4.7 Article

Molecular mechanism overview of metabolite biosynthesis in medicinal plants


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Efficient heterologous expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes in microorganisms for the biosynthesis of natural products

Baodong Hu et al.

Summary: Natural products are structurally diverse molecules with a wide range of biological activities. Cytochrome P450 enzymes are involved in the biosynthesis of many natural products and recent research has provided new insights for their application in the biosynthesis of natural products.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Genome-wide identification and analysis of the PAL genes from the orchids Apostasia shenzhenica, Dendrobium catenatum and Phalaenopsis equestris

Santosh Kumar Vishwakarma et al.

Summary: In this study, nine PAL genes were identified from three orchid species, and differential expression patterns were found in different tissues. Furthermore, the functional characterization of PAL genes can be utilized in the genetic improvement of medicinal orchids.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Complex scaffold remodeling in plant triterpene biosynthesis

Ricardo De La Pena et al.

Summary: Triterpenes with complex scaffold modifications are common in plants, and limonoids are a well-known family responsible for the bitter taste in citrus and the active constituents of neem oil. However, the complete biosynthetic route of limonoids has not been described. This study discovered 22 enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of important limonoids and provided a template for the discovery and reconstitution of triterpene biosynthetic pathways in plants.

SCIENCE (2023)

Article Biodiversity Conservation

Plant secondary metabolic responses to global climate change: A meta-analysis in medicinal and aromatic plants

Yuming Sun et al.

Summary: Plant secondary metabolites play crucial roles in plant-environment interactions and are greatly affected by global climate changes. Our meta-analysis study on medicinal and aromatic plants showed that phenolic and terpenoid levels generally respond positively to elevated carbon dioxide (eCO(2)) but negatively to elevated nitrogen deposition (eN), while total alkaloid concentration increases with eN. Decreased precipitation (dP) promotes the levels of all secondary metabolites, while elevated temperature (eT) positively influences the levels of phenolic compounds. The responses of secondary metabolites to climate changes are moderated by plant functional types, climate change levels, mean annual temperature, and mean annual precipitation. Plant phenolic and terpenoid responses to climate changes can be attributed to variations in carbon to nitrogen ratio and total soluble sugar levels.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Recombination Variation Shapes Phylogeny and Introgression in Wild Diploid Strawberries

Chao Feng et al.

Summary: In this study, the phylogeny and genomic characteristics of introgression in wild diploid strawberries were investigated. It was found that regions with low recombination played a crucial role in hybridization and contributed to the construction of the species tree. Complex and widespread introgression was revealed across the genus Fragaria, with an average proportion of approximately 4.1% of the extant genome. Additionally, selective sweeps on four SLF genes were identified, suggesting their potential roles in the regain of self-incompatibility through ancient introgression.


Review Engineering, Chemical

Signal Molecules Regulate the Synthesis of Secondary Metabolites in the Interaction between Endophytes and Medicinal Plants

Yaxuan Wang et al.

Summary: Signaling molecules play a crucial role in connecting endophytes and host plants. They are involved in the recognition of endophytes, regulation of host plant growth and development, and synthesis of secondary metabolites. This review provides an overview of the types and characteristics of signaling molecules in medicinal plants, as well as the intracellular conduction and multi-molecular crosstalk of signaling molecules during interactions between endophytic bacteria and medicinal plants. It also summarizes the molecular mechanisms of signal molecules in the accumulation and regulation of medical metabolites. This work serves as a reference for utilizing endophytic bacteria and medicinal plants to synthesize pharmaceutical active ingredients in a bioreactor.


Article Plant Sciences

Photoperiod controls plant seed size in a CONSTANS-dependent manner

Bin Yu et al.

Summary: Photoperiod plays a prominent role in seed development by controlling seed size in different plant species. The central regulator CONSTANS directly represses the transcription of AP2, thereby modulating seed size in a photoperiod-dependent manner.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Targeting COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) main protease through active phytochemicals of ayurvedic medicinal plants -Withania somnifera(Ashwagandha),Tinospora cordifolia(Giloy) andOcimum sanctum(Tulsi) - a molecular docking study

Priya Shree et al.

Summary: By utilizing molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, this study identifies potential phytochemicals from medicinal plants that could inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and possess drug-like properties.


Article Plant Sciences

Flavonoids are involved in phosphorus-deficiency-induced cluster-root formation in white lupin

Chuanyong Xiong et al.

Summary: This study found that cluster-root formation in white lupin under phosphorus deficiency is regulated by flavonoids. Phosphorus deficiency induces flavonoid accumulation and promotes cluster-root development by modulating auxin response.


