4.6 Article

A longitudinal survey on changes in employment and food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in rural Bihar, India


Article Nutrition & Dietetics

Impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on household diet diversity in rural Bihar, India: a longitudinal survey

Sandra M. Travasso et al.

Summary: This study aimed to assess changes in household diet diversity and food consumption in rural Bihar, India, between the pre-COVID-19 period and during the lockdown. The results showed that low diet diversity increased during the lockdown, with reduced consumption of nutrient-rich foods. Socio-economically vulnerable households, such as those with lower social status and without government support, were more likely to have low diet diversity. Therefore, sustained government support is needed to ensure diet diversity in rural communities during crises like COVID-19.


Article Nutrition & Dietetics

Consumer Demand for Milk and the Informal Dairy Sector Amidst COVID-19 in Nairobi, Kenya

Silvia Alonso et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya has negatively affected the economy and well-being of low-income households. This study shows that there was a decrease in the sales and consumption of milk from informal markets in Nairobi, as well as an increase in food insecurity among periurban consumers.


Review Nutrition & Dietetics

The impact of COVID-19 on diet quality, food security and nutrition in low and middle income countries: A systematic review of the evidence

Fiorella Picchioni et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic and its containment measures have negatively affected diet quality and food security, particularly through their impact on employment, income generating activities, and purchasing power. The physical access, availability, and affordability of food have also been influenced heterogeneously. Shorter value chains and traditional smallholder farms have shown greater resilience during the pandemic. Women, individuals with a low socio-economic status, informal workers, and young adults relying on daily wages are the most vulnerable to food insecurity.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Role of cash transfers in mitigating food insecurity in India during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study in the Bihar state

Sanchit Makkar et al.

Summary: This study found that household food insecurity worsened considerably during the COVID-19 lockdown in Bihar, India. However, households that received cash transfers had lower odds of facing food insecurity once the lockdown was lifted.

BMJ OPEN (2022)

Article Economics

Impact of COVID 19 on Indian Migrant Workers: Decoding Twitter Data by Text Mining

Pooja Misra et al.

Summary: This study explores the diffusion and discovery of information about reverse migration in India through Twitter mining, highlighting the major themes and emphasizing the confidence of tiding over the crisis with government support. The findings reveal significant impacts of reverse migration on the Indian economy, emphasizing the critical need for joint intervention by the State and Central Governments.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

COVID-19 impacts on agriculture and food systems in Nepal: Implications for SDGs

Jagannath Adhikari et al.

Summary: The study aims to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on agriculture and food systems in Nepal, with a focus on policy implications for farming systems resilience and SDGs 1 and 2. It reveals that lockdown and transport restrictions have severe consequences, especially in vulnerable regions reliant on food-aid. The study also highlights the strengths and limitations of traditional subsistence farming and commercial farming, offering important lessons for policy makers.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian agricultural system: A 10-point strategy for post-pandemic recovery

A. G. Adeeth Cariappa et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the Indian agricultural system, but recent GDP estimates show resilience and positive growth in Indian agriculture during the financial year 2020-21. Survey findings indicate that production and marketing have been affected by the pandemic, with restricted market access and increased food prices. The government has introduced measures and reforms to address the challenges posed by the pandemic and seize the crisis as an opportunity for growth.


Article Food Science & Technology

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural production, livelihoods, and food security in India: baseline results of a phone survey

Lindsay M. Jaacks et al.

Summary: The COVID-19 lockdown in India has primarily impacted farmers' ability to sell their crops and livestock products, leading to decreased daily wages and dietary diversity.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Impact of COVID-19 on household food insecurity and interlinkages with child feeding practices and coping strategies in Uttar Pradesh, India: a longitudinal community-based study

Phuong Hong Nguyen et al.

Summary: The study found that during the pandemic, household food insecurity significantly increased, leading to negative impacts on child feeding practices and coping strategies.

BMJ OPEN (2021)

Article Food Science & Technology

Impact of Crop Diversity on Dietary Diversity Among Farmers in India During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kaela Connors et al.

Summary: During the COVID-19 pandemic in India, farmers with greater crop diversity were less likely to experience a decline in dietary diversity compared to monocroppers. Dietary diversity decreased as the lockdown measures became more restrictive, highlighting the importance of diversified production systems in times of global uncertainty.


Article Nutrition & Dietetics

Validity of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) for Use in League of Arab States (LAS) and Characteristics of Food Insecure Individuals by the Human Development Index (HDI)

Olfat B. Sheikomar et al.

Summary: FIES is valid for measuring FI in the LAS, but improvement is needed for items with high outfit statistics. The prevalence of severe FI is 15.7%, with older adults and women being more vulnerable.


Article Development Studies

Does Non-farm Income Affect Food Security? Evidence from India

Andaleeb Rahman et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Nutritional resilience in Nepal following the earthquake of 2015

Andrew L. Thorne-Lyman et al.

PLOS ONE (2018)