4.7 Article

Characteristics of Vegetation Change and Its Climatic and Anthropogenic Driven Pattern in the Qilian Mountains


Article Environmental Sciences

Effects of climate and afforestation on carbon sequestration change in northern China

Yanmin Teng et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the spatio-temporal characteristics of carbon sequestration (CS) change in Northern China from 2000 to 2020 and identified the main factors leading to its spatial heterogeneity using correlation analysis and multiple linear regression model (MLR). The results showed that the most significant increases of CS were observed in the Loess Plateau, Yanshan Mountains, and Taihang Mountains. By screening six factors, MLR, random forest model (RF), and geographically weighted regression (GWR) explained 62.9%, 82.2%, and 65.7% of the spatial variation of CS change, respectively. Afforestation was found to be the most important factor contributing to the spatial variation of CS change.


Article Ecology

Dynamic change, driving mechanism and spatiotemporal prediction of the normalized vegetation index: a case study from Yunnan Province, China

Yang Han et al.

Summary: This study investigates the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and driving mechanisms of vegetation indexes in Yunnan Province, China. It also explores the prediction methods of vegetation indexes. The results show a significant growth trend in vegetation coverage in the province, with positive correlations to meteorological and social factors.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatiotemporal Changes in NDVI and Its Driving Factors in the Kherlen River Basin

Shan Yu et al.

Summary: Vegetation is crucial for linking various environmental factors and plays a significant role in climate change adaptation and sustainable development. However, little is known about vegetation vulnerability and its driving mechanisms. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze temporal and spatial changes in vegetation and the factors influencing these changes in the Kherlen River Basin using remote sensing data. The results indicate that the long-term normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) remained stable in the basin, with a significant mutation period from 2013 to 2017. The key factors affecting NDVI in the basin were temperature and precipitation, which directly influenced the local vegetation. The findings contribute to a better understanding of vegetation change mechanisms and can inform ecological policy-making.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Three-dimensional dynamic characteristics of vegetation and its response to climatic factors in the Qilian Mountains

Yunrui Ma et al.

Summary: Understanding the trend of vegetation change and its reaction to climate variation is crucial in revealing ecosystem behavior mechanisms. This study focused on the Qilian Mountains to explore the spatiotemporal changes and vertical zonality distributions of the normalized vegetation index (NDVI), analyzing the time-lag and time-accumulation effects of climate factors on vegetation dynamics. The results showed an overall upward trend in NDVI from 2000 to 2019, with temperature having a more significant promotion effect on vegetation growth compared to precipitation in the Qilian Mountains.

CATENA (2022)

Article Biodiversity Conservation

NDVI-based vegetation dynamics and their responses to climate change and human activities from 1982 to 2020: A case study in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China

Wande Gao et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the vegetation dynamics in Mu Us Sandy Land using long-term satellite data and climate factors. The results showed an overall greening trend with a distinct breakpoint in 2006. Climate factors and human activities were found to have significant impacts on vegetation dynamics, with human activities being the dominant driving force.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

The impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors on vegetation change in the Yellow-Huai-Hai River Basin

Houfa Wu et al.

Summary: The Yellow-Huai-Hai River Basin is an important ecological barrier in China, and the vegetation coverage in this region shows spatiotemporal differences and is influenced by various driving factors. The study found that vegetation coverage increased from 1982 to 2015, with a positive correlation between vegetation growth and temperature. Natural forcing had the greatest impact on vegetation change, while anthropogenic forcing and other driving factors also played significant roles, with spatial variations. Climate change and human activities both had positive effects on vegetation restoration, while land use change was the main factor causing vegetation degradation.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Sensitivity of vegetation dynamics to climate variability in a forest-steppe transition ecozone, north-eastern Inner Mongolia, China

Guangyong You et al.

Summary: The study reveals that the regional climate change in northeastern Inner Mongolia is characterized by warming and drying, with steppe areas being sensitive to humidity changes and forested land being influenced by growing season warmth. Over the past decades, the regional NDVI displayed a significantly negative trend, with cropland expansion identified as an important driver for decreased vegetation dynamics. Further research on the ecological and hydrological consequences of crop land expansion is necessary.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Quantitative spatial analysis of vegetation dynamics and potential driving factors in a typical alpine region on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau using the Google Earth Engine

Chenli Liu et al.

