4.6 Article

All-Dielectric Sers Metasurface with Strong Coupling Quasi-BIC Energized by Transformer-Based Deep Learning


Article Optics

Bound States in the Continuum in Asymmetric Dielectric Metasurfaces

Chaobiao Zhou et al.

Summary: This study investigates the transformation of symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum (BICs) into quasi-BICs (QBICs) with high-quality factors through introducing broken geometry symmetry in a dielectric metasurface. The authors demonstrate that BICs can be sustained at the Gamma-point in an asymmetric dielectric metasurface. The study also shows that the shape of the hole does not affect the QBIC, and different wavelengths can be achieved by using different hole shapes. The experimental results confirm that the Q-factor of QBIC can reach almost 5,000. These findings enrich the library of BICs and have significant implications for the development of high-performance photonics devices.


Article Optics

Real-Time On-Demand Design of Circuit-Analog Plasmonic Stack Metamaterials by Divide-and-Conquer Deep Learning

Jiankai Xiong et al.

Summary: This article presents a divide-and-conquer deep learning model for the design of plasmonic stack metamaterials (PSMs). The model demonstrates significant reduction in prediction error and training parameters in the forward network, supporting powerful inverse design from spectra to PSM structures. Additionally, a flexible tool based on free customer definition is developed for real-time design of metamaterials with various circuit-analog functions.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Observation of intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum

Yang Chen et al.

Summary: Photons with spin angular momentum possess intrinsic chirality, which has a wide range of applications. Current experimental attempts rely on false/extrinsic chirality, but this study has achieved true/intrinsic chiral response using resonant metasurfaces, achieving near-unity circular dichroism and a high quality factor for visible frequencies.

NATURE (2023)

Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences


Chris Stokel-Walker et al.

NATURE (2023)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Ultrahigh-Q guided mode resonances in an All-dielectric metasurface

Lujun Huang et al.

Summary: The authors propose a simple strategy to achieve ultrahigh-Q guided-mode resonances by introducing a patterned perturbation layer on top of a multilayer-waveguide system. Experimental measurements show high-Q resonances with Q-factors up to 2.4 x 10(5). The resonant wavelength can be tuned by adjusting the lattice constant of the top perturbation layer.


Review Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Recent Progresses in Machine Learning Assisted Raman Spectroscopy

Yaping Qi et al.

Summary: With the development of Raman spectroscopy and the expansion of its application domains, conventional methods for spectral data analysis have shown limitations. Machine learning techniques have been shown to efficiently extract valuable information from spectral data, creating unprecedented opportunities for analytical science.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Artificial neural network-based inverse design of metasurface absorber with tunable absorption window

Zhipeng Ding et al.

Summary: This study introduces a novel approach using a bilayer graphene metasurface absorber to achieve arbitrary manipulation of absorption windows. The artificial neural network-based inverse design method allows for rapid and accurate selection of structural parameters and achieves a tunable absorption bandwidth of 6.70 THz. Through mechanistic analyses, it is demonstrated that the bilayer graphene metasurface absorber can achieve tunable absorption between different modes.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Machine learning in design of broadband terahertz absorbers based on composite structures

Zhipeng Ding et al.

Summary: This study designs and optimizes pyramid-based and inverted pyramid-based metasurface absorbers using machine learning algorithms. The results show wide absorption bandwidths and low errors, offering a new approach for designing complex systems related to electromagnetic wave absorption, reflection, and transmission propagation.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Engineering and Controlling Perovskite Emissions via Optical Quasi-Bound-States-in-the-Continuum

Evelin Csanyi et al.

Summary: Metal halide perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) show exceptional photoluminescence properties, but their post-synthesis tuning is limited. This paper introduces the use of Si nanoellipse arrays to tailor perovskite emissions. By coupling perovskite excitonic states with quasi-bound-states-in-the-continuum modes, significant tuning range and polarization control are achieved, promising transformative advancements in perovskite technologies.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Plasmonic metasurface enhanced by nanobumps for label-free biosensing of lung tumor markers in serum

Zhenbiao Wang et al.

