4.6 Article

Sustainable Management of Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas: From Regional Treaties to a Global New Agreement on Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction


Article Environmental Studies

Not 'undermining' who? Unpacking the emerging BBNJ regime complex

Arne Langlet et al.

Summary: Negotiations for a legally binding UNCLOS Implementing Agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction are taking place in a complex landscape of existing International Organizations (IOs). The article clarifies the relationship between these existing legal instruments and frameworks and the BBNJ Agreement, identifies a total of 53 involved IOs, and emphasizes the need for careful consideration and cooperation with these IOs in the implementation of the BBNJ agreement.


Article Environmental Studies

Australia and the pursuit of not undermining regional bodies at the biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction negotiations

Ethan Beringen et al.

Summary: UNGA Resolution 69/292 established negotiations for a new legally binding instrument for BBNJ, stating that it should not undermine existing bodies and legal instruments. While consensus on this directive is lacking, the focus is on how states utilize it in negotiations. Australia's use of the not undermining directive at BBNJ talks will be explored, with a particular focus on how states can shape negotiations to serve their policy interests. Ultimately, Australian positions will provide insight into the impact of state interests on the meaning of the not undermining directive in BBNJ negotiations.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Applying Marine Protected Area Frameworks to Areas beyond National Jurisdiction

Emily S. Nocito et al.

Summary: Marine protected areas (MPAs) play a crucial role in providing ecological benefits, and evaluating and managing them is essential. However, there are challenges in applying existing frameworks to MPAs beyond national jurisdiction. The current assessment frameworks can provide insights into the objectives, types, level of protection, and effectiveness of MPAs, which can support the negotiation of new international treaties.


Article Environmental Studies

Arctic Ocean governance in light of an of an international legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction

Christian Prip

Summary: There is an ongoing global process towards an international legally binding instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, which may affect the governance of the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean, being highly vulnerable to climate change and increased human activity, has attracted international attention and calls for increased protection. Various initiatives and discussions have also taken place within the Arctic region regarding Arctic marine governance.


Article Environmental Studies

International cooperation and coordination in the Global Legislation of High Seas ABMTs including MPAs: Taking OSPAR practice as reference

Yi Tang et al.

Summary: This paper discusses the key issue in the BBNJ negotiation, and examines the possibility of establishing high seas ABMTs including MPAs within a global framework through regional cooperation. It highlights the limitations of current regional cooperation in filling existing gaps, and proposes the establishment of a global structure for coordination and cooperation.


Article Environmental Studies

The Ross Sea, Antarctica: A highly protected MPA in international waters

Cassandra M. Brooks et al.

Summary: The Ross Sea region MPA sets a precedent for other high seas MPAs and guides their categorization and evaluation. Detailed assessment of governance and protection level in the Ross Sea region MPA supports its status as highly protected.


Article Environmental Studies

Protecting the 'blue heart of the planet': Strengthening the governance framework for marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction

Amy Hammond et al.

Summary: This paper explores the ongoing negotiations towards a new implementing agreement to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea regarding the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction, highlighting the potential implications for ocean governance and the effectiveness of high seas marine protected areas. It suggests the establishment of a global body with a mandate for MPA oversight, incorporating bottom-up approaches, decentralized to regional organizations and engaging with coastal communities. The paper concludes that enshrining a global model like this would strengthen the governance framework for effective, resilient MPAs in ABNJ.


Article Geography

Constructing a global commons in, against and beyond the state

Andrew Cumbers


Article Law

Marine Protected Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: Some Practical Perspectives for Moving Ahead

Kristina M. Gjerde et al.


Review Biodiversity Conservation

Stakeholder participation for environmental management: A literature review

Mark S. Reed