4.7 Review

Recent Applications of Smart Technologies for Monitoring the Sustainability of Forest Operations


Article Forestry

Short-term physicochemical and biological impacts on soil after forest logging in Mediterranean broadleaf forests: 15 years of field studies summarized by a data synthesis under the meta-analytic framework

Francesco Latterini et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impacts of forest logging and silvicultural treatments on soil physicochemical properties. The results indicate that forest logging causes more disturbance to the soil compared to silvicultural treatments. It is also suggested that the way in which extraction is carried out is the major factor causing soil disturbance.


Article Engineering, Multidisciplinary

Comparative use of PPK-integrated close-range terrestrial photogrammetry and a handheld mobile laser scanner in the measurement of forest road surface deformation

Remzi Eker

Summary: This study aimed to compare a handheld mobile laser scanning (HMLS), called TORCH using SLAM algorithm, and a PPK-integrated close-range terrestrial photogrammetry (CRTP) for measuring forest road surface deformation. The PPK-integrated CRTP, which includes a multiband GNSS-module and a camera mounted on a 5-m prism pole, provided denser 3D point clouds than HMLS. However, the difference in mean deformation values between the two methods was statistically significant only for the second period. Both methods can be suggested for measuring forest road surface deformation, considering their limitations.


Article Environmental Sciences

The medium-term effects of forest operations on a mixed broadleaf forest: Changes in soil properties and loss of nutrients

Sara Karami et al.

Summary: This study was conducted in a mixed deciduous forest in Northern Iran to investigate the effects of single-selection method and group-selection method on forest recovery and skid trails. The results showed the suitability of retention forestry for sustainable forest management, while the impacts of machinery passage on skid trails required at least 3 years for recovery.


Article Forestry

UAV Photogrammetry for Soil Surface Deformation Detection in a Timber Harvesting Area, South Korea

Jeongjae Kim et al.

Summary: This study utilized UAV photogrammetry to accurately detect soil surface deformation (SSD) by acquiring high-resolution DSMs. Deposition and erosion were detected at validation points (VPs), and cumulative SSD had deposition tendencies at all VPs. However, spatial distortion may occur during UAV surveys, and soil surface data may not be captured adequately.

FORESTS (2023)

Article Environmental Sciences

Geomatic Data Fusion for 3D Tree Modeling: The Case Study of Monumental Chestnut Trees

Mattia Balestra et al.

Remote Sensing (2023)

Article Forestry

The Influence of Various Silvicultural Treatments and Forest Operations on Tree Species Biodiversity

Francesco Latterini et al.

Summary: The purpose of this review is to define which silvicultural systems and forest operations can have an influence on forest tree biodiversity by summarizing the findings of nearly 60 papers published in the last ten years (2013-2022). The findings suggest that selective logging and retention forestry are suitable forms of intervention that have a limited impact on tree biodiversity in natural forest ecosystems with high structural complexity. Thinning and coppicing are effective treatments for managing tree biodiversity, but should be carefully regulated to avoid negative impacts.


Article Forestry

The Effects of Forest Operations and Silvicultural Treatments on Litter Decomposition Rate: a Meta-analysis

Francesco Latterini et al.

Summary: The study developed an effect size summarization of the implications of forest management on litter decomposition rate, finding that clear-cutting leads to a significant reduction in litter decomposition rate, while retention forestry and logging activities do not have a significant overall effect. The study also found that stand type, climatic conditions, and percentage of biomass removal significantly affect litter decomposition rate.


Article Environmental Sciences

Identifying tree health using sentinel-2 images: a case study on Tortrix viridana L. infected oak trees in Western Iran

Farshad Haghighian et al.

Summary: This study investigated the performance of Sentinel-2 images in detecting forest pests. The results showed significant differences in vegetation indices between infected and non-infected areas, indicating that Sentinel-2 images can be used to detect pests in forest areas.


Article Forestry

Impacts of wood extraction on soil: assessing rutting and soil compaction caused by skidding and forwarding by means of traditional and innovative methods

Elena Marra et al.

Summary: The study found that the direction (uphill or downhill) during forestry operations has minimal impact on soil damage severity, but downhill skidding is more beneficial in reducing soil compaction compared to uphill skidding. The research also showed that vehicles can distribute pressure horizontally on the ground affecting the soil between wheel tracks, resulting in increased soil bulk density and soil displacement.


Review Forestry

Deep learning for forest inventory and planning: a critical review on the remote sensing approaches so far and prospects for further applications

Alireza Hamedianfar et al.