Article Virology

Human immunodeficiency virus: The potential of medicinal plants as antiretroviral therapy

Muhammad Shahzad et al.

Summary: This study explores the anti-HIV potential of various medicinal plant extracts and finds that they inhibit HIV replication in vitro with low cytotoxicity. These natural extracts have the potential to become complementary and alternative medicine for HIV infection.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Modern Approaches in the Discovery and Development of Plant-Based Natural Products and Their Analogues as Potential Therapeutic Agents

Asim Najmi et al.

Summary: Natural products are an important source of new lead compounds in drug discovery research, especially those derived from plants. Despite pharmaceutical companies' lack of attention to natural product drug discovery, recent technological advancements have revived scientific interest. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the various approaches used in selecting, authenticating, extracting/isolating, screening, and developing natural products, with a focus on bioactivity-guided fractionation. The integration of interdisciplinary approaches, technological advances, and new methods holds great potential for the future development of therapeutic drugs.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Discovery and biosynthesis of cyclic plant peptides via autocatalytic cyclases

Desnor N. Chigumba et al.

Summary: This study reveals the biosynthetic mechanism of plant cyclic peptides and identifies five classes of plant RiPP derived from BURP domains, laying the foundation for further exploration of plant RiPP natural products.


Article Plant Sciences

Dendrobine attenuates osteoclast differentiation through modulating ROS/NFATc1/MMP9 pathway and prevents inflammatory bone destruction

Wende Deng et al.

Summary: This study found that dendrobine can alleviate inflammatory osteolysis by inhibiting osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. In vitro experiments showed that dendrobine exerted its effects by suppressing ROS, p38-c-Fos, and NFATc1-MMP9. In vivo experiments showed that oral administration of dendrobine prevented LPS-induced osteolysis.


Article Plant Sciences

Transcriptome sequencing and flavonoid metabolism analysis in the leaves of three different cultivars of Acer truncatum

Qian Qiao et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the differential gene expression associated with different leaf colors and growth stages in Acer truncatum varieties using transcriptome sequencing and flavonoid metabolism. The study also explored the relationships between gene expression and flavonoid and anthocyanin contents, aiming to improve the ornamental value and develop flavonoid-rich A. truncatum. The findings shed light on the key genes involved in breeding red A. truncatum and varieties with high flavonoid content.


Article Integrative & Complementary Medicine

Compound traditional Chinese medicine dermatitis ointment ameliorates inflammatory responses and dysregulation of itch-related molecules in atopic dermatitis

Rongrong Zhang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the active ingredients of CTCMDO and established its fingerprint. It was found that CTCMDO could suppress itch behavior in a dose-dependent manner and improve AD by inhibiting the production of cytokines, reversing the upregulation of itch-related genes, and suppressing the phosphorylation of certain protein kinases.


Article Plant Sciences

Significant improvement of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) transgenic plant production by pre-transformation with a Baby boom transcription factor.

Jiajing Chen et al.

Summary: This study demonstrated that ectopic expression of the MdBBM1 gene dramatically increased the efficiency of transgenic apple plant production. It provided a solution for overcoming the barriers to transgenic plant production in apple and possibly in other trees.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Versatile ginsenoside Rg3 liposomes inhibit tumor metastasis by capturing circulating tumor cells and destroying metastatic niches

Jiaxuan Xia et al.

Summary: The limited capturing efficiency of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and the lack of regulation capability on CTC-supportive metastatic niches (MNs) are two main obstacles for the clinical translation of conventional liposomes in treating metastatic breast cancers. A multifunctional Rg3 liposome loaded with docetaxel (Rg3-Lp/DTX) was developed, which exhibited higher CTC-capturing efficiency through interaction with glucose transporter 1 (Glut1) and inhibited the formation of MNs by reversing the immunosuppressive microenvironment. This strategy has great clinical translation prospects for antimetastasis treatment with enhanced therapeutic efficacy and a simple preparation process.


Review Plant Sciences

H+-ATPases in Plant Growth and Stress Responses

Ying Li et al.

Summary: P-type and V-type H+-ATPases are important ATP-driven proton pumps that play distinct roles in plant growth and stress adaptation, regulated by hormones and environmental cues. Understanding their regulatory mechanisms provides new perspectives for improving plant growth and stress tolerance.


Article Plant Sciences

Genetic mapping and physiological analysis of chlorophyll-deficient mutant in Brassica napus L

Na Lin et al.

Summary: By studying the yellow leaf mutant of Brassica napus, it was found that the mutant had significantly reduced chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency, as well as abnormal chloroplast morphology. Mapping and validating the mutant gene will facilitate the cloning of related genes and provide more genetic and physiological information about chloroplast development in Brassica napus.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A phenylalanine ammonia lyase from Fritillaria unibracteata promotes drought tolerance by regulating lignin biosynthesis and SA signaling pathway

Yu Qin et al.

