4.5 Article

Assessing vaccine hesitancy and health literacy using a new Italian vaccine confidence index and a modified Italian medical term recognition test: A cross-sectional survey on Italian parents


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A survey of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance across 23 countries in 2022

Jeffrey V. Lazarus et al.

Summary: Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines, SARS-CoV-2 continued to mutate and spread in 2022. Vaccine hesitancy remains a significant issue, fueled by misinformation. A survey conducted in 23 countries found that 79.1% of respondents were willing to accept vaccination, with an increase from June 2021. However, hesitancy increased in eight countries, ranging from 1.0% to 21.1%. The study also revealed a decrease in support for vaccination mandates and an increase in the use of medications for COVID-19 symptoms.


Article Immunology

Estimating global changes in routine childhood vaccination coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020-2021

Cyrus Ghaznavi et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted routine immunizations globally, leading to lower-than-predicted vaccine coverage for various antigens, especially in South America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia. The coverage drop for subsequent doses compared to first doses was observed for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, pneumococcus, and rotavirus vaccines in both 2020 and 2021. Efforts are needed to recover from the vaccination coverage losses and improve vaccine access in areas with inadequate coverage.

VACCINE (2023)

Article Health Policy & Services

Parental Perspectives on Immunizations: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Childhood Vaccine Hesitancy

Kaidi He et al.

Summary: Research found that childhood vaccine hesitancy increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it did not result in decreased intent to vaccinate. Factors influencing vaccine hesitancy mainly included household income and ethnicity. Understanding these factors is crucial for maintaining childhood vaccination rates and promoting vaccine confidence.


Article Immunology

Childhood Immunisation Coverage during the COVID-19 Epidemic in Italy

Michela Sabbatucci et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Italian National Health System, leading to decreased routine childhood vaccine coverage rates. However, there has been an increase in chicken pox vaccination while recommended vaccinations have been moderately affected. Effective communication campaigns and educational programs are crucial to reinforce vaccination confidence and behavior during and beyond the COVID-19 era.


Article Immunology

The Relationship between Health Literacy and COVID-19 Vaccination Prevalence during a Rapidly Evolving Pandemic and Infodemic

Iris Feinberg et al.

Summary: The gap between health information and understanding, known as health literacy, has been worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic due to excessive and rapidly changing information. This study aims to examine health literacy levels in Fulton County, Georgia, and their relationship to vaccine prevalence.


Article Immunology

The effect of health literacy on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among community population in China: The moderating role of stress

Huiqiao Zhang et al.

Summary: The study found that increasing people's health literacy can reduce vaccine hesitancy for COVID-19, but this effect disappears when faced with high levels of stress, suggesting the need for other promotion services to increase acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine.

VACCINE (2022)

Article Immunology

Vaccine hesitancy and cognitive biases: Evidence for tailored communication with parents

Virginia Casigliani et al.

Summary: This study aimed to identify factors influencing parents' vaccine choices and inform communication interventions. The study found that cognitive biases, conspiracy mentality, and risk propension were associated with vaccine hesitancy.

VACCINE: X (2022)

Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Relationship of political ideology of US federal and state elected officials and key COVID pandemic outcomes following vaccine rollout to adults: April 2021-March 2022

Nancy Krieger et al.

Summary: Political ideologies of US federal elected officials, as well as state concentrations of political party power, were found to be significantly associated with higher COVID-19 mortality rates and stress on hospital ICU capacity. Even after controlling for social characteristics and vaccination rates, conservatism was still linked to negative outcomes in terms of public health during the study period.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Did this pandemic trigger a spike in mothers′ hesitancy over their children's routine immunizations? -A cross sectional study

M. Shwethashree et al.

Summary: The study found that 38% of mothers had vaccine hesitancy during the pandemic, mainly due to fear of exposure to COVID-19 and lockdown. Out of 6 variables, 5 variables (except religion) were found to be statistically significant. In multivariate analysis, only prior to pandemic hesitancy retained statistical significance.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

The 2017 Italian reform on mandatory childhood vaccinations: Analysis of the policy process and early implementation

Mattia Casula et al.

Summary: The Italian government's 'hard' approach to childhood vaccinations, including increasing mandatory vaccines and imposing sanctions on noncompliant individuals, has successfully reversed the declining trend in vaccination coverage rates, providing potential policy recommendations for other European countries facing similar challenges.


Review Computer Science, Information Systems

The causes, impacts and countermeasures of COVID-19 Infodemic: A systematic review using narrative synthesis

Wenjing Pian et al.

