4.7 Review

Omics Techniques Used in Marine Biofouling Studies


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Epibiotic bacteria on the carapace of hawksbill and green sea turtles

Javad Loghmannia et al.

Summary: In this study, the epibiotic bacteria on sea turtles in the Persian Gulf were investigated. The highest and lowest bacterial densities were found on green and hawksbill sea turtles, respectively. The dominant class of bacteria on all substrates was Gamma- and Alpha-proteobacteria.


Article Ecology

eDNA-based detection reveals invasion risks of a biofouling bivalve in the world's largest water diversion project

Zhiqiang Xia et al.

Summary: The effectiveness of environmental DNA (eDNA) in detecting invasive species and informing invasion risks was investigated in the canals of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) in China. The study found that higher concentrations of golden mussel eDNA were detected in the warmer months, indicating an elevated invasion risk during this period. These findings provide insights for the management of invasive species during specific seasons.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Biofouling and biocorrosion by microbiota from a marine oil pipeline: A metagenomic and proteomic approach

I. A. Avelino-Jimenez et al.

Summary: This study employs an omics approach to uncover the microbial involvement in biofouling and biocorrosion processes in oil pipelines. The research reveals diverse bacterial, archaeal, fungal, and viral communities, as well as the presence of proteins associated with biocorrosion. Physical and chemical analyses of the sludge, along with electrochemical assessments, propose three electrochemical mechanisms of biocorrosion.


Review Fisheries

Omics research on abalone (Haliotis spp.): Current state and perspectives

Thao V. Nguyen et al.

Summary: The steady increase in global abalone aquaculture production has led to growing interest in applying new technologies, such as omics approaches, for abalone research. Omics techniques like genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics are revealing key molecules and pathways in biological processes and identifying potential biomarkers. Integration of multiple omics approaches shows great potential in overcoming challenges and limitations to improve abalone production.


Review Environmental Sciences

Environmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods

J. Pawlowski et al.

Summary: Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is transforming aquatic biomonitoring by sequencing DNA/RNA to identify entire communities within a targeted group. Most studies have focused on water eDNA and macroinvertebrate samples, but eDNA metabarcoding has also been applied to soft sediment samples, especially for microbial or meiofaunal communities. Compared to traditional methods, eDNA metabarcoding offers advantages for assessing sediment environmental quality. However, there is a need for standardization to improve robustness and comparability. This review focuses on sampling, preservation, and DNA extraction protocols for sediment eDNA metabarcoding, aiming to identify best practices and promote harmonization for future benthic monitoring.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microbiome Development of Seawater-Incubated Pre-production Plastic Pellets Reveals Distinct and Predictive Community Compositions

Christopher S. Ward et al.

Summary: This study found that plastics of various chemistries pollute global water bodies with toxic chemicals leaching out and impacting surrounding ecosystems. The interaction of plastic pre-production pellets with emerging microbiomes exhibited patterns indicative of the chemistry at the pellet surface. Surface microbiomes have potential for forensically identifying plastic types and potential toxicities, with a random forest-based sample classifier correctly predicting 93% of plastic types using microbiome compositions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Use of Nanotechnology to Mitigate Biofouling in Stainless Steel Devices Used in Food Processing, Healthcare, and Marine Environments

Hugo Perez et al.

Summary: This review evaluates the research on preventing or mitigating biofouling on stainless steel surfaces using nanotechnology. The study reveals that the use of inorganic nanoparticles, polymeric coatings, and generation of nanotextures are effective approaches in modifying the steel surfaces.

TOXICS (2022)

Article Engineering, Multidisciplinary

Unraveling Membrane Fouling Induced by Chlorinated Water Versus Surface Water: Biofouling Properties and Microbiological Investigation

Li Zhang et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effect of tap water on biofilm formation and biofouling in a gravity-driven membrane filtration system. Results showed that tap water led to more severe membrane fouling compared to lake water, with higher quantities of polysaccharide and extracellular DNA (eDNA) in the tap-water biofilm. The tap-water biofilm had a densely compact morphology, while the lake-water biofilm exhibited a porous, spider-like structure.


Review Microbiology

Microplastics as a New Ecological Niche for Multispecies Microbial Biofilms within the Plastisphere

M. Zhurina et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the distribution, colonization, and biodegradation of microplastics in the environment, and discusses their impact on ecosystems and microbial community structure.


Review Microbiology

Marine biofilms: diversity, interactions and biofouling

Pei-Yuan Qian et al.