Summary: Drought is a key threat to plants and agriculture, and the role of the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) in drought tolerance has been explored in this study. A PAL member called FuPAL1 was isolated from the alpine pharmaceutical plant Fritillaria unibracteata. FuPAL1 was found to play a role in the ammonization process and was involved in substrate binding and catalysis. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants with FuPAL1 showed increased levels of lignin and salicylic acid and enhanced drought tolerance. These findings suggest that FuPAL1 could be a valuable target for improving drought resistance.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Effects of Fe and Mn Deficiencies on the Root Protein Profiles of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Using Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and Label-Free Shotgun Analyses

Laura Ceballos-Laita et al.

Summary: Iron and manganese are essential elements for plants, but they compete for the same uptake transporters and show conflicting interactions at the regulatory level. Proteomic techniques were used to study the proteome profiles of tomato roots grown under iron or manganese deficiency. The results showed that both deficiencies led to common cell wall remodelling, but differed greatly in terms of oxidative stress, coumarin production, protein, nitrogen, and energy metabolism.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Integrated LC-MS and GC-MS-Based Metabolomics Reveal the Effects of Plant Competition on the Rye Metabolome

Hossein Hazrati et al.

Summary: In this study, the effects of different levels of competition on the metabolome of rye plants were examined. The results showed that high competition reduced the concentration of BXs and increased the levels of other compounds in rye roots, indicating the plants' ability to enhance their defense mechanisms under induced stress. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the biochemical response of plant species to competition.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Warm temperature compromises JA-regulated basal resistance to enhance Magnaporthe oryzae infection in rice

Jiehua Qiu et al.

Summary: Changes in global temperatures have a significant impact on the occurrence of plant diseases. This study reveals the molecular mechanism behind the epidemic of rice blast at warm temperatures, showing that reduced JA biosynthesis and signaling enhance the susceptibility to Magnaporthe oryzae infection.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Isolation, Structural Characterization and Macrophage Activation Activity of an Acidic Polysaccharide from Raspberry Pulp

Yongjing Yang et al.

Summary: The study extracted and isolated a homogenous acidic polysaccharide, RPP-2a, from raspberry pulp, which exhibited immunomodulatory effects by activating macrophages and enhancing immune function. RPP-2a has a high molecular weight and consists of various sugar moieties, making it a potential natural immune-enhancing agent.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSER OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES 5 is an RNA-binding protein controlling plant immunity via an RNA processing complex

Shun Peng et al.

Summary: CPR5 is an RNA-binding protein that modulates plant immunity by interacting with RNA processing complexes. It functions together with the NineTeen Complex and CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR to activate plant immunity. CPR5 belongs to the Transformer 2 (Tra2) subfamily of RNA-binding proteins and is localized in nuclear speckles. It binds to RNA sequences targeted by Tra2 proteins and is involved in alternative splicing of CPR5-regulated genes.


Article Plant Sciences

Glyphosate-induced GhAG2 is involved in resistance to salt stress in cotton

Wancong Yu et al.

Summary: The transcription of GhAG2 was significantly enhanced by glyphosate treatment, and overexpression of GhAG2 in transgenic plants improved salt and salicylic acid stress tolerance. The study identified differentially expressed genes in response to glyphosate treatment and highlighted the potential of GhAG2 in enhancing stress tolerance in crops. The results provide insights into glyphosate-induced transcriptional changes, potential applications of GhAG2 in crop improvement, and the development of a glyphosate-inducible gene expression system in plants.


Article Plant Sciences

Identification of novel regulators required for early development of vein pattern in the cotyledons by single-cell RNA-sequencing

Zhixin Liu et al.

Summary: In this study, we comprehensively characterized the early differentiation and development of leaf veins in 3-day-old cotyledons based on single-cell transcriptome analysis. We identified the cell types and novel marker genes of leaf veins and characterized the novel regulators of leaf vein.


Article Plant Sciences

Cloning of a CHS gene of Poncirus trifoliata and its expression in response to soil water deficit and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Zhen Liu et al.

Summary: This study cloned a CHS gene from trifoliate orange and analyzed its biological information and partial functions. PtCHS was found to be highly expressed in stems, leaves and flowers, but lowly expressed in roots and seeds. Soil water deficit up-regulated expressions of PtCHS in leaves. An arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus significantly increased plant biomass production, CHS activity, expressions of PtCHS, and total flavonoid content in leaves and roots, independent of soil water status.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Engineering of triterpene metabolism and overexpression of the lignin biosynthesis gene PAL promotes ginsenoside Rg3 accumulation in ginseng plant chassis

Lu Yao et al.