Summary: The roughness of gold nanohole metasurfaces greatly affects the plasmonic sensing of tumor markers; high-roughness metasurfaces show higher surface sensitivity to multilayer polyelectrolyte molecules; high-roughness metasurfaces also demonstrate higher immunoassay sensitivity to multiple lung cancer biomarkers.

TALANTA (2023)

Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Deep learning empowering design for selective solar absorber

Wenzhuang Ma et al.

Summary: This study develops a high-performance design paradigm combining deep learning and multi-objective double annealing algorithms to optimize multilayer nanostructures for maximizing solar spectral absorption and minimum infrared radiation. Experimental results demonstrate exceptional absorption in the solar spectrum (calculated/measured = 0.98/0.94) and low average emissivity in the infrared region (calculated/measured = 0.08/0.19) of the designed absorber. The absorber has the potential to save up to 1743 kW h/m(2) of energy annually in areas with abundant solar radiation resources.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Giant photonic spin Hall effect empowered by polarization-dependent quasibound states in the continuum in compound grating waveguide structures

Feng Wu et al.

Summary: In this paper, we theoretically propose a polarization-dependent bound state in the continuum (BIC) in a compound grating waveguide structure based on the selectable guided resonance at near-infrared wavelengths. By utilizing the unique resonant property and polarization-dependent property of the quasi-BIC, the transverse shift of the photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE) can be intensively enhanced to the order of hundreds of micrometers, and this enhancement is robust against the geometric parameters. Our work not only provides an all-dielectric platform to achieve giant PSHE, but also offers a viable approach to design high-performance PSHE-based optical devices.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Pushing the Limits of Functionality-Multiplexing Capability in Metasurface Design Based on Statistical Machine Learning

Wei Ma et al.

Summary: In this study, a new approach is proposed for the automatic design of multifunctional metasurfaces by embedding machine learning models in optimization loops. Unlike traditional methods, this end-to-end framework maximizes the design space and pushes the multifunctional design capacity to its limit, resulting in experimentally demonstrated metasurface focusing lenses and holograms. The data-driven scheme shows superior capability in photonics design and has the potential to accelerate the development of complex devices and systems for optical display, communication, and computing.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Unusual Red Light Emission from Nonmetallic Cu2Te Microdisk for Laser and SERS Applications

Qiuguo Li et al.

Summary: Cu2Te microdisks were successfully prepared using GaTe as Te source, exhibiting a new red emission band in the photoluminescence spectrum and functioning as an efficient optical microcavity for red lasing. These microdisks also serve as ideal substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering, with high enhancement factor and detection limit to nanomolar level.


Article Optics

Nanoscale mapping of optically inaccessible bound-states-in-the-continuum

Zhaogang Dong et al.

Summary: This paper presents the near-field localization of true bound-states-in-the-continuum (BIC) resonance on arrays of silicon nanoantennas using electron energy loss spectroscopy. By breaking the antenna symmetry, emissive quasi-BIC resonances are observed. It is also demonstrated that the quasi-BIC resonances can significantly enhance localized light emission via the Purcell effect.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Schrodinger's red pixel by quasi-bound-states-in-the-continuum

Zhaogang Dong et al.

Summary: A study has found that the design of nanoantennas can achieve saturated and bright red colors with high reflectance, surpassing traditional red pigments. This design also has potential applications in information encryption.


Article Optics

Extreme Diffraction Control in Metagratings Leveraging Bound States in the Continuum and Exceptional Points

Zi-Lan Deng et al.

Summary: Coupled resonances in non-Hermitian systems can be used to achieve extreme control over diffraction orders and tailor the overall spectral response, enabling control over singular features.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Can Weak Chirality Induce Strong Coupling between Resonant States?