Summary: Marine biofilms are widely present in the marine environment and have diverse microbial structures and functions, but there is limited knowledge about their community structures and functions and their impact on global geochemical cycles. Microbial cues in marine biofilms regulate interactions between microorganisms, the environment, and other benthic organisms, affecting their succession and metamorphosis. Marine biofilms are also important in marine biofouling and have implications for marine industries. This review discusses the dynamics, diversity, abundance, and functions of marine biofilms, as well as knowledge gaps, future research areas, and potential biotechnological applications.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Molecular Mechanisms and Applications of N-Acyl Homoserine Lactone-Mediated Quorum Sensing in Bacteria

Lokender Kumar et al.

Summary: Microbial biodiversity is crucial in supporting all life forms by adapting to environmental conditions, influenced by factors like climate change, pollution, and human activities. Microbes utilize diverse growth conditions and metabolism, including quorum sensing systems for cellular interactions.


Review Genetics & Heredity

Plastisphere community assemblage of aquatic environment: plastic-microbe interaction, role in degradation and characterization technologies

Sujata Dey et al.

Summary: This article discusses the transformation of plastic waste into ubiquitous microplastics, and the synergetic effects of microplastics on microbial development, transportation, persistence, and ecology. It also focuses on the study of plastisphere and the potential sources of plastic degrading microorganisms.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A Selective Review on the Novel Approaches and Potential Control Agents of Anti-biofouling and Anti-biofilming

Ishani Joardar et al.

Summary: This article discusses the structure and formation mechanism of bacterial biofilms, as well as the anti-biofilm and anti-biofouling agents used in food industries, bioelectric, and medical devices. Current anti-biofouling methods are also described.


Article Environmental Sciences

Effect of UV-radiation on the physiology of the invasive green seaweed Codium fragile and its associated bacteria

Eva Rothausler et al.

Summary: UV radiation has different effects on the invasive seaweed Codium fragile depending on site and water depth, affecting the diversity and evenness of epibacteria community. However, the seaweed shows high antioxidant activity which contributes to its tolerance to new environments.


Article Environmental Sciences

Microbial communities on plastic particles in surface waters differ from subsurface waters of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Annika Vaksmaa et al.

Summary: The long-term fate of plastics in the ocean and their interactions with marine microorganisms are still not well understood. This study investigated the role of sinking plastic particles as a transport vector for surface microbes towards the deep sea in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The composition of microbial communities on floating and suspended plastic particles was analyzed, revealing differences between the two compartments but a presence of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in both. The findings suggest a limited efficiency of sinking plastic particles in vertically transporting microorganisms in this region.


Article Genetics & Heredity

A Transcriptomic Analysis of Phenotypic Plasticity in Crassostrea virginica Larvae under Experimental Acidification

Michelle Barbosa et al.

Summary: The study revealed that the eastern oyster demonstrates significant recovery and acclimation when adapting to ocean acidification, supported by transcriptomic analysis. The functions of differentially expressed genes include cell differentiation, development, biomineralization, ion exchange, and immunity. The findings suggest acclimation as a mode of resilience to ocean acidification.
Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

PDMS networks meet barnacles: a complex and often toxic relationship

Daniel Rittschof et al.

Summary: The study investigates the impact of chemical compositions of polydimethylsiloxane networks on foul-release biofouling management coatings. The results show that the components alter enzymatic activity and have acute toxicity to barnacle larvae, and the adhesion strength of barnacles is related to network formulation.


Article Environmental Sciences

Quantitative proteomic analysis of marine biofilms formed by filamentous cyanobacterium

M. J. Romeu et al.

Summary: Cyanobacterial molecular biology can identify pathways affecting biofouling organisms adhesion and settlement, providing novel antifouling strategies. Proteomic analyses offer insights into cyanobacteria adaption to different environments. Qualitative studies in some strains show limited knowledge on protein expression. Conducting quantitative proteomic analysis on biofilm cells from a filamentous strain reveals potential protein differences between biofilms formed on different surfaces under varying hydrodynamic conditions.


Article Microbiology

Comparative Analysis of the Ecological Succession of Microbial Communities on Two Artificial Reef Materials

Zhansheng Guo et al.

Summary: This study investigated the temporal succession of microbial communities on concrete and wooden artificial reefs and their driving factors. The composition of microbial communities shifted over time, with higher richness in concrete compared to wood. The results provide fundamental data on microbial community succession during the initial deployment of artificial reefs.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Mono- and multispecies biofilms from a crustose coralline alga induce settlement in the scleractinian coral Leptastrea purpurea

Lars-Erik Petersen et al.