Summary: In this study, we developed a multi-modular strategy to enhance the yield of ginsenoside Rg(3) in Panax ginseng. By improving the enzymatic efficiency and metabolic flux, we successfully increased the accumulation of ginsenoside Rg(3). The established high-production system could potentially be used for commercial production of ginsenoside Rg(3) for pharmaceutical purposes.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Biosynthesis of strychnine

Benke Hong et al.

Summary: Strychnine, a natural product with potent neurotoxicity, is currently used as a pesticide. Its complex polycyclic structure has inspired chemists to develop new synthetic methods. This study reveals the biosynthetic pathway of strychnine, along with related compounds brucine and diaboline, and successfully demonstrates the synthesis of these compounds in Nicotiana benthamiana through metabolic engineering.

NATURE (2022)

Review Cell Biology

Reactive oxygen species signalling in plant stress responses

Ron Mittler et al.

Summary: This review discusses the essential role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant responses to abiotic and biotic stresses, as well as the mechanisms of ROS signaling, regulation, and resilience in plants.


Article Plant Sciences

Natural and induced variations in transcriptional regulator genes result in low-nicotine phenotypes in tobacco

Tsubasa Shoji et al.

Summary: In this study, the researchers investigated the regulation of nicotine biosynthesis in tobacco and identified several low-nicotine tobacco varieties lacking specific transcription factors. They characterized the newly identified alleles and examined their influence on alkaloid contents and gene expression related to nicotine biosynthesis. They also demonstrated the effect of a distal genomic region deletion on the expression of a key transcription factor and the alkaloid phenotype. These findings provide new insights into the regulation of nicotine biosynthesis and offer genetic resources for breeding low-nicotine tobacco.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A role for ascorbate conjugates of (+)-catechin in proanthocyanidin polymerization

Keji Yu et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates the involvement of ascorbate-linked flavan-3-ol oligomers in the extension of proanthocyanidins. These novel intermediates, termed sub-PAs, provide new insights into the mechanism of PA oligomerization.


Article Plant Sciences

BnaA03.ANS Identified by Metabolomics and RNA-seq Partly Played Irreplaceable Role in Pigmentation of Red Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Petal

Pengfei Hao et al.

Summary: In this study, the metabolites and genes involved in red pigment formation in rapeseed petals were identified. Flavonoids, especially anthocyanins, were found to play an important role in red pigment formation, and BnaA03.ANS was identified as an irreplaceable gene in red-flowered rapeseed.


Article Genetics & Heredity

TinoTranscriptDB: A Database of Transcripts and Microsatellite Markers of Tinospora cordifolia, an Important Medicinal Plant

Rakesh Singh et al.

Summary: In this study, a transcriptome database for Tinospora cordifolia was constructed, providing information on transcripts and transcription factors. This database will address the lack of genomic resources for T. cordifolia and facilitate molecular breeding and related research for genetic improvement.
Review Plant Sciences

Apomixis: genetic basis and controlling genes

Yuantao Xu et al.

Summary: Apomixis is a clonal reproduction phenomenon by seed, with potential applications in genotype fixation and agricultural breeding strategies. The introduction of apomixis to major crops would bring benefits, but there are challenges to its application in crops.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Conduction of a chemical structure-guided metabolic phenotype analysis method targeting phenylpropane pathway via LC-MS: Ginkgo biloba and soybean as examples

Jie Meng et al.

Summary: The phenylpropane pathway (PPP) is a significant metabolic route that can impact the flavor, taste and nutrients of food. By designing a structural periodic table and using liquid chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 103 metabolites produced from PPP has been achieved, providing valuable insights for studying the metabolic balance of PPP and its practical application.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Plant-based engineering for production of high-valued natural products

Sasilada Sirirungruang et al.

Summary: Plants are a unique source of specialized metabolites, but their availability fails to meet the current demands. This article explores plant engineering as a complementary path to expand the production capacity of target plant molecules, highlighting emerging engineering tools and scientific advances.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Artemisinin inhibits NRas palmitoylation by targeting the protein acyltransferase ZDHHC6

Nan Qiu et al.

Summary: Protein S-palmitoylation is crucial in cancer cells, and artemisinin, a clinically approved antimalarial drug, has been found to inhibit a specific palmitoyl transferase, reducing palmitoylation of oncogenic proteins and disrupting cell proliferation signaling cascades.