Yang Chen et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates strong coupling between quasibound states in the continuum of a high-Q metasurface, assisted with externally introduced enantiomers of weak chirality. A chirality-involved Hamiltonian is established to quantitatively describe the correlation between the coupling strength and the chirality of such systems, providing an insightful recipe for enhancing the coupling of resonant states further in the presence of quite weak chirality. The findings present a distinct strategy for manipulating optical coupling between resonances, revealing opportunities in chiral sensing, topological photonics, and quantum optics.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Deep Neural Network with Data Cropping Algorithm for Absorptive Frequency-Selective Transmission Metasurface

Jiayi Wang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a data cropping algorithm that significantly reduces the simulation time in the DNN pre-training process by cropping simulated data and adding random data. By using this algorithm and a target-driven DNN, a metasurface structure with a low profile and broad transmission characteristics is successfully designed.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Dielectric Walls/Layers Modulated 3D Periodically Structured SERS Chips: Design, Batch Fabrication, and Applications

Yi Tian et al.

Summary: This study investigates the roles of different types of dielectrics in SERS effects, and shows that SERS effects can be improved by one order of magnitude by introducing dielectric walls with plasmonic layers and by adding extra gold nanoparticles on thin dielectric layers. The designed SERS chips, fabricated using nanoimprint lithography, demonstrate a high enhancement factor and can detect trace mercury ions as low as 1 ppt.


Article Optics

Enhancing THz fingerprint detection on the planar surface of an inverted dielectric metagrating

Xueying Liu et al.

Summary: This study proposes an inverted dielectric metagrating to enhance the broadband THz fingerprint detection of trace analytes on a planar sensing surface. By tuning the asymmetry parameter, the near-field intensities within the analytes can be evenly boosted. Compared to conventional methods, the THz fingerprint peak value is dramatically elevated.


Review Optics

Floquet metamaterials

Shixiong Yin et al.

Summary: Recent progress in nanophotonics and material science has led to a strong interest in optically-induced material dynamics. This perspective explores the connection between Floquet matter and time metamaterials, highlighting the opportunities for wave manipulation and control through nontrivial modulation dynamics and tailored material properties.

ELIGHT (2022)

Review Optics

Hyperbolic metamaterials: fusing artificial structures to natural 2D materials

Dasol Lee et al.

Summary: This article reviews the current status and applications of hyperbolic metamaterials, highlighting their highly anisotropic nature and hyperbolic dispersion relation. It explores the advantages of these materials in various applications such as super-resolution imaging, negative refraction, and enhanced emission control. The article also discusses the possibility of integrating artificial structured hyperbolic metamaterials with natural two-dimensional hyperbolic materials.

ELIGHT (2022)

Review Optics

Deep learning for the design of photonic structures

Wei Ma et al.

Summary: Innovative approaches and tools, particularly deep learning, are shaping the field of photonics by offering efficient means to design photonic structures and providing data-driven solutions complementary to traditional physics-based methods. The progress in deep-learning-based photonic design is promising, with various model architectures showing potential applications in specific photonic tasks.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Metal-free SERS: Where we are now, where we are heading

Pablo Martinez Pancorbo et al.

Summary: The emergence of metal-free surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates has provided promising alternatives for reliable, high-sensitivity Raman spectroscopy. This perspective article reviews the theory of metal-free SERS, introduces promising substrates, clarifies challenges, provides potential solutions, and discusses unexploited applications.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Anomalous collapses of Nares Strait ice arches leads to enhanced export of Arctic sea ice

G. W. K. Moore et al.

Summary: Ice arches at the northern and southern ends of Nares Strait, a key passage in the Arctic, are forming for shorter durations, leading to increased ice transport and accelerating the export of multi-year ice.


Review Biology

A comprehensive review on plasmonic-based biosensors used in viral diagnostics

Anand M. Shrivastav et al.

