4.6 Editorial Material

Decoding a ribosome uncertainty


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Ratchet, swivel, tilt and roll: a complete description of subunit rotation in the ribosome

Asem Hassan et al.

Summary: Protein synthesis requires large-scale rearrangements of the ribosome. By analyzing the RCSB PDB database, we describe the structures of ribosome complexes and subunits from various species. We found universal and organism/domain-specific aspects of subunit rearrangements. This study provides a foundation for further research on the dynamics of this molecular machine.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

mRNA decoding in human is kinetically and structurally distinct from bacteria

Mikael Holm et al.

Summary: In all species, ribosomes synthesize proteins by decoding mRNA nucleotide sequences. While knowledge of the decoding mechanism is derived from bacterial systems, eukaryotes achieve higher fidelity decoding. Changes in decoding fidelity in humans are linked to aging and disease and have therapeutic implications. This study reveals that the molecular basis of ribosome fidelity in humans is kinetically and structurally distinct from bacteria, due to eukaryote-specific structural elements in the ribosome and elongation factor eEF1A.

NATURE (2023)

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Translational control through ribosome heterogeneity and functional specialization

David M. Gay et al.

Summary: The concept of ribosome specialization originates from the early days of molecular biology, but has recently gained momentum. Studies have identified distinct ribosome populations in various species and model systems, with some potentially having functional specialization in regulating specific mRNA translation. Further research in this field could reveal a new layer of gene expression control at the translation level, where the ribosome plays a key regulatory role.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Visualizing translation dynamics at atomic detail inside a bacterial cell

Liang Xue et al.

Summary: This study visualizes the structural dynamics of translation inside Mycoplasma pneumoniae using cryo-electron tomography and sub-tomogram analysis. It reveals 13 distinct ribosome states that recapitulate major states previously resolved in vitro and shows how antibiotics reshape translation landscapes. The study also demonstrates the formation of polysomes during translation elongation and proposes a local coordination mechanism mediated by ribosomal protein L9 to facilitate translation fidelity.

NATURE (2022)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Functional Dynamics within the Human Ribosome Regulate the Rate of Active Protein Synthesis

Angelica Ferguson et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome

Alexey Amunts et al.

SCIENCE (2015)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Optimization of speed and accuracy of decoding in translation

Ingo Wohlgemuth et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Conformational Sampling of Aminoacyl-tRNA during Selection on the Bacterial Ribosome

Peter Geggier et al.