Summary: Data processing for forestry applications faces challenges due to the increasing availability of multi-source, multi-temporal data. Deep Learning algorithms have shown potential for solving forestry problems, primarily focusing on comparing different Convolutional Neural Network architectures. However, challenges remain in acquiring sufficient representative training data and selecting suitable DL architecture and hyperparameters, which can impact the generalizability of predictions. Despite the current data-driven nature of DL applications in forestry, there are possibilities for building time-series prediction strategies and re-thinking applications in terms of DL components. Practitioners are advised to carefully consider operational data availability and challenges when implementing DL for forestry applications.


Article Environmental Sciences

Improving forest management by implementing best suitable timber harvesting methods

Leo Gallus Bont et al.

Summary: The study shows that rigorously applying estimated best suitable harvesting methods can improve the cost-effectiveness of the forestry sector, particularly in regions with steep terrain and reliance on cable- and air-based extraction methods. In Switzerland, adopting the estimated best suitable methods could economically harvest 64% instead of 52% of the forest area across the country. This shift towards more mechanized harvesting methods could lead to cost reductions and contribute to reducing atmospheric carbon emissions.


Review Forestry

Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Soil Physical Disturbances Caused by Forest Machinery: a Comprehensive Review

Eric R. Labelle et al.

Summary: This systematic review examines methods and techniques for mitigating soil disturbances caused by ground-based mechanized forest operations. The review finds that factors such as terrain, operational planning, machine modifications, and amendments can all help reduce the negative impacts on soil. The review also provides recommendations and strategies for the use of soil mitigation techniques and identifies new research opportunities.


Article Forestry

Trafficability Prediction Using Depth-to-Water Maps: the Status of Application in Northern and Central European Forestry

Stephan Hoffmann et al.

Summary: This paper discusses the current status of existence and implementation of planning tools, such as trafficability maps, in forest operations across Europe. The availability and accessibility of data relevant for predictions, particularly in wet soil conditions, are also explored. The Nordic countries are leading the way in this field and are working on transforming static trafficability maps into dynamic ones with additional site-specific information obtained from detailed forest inventories. It is hoped that these tools and information will be adopted more widely by forest managers throughout Europe to enhance sustainable forest operations.


Article Forestry

Mechanised Harvesting of Broadleaved Tree Species in Europe

Piotr S. Mederski et al.

Summary: This review examines the application of cut-to-length (CTL) technology for harvesting broadleaved tree species in Europe. The study focuses on the productivity and product quality aspects of mechanized forest operations and identifies the challenges and areas for improvement in harvesting broadleaved tree species.


Article Forestry

Influence of logging on nest density and nesting microsites of cavity-nesting birds in the subtropical forests of the Andes

Alejandro A. Schaaf et al.

Summary: Logging affects nest density and nesting microsite characteristics of cavity-nesting birds, but no evidence of reduced nest success at logged sites was found in the study. The study suggests the need for forest management actions to increase nesting sites for cavity-nesting birds.


Article Plant Sciences

Effects of environmental factors and management on dynamics of mixed calcareous forests under climate change in Central European lowlands

Karel Vancura et al.

Summary: Mixed lowland forests reserved for natural succession in the Czech Republic are sparse, but studying their development provides crucial insights into natural processes and forest management recommendations in a changing climate. Research in the Karlstejn National Nature Reserve examined the dynamics, productivity, structure, diversity, dead wood, and radial growth of different managed stands from 2002 to 2020, revealing the impact of management practices on these forests.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A novel smartphone-based activity recognition modeling method for tracked equipment in forest operations

Ryer M. Becker et al.

Summary: This study developed a smartphone-based activity recognition system that can effectively identify individual work elements in mechanized forest operations. By collecting sensor data from smartphones and training machine learning algorithms, high recognition accuracy can be achieved.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Article Forestry

Computation of Strip Road Networks Based on Harvester Location Data

Heikki Ovaskainen et al.

Summary: The aim of this study was to develop an automatic method for computing strip roads in harvested stands based on harvester's stem-specific location data. The method was validated and applied to operational stand data, demonstrating its accuracy and potential for automation of quality management and harvesting operations.

FORESTS (2022)

Article Forestry

Use of Individual Tree and Product Level Data to Improve Operational Forestry

Robert F. Keefe et al.

Summary: This paper reviews the current status of individual tree detection methods and technologies, explores knowledge gaps in operational forestry and forest operations research, and proposes several areas for improved efficiencies in forest operations, such as using wearable technology to map seedlings during planting, optimizing harvesting and landing based on prior information, and networking product tracking across multiple machines.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Lost in the woods: Forest vegetation, and not topography, most affects the connectivity of mesh radio networks for public safety

Eloise G. Zimbelman et al.