Summary: The proliferation and transmission of viruses pose a threat to global biosecurity, with early diagnosis and control being critical. Plasmonic-based technologies, such as surface plasmon resonance and surface-enhanced Raman scattering, offer promising solutions for virus detection and biosensor development.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Energy-resolved plasmonic chemistry in individual nanoreactors

Eitan Oksenberg et al.

Summary: By monitoring the interfacial environment of a thousand single nanocavities with slightly varied resonance energies, an effective absorption spectrum of metal-bound molecules and a rich plasmon-driven chemistry landscape was constructed. The unavoidable energy losses associated with metals can carry valuable information on energy transfer to the adsorbed molecules. Using methylene blue as a model system, shifts in the absorption spectrum of molecules following surface adsorption were measured, revealing a rich plasmon-driven reactivity landscape with distinct reaction pathways occurring in separate resonance energy windows.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

From Fano to Quasi-BIC Resonances in Individual Dielectric Nanoantennas

Elizaveta Melik-Gaykazyan et al.

Summary: There is a close connection between Fano and quasi-BIC resonances in high-index dielectric nanostructures, which show great potential for applications in nanoscale lasers and sensors. Our experimental results demonstrate the relationship and suggest a unified approach for analyzing sharp resonances in subwavelength nanostructures.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Wafer-Scale Functional Metasurfaces for Mid-Infrared Photonics and Biosensing

Aleksandrs Leitis et al.

Summary: Metasurfaces have emerged as a breakthrough platform for manipulating light at the nanoscale, with the ability to enable various optical functionalities. By realizing functional metasurfaces on almost completely transparent free-standing metal-oxide membranes, the constraints of material choice have been overcome, allowing for highly efficient and wafer-scale manufacturing techniques for mid-infrared metasurfaces.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Global Inverse Design across Multiple Photonic Structure Classes Using Generative Deep Learning

Christopher Yeung et al.

Summary: This study presents a global deep learning-based inverse design framework for optimizing photonic metasurfaces by training a neural network on images encoded with material and structural parameters. The network can identify effective metasurface designs based on target absorption spectra and generate multiple design variants with nearly identical absorption spectra.


Article Optics

Dual quasibound states in the continuum in compound grating waveguide structures for large positive and negative Goos-Hanchen shifts with perfect reflection

Feng Wu et al.

Summary: By selectively exciting resonant guided modes in a compound grating waveguide structure, dual bound states in the continuum (dual BICs) are achieved, leading to large positive and negative Gh shifts. Unlike conventional resonance, the shifts assisted by dual quasi-BICs have 100% reflectance, making them easier to detect and utilize in high-performance sensors and light storage devices.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Guided-Mode Resonances in All-Dielectric Terahertz Metasurfaces

Song Han et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

U1 snRNP regulates cancer cell migration and invasion in vitro

Jung-Min Oh et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering holography

Matz Liebel et al.


Review Optics

Roadmap for single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Yang Yu et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

In situ probing electrified interfacial water structures at atomically flat surfaces

Chao-Yu Li et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Imaging-based molecular barcoding with pixelated dielectric metasurfaces

Andreas Tittl et al.

SCIENCE (2018)

Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

Machine learning for molecular and materials science

Keith T. Butler et al.

NATURE (2018)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Formation of Bound States in the Continuum in Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic Systems

Shaimaa I. Azzam et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Lasing action from photonic bound states in continuum

Ashok Kodigala et al.

NATURE (2017)

Review Optics

Fano resonances in photonics

Mikhail F. Limonov et al.


Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Nanostructure-based plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for surface analysis of materials

Song-Yuan Ding et al.


Article Optics

Strong light-matter coupling in two-dimensional atomic crystals

Xiaoze Liu et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Optimizing Electromagnetic Hotspots in Plasmonic Bowtie Nanoantennae

Stephanie Dodson et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Fundamental behavior of electric field enhancements in the gaps between closely spaced nanostructures

Jeffrey M. McMahon et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Jian Feng Li et al.

NATURE (2010)