4.8 Article

Narrow host range phages infect essential bacteria for water purification reactions in groundwater-fed rapid sand filters


Article Microbiology

Variable impact of geochemical gradients on the functional potential of bacteria, archaea, and phages from the permanently stratified Lac Pavin

Alexander L. L. Jaffe et al.

Summary: The metabolism of microbial lineages in Lac Pavin, a stratified lake in central France, is impacted by oxygen gradients, leading to distinct carbon fixation pathways in different zones. However, this impact is smaller on Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR) bacteria and phages compared to other bacteria and archaea.


Article Ecology

Identification of a virulent phage infecting species of Nitrosomonas

Pablo Quiros et al.

Summary: This study reports the isolation of the first phage infecting some Nitrosomonas species. The phage was found to inhibit bacterial growth and reduce NH4+ consumption, suggesting its potential as a biocontrol agent for nitrification inhibition without the use of chemical inhibitors.


Article Ecology

Sulfur cycling and host-virus interactions in Aquificales-dominated biofilms from Yellowstone's hottest ecosystems

Luke J. McKay et al.

Summary: This study identified Sulfurihydrogenibium as the predominant chemoautotrophs in the sublacustrine, vapor-dominated vents of Yellowstone National Park, along with the host-virus interactions within the microbial community. The research also revealed that carbon fixation by Sulfurihydrogenibium was powered by the oxidation of reduced sulfur and H-2, and discovered uncultivated virus genomes associated with this chemoautotroph.


Article Microbiology

Evolutionary Ecology of Natural Comammox Nitrospira Populations

Alejandro Palomo et al.

mSystems (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

Synergistic effects of prokaryotes and oxidants in rapid sand filters treatment of groundwater versus surface water: Purification efficacy, stability and associated mechanisms

Haiyang Yang et al.

Summary: The study demonstrated that the addition of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) significantly reduced the start-up period for treating groundwater and surface water in RSF systems, enhancing manganese removal rates. Prokaryotes played a crucial role in system performance and NH4+-N removal, enriching bacterial community diversity and improving RSF stability when facing hydraulic loading shock. The synergistic effect of KMnO4 and prokaryotes provided new insights into manganese and ammonium elimination in RSF systems, beneficial for practical applications.


Review Microbiology

Interactions between bacterial and phage communities in natural environments

Anne Chevallereau et al.

Summary: This review explores the composition and evolution of phage communities and their roles in controlling the population and evolutionary dynamics of bacterial communities. The study emphasizes the need for greater ecological realism in laboratory studies to better understand the complexity of microbial communities thriving in natural environments.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Can we shape microbial communities to enhance biological activated carbon filter performance?

Zedong Lu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the linkages between microbial community structure and biofilter function in biological activated carbon (BAC) filters. It finds that the pore size distribution of granular activated carbon (GAC) is crucial for BAC filter performance, particularly micropores and micro-level macropores. Additionally, the study reveals that microbial cooperation is more prevalent than competition in BAC filters, and identifies key bacterial species that contribute significantly to metabolic functions.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Systematic and quantitative view of the antiviral arsenal of prokaryotes

Florian Tesson et al.

Summary: Bacteria and archaea have developed multiple antiviral mechanisms. Researchers have introduced a tool called DefenseFinder that can automatically detect known antiviral systems in prokaryotic genomes, and have shown that variations in antiviral strategies correlate with genome size, viral threat, and lifestyle traits.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Microbial ecology of biofiltration used for producing safe drinking water

Xi Bai et al.

Summary: Biofiltration is a crucial water treatment technology for producing safe drinking water. It is gaining worldwide interest due to its advantages of no chemical addition, low energy input, and high removal efficiency of organic compounds, undesirable taste and odours, and pathogens. This review highlights the microbial ecology of three commonly used biofiltration processes in drinking water treatment plants and summarizes their characteristics, removal performance, and newly revealed mechanisms. It also discusses the role of microbial communities in removing nutrients, organic compounds, and pathogens, and suggests future perspectives for a comprehensive understanding of the microbial ecology of biofiltration.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multistep diversification in spatiotemporal bacterial-phage coevolution

Einat Shaer Tamar et al.

