4.4 Article

Comparative experimental study on porosity, mechanical and CO2 adsorption characteristics of coal and shale


Article Energy & Fuels

Gas adsorption characteristics changes in shale after supercritical CO2-water exposure at different pressures and temperatures

Kang Yang et al.

Summary: The study investigated the impact of supercritical CO2-water exposure on the adsorption characteristics of shale, revealing that increasing exposure pressure and decreasing exposure temperature resulted in a gradual decrease in CH4 and CO2 adsorption capacity in shale due to alterations in mineral composition and pore structure. The study also found that the selectivity factor of CO2 to CH4 decreased with increasing exposure pressure and decreasing temperature, indicating the feasibility of CO2-enhanced shale gas recovery and sequestration even after exposure to ScCO2-water.
Article Energy & Fuels

Microscopic pore structure changes in coal induced by a CO2-H2O reaction system

Shasha Gao et al.

Summary: The experiment demonstrated that CO2-H2O-coal interaction could significantly alter the pore structure of coal, forming new types of pores, increasing the number and size of pores, thereby enhancing coal bed methane recovery.


Article Thermodynamics

Chemical-mechanical coupling effects on the permeability of shale subjected to supercritical CO2-water exposure

Kang Yang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of ScCO2-water exposure on shale properties and reveals the changes in mineral composition, pore structure, and mechanical properties due to the chemical-mechanical interaction. The results indicate that the interaction leads to changes in shale porosity and permeability, with chemical reactions increasing the porosity in unstressed conditions and the chemical-mechanical coupling effects decreasing the permeability in stressed conditions. The findings highlight the importance of understanding the chemical-mechanical processes in shale for optimizing gas recovery and CO2 sequestration.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

Influence of long-term CH4 and CO2 treatment on the pore structure and mechanical strength characteristics of Baijiao coal

Weile Geng et al.

Summary: The study revealed that the proportion of macropores in coal increased while the proportion of mesopores decreased after CH4 or CO2 treatment, leading to a looser coal structure. The microcrystalline structure parameters also changed significantly, indicating the evolution of coal pore structures under long-term gas adsorption.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Experimental investigation on the diffusion property of different form coal: Implication for the selection of CO2 storage reservoir

Zhengdong Liu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the diffusion characteristics of coal and reveals the differences between granular coal and coal mass. It proposes different shape units and gas diffusion paths for coal matrix and establishes improved diffusion models based on Fick's Second Law of Diffusion. The study compares the desorption laws and gas diffusion coefficients of coal with different forms and suggests that tectonic coal seams may be more suitable for CO2 storage.
Article Energy & Fuels

Degradation of mechanical and microporous properties of coal subjected to long-term sorption

Jie Zheng et al.

Summary: Both coal-gas outburst and CO2 sequestration are significantly affected by long-term sorption, which degrades the mechanical and porous properties of coal. The adsorptive property of coal is reduced due to collapse and blocking of pores, leading to changes in surface roughness and structural complexity of the pores. Long-term CO2 adsorption has a more significant degradation effect than CH4. These findings have implications for understanding coal fragmentation during outbursts and pose challenges for CO2 sequestration in coal seams.
Article Engineering, Geological

Effect of liquid nitrogen cooling on mechanical characteristics and fracture morphology of layer coal under Brazilian splitting test

Peng Hou et al.

Summary: In this study, the effects of liquid nitrogen cooling on the internal structure of coal and the mechanical properties and fracture morphology of bedding coal were investigated. The results showed that LN2 cooling damaged the micro-structure of coal and reduced its mechanical properties, with the degree of weakening dependent on the bedding direction. Additionally, LN2 cooling increased the ductility of coal and induced longer and more complex fractures.


Article Thermodynamics

Influence of sub-supercritical CO2 on pore structure and fractal characteristics of anthracite: An experimental study

Xiaolei Wang et al.

