in open water and vegetation cover, leading to an ecological imbalance in the study site. Protecting the natural ecosystem should be prioritized in future land-use planning.


Article Ecology

Quantifying the impacts of spatiotemporal land use and land cover changes on soil loss across agroecologies and slope categories using GIS and RUSLE model in Zoa watershed, southwest Ethiopia

Ginjo Gitima et al.

Summary: Soil erosion in the Ethiopian highlands is closely related to land use/land cover changes, such as deforestation and declining biodiversity. This study used GIS and RUSLE model to quantify the impacts of spatiotemporal land use/land cover changes on soil loss in the Zoa watershed from 1985 to 2021. The results showed that the expansion of bareland and farmland has led to increased soil loss, with the highest rates observed in unprotected surfaces, steep slopes, and the lowland agroecology. Effective soil and water conservation measures are needed to reduce soil erosion hazards.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Impact of land use land cover changes on ecosystem service values in the Dire and Legedadi watersheds, central highlands of Ethiopia: Implication for landscape management decision making

Simeneh Admasu et al.

Summary: This study aimed to analyze the dynamics of land use/land cover change in the catchments of water supply reservoirs between 1985 and 2022 and its impact on ecosystem service values (ESVs). The results showed substantial changes in land use/land cover, with a decline in natural vegetation, grasslands, and eucalyptus plantations, while settlements and cultivated lands increased. Both global and local ESV estimates demonstrated a dramatic decline in ESVs. Therefore, implementing sustainable watershed management practices to prevent further loss of natural ecosystems is highly recommended.

HELIYON (2023)

Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Impact of the unpredictable changes in agricultural groundwater use on long-term sustainable exploitation: the case study of Bouhefna-Haffouz aquifer system, central Tunisia

Hamza Jerbi et al.

Summary: The Bouhefna-Haffouz aquifer system in central Tunisia is a case where a well-designed aquifer exploitation scheme had unintended consequences on the hydrological budget of Merguellil Wadi. The scheme aimed to lower the groundwater level for agricultural profitability but resulted in the loss of Merguellil baseflow and increased horizontal percolation between aquifer units.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of Different Gully Consolidation and Highland Protection Models on the Runoff and Sediment Yield in Small Watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau-A Case Study of Fengbugou in Qingyang City of Gansu

Zhixin Zhao et al.

Summary: This study compares the effects of different measures in gully consolidation and highland protection (GCHP) projects on runoff and sediment yield. The results show that replacing slopes with terraces is more effective than gully head landfill in reducing soil erosion and secondary geological disasters. Imperfect terrace construction can result in increased sediment yield. This study provides a scientific basis for the maintenance and later management of GCHP and helps implement soil and water conservation measures in similar regions worldwide.
Article Environmental Studies

Long-Term Impact of Soil and Water Conservation Measures on Soil Erosion in a Tunisian Semi-Arid Watershed

Fathia Jarray et al.

Summary: Understanding and long-term assessment of the efficacy of soil and water conservation (SWC) techniques is essential for sustainable watershed management. This research aims to measure and analyze the impact of SWC interventions on sediment yield using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Wadi Rmel watershed between 2000 and 2020. The study revealed the long-term benefits of SWC, with an increase in terracing areas leading to a cumulative decrease in watershed sediment yield, and identified the southwestern region as a degradation hotspot area in need of erosion controls.
Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Spatiotemporal variations in soil loss across the biodiversity hotspots of Western Ghats Region, India

Pennan Chinnasamy et al.

Summary: Quantifying soil loss in the Western Ghats Region (WGR) is challenging due to limited data and accessibility issues. This study used remote sensing to estimate long-term spatiotemporal variations in soil loss rates from 1990 to 2020. Results showed a concerning 94% increase in average soil loss for the WGR, with the highest state-wise increases in Tamil Nadu (121%) and Gujarat (119%). The study emphasizes the importance of considering land use change and adopting sustainable land management practices to reduce soil erosion and protect the natural land cover of the WGR.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Assessing the impacts of different land uses and soil and water conservation interventions on runoff and sediment yield at different scales in the central highlands of Ethiopia

Tesfaye Yaekob et al.

Summary: The government of Ethiopia introduced a yearly mass campaign to address soil erosion and moisture stress, implementing various soil and water conservation (SWC) and water harvesting (WH) practices. This study assessed the impacts of different land uses, SWC, and WH interventions on water and suspended sediment yield in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The results showed that SWC practices reduced runoff and soil loss at both plot and watershed scales, although the effectiveness declined over time due to a lack of maintenance.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of land use and land cover changes on hydrological processes and sediment yield determined using the SWAT model

Edivaldo Afonso de Oliveira Serrao et al.

Summary: This study focused on the impacts of land use and land cover changes on hydro-sedimentological variables in the Brazilian Amazon. It found that sub-basins with pastureland had increased surface runoff and sediment yield, while sub-basins with forest land cover showed homogeneous and trendless time series. The study emphasized the importance of understanding these impacts in managing water and environmental resources.


Article Environmental Sciences

Estimation of Soil Erosion and Evaluation of Soil and Water Conservation Benefit in Terraces under Extreme Precipitation

Hao Jia et al.

Summary: In recent years, soil erosion caused by water erosion has increased due to extreme precipitation. This study aimed to assess soil erosion and the factors affecting it under extreme precipitation in Henan Province. The results showed that terraces and vegetation restoration measures were effective in reducing soil erosion.
Review Environmental Sciences

Anthropogenic Land Use and Land Cover Changes-A Review on Its Environmental Consequences and Climate Change

Parth Sarathi Roy et al.

Summary: Global demand for food and bioenergy has raised concerns about the environment, global warming, and climate change. Understanding the spatial representation and dynamics of land use and land cover, as well as habitat organization, is vital for developing land use policy, adapting to climate change, and proposing conservation areas.


Article Ecology

Impacts of land use/land cover and climate changes on soil erosion in Muga watershed, Upper Blue Nile basin (Abay), Ethiopia

Tatek Belay et al.

Summary: The study found that soil erosion rate in the Muga watershed has been increasing due to expansion of crop cultivation and loss of vegetation. Both future land use/land cover changes and climate change are projected to exacerbate soil loss issue, emphasizing the need for measures to mitigate the negative impacts.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Prioritization of Watershed Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System

Devendra Kumar et al.

Summary: Soil erosion is a major concern at the watershed scale, with the study combining RUSLE modeling with remote sensing and GIS techniques to predict soil erosion in Nainital district, India. The results showed that the majority of the district is covered with forest, with annual average soil loss ranging from 20 to 80 t ha(-1) yr(-1) and prioritized watersheds for conservation efforts identified.


Article Environmental Sciences

Characterizing and evaluating the impacts of national land restoration initiatives on ecosystem services in Ethiopia

Wuletawu Abera et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Determinants for adoption of physical soil and water conservation measures by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia

Million Sileshi et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Uncertainty analysis of a spatially explicit annual water-balance model: case study of the Cape Fear basin, North Carolina

P. Hamel et al.


Review Environmental Sciences

Challenges of Integrated Water Resources Management in Indonesia

Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky

Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Modelling water-harvesting systems in the arid south of Tunisia using SWAT

M. Ouessar et al.


Article Water Resources

Sediment delivery processes and chemical transport in a small forested basin

C Di Stefano et al.


Review Environmental Sciences

Soil degradation by erosion

R Lal