Summary: The evolutionary arms race between phages and bacteria is a major driving force of molecular innovation and genetic diversification. However, replicating this dynamic in the lab has been challenging. Researchers co-cultured motile E. coli with the lytic bacteriophage T7 on swimming plates and observed complex spatiotemporal dynamics with multiple genetically diversifying adaptive cycles.


Article Microbiology

Cultivation-independent genomes greatly expand taxonomic-profiling capabilities of mOTUs across various environments

Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh et al.

Summary: We developed mOTUs3, a command line tool that enables accurate species-level profiling of metagenomes. It provides a more comprehensive view of prokaryotic community diversity, especially for underexplored microbiomes. The tool leverages the reconstruction of over 600,000 draft genomes, including metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), to address the lack of reference genomes for many microbial species. mOTUs3 is found to be more accurate and congruent with 16S rRNA gene-based methods, and it increases the resolution of microbial groups and identifies differentially abundant taxa in comparative metagenomic studies.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Ecological dynamics and impacts of viruses in Chinese and global estuaries

Lanlan Cai et al.

Summary: This study investigated the ecological dynamics of viruses in estuarine systems on local and global scales. The results showed significant seasonal variations of viral production in Chinese estuaries, with a direct impact on bacterioplankton standing stock and organic carbon pool. The global data indicated a peak in viral population size at mid-latitude and increased viral production towards the equator in estuarine ecosystems, highlighting the higher viral impact in tropical estuaries.


Article Microbiology

Crop management shapes the diversity and activity of DNA and RNA viruses in the rhizosphere

George Muscatt et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of crop management on the composition and activity of viral communities in soil. The researchers found that soil viruses play a role in driving bacterial community succession and their activity increases with proximity to crop roots. This study provides evidence of crop rotation-driven impacts on soil microbial communities, including viral communities, and highlights the importance of considering soil viruses in exploiting the rhizosphere microbiome for food security and environmental sustainability.


Review Microbiology

Ecological and functional roles of bacteriophages in contrasting environments: marine, terrestrial and human gut

Teagan L. Brown et al.

Summary: The role of bacteriophages in the microbiome is still poorly understood. However, recent metagenomic studies have provided valuable data on the genomic diversity of bacteriophages and their specific roles in microbial communities. By learning from these studies, we can focus on two aspects of bacteriophage's role in the microbiome: their ecological role in structuring bacterial populations and their contribution to microbiome functioning through encoding auxiliary metabolism genes.


Article Microbiology

Extraordinary diversity of viruses in deep-sea sediments as revealed by metagenomics without prior virion separation

Xiaowei Zheng et al.

Summary: Research on viral diversity in deep-sea sediments of Southwest Indian Ocean revealed a large number of unclassified viral groups, with most contigs belonging to dsDNA viruses in the order Caudovirales that primarily infect Proteobacteria. Auxiliary metabolic genes on viral contigs play a crucial role in modulating host responses to environmental changes and nutrient metabolism.


Article Ecology

Potential virus-mediated nitrogen cycling in oxygen-depleted oceanic waters

M. Consuelo Gazitua et al.

Summary: Viruses play a crucial role in marine ecosystems by reprogramming microbial metabolism through auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs). A study found that viruses in Eastern Tropical South Pacific OMZ waters can impact nitrogen cycling processes, suggesting their significant contribution to global nitrogen loss.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

CheckV assesses the quality and completeness of metagenome-assembled viral genomes

Stephen Nayfach et al.

Summary: CheckV is an automated pipeline for identifying closed viral genomes, estimating completeness of genome fragments, and removing host-related regions. By comparing sequences with a large database of complete viral genomes, CheckV assesses the quality of viral genomes assembled from metagenome data. Removing host contamination improves the accurate identification of auxiliary metabolic genes and interpretation of viral-encoded functions.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Massive expansion of human gut bacteriophage diversity

Luis F. Camarillo-Guerrero et al.