Article Plant Sciences

Deficiency in flavonoid biosynthesis genes CHS, CHI, and CHIL alters rice flavonoid and lignin profiles

Pui Ying Lam et al.

Summary: This study investigates the formation of tricin-incorporated lignin and its effects on cell wall properties in rice mutants deficient in early flavonoid biosynthetic genes. The results show that the mutants lacking CHS, CHI, and CHIL are depleted of extractable flavones and tricin-lignin in the cell walls. However, the cell wall saccharification efficiencies of these mutants are similar to that of the wild-type controls, suggesting the complex metabolic consequences of tricin pathway perturbations and the relationship between lignin profiles and cell wall properties.


Article Plant Sciences

Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals Multiple Phytometabolites in the Agricultural Waste Materials and Medicinal Materials of Codonopsis pilosula

Xu Zeng et al.

Summary: Codonopsis pilosula, a traditional Chinese medicinal plant, has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. While the roots of C. pilosula are considered medicinal, the aerial parts are often discarded. However, studies have shown that the stems and leaves of C. pilosula also contain active metabolites. Analyzing the waste products from the leaves and stems, researchers identified numerous differentially expressed metabolites, indicating the potential value of utilizing these parts of the plant.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Ca2+ sensor-mediated ROS scavenging suppresses rice immunity and is exploited by a fungal effector

Mingjun Gao et al.

Summary: The discovery of a conserved immune suppression network in cereals centered on the Ca2+-sensor ROD1 is significant in understanding how plants fine-tune immune homeostasis. ROD1 promotes reactive oxygen species scavenging and its disruption confers resistance to multiple pathogens. The fungal effector AvrPiz-t structurally mimics ROD1 to suppress host immunity and promote virulence, revealing a molecular framework for breeding disease-resistant, high-yield crops.
Article Chemistry, Applied

Characterization and differentiation of quinoa seed proteomes by label-free mass spectrometry-based shotgun proteomics

Rocio Galindo-Lujan et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the proteins from different varieties of quinoa seeds from Peru and Bolivia using advanced LC-MS/MS technology, identifying protein similarities and differences in the proteome. The comprehensive experimental quinoa seed proteome map presented in this study serves as a valuable starting point for further characterization and nutritional studies of quinoa and quinoa-containing food products.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biosynthesis and Roles of Salicylic Acid in Balancing Stress Response and Growth in Plants

Qinling Zhong et al.

Summary: Salicylic acid (SA) is a key plant hormone in defense against pathogen infection, predominantly synthesized from isochorismate in Arabidopsis. Recent studies have shed light on how SA regulates plant growth by crosstalk with the growth-promoting hormone auxin, affecting defense and growth balance. Further understanding of SA biosynthesis and its role in defense and growth will be crucial for improving crop disease resistance and fitness.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Identification of Co-Expressed Genes Related to Theacrine Synthesis in Tea Flowers at Different Developmental Stages

Xiaomin Chen et al.

Summary: Jiaocheng kucha flowers contain theacrine, with the highest content being in the flower bud stage. Differentially expressed genes related to theacrine synthesis were identified, indicating that ADSL and UAZ may play key roles in regulating the metabolism of theacrine in the flowers of Jiaocheng kucha.


Article Plant Sciences

Genome and transcriptome of Papaver somniferum Chinese landrace CHM indicates that massive genome expansion contributes to high benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis

Li Pei et al.

Summary: The study presents the de novo assembly and genomic analysis of the Opium poppy traditional landrace 'Chinese Herbal Medicine', comparing it with a previously sequenced variety. Through comparative analysis, it was found that opium poppy underwent two whole-genome duplication events, which led to gene family expansions related to characteristic secondary metabolite production and disease resistance. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses identified genes associated with agronomically different phenotypes, providing valuable resources for future basic and agricultural studies of the opium poppy.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Roles of the 2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenase Superfamily in the Flavonoid Pathway: A Review of the Functional Diversity of F3H, FNS I, FLS, and LDOX/ANS

Yueyue Wang et al.

Summary: The 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (2-OGD) superfamily is one of the largest protein families in plants, and its members mainly catalyze the metabolism of flavonoids in plants. Different enzymes play their respective dominant roles in the flavonoid metabolic pathway, despite the presence of functional redundancy among them.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

ROS regulated reversible protein phase separation synchronizes plant flowering

Xiaozhen Huang et al.

Summary: The study reveals that H2O2 in plant shoot apical meristem triggers reversible protein phase separation of TMF, a transcription factor that controls flowering transition in tomatoes. This process involves oxidation-regulated disulfide bonds formation within TMF, allowing it to bind and repress the expression of floral identity genes, providing aerobic organisms with flexibility in gene control in response to developmental cues.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Efficient gene targeting in Nicotiana tabacum using CRISPR/SaCas9 and temperature tolerant LbCas12a

Teng-Kuei Huang et al.

