4.7 Review

Low-Dose Non-Targeted Effects and Mitochondrial Control



DOI: 10.3390/ijms241411460


ionizing radiation; mitochondria; ROS; apoptosis; signaling; DNA damage response (DDR); low-dose effects; hormesis; adaptive response; hyper-radiosensitivity (HRS); genomic instability; cancer; bystander effects; non-targeted effects (NTEs); innate and adaptive immune responses; radiotherapy


Non-targeted effects (NTE) are observed in both low-dose and high-dose ionizing radiation (IR) scenarios. Mitochondrial dysfunction and reorganization play a significant role in inducing NTE and radiobiological effects. These effects involve the release of molecular mediators and activation of cellular defense systems, leading to cell survival and anti-tumor radiation therapy.
Non-targeted effects (NTE) have been generally regarded as a low-dose ionizing radiation (IR) phenomenon. Recently, regarding long distant abscopal effects have also been observed at high doses of IR) relevant to antitumor radiation therapy. IR is inducing NTE involving intracellular and extracellular signaling, which may lead to short-ranging bystander effects and distant long-ranging extracellular signaling abscopal effects. Internal and spontaneous cellular stress is mostly due to metabolic oxidative stress involving mitochondrial energy production (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation and/or anaerobic pathways accompanied by the leakage of O-2(-) and other radicals from mitochondria during normal or increased cellular energy requirements or to mitochondrial dysfunction. Among external stressors, ionizing radiation (IR) has been shown to very rapidly perturb mitochondrial functions, leading to increased energy supply demands and to ROS/NOS production. Depending on the dose, this affects all types of cell constituents, including DNA, RNA, amino acids, proteins, and membranes, perturbing normal inner cell organization and function, and forcing cells to reorganize the intracellular metabolism and the network of organelles. The reorganization implies intracellular cytoplasmic-nuclear shuttling of important proteins, activation of autophagy, and mitophagy, as well as induction of cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, apoptosis, and senescence. It also includes reprogramming of mitochondrial metabolism as well as genetic and epigenetic control of the expression of genes and proteins in order to ensure cell and tissue survival. At low doses of IR, directly irradiated cells may already exert non-targeted effects (NTE) involving the release of molecular mediators, such as radicals, cytokines, DNA fragments, small RNAs, and proteins (sometimes in the form of extracellular vehicles or exosomes), which can induce damage of unirradiated neighboring bystander or distant (abscopal) cells as well as immune responses. Such non-targeted effects (NTE) are contributing to low-dose phenomena, such as hormesis, adaptive responses, low-dose hypersensitivity, and genomic instability, and they are also promoting suppression and/or activation of immune cells. All of these are parts of the main defense systems of cells and tissues, including IR-induced innate and adaptive immune responses. The present review is focused on the prominent role of mitochondria in these processes, which are determinants of cell survival and anti-tumor RT.