Summary: The study reveals the diversity of viruses in the human gut and gene flow networks between different bacterial species, as well as the globally distributed viral populations and a highly prevalent phage clade reminiscent of p-crAssphage.
Article Ecology

Deep sea sediments associated with cold seeps are a subsurface reservoir of viral diversity

Zexin Li et al.

Summary: The study revealed the global diversity and biogeography of cold seep viruses, with seep fluid flux being a major driver of viral community composition. Viruses were found to influence microbial hydrocarbon biodegradation and carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen cycling at cold seeps.


Article Microbiology

VirSorter2: a multi-classifier, expert-guided approach to detect diverse DNA and RNA viruses

Jiarong Guo et al.

Summary: VirSorter2 is a virus identification tool that leverages genome-informed database advances and multiple classifiers to improve accuracy and range of virus sequence detection. It uniquely performs consistently with high accuracy across viral diversity and minimizes errors associated with atypical cellular sequences.


Article Microbiology

Minnesota peat viromes reveal terrestrial and aquatic niche partitioning for local and global viral populations

Anneliek M. ter Horst et al.

Summary: The study reveals that viral community composition in peatlands is influenced by factors such as peat depth, water content, and carbon chemistry, showing distinct aquatic characteristics. Viral populations in peatlands have narrow predicted host ranges. There are strong viral species boundaries between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as between different types of soils.


Article Ecology

Diversity and distribution of viruses inhabiting the deepest ocean on Earth

Huahua Jian et al.

Summary: By analyzing 19 microbial metagenomes from different oceanic trenches, this study established the oceanic trench viral genome dataset (OTVGD) and found that the trench viral communities exhibited high novelty and potential infection to ecologically important microbial clades. Inter-trench and intra-trench exchange of viral communities was proposed, along with niche-dependent distribution patterns and genomic properties in different habitats and ocean zones. Notably, viruses in the hadal zone seemed to prefer lysogenic lifestyles and had specific auxiliary metabolic genes, suggesting their impact on the hadal ecosystem.


Article Microbiology

Diverse Viruses Carrying Genes for Microbial Extremotolerance in the Atacama Desert Hyperarid Soil

Yunha Hwang et al.

Summary: Viruses in Atacama Desert soils play essential roles in host-virus interactions, spreading stress resilience and metabolic genes to ensure host survival; the virus-host interactions are dynamic and complex, shaping uniquely adapted microbiomes in this highly selective and hostile environment.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Bacteriophage classification for assembled contigs using graph convolutional network

Jiayu Shang et al.

Summary: Bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, play crucial roles in microbial biology, but their classification faces challenges due to high diversity and limited knowledge. A novel semi-supervised learning model called PhaGCN combines DNA and protein sequence features to classify phage contigs effectively, showing competitive performance against existing tools in both simulated and real sequencing data.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Prokaryotic viruses impact functional microorganisms in nutrient removal and carbon cycle in wastewater treatment plants

Yiqiang Chen et al.

Summary: This study presents a catalogue of approximately 50,000 prokaryotic viruses from six WWTPs, significantly increasing the known diversity of AS viruses. Most viral genera are found in multiple AS systems, spanning various archaeal and bacterial phyla, and linked with functional microorganisms controlling nitrogen/phosphorous removal. Notably, Mycobacterium, associated with AS foaming, is connected with 402 viral genera. These findings expand the current AS virus catalogue and provide insights for phage treatment in controlling undesired microorganisms in WWTPs.


Article Microbiology

Enhanced mutualistic symbiosis between soil phages and bacteria with elevated chromium-induced environmental stress

Dan Huang et al.

Summary: The study revealed that heavy metal pollution affected the abundance, diversity, and composition of viral and bacterial communities in soils. Enhanced host-phage linkage and mutualistic phage-bacterium interactions were observed under greater environmental stresses, facilitating the spread of heavy metal resistance genes and adaptation of the microbial community to extreme habitats. Viral genomic analysis further demonstrated that lysogenic phages under higher Cr-induced stresses carried more auxiliary metabolic genes regulating microbial heavy metal detoxification.


Article Microbiology

Metagenomic compendium of 189,680 DNA viruses from the human gut microbiome

Stephen Nayfach et al.