Summary: This study evaluates the connectivity of mesh networking devices and predicts connectivity using lidar and satellite remote sensing data. The results show that vegetation-related metrics have a greater impact on connectivity. The study suggests that remote sensing data can be used to forecast the connectivity of real-time mesh networks, which is important for wildland firefighting, forestry, and public safety applications.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

Improving above ground biomass estimates of Southern Africa dryland forests by combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery

Ruusa M. David et al.

Summary: Accurate assessment of above ground biomass (AGB) in dryland forests is crucial for resource management in areas facing deforestation, forest degradation, and climate change. This study used satellite-based radar and multispectral imagery to estimate AGB in dryland forests, with the SAR VV polarization providing more accurate results than the VH polarization. The combination of SAR and multispectral image data using a random forest algorithm produced the best fit to ground observations, demonstrating the potential for precise AGB estimation in dryland forests.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Efficiency Assessment of Fully Mechanized Harvesting System through the Use of Fleet Management System

Narcis Mihail Bacescu et al.

Summary: The spread of precision forestry has made it possible to collect data related to forest machines, and this study evaluates the benefit of automatic data collection through a fleet management system (FMS) in pine forests in Poland. The results show the potential for optimizing harvesting strategies and managing fleets through data analysis.


Review Plant Sciences

The shape of trees: Reimagining forest ecology in three dimensions with remote sensing

Emily Rebecca Lines et al.

Summary: Recent advances in remote sensing and data processing have revolutionized the ability to accurately measure tree and forest structure, providing more accurate data and broader scales for ecological research. This challenges traditional understanding of forests and opens up new avenues for study.


Article Forestry

Measuring Soil Surface Changes after Traffic of Various Wheeled Skidders with Close-Range Photogrammetry

Michal Ferencik et al.

Summary: This study analyzes soil surface changes caused by the traffic of three types of wheeled skidders without a load on Cambisol soil in Central Slovakia using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) close-range photogrammetry. The results show that the SfM method can be applied to detect soil surface changes after traffic of forestry machinery.

FORESTS (2022)

Review Environmental Sciences

UAV-Based Forest Health Monitoring: A Systematic Review

Simon Ecke et al.

Summary: Recent technological advances have led to an increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for forestry applications, particularly in the field of forest health monitoring (FHM). While UAVs offer advantages such as flexibility and high spatial resolution, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, including the need for long-term and multi-temporal forest monitoring, increased use of hyperspectral and LiDAR sensors, better utilization of complementary data from other remote sensing sources, standardized workflows, improved interpretability of complex machine learning algorithms, and a reduced reliance on commercial software.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Work Productivity, Costs and Environmental Impacts of Two Thinning Methods in Italian Beech High Forests

Francesco Latterini et al.

Summary: The study compares the economic and environmental performance of alternative thinning method based on crop-tree management (AT) and traditional thinning from below typical of the shelterwood system (TT) in beech forests. The results show that AT has higher work productivity and lower costs compared to TT, but the reduction of GHG emissions is not as effective as in TT. Furthermore, the use of animals for extraction operations does not significantly improve the performance of AT. Overall, crop-tree management is a suitable option for beech forest stands, but further studies are needed to evaluate its impacts on the overall rotation cycle and productivity.


Article Environmental Studies

Depth-to-Water Maps to Identify Soil Areas That Are Potentially Sensitive to Logging Disturbance: Initial Evaluations in the Mediterranean Forest Context

Francesco Latterini et al.

Summary: Scientific research has focused on developing effective methods and techniques to limit soil disturbance caused by forest operations. The use of soil trafficability maps based on the depth-to-water (DTW) index has been extensively utilized to identify areas sensitive to soil disturbance. This study evaluated the cost-benefit factor of DTW maps in the Mediterranean context and found that the DTW index is a reliable tool to identify and predict areas more prone to impacting soil biological properties.
Article Environmental Studies

Variations of Soil Physico-Chemical and Biological Features after Logging Using Two Different Ground-Based Extraction Methods in a Beech High Forest-A Case Study

Rachele Venanzi et al.

Summary: Forests are crucial in the ecosystem and the application of sustainable forest operations is important for sustainable forest management. This study evaluated the impact of logging on forest soil in Mediterranean beech forests and found that forestry operations and machine traffic caused significant disturbance to the soil, with forwarding having a stronger impact.
Review Forestry

Automation and Robotics in Forest Harvesting Operations: Identifying Near-Term Opportunities

Rien Visser et al.