Summary: Nicotiana tabacum, a non-food herb, shows potential as a bio-factory for producing medicines, vaccines, or valuable metabolites, but improving genetic tools for targeted genome modifications is crucial. By replacing SpCas9 with other CRISPR/Cas-based nucleases like SaCas9 and ttLbCas12a, targeting the tobacco SuRB gene showed improved efficiencies, suggesting ttLbCas12a as a superior alternative for gene editing in tobacco and other crops.


Review Plant Sciences

Salicylic Acid: Biosynthesis and Signaling

Yujun Peng et al.

Summary: Salicylic acid (SA) serves as a crucial plant defense hormone, playing essential roles in plant immunity against pathogens. Significant progress has been made in understanding the biosynthesis, perception, and receptor regulation of SA in recent years, but there are still key questions that need to be addressed in SA biosynthesis and signaling.


Article Plant Sciences

A Bifunctional Synthetic Peptide With Antimicrobial and Plant Elicitation Properties That Protect Tomato Plants From Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Laura Montesinos et al.

Summary: The hybrid peptide BP178, engineered for plant expression, exhibits strong bactericidal activity and induces plant defense responses in tomato plants, enhancing their resistance against pathogenic bacteria. The upregulated genes include pathogenesis-related proteins and transcription factors involved in signaling pathways, suggesting that BP178 acts through a dual mechanism of antimicrobial activity and plant defense elicitation.


Article Plant Sciences

LC-MS Based Draft Map of the Arabidopsis thaliana Nuclear Proteome and Protein Import in Pattern Triggered Immunity

Mohamed Ayash et al.

Summary: The plant nucleus, despite its importance in genetic information and gene expression, has been understudied. In this study, nuclear proteome fractions from Arabidopsis thaliana cells treated with two elicitors of plant immunity were analyzed. The research revealed potential nuclear protein import upon elicitation of immunity and changes in protein abundance in the nucleus related to plant immunity processes. Promiscuous ribosome assembly and the role of prohibitins and cytochrome C in plant immune responses were also highlighted.


Article Plant Sciences

Single-Molecule Real-Time and Illumina Sequencing to Analyze Transcriptional Regulation of Flavonoid Synthesis in Blueberry

Qi Tang et al.

Summary: The study utilized two different transcriptome sequencing platforms to investigate the flavonoid synthetic pathways in blueberries, identifying a transcription factor VcMYB1 that positively regulates anthocyanin synthesis. This provides background information and data for studying the synthetic pathways of flavonoids and other secondary metabolites in blueberries.


Article Plant Sciences

Character changes and Transcriptomic analysis of a cassava sexual Tetraploid

Xia Chen et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the superiority of cassava sexual tetraploids in plant height, biomass, yield, and starch accumulation, possibly due to enriched flavonoid biosynthesis and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis pathways providing resistance and better yield, respectively.


Review Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Minor Cannabinoids: Biosynthesis, Molecular Pharmacology and Potential Therapeutic Uses

Kenneth B. Walsh et al.

Summary: The medicinal use of cannabis has a long history, with recent breakthroughs in understanding the pharmacology of minor cannabinoids showing potential therapeutic benefits in the treatment of various conditions. Although studies demonstrate their agonist and antagonist activities at multiple targets, further research is needed to fully understand their pharmacological mechanisms.


Article Plant Sciences

Volatile and phenolic profiling of a traditional medicinal plant, Hypericum empetrifolium with in vitro biological activities

Mehmet Boga et al.

Summary: The study investigated the phytochemical profiles of Hypericum empetrifolium extracts from aerial parts and roots, revealing the presence of various compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The aerial parts extract demonstrated significant antioxidant effects and antimicrobial activity, while the roots extract showed strong inhibitory effects on cholinesterase enzymes. Further research is needed to explore additional therapeutic properties of this plant.


Article Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Comparison of the guidelines on good agricultural and collection practices in herbal medicine of the European Union, China, the WHO, and the United States of America

Mingxu Zhang et al.

Summary: Due to modern developments in the traditional medicine industry, more people now acknowledge the efficacy of traditional medicine and the demand for herbal medicines is gradually increasing. Different countries and regions have formulated relevant standards to regulate the cultivation of local herbs to ensure product safety and reliability, but the differences in standards hinder the international trade of herbal medicines.


Review Chemistry, Medicinal

Natural products: A lead for drug discovery and development

Bhawna Chopra et al.