Summary: By mining deposited human stool metagenomes, nearly 190,000 draft-quality DNA virus genomes were recovered to create the Metagenomic Gut Virus catalogue, improving virus detection in stool metagenomes and revealing diverse retroelements with potential involvement in the molecular arms race between phages and their bacterial hosts.


Article Microbiology

INfrastructure for a PHAge REference Database: Identification of Large-Scale Biases in the Current Collection of Cultured Phage Genomes

Ryan Cook et al.

Summary: As of January 2021, 14,244 complete phage genomes have been sequenced. The majority of phages in the database infect a small number of bacterial genera, with a bias towards lytic phages. The study suggests isolating and sequencing more phages, especially temperate phages, from a wider variety of hosts to better understand phage diversity.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

IMG/VR v3: an integrated ecological and evolutionary framework for interrogating genomes of uncultivated viruses

Simon Roux et al.

Summary: Viruses play a crucial role in shaping microbial community structures and driving global nutrient cycles by infecting cellular hosts. The IMG/VR database offers access to a vast collection of viral sequences, providing insights into viral genome diversity.


Review Immunology

New insights into intestinal phages

R. Sausset et al.


Review Microbiology

Phage diversity, genomics and phylogeny

Moira B. Dion et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

DRAM for distilling microbial metabolism to automate the curation of microbiome function

Michael Shaffer et al.


Article Microbiology

Large freshwater phages with the potential to augment aerobic methane oxidation

Lin-Xing Chen et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular and Evolutionary Determinants of Bacteriophage Host Range

Patrick A. de Jonge et al.


Review Biochemical Research Methods

Applying biotechnology for drinking water biofiltration: advancing science and practice

Mary Jo Kirisits et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)

Simon Roux et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Medium shapes the microbial community of water filters with implications for effluent quality

Marta Vignola et al.


Article Microbiology

Host-linked soil viral ecology along a permafrost thaw gradient

Joanne B. Emerson et al.


Article Microbiology

Taxonomic variability and functional stability in microbial communities infected by phages

Stilianos Louca et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Nontargeted virus sequence discovery pipeline and virus clustering for metagenomic data

David Paez-Espino et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Population cycles and species diversity in dynamic Kill-the-Winner model of microbial ecosystems

Sergei Maslov et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

propr: An R-package for Identifying Proportionally Abundant Features Using Compositional Data Analysis

Thomas P. Quinn et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

WIsH: who is the host? Predicting prokaryotic hosts from metagenomic phage contigs

Clovis Galiez et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Comparison of sand-based water filters for point-of-use arsenic removal in China

Kate Smith et al.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Applications of biofiltration in drinking water treatment - a review

Onita D. Basu et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Uncovering Earth's virome

David Paez-Espino et al.

NATURE (2016)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Interactive tree of life (iTOL) v3: an online tool for the display and annotation of phylogenetic and other trees

Ivica Letunic et al.


Article Automation & Control Systems

zCompositions - R Package for multivariate imputation of left-censored data under a compositional approach

Javier Palarea-Albaladejo et al.


Review Biochemical Research Methods

Drinking water microbiology - from measurement to management

Caitlin R. Proctor et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data

Anthony M. Bolger et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

MS2 Bacteriophage Reduction and Microbial Communities in Biosand Filters

Hanting Wang et al.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Removal of ammonium, iron and manganese from potable water in biofiltration units: a review

Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

CD-HIT: accelerated for clustering the next-generation sequencing data

Limin Fu et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Removal of MS2, Qβ and GA bacteriophages during drinking water treatment at pilot scale

Nicolas Boudaud et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification

Doug Hyatt et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Efficient phage-mediated pigment biosynthesis in oceanic cyanabacteria

Thorben Dammeyer et al.


Review Microbiology

Marine viruses - major players in the global ecosystem

Curtis A. Suttle


Article Engineering, Chemical

Rapid gravity sand filters: Development in filter floor design

David Shepherd


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Photosynthesis genes in marine viruses yield proteins during host infection

D Lindell et al.

NATURE (2005)