4.7 Article

Photogrammetric Monitoring of Rock Glacier Motion Using High-Resolution Cross-Platform Datasets: Formation Age Estimation and Modern Thinning Rates


Article Geography, Physical

Rock glacier composition and structure from radio wave speed analysis with dipping reflector correction

Tyler M. Meng et al.

Summary: This study assesses the composition and geometry of four individual rock glaciers in Alaska, Wyoming, and Colorado by measuring their radio wave speed and applying these results to ground-penetrating radar depth corrections and dielectric mixing models. The results show that some of the sites exhibit nearly pure ice cores, and all of the sites indicate volumetric ice fractions >50%. The findings have implications for terrestrial glaciology and hydrology and contribute to the exploration of planetary surfaces such as Mars.


Article Geography, Physical

Post-glacial dynamics of an alpine Little Ice Age glacitectonized frozen landform (Aget, western Swiss Alps)

Julie Wee et al.

Summary: This study provides evidence of the ongoing morphodynamical evolution of an actively back-creeping frozen landform based on long-term observations and measurements. The observations show an increase in liquid water-to-ice content ratio within the permafrost body and surface subsidence at a rate of a few centimeters per year. This indicates that the ongoing degradation is reaching a tipping point and gradually inactivating the mechanism of permafrost creep.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Kinematics and geomorphological changes of a destabilising rock glacier captured from close-range sensing techniques (Tsarmine rock glacier, Western Swiss Alps)

Sebastian Vivero et al.

Summary: This study presents a combination of UAV and TLS surveys for monitoring the changes in a rock glacier in the Swiss Alps. The results show accurate surface velocity and volume change information, providing a better understanding of the current dynamics of the rock glacier.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

The Significance of Convection in Supraglacial Debris Revealed Through Novel Analysis of Thermistor Profiles

Eric Petersen et al.

Summary: Debris-covered glaciers play a significant role in freshwater resources. Traditionally, melt from debris is predicted using surface energy balance models that focus on heat conduction through the debris layer. This study reveals the importance of convection in supraglacial debris, which can account for a significant proportion of heat flux. Understanding and incorporating these convection processes into glacier melt models is crucial for accurate predictions.


Article Geography, Physical

Incorporating InSAR kinematics into rock glacier inventories: insights from 11 regions worldwide

Aldo Bertone et al.

Summary: Rock glaciers, sensitive to climate variability and change, play a critical role in water resource management and geohazard prevention. Remote sensing data and a common methodology are used to create standardized inventories for rock glaciers. This study demonstrates the feasibility of applying common rules proposed by the International Permafrost Association and the European Space Agency to characterize rock glaciers' kinematic behavior in 11 regions worldwide.


Article Geography, Physical

Glacier-permafrost relations in a high-mountain environment: 5 decades of kinematic monitoring at the Gruben site, Swiss Alps

Isabelle Gaertner-Roer et al.

Summary: Digitized aerial images were used to monitor the evolution of frozen debris and glacier ice in the Swiss Alps. The study revealed contrasting developments in different environments and provided detailed spatio-temporal information on flow velocities and thickness changes. The findings have important implications for understanding the dynamic response of glaciers and frozen ground.


Article Geography, Physical

Glacier and rock glacier changes since the 1950s in the La Laguna catchment, Chile

Benjamin Aubrey Robson et al.

Summary: Glaciers and rock glaciers in the semi-arid northern Chile have shown different responses to climate change. Most glaciers in the region have rapidly lost mass over the last few decades, while the changes in rock glaciers are less understood. Climatological analyses indicate a general increase in air temperature, decrease in humidity, and variable precipitation since the 1980s. Severe droughts since 2010 have led to negative mass balances for both glaciers and rock glaciers in the area.


Article Environmental Sciences

Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (autoRIFT) and Its Application for Tracking Ice Displacement

Yang Lei et al.

Summary: This paper presents an efficient feature tracking algorithm for mass processing of satellite images, demonstrating its accuracy and effectiveness in measuring displacements. The study also compares error sources for radar and optical image pairs, and compares estimated velocities with reference data, showing the advantages of the new algorithm.


Article Remote Sensing

Combination of Aerial, Satellite, and UAV Photogrammetry for Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics in the Dry Andes of Chile (30°S) Since the 1950s

Sebastian Vivero et al.

Summary: This study utilized various remote sensing data and field surveys to analyze the landform surface kinematics of the Tapado site in the Dry Andes of Chile, revealing different surface velocity characteristics of glaciers and landforms.


Article Geography, Physical

InSAR-based characterization of rock glacier movement in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA

George Brencher et al.

Summary: This study used satellite InSAR technology to monitor active and transitional rock glaciers in the Uinta Mountains, revealing significant seasonal variations in velocity and correlation with snow water equivalent from the previous winter. The results demonstrate the capability of satellite InSAR to monitor rock glaciers over large areas and shed light on the environmental factors influencing their movement.


Article Remote Sensing

Conventional and UAV-Based Aerial Surveys for Long-Term Monitoring (1954-2020) of a Highly Active Rock Glacier in Austria

Viktor Kaufmann et al.

Summary: Rock glaciers are creeping phenomena in mountain permafrost that have been observed to speed up in recent years due to climate change. This study focused on changes in surface creep velocity and volume of the Leibnitzkopf rock glacier in the Austrian Hohe Tauern Range from 1954-2020, using various aerial images and temperature data. The results show significant variability in creep velocity over time, with a close relationship between higher temperatures and rock glacier acceleration.


Review Geography, Physical

Glaciation of alpine valleys: The glacier - debris-covered glacier - rock glacier continuum

Robert S. Anderson et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores

D. B. Jones et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Sub-pixel precision image matching for measuring surface displacements on mass movements using normalized cross-correlation

Misganu Debella-Gilo et al.


Review Geography, Physical

Permafrost creep and rock glacier dynamics

Wilfried Haeberli et al.


Article Geography, Physical

The flow of Fireweed rock glacier, Alaska, USA

AK Bucki et al.