4.8 Editorial Material

Amorphization-mediated plasticity


Article Chemistry, Physical

Amorphous shear bands in crystalline materials as drivers of plasticity

Xuanxin Hu et al.

Summary: In this study, it was found that amorphous shear bands can form in defect-free crystalline materials and serve as the primary driver of plasticity. By varying the composition, the behavior of the materials can be switched from ductile to brittle. These findings provide a potential strategy for increasing the toughness of brittle materials.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Atomic-scale observation of strain-induced local amorphization in face-centered cubic metals

Zhanxin Wang et al.

Summary: The formation of metallic glass through melt processing is proven to be challenging for pure monatomic FCC metals. In this study, mechanical loading was used to induce strain-induced amorphization in nanometer-sized crystals, providing direct evidence of this phenomenon in Pt and Ni near room temperature.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Directional amorphization of covalently-bonded solids: A generalized deformation mechanism in extreme loading

S. Zhao et al.

Summary: Shock compression subjects materials to high pressure and shear stresses, leading to temperature increase and mechanisms of plastic deformation, eventually causing amorphization. Covalently bonded materials face greater difficulty in responding to this extreme environment of shock compression.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Stress-induced amorphization triggers deformation in the lithospheric mantle

Vahid Samae et al.

Summary: The mechanical properties of olivine-rich rocks are crucial for understanding the mechanical coupling between Earth's lithosphere and asthenosphere. Additional deformation mechanisms are required in olivine due to the lack of slip systems, with current lack of consensus on the mechanisms of grain-boundary sliding in olivine. This proposed mechanism of grain-boundary mobility triggering plastic processes in olivine-rich rocks could be significant in high-stress deep Earth conditions.

NATURE (2021)

Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

On the origin of shear banding instability in metallic glasses

M. Q. Jiang et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Shock-induced localized amorphization in boron carbide

MW Chen et al.

SCIENCE (2003)