Summary: The rapid development of technology and the growing importance of autonomous machinery in forest operations are highlighted. The opportunities for remote control and teleoperation of machines are vast, but the application areas require careful consideration.


Review Forestry

A Proposal for an Integrated Methodological and Scientific Approach to Cost Used Forestry Machines

Dalia Abbas et al.

Summary: This paper provides a conceptual analysis of the unaccounted-for cost of owning and operating used machines from an operational, financial, and market perspective. It emphasizes the need for better data to understand the cost of owning and operating used machines, and proposes a new approach to valuing used machines for forest machine operators, owners, scientists, and practitioners.


Review Forestry

A review of Sensors, Sensor-Platforms and Methods Used in 3D Modelling of Soil Displacement after Timber Harvesting

Bruce Talbot et al.

Summary: This review discusses the applications of proximal sensing technologies in measuring soil displacement impacts from forest machinery, including photogrammetry, LiDAR, ultrasound, and time-of-flight imaging. Different platforms and sensors were used in the studies to explore the benefits, challenges, and some shortcomings of these technologies.


Article Forestry

Assessment of cable tensile forces in active winch-assist harvesting using an anchor machine configuration

Omar Mologni et al.

Summary: This study investigated the cable tensile forces in a winch-assist harvesting operation on steep terrain. The results showed that there were local variations in cable tensile forces at both the harvesting and anchor machines, which could exceed 50 kN.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Monitoring the environmental sustainability of countries through the strong environmental sustainability index

Arkaitz Usubiaga-Liano et al.

Summary: The Strong Environmental Sustainability Index (SESI) is a comprehensive metric based on the Environmental Sustainability Gap (ESGAP) framework, aiming to provide countries with an indicator to measure environmental sustainability. By aggregating 21 indicators, SESI reveals impaired natural capital functions in several European countries, particularly with indicators related to pollution and ecosystem health performing poorly. The results of the index are sensitive to assumptions in the normalization, weighting, and aggregation processes.


Article Engineering, Civil

Behavioral Intentions of Urban Rail Transit Passengers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tianjin, China: A Model Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Customer Satisfaction Theory

Xinyuan Zhang et al.

Summary: Understanding the behavioral intentions of public transit passengers during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial for transmission control interventions in public transport. This study integrates the theory of planned behavior and customer satisfaction theory to analyze the relationship between passengers' intentions and psychological variables. The results show that transport management policies under COVID-19 enhance commuters' intentions mainly through subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived service quality, and customer satisfaction.


Article Forestry

A survey of the skidder fleet of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe

Raffaele Spinelli et al.

Summary: This paper reports on a survey of skidders used for timber extraction in Europe, identifying a total of 8370 skidders mainly concentrated in Central Europe with Germany and France dominating the market. The survey showed an overall low level of replacement, with fewer than 5% being from new sales annually. Despite CTL systems being a dominant harvesting option, skidders continue to be a common and viable extraction method.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Development and validation of smartwatch-based activity recognition models for rigging crew workers on cable logging operations

Eloise G. Zimbelman et al.

Summary: The study successfully quantified the activities of rigging crew workers in cable logging operations using smartwatch-based activity recognition models, paving the way for developing real-time safety notifications for high-risk job functions and advancing comparative analysis of health and safety metrics in forestry across different areas and work conditions.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Design of CAN Bus Communication Interfaces for Forestry Machines

Geoffrey Spencer et al.

Summary: This paper presents the initial developments of new hardware devices targeted for CAN bus communications in forest machines. The hardware device aims to overcome the lack of flexibility in commercialized hardware modules and provide the flexibility for standardized communications and scalability in product development.


Article Environmental Sciences

Aboveground mangrove biomass estimation in Beibu Gulf using machine learning and UAV remote sensing

Yichao Tian et al.

Summary: Based on UAV low altitude remote sensing, eight ML models were used to estimate the aboveground biomass of different mangrove species in Beibu Gulf. The XGBoost model had the highest accuracy, with mangrove texture index being the most important variable in the model.


Article Forestry

FIELD: A Software Tool That Integrates Harvester Data and Allometric Equations for a Dynamic Estimation of Forest Harvesting Residues

Heesung Woo et al.

Summary: Australia's utilization of forest residues remains low due to limited timely and accurate data. The FIELD tool supports real-time monitoring and estimation of harvesting residues, providing decision-makers with valuable support features. Further testing is needed, but results show the tool can dynamically estimate the availability of harvesting residues at geo-located sites.

FORESTS (2021)

Article Environmental Sciences

Effects of Canopy and Multi-Epoch Observations on Single-Point Positioning Errors of a GNSS in Coniferous and Broadleaved Forests

Tong Feng et al.