Summary: Geological storage of CO2 in coal seams is an effective method to alleviate the greenhouse effect. This study investigated the effects of sub-supercritical CO2 intrusion on coal pore structures and found that CO2 injection leads to changes in porosity and micro-minipore volume. The causes of these changes include mineral dissolution, extraction of functional groups, destruction of aromatic layers, and rearrangement of macromolecular structure. Supercritical CO2 has a greater impact on coal pore structure compared to subcritical CO2. Therefore, it is crucial to choose an appropriate injection and storage pressure of CO2.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Modeling and experimental study on methane diffusivity in coal mass under in-situ high stress conditions: A better understanding of gas extraction

Zhengdong Liu et al.

Summary: Gas desorption and diffusion in coal seams under high stress conditions were investigated in this study. Experimental tests were conducted on coal samples under different high stress conditions, and the desorption laws and permeability evolution laws were obtained. A diffusion model for coal under high stress was established based on reasonable assumptions and the relationship between diffusion length and stress. The research results provided comprehensive theoretical support for the application of pressure relief mining technology in deep high-stress coal seams.
Article Energy & Fuels

Effects of CO2 adsorption on molecular structure characteristics of coal: Implications for CO2 geological sequestration

Xiaolei Wang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the interaction between CO2 and coal, and finds that the increase of CO2 pressure leads to changes in mineral content and molecular structure characteristics of coal. The research results have important implications for further exploration of CO2 geological storage in coal seams.
Article Energy & Fuels

Mechanical response and mineral dissolution of anthracite induced by supercritical CO2 saturation: Influence of saturation time

Xianfeng Liu et al.

Summary: Injection of CO2 into coal seams is a critical method for enhanced coalbed methane recovery and carbon sequestration. This study investigates the influence of supercritical CO2 saturation time on the mechanical properties and structural changes of coal. The results show that after interaction with supercritical CO2, the mechanical properties of coal are significantly altered, with reductions in compressive strength, elasticity modulus, and tensile strength. These changes are time-dependent and primarily occur within 9 days of saturation. Additionally, the porosity and pore specific surface area of coal increase with interaction time.
Article Thermodynamics

Investigation on the influences of CO2 adsorption on the mechanical properties of anthracite by Brazilian splitting test

Xiaolei Wang et al.

Summary: The study shows that high-pressure CO2 has a significant impact on the pore structure and mechanical properties of anthracite, including causing mineral dissolution, organic matter extraction, molecular structure rearrangement, and inducing damage such as swelling and plasticity of coal.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Engineering, Environmental

Experimental study on methane adsorption and time-dependent dynamic diffusion coefficient of intact and tectonic coals: Implications for CO2-enhanced coalbed methane projects

Xiaolei Wang et al.

Summary: CO2-enhanced coalbed methane technology is not only used for gas extraction, but also for geological storage of CO2 to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentration. Intact and tectonic coals have shown high adsorption capacity for CO2 compared to methane, with different diffusion characteristics. The study provides new insights into maximizing CO2 storage and methane recovery, as well as analyzing environmental and safety implications during project implementation.


Article Energy & Fuels

Influence of tectonic evolution on pore structure and fractal characteristics of coal by low pressure gas adsorption

Xiaolei Wang et al.

Summary: In the process of tectonic evolution, coal undergoes changes in pore structure and fractal characteristics, with the original stratified stripband structure gradually destroyed and transformed into tectonic coal. The evolution leads to an increase in mesopore, macropore volumes, and BET specific surface area, while the micropore structure experiences opening and collapsing changes. The variations in the coal's pore structure characteristics are crucial for understanding desorption and diffusion behavior during tectonic evolution.


Article Energy & Fuels

Experimental insights into the adsorption-desorption of CH4/N2 and induced strain for medium-rank coals

Zhenzhi Wang et al.

Summary: The experiments on the effect of N-2-enhanced coalbed methane show that increasing N-2 fraction can reduce coal selectivity to CH4 and promote its desorption. Moreover, nitrogen fraction and micropore volume are the main factors controlling volume deformation.


Article Energy & Fuels

Variation of mechanical properties of bituminous coal under CO2 and H2O saturation

X. G. Zhang et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Brittleness of gas shale reservoirs: A case study from the north Perth basin, Australia

Raoof Gholami et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

The effect of natural fracture's closure on long-term gas production from unconventional resources

Umut Aybar et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Methane/CO2 sorption modeling for coalbed methane production and CO2 sequestration

Satya Harpalani et al.