4.7 Article

Interface failure identification of argon/nitrogen double plasma modified hybrid laminated para-aramid composites


Article Materials Science, Composites

Enhanced mechanical property of continuous carbon fiber/polyamide thermoplastic composites by combinational treatments of carbon fiber fabric

Haibin Zhao et al.

Summary: To improve the strength and stiffness of continuous carbon fiber/polyamide (PA 6) thermoplastic composites, combinational treatments of liquid phase oxidation, coupling agent, and coating were used to enhance the surface activity of CF fabric and interfacial bonding with PA 6 matrix. The results showed increased chemical activity on the CF surface and successful grafting of KH550. The tensile strength and Young's modulus of the composites were significantly improved by 21.2% and 24.1% respectively, and the retention rates of flexural strength and ILSS after damp heat aging were 66% and 67% respectively.


Article Acoustics

Laplacian score and K-means data clustering for damage characterization of adhesively bonded CFRP composites by means of acoustic emission technique

Claudia Barile et al.

Summary: In this study, CFRP composites adhesively bonded in a Single Lap Shear configuration were tested and analyzed using Acoustic Emission data to characterize damage modes. Selected features based on Laplacian scores were analyzed using k-means clustering algorithm to establish relationships among them, particularly the strong relationship between Amplitude and Frequency Centroid in characterizing damage modes. Comprehensive characterization of damage modes in each loading stage and final failure was achieved using this method.


Article Materials Science, Composites

Damage evolution behavior of cold plasma treated glass fiber/vinyl ester resin composites under bending load by acoustic emission

Ruosi Yan et al.

Summary: This study investigates the preparation and mechanical properties of cold plasma treated glass fiber/vinyl ester resin composites. It was found that the bending resistance of composites treated with argon plasma was the highest, while oxygen plasma treatment led to fiber damage and brittleness, reducing material strength and plasticity. Optimal conditions for highest bending resistance were found to be power 150W, flow rate 10sccm, and time 120s.


Article Mechanics

Synergetic enhancement of interfacial properties and impact resistant of UHMWPE fiber reinforced composites by oxygen plasma modification

Mengjin Wu et al.

Summary: This study reveals the synergistic enhancement of oxygen plasma treatment on the interfacial properties and impact resistance of UHMWPE fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. The optimal parameters for the treatment were found to significantly improve the shear performance at the interface and mechanical properties of the composites.


Article Mechanics

Study on behavior and mechanism of low-velocity impact and post-impact flexural properties of carbon-aramid/epoxy resin laminated composites

Jin Tian et al.

Summary: The paper investigates the effects of hybrid effect and stacking configuration of carbon fiber and aramid fiber fabric on the properties of composite laminates. The ACACA laminated structure shows the best impact resistance and residual flexural property. Micro-CT analysis reveals the damage modes of the laminates under impact and post-impact flexural. The distribution of aramid fibers effectively reduces material damage caused by stress concentration.


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Cluster analysis of acoustic emission signals for tensile damage characterization of quasi-static indented carbon/glass fiber-reinforced hybrid laminate composites

Ning Pei et al.

Summary: The study applied the acoustic emission method to investigate the damage and failure mechanism of carbon/glass fiber-reinforced hybrid laminate composite specimens during tensile experiments. The post-processed AE signals were found to correlate with different damage modes identified by Micro-CT imaging, demonstrating the reliability of AE signals for composite structure health monitoring.


Article Mechanics

A quantitative assessment of the damage mechanisms of CFRP laminates interleaved by PA66 electrospun nanofibers using acoustic emission

Reza Mohammadi et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that adding nanofibrous mats can significantly reduce damage mechanisms in carbon fiber reinforced polymers, including matrix cracking, fiber breakage, and fiber/matrix debonding. The combination of acoustic emission and scanning electron microscope techniques is useful for assessing the damage mechanisms.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Effects of Oxygen Plasma Treatments on Surface Functional Groups and Shear Strength of Carbon Fiber Composites

Zhongyao Zhang et al.

Summary: Reactive plasma discharges, specifically low-pressure O-2 plasma treatments, have been shown to modify the morphology and chemistry of composite surfaces, resulting in increased shear strength of carbon fiber composites by promoting mechanical interlocking and interfacial chemical bonding. These improvements are attributed to the exposure and oxidation of imide groups on the composite surfaces, leading to enhanced adhesion and covalent bond formation with epoxides in adhesives.


Article Mechanics

Post-impact flexural behavior of carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid composites

A. Wagih et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Influence of Low-Pressure RF Plasma Treatment on Aramid Yarns Properties

Alicja Nejman et al.


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Effect of plasma gas and Ar incorporation on the shear strength between carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic polymer and Al

Yoon Sang Kim et al.


Article Engineering, Multidisciplinary

The effects of plasma surface treatment on the mechanical properties of polycarbonate/carbon nanotube/carbon fiber composites

Beom-Gon Cho et al.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Surface lignin removal on coir fibers by plasma treatment for improved adhesion in thermoplastic starch composites

Joao Gabriel Guimaraes de Farias et al.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Impact of surface plasma treatment on the performance of PET fiber reinforcement in cementitious composites

J. Trejbal et al.