Summary: Research using the Google Earth Engine analyzed the spatiotemporal vegetation variation in Gannan Prefecture on the Tibetan Plateau, showing fluctuating growth trends in vegetation index, driven primarily by annual mean temperature, soil type, and elevation.

CATENA (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Vegetation Productivity Dynamics in Response to Climate Change and Human Activities under Different Topography and Land Cover in Northeast China

Hui Li et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the characteristics of vegetation productivity and the effects of climate and human factors in Northeast China. The results showed that climate change played a leading role in promoting the increase of ANPP in most areas, while human activities led to a decrease in ANPP in certain regions. The impact of climate change and human activities varied significantly under different topography and altitudes, with different percentages of ANPP increase attributed to each factor.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatio-Temporal Changes and Driving Forces of Vegetation Coverage on the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi

Tong Nie et al.

Summary: Vegetation is an important indicator of terrestrial ecosystems and plays a crucial role in global or regional ecological environmental studies. This study focused on the temporal and spatial variations of vegetation in Northern Shaanxi from 2000 to 2018 using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as an indicator. The results showed that natural and human factors are the key driving forces of NDVI change, with factors such as gross domestic product, land-use type, slope, and temperature having the greatest impact.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Vegetation NDVI in Association with Climatic, Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors in the Loess Plateau, China during 2000-2015: Quantitative Analysis Based on Geographical Detector Model

Yi Dong et al.

Summary: The implementation of the Grain for Green program has successfully curbed vegetation degradation and soil erosion issues in the Loess Plateau (LP) of China. The study analyzed the spatial-temporal evolution of vegetation NDVI from 2000 to 2015, and identified driving forces influencing the evolution such as climate, environment, and human activities. Results showed varying NDVI trends between the semi-humid and semi-arid areas of the LP, with different factors driving the changes in each region.


Article Environmental Sciences

Quantification of Natural and Anthropogenic Driving Forces of Vegetation Changes in the Three-River Headwater Region during 1982-2015 Based on Geographical Detector Model

Siqi Gao et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the influencing factors of vegetation cover changes in the Three-River Headwater Region, with annual precipitation identified as the most significant factor affecting NDVI changes. Natural factors had a stronger impact compared to anthropogenic factors, with variables such as vegetation type and elevation also playing key roles in vegetation cover status. The NDVI factors exhibited a synergistic effect, enhancing each other and showing non-linear enhancement relationships.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatial and Temporal Analyses of Vegetation Changes at Multiple Time Scales in the Qilian Mountains

Lifeng Zhang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the spatial and temporal characteristics of the Qilian Mountains using NDVI data from 2000 to 2019. It found that vegetation in the region showed an overall improvement trend, mainly in the central western regions. Sunshine time and wind speed were identified as the main drivers of vegetation variation, followed by temperature. Temperature and precipitation had stronger explanatory powers for vegetation variation in the western Qilian Mountains than in the eastern part.


Article Environmental Sciences

Mapping and Evaluating Human Pressure Changes in the Qilian Mountains

Quntao Duan et al.

Summary: From 2000 to 2015, there was a significant increasing trend in vegetation growth in the Qilian Mountains, with a noticeable decline in Qinghai. Human pressure was higher in the eastern region compared to the western region, with Qinghai facing greater pressure. Human activities such as overgrazing and tourism had a significant impact on vegetation types in the area.


Article Environmental Sciences

Vegetation cover changes and sand -fixing service responses in the sandstorm source control area

Shuang Wang et al.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Analysis and prediction of vegetation dynamic changes in China: Past, present and future

Zhaoqiang Zhou et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

1 km monthly temperature and precipitation dataset for China from 1901 to 2017

Shouzhang Peng et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Tightening ecological management facilitates green development in the Qilian Mountains

Xin Li et al.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Climate refugia of snow leopards in High Asia

Juan Li et al.


Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

NDVI and vegetation phenology dynamics under the influence of sunshine duration on the Tibetan plateau

Hongshuo Wang et al.


Review Ecology

Using the satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change

N Pettorelli et al.


Article Ecology

Discrimination between climate and human-induced dryland degradation

J Evans et al.