Summary: The study reviewed the causes, impacts, and strategies to combat the COVID-19 infodemic, finding that social media usage, low health/eHealth literacy, and fast publication processes are major causes. Additionally, the cycle of human rumor-spreading behavior and public psychological issues such as anxiety and fear emerge as characteristics of the infodemic. Comprehensive countermeasures from various perspectives were summarized, with risk communication and consumer health information seeking highlighted as particularly important.


Editorial Material Immunology

The recommended lifetime immunization schedule from the board of vaccination calendar for life in Italy: A continuing example of impact on public health policies

P. Bonanni et al.

Summary: The Vaccination Calendar for Life in Italy, established by an alliance of scientific and professional societies, provides a scientifically driven update on the ideal vaccination schedule. It has significantly influenced the Italian vaccination policy by adjusting the age and types of vaccines provided to improve vaccination coverage.

VACCINE (2021)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

The effect of health literacy on vaccine hesitancy among Italian anticoagulated population during COVID-19 pandemic: the moderating role of health engagement

Arianna Magon et al.

Summary: This study found that the level of patient health engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic plays a moderator role in the relationship between health literacy and vaccine hesitancy, enhancing the effects of health literacy on decreasing vaccine hesitancy. This highlights the importance of collaborative strategies for communicative action in addressing vaccine hesitancy among patients.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Vaccine hesitancy: evidence from an adverse events following immunization database, and the role of cognitive biases

Hossein Azarpanah et al.

Summary: This study focuses on addressing concerns regarding vaccine Adverse Events (AEs) to increase vaccine acceptance, as well as identifying potential cognitive biases connecting vaccine hesitancy concerns to vaccine-hesitant behaviors in the vaccine decision-making process. Results show that the majority of reported AEs are not serious, and 15 potential cognitive biases affecting vaccination decision-making and contributing to vaccine hesitancy were identified. Efforts to increase vaccination uptake should take into account and minimize the impact of these cognitive biases.


Editorial Material Medicine, General & Internal

Covid-19 vaccination hesitancy

Mohammad S. Razai et al.


Article International Relations

Political Polarization During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sebastian Jungkunz

Summary: The study found that affective polarization has increased slightly among the German public during the COVID-19 pandemic, but economic distress can reduce negative sentiments towards supporters of other parties and increase awareness of political debate and responsiveness to government decisions.


Review Immunology

A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments

Andrew J. Pollard et al.

Summary: Immunization is vital for public health policy and there are challenges ahead for immunologists in developing new vaccines. Although immunology has not contributed significantly to vaccine development so far, a better understanding of protective immunity is urgently needed to tackle difficult-to-target pathogens.


Review Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence

Fake news, rumor, information pollution in social media and web: A contemporary survey of state-of-the-arts, challenges and opportunities

Priyanka Meel et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Attitudes toward vaccinations are becoming more polarized in New Zealand: Findings from a longitudinal survey

Carol H. J. Lee et al.


Article Infectious Diseases

The law on compulsory vaccination in Italy: an update 2 years after the introduction

Fortunato D’Ancona et al.

Eurosurveillance (2019)

Review Medicine, General & Internal

Current tools available for investigating vaccine hesitancy: a scoping review protocol

Elizabeth O. Oduwole et al.

BMJ OPEN (2019)

Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Health literacy and vaccination: A systematic review

Chiara Lorini et al.


Review Infectious Diseases

Health literacy and infectious diseases: why does it matter?

Enrique Castro-Sanchez et al.


Article Immunology

Vaccine hesitancy and healthcare providers

Pauline Paterson et al.

VACCINE (2016)

Article Medicine, General & Internal

The State of Vaccine Confidence 2016: Global Insights Through a 67-Country Survey

Heidi J. Larson et al.


Article Immunology

Vaccine hesitancy: Definition, scope and determinants

Noni E. MacDonald

VACCINE (2015)

Article Immunology

Measuring vaccine hesitancy: The development of a survey tool

Heidi J. Larson et al.

VACCINE (2015)

Article Communication

Interventions for Improving Population Health Literacy: Insights From a Rapid Review of the Evidence

Margaret M. Barry et al.


Article Immunology

Opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 for vaccination decisions

Cornelia Betsch et al.

VACCINE (2012)

Article Health Care Sciences & Services

The METER: A Brief, Self-Administered Measure of Health Literacy

Katherine A. Rawson et al.


Article Health Policy & Services

Health literacy: communication for the public good

SC Ratzan