Summary: Natural products have been used in folklore for centuries for treating various ailments, with plant-derived products recognized as a source of therapeutic agents and structural diversity. After small modifications, natural molecules can offer better pharmacological potential as new molecular entities.


Article Plant Sciences

Negative modulation of SA signaling components by the capsid protein of tobacco mosaic virus is required for viral long-distance movement

Andrea Laura Venturuzzi et al.

Summary: The study highlights the importance of the salicylic acid (SA) immune pathway in influencing the long-distance transport of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), through negative regulation of NPR1 and TGA10 factors. Furthermore, the stabilization of DELLA proteins by the capsid protein (CP) also plays a role in promoting the systemic movement of TMV.


Article Immunology

Medicinal Plant Leaf Extract From Sage and Lemon Verbena Promotes Intestinal Immunity and Barrier Function in Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)

Ricardo Salomon et al.

Summary: The study showed that the inclusion of medicinal plant leaf extract from sage and lemon verbena in the diet of gilthead seabream had beneficial effects on gut health, supporting gut homeostasis and increasing the integrity of the intestinal epithelium.


Article Plant Sciences

JA signal-mediated immunity of Dendrobium catenatum to necrotrophic Southern Blight pathogen

Cong Li et al.

Summary: The study investigated the role of JA in enhancing D. catenatum resistance to S. delphinii, showing that exogenous MeJA changed the expression of most core JA pathway genes and key members like DcJAZ1/2/5 and DcMYC2b are involved in enhancing defense ability to S. delphinii in D. catenatum.


Article Genetics & Heredity

Whole-genome sequencing and analysis of two azaleas, Rhododendron ripense and Rhododendron kiyosumense

Kenta Shirasawa et al.

Summary: This study determined and analyzed the whole-genome sequences of two Rhododendron species to enhance the genomics and genetics of azalea. Different sequencing technologies were used to construct the genome sequence assemblies of R. ripense and R. kiyosumense, predicting a large number of genes and helping to reveal the phylogenetic relationships between closely related species.


Review Chemistry, Applied

Recent trends in extraction of plant bioactives using green technologies: A review

Manoj Kumar et al.

Summary: Phenolic compounds from plant sources have significant health-promoting properties and are known to alleviate the risk of various lifestyle diseases, therefore, exploring plant-based phenolic compounds and efficient extraction technologies is crucial. Some important sources of bioactive phenolic compounds and novel extraction technologies have been highlighted in this review.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Functional characterization and substrate promiscuity of sesquiterpene synthases from Tripterygium wilfordii

Yuru Tong et al.

Summary: Acyclic terpenes, commonly found in plants, are controlled by different terpene synthases. The study found that terpene synthases from Tripterygium wilfordii exhibited substrate promiscuity and key residues were identified for the generation of diterpene product. Additionally, an engineered yeast producing high levels of nerolidol was constructed for potential applications in microbial fermentation.


Article Plant Sciences

Characterization of Phenolic Plant Exudates by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Joseph B. Lambert et al.

Summary: The class of plant exudates containing the phenol functionality, known as phenolics, was defined, surveyed, and characterized using solid-state C-13 NMR spectroscopy and solution-state H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Subclasses were identified based on the similarity of their C-13 spectra, including aloetics, guaiacs, xanthics, and kinos. Phenolic exudates are often mixed with terpenoid and carbohydrate materials to form hybrid subgroups.


Article Plant Sciences

Glutathione contributes to resistance responses to TMV through a differential modulation of salicylic acid and reactive oxygen species

Feng Zhu et al.

Summary: The study shows that glutathione (GSH) plays a crucial role in the local and systemic resistance of Nicotiana benthamiana to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), through differential modulation of salicylic acid (SA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS).


Article Biochemical Research Methods

The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies

Javier Antonio Alfaro et al.

Summary: Single-cell profiling methods have greatly impacted the understanding of cellular heterogeneity, although proteome profiling at the single-cell level is still in the early stages. The development of new technologies, such as single-molecule protein sequencing and innovations in mass spectrometry, will eventually enable broad sequence coverage in single-cell proteomics, leading to new biological discoveries and opportunities for ultra-sensitive disease diagnostics.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Analysis of the Coptis chinensis genome reveals the diversification of protoberberine-type alkaloids

Yifei Liu et al.

Summary: Chinese goldthread (Coptis chinensis) is an early-diverging eudicot plant with diverse medicinal applications. The high-quality genome assembly and annotation of C. chinensis revealed a single ancient whole-genome duplication event shared by the Ranunculaceae family. The study also highlighted the functional importance of CYP719 gene in diversifying protoberberine-type alkaloids.