Summary: This study quantitatively analyzed the influence of crown size and observation time on the single-point positioning accuracy of GNSS receivers for different forest types, and developed a model to predict the maximum positioning error under different forest conditions. The results showed that for a continuous positioning time of approximately 10 min, the maximum positioning accuracies in coniferous and broadleaf forests were obtained, which were 12.13 and 15.11 m, respectively.


Review Environmental Sciences

Reviewing the Potential of Sentinel-2 in Assessing the Drought

Dani Varghese et al.

Summary: This paper systematically reviews the potential of Sentinel-2 in assessing drought, focusing on vegetation characteristics, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and other factors. The freely available Sentinel-2 data products show promising prospects compared to other satellite data. Various data fusion and downscaling methods are evaluated for their applicability in studying drought using Sentinel-2.


Review Ecology

Impacts of Logging-Associated Compaction on Forest Soils: A Meta-Analysis

Meisam Nazari et al.

Summary: Soil compaction caused by mechanized wood harvesting can have long-lasting negative impacts on forest soils, ecosystem function, and productivity. Meta-analysis studies reveal that frequent machine passages result in the greatest disturbance to soil bulk density, total porosity, and saturated hydraulic conductivity, which may take 3-6 years to recover. To minimize these effects, suitable logging machines should be selected, machine passage frequency should be reduced, and logging activities in clayey soils should be avoided during rainy seasons.


Article Forestry

Developing an Automated Monitoring System for Cable Yarding Systems

Raimondo Gallo et al.

Summary: This paper presents the results of an automated monitoring system based on GNSS, for monitoring and studying cable yarder operations. The experimental results showed that the system was able to accurately identify most operating cycles, indicating the potential application prospects of the system in monitoring and studying cable yarding operations.


Article Forestry

Skyline Tensile Forces in Cable Logging: Field Observations vs. Software Calculations

Omar Mologni et al.

Summary: The study compared field data of skyline tensile forces with static calculations from SkylineXL software, aiming to simulate actual responses of tensile fluctuations in the real environment through a finite element model. SkylineXL was found reliable in predicting actual tensile forces, but finite element models could be successfully used for detailed analysis and simulation of dynamic oscillations in skyline tensile forces.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Automated operational logging plan considering multi-criteria optimization

Eric Bastos Gorgens et al.


Review Forestry

Advances in the Mechanization of Regenerating Plantation Forests: a Review

Muedanyi Ramantswana et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Applications of GIS-Based Software to Improve the Sustainability of a Forwarding Operation in Central Italy

Rodolfo Picchio et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Rut Depth Evaluation of a Triple-Bogie System for Forwarders-Field Trials with TLS Data Support

Michael Starke et al.


Article Forestry

Development and Benefits of Winch-Assist Harvesting

Thomas Holzfeind et al.


Article Forestry

Fuel consumption comparison of two forwarders in lowland forests of pedunculate oak

Zdravko Pandur et al.


Article Forestry

Skyline tensile force monitoring of mobile tower yarders operating in the Italian Alps

Omar Mologni et al.


Review Forestry

Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in Forestry: a Review

Jakob Iglhaut et al.


Review Forestry

On promoting the use of lidar systems in forest ecosystem research

Martin Beland et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Comparing Accuracy of Three Methods Based on the GIS Environment for Determining Winching Areas

Rodolfo Picchio et al.


Review Computer Science, Information Systems

Recent Contributions of Some Fields of the Electronics in Development of Forest Operations Technologies

Rodolfo Picchio et al.


Proceedings Paper Agricultural Engineering


Alessandro Lezier et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Intent to Adopt Location Sharing for Logging Safety Applications

Ann M. Wempe et al.

SAFETY (2019)

Review Environmental Sciences

Sustainable Forest Operations (SFO): A new paradigm in a changing world and climate

Enrico Marchi et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

A qualitative assessment of safe work practices in logging in the southern United States

Sadie H. Conway et al.


Article Forestry

Use of LIDAR-based digital terrain model and single tree segmentation data for optimal forest skid trail network

Krzysztof Sterenczak et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Assessing Handheld Mobile Laser Scanners for Forest Surveys

Joseph Ryding et al.


Article Remote Sensing

Behavior of GPS Signal Interruption Probability under Tree Canopies in Different Forest Conditions

Alex Souza Bastos et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A Review of Footprint analysis tools for monitoring impacts on sustainability

Lidija Cucek et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Measuring the mobility parameters of forwarders using GPS and CAN bus techniques

A Suvinen et al.