Summary: This study isolated multiple microbial strains from a crustose coralline alga, with certain specific strains identified as capable of inducing settlement behavior in larvae of the brooding scleractinian coral. The findings suggest a potential role for bacteria in the settlement process of scleractinian corals, with specific bacterial species playing a significant role in inducing coral larvae settlement.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Bacterial community structure of early-stage biofilms is dictated by temporal succession rather than substrate types in the southern coastal seawater of India

T. J. Sushmitha et al.

Summary: This study investigated the succession of biofilm-forming bacterial communities on stainless steel, high-density polyethylene, and titanium substrata over 15 days in the southern coastal region of India. The results showed that temporal succession had a profound influence on the early-stage biofilm-forming microbiota, overshadowing the influence of substrate material. Different substrate types did not exhibit specific bacterial groups, indicating that temporal dynamics played a key role in biofilm formation.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Identification of novel adhesive proteins in pearl oyster by proteomic and bioinformatic analysis

Chuang Liu et al.

Summary: This study investigated adhesive proteins from the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata using transcriptomics and proteomics, identifying 16 novel proteins with potential applications in underwater adhesive synthesis and anti-biofouling strategies. The identification of these proteins represents a key step towards understanding byssus formation and marine bioadhesion.


Article Environmental Sciences

Ocean Acidification Triggers Cell Signaling, Suppress Immune and Calcification in the Pacific Oyster Larvae

Ramadoss Dineshram et al.

Summary: The study found that ocean acidification negatively affects the development and immune response of Pacific oyster larvae. Interestingly, low pH levels were shown to enhance certain energy production and cell signaling pathways, while prominently suppressing some immune response pathways.


Review Environmental Sciences

Towards the Optimization of eDNA/eRNA Sampling Technologies for Marine Biosecurity Surveillance

Holly A. Bowers et al.

Summary: The field of eDNA is rapidly expanding to detect rare and invasive species, with developing technologies and protocols addressing challenges in marine environments. This contributes to biosecurity management decisions and aims to facilitate dialogue and innovation in the sector.
Article Biology

Chromosome-level genome assembly of the hard-shelled mussel Mytilus coruscus, a widely distributed species from the temperate areas of East Asia

Jin-Long Yang et al.

Summary: The study constructed a chromosome-level genome of the hard-shelled mussel using advanced sequencing technologies, revealing high genome completeness and facilitating gene annotation. Phylogenetic analysis showed the evolutionary relationship of M. coruscus with other bivalves, and transcriptomic profiling identified signaling pathways involved in metamorphosis.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Advances in the Study of Metabolomics and Metabolites in Some Species Interactions

Rui Liu et al.

Summary: Interactions between species in the natural environment are commonly studied using techniques such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Metabolomics, as a key part of systems biology, has been increasingly focused on in the past decade, providing qualitative and quantitative methods for understanding interspecies interactions and exploring new bioactive metabolites. Challenges and prospects of interspecies metabolomics are discussed in this review, shedding light on the mechanisms of defense and new discoveries in biological activities.


Article Microbiology

Marine biofilms on different fouling control coating types reveal differences in microbial community composition and abundance

Maria Papadatou et al.

Summary: This study aimed to explore the effects of coating types on microbial biofilm community profiles and found differences in community structures between biocidal and biocidal-free coatings. The results showed that biocidal coatings supported communities dominated by Alphaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, while other taxa proliferated on fouling-release surfaces.


Article Environmental Sciences

Metagenomic Insights Into Ecosystem Function in the Microbial Mats of a Large Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon System

Juline Marta Walter et al.

Summary: The hypersaline lagoon system of Araruama is one of the largest in the world and a significant source of evaporative salt in Brazil. The microbial mats within this system are dominated by Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, suggesting a diverse population with various metabolic capabilities. The presence of specialized microorganisms and metabolic pathways in these mats supports the creation of favorable conditions for microbial-mediated processes, such as calcium carbonate precipitation.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Amplification of Femtograms of Bacterial DNA Within 3 h Using a Digital Microfluidics Platform for MinION Sequencing

Yuguang Liu et al.

Summary: A digital microfluidic device was developed for rapid whole genome amplification of low-abundance bacterial DNA, allowing for identification of target bacteria within 30 minutes. This new method can accurately detect microbes in samples depleted of human cells, providing a new possibility for clinical diagnosis and research