Article Plant Sciences

Highly Efficient and Comprehensive Identification of Ethyl Methanesulfonate-Induced Mutations in Nicotiana tabacum L. by Whole-Genome and Whole-Exome Sequencing

Hisashi Udagawa et al.

Summary: In this study, a whole-exome sequencing (WES) procedure was developed in tobacco to characterize EMS-induced mutations in a test population, revealing a high number of single nucleotide variants. The amount of mutations detected by WES was 93.5% of those detected by whole-genome sequencing, while requiring significantly less sequencing data, making it a cost-effective tool for high-throughput mutation identification in tobacco.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Tanshinone I, a new EZH2 inhibitor restricts normal and malignant hematopoiesis through upregulation of MMP9 and ABCG2

Ying Huang et al.

Summary: The study confirmed Tanshinone I as a novel EZH2 inhibitor that regulates normal and malignant hematopoiesis, and identified MMP9 and ABCG2 as potential therapeutic targets for myeloid malignant diseases.


Article Plant Sciences

The Taxus genome provides insights into paclitaxel biosynthesis

Xingyao Xiong et al.

Summary: This study completed the chromosome-level genome sequencing of Taxus, revealing its genome evolution and the biosynthesis pathways of paclitaxel and taxadiene. A unique physical and functional grouping of CYP725As for paclitaxel biosynthesis was discovered in the Taxus genome, along with a gene cluster mainly formed by gene duplications for taxadiene biosynthesis.


Article Biology

Using 14C-acetate Pulse-chase Labeling to Study Fatty Acid and Glycerolipid Metabolism in Plant Leaves

Linhui Yu et al.

Summary: Lipids metabolism involves various reactions in different subcellular compartments, and isotopic labeling of acetate is a useful tool to study fatty acid synthesis and complex lipid metabolism in plants and other organisms.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The scaffold-forming steps of plant alkaloid biosynthesis

Benjamin R. Lichman

Summary: Alkaloids from plants, known for their structural diversity and bioactivity, hold a privileged position in both modern and traditional medicines. Recent research has made significant progress in elucidating the biosynthetic origins of plant alkaloids. This review focuses on the metabolic origins of true alkaloids, specialized metabolites derived from amino acids with a nitrogen heterocycle, highlighting the key roles played by modifications to primary metabolism, iminium reactivity, and spontaneous reactions in the molecular and evolutionary origins of these pathways.


Review Plant Sciences

The role of P-type IIA and P-type IIB Ca2+-ATPases in plant development and growth

Julian Garcia Bossi et al.


Article Plant Sciences

European medicinal mushrooms: Do they have potential for modern medicine? - An update

Carsten Gruendemann et al.


Review Plant Sciences

Stories of Salicylic Acid: A Plant Defense Hormone

Pingtao Ding et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Discovery and engineering of colchicine alkaloid biosynthesis

Ryan S. Nett et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Structural basis of salicylic acid perception byArabidopsisNPR proteins

Wei Wang et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Biosynthesis of medicinal tropane alkaloids in yeast

Prashanth Srinivasan et al.

NATURE (2020)

Review Cell Biology

The next generation of CRISPR-Cas technologies and applications

Adrian Pickar-Oliver et al.


Review Medicine, Research & Experimental

CRISPR-Cas9 system: A new-fangled dawn in gene editing

Darshana Gupta et al.


Article Plant Sciences

Isolation and functional analysis of squalene synthase gene in tea plant Camellia sinensis

Jianyu Fu et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Cyclic ADP-ribose and IP3 mediate abscisic acid-induced isoflavone accumulation in soybean sprouts

Caifeng Jiao et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Allicin Induces Thiol Stress in Bacteria through S-Allylmercapto Modification of Protein Cysteines

Alexandra Mueller et al.


Editorial Material Medicine, General & Internal

The art of medicine Medicinal plants-the next generation

Daniel R. George et al.

LANCET (2016)

Review Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Herbal medicines: challenges in the modern world. Part 4. Canada and United States

Kathleen M. Job et al.


Review Plant Sciences

Lythrum salicaria L.-Underestimated medicinal plant from European traditional medicine. A review

Jakub P. Piwowarski et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Orthologs of the archaeal isopentenyl phosphate kinase regulate terpenoid production in plants

Laura K. Henry et al.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9

Jennifer A. Doudna et al.

SCIENCE (2014)

Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Nitric oxide elicitation for secondary metabolite production in cultured plant cells

Ben Zhang et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Programming cells by multiplex genome engineering and accelerated evolution

Harris H. Wang et al.

NATURE (2009)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Oligosaccharides potentiate methyl jasmonate-induced production of paclitaxel in Taxus canadensis

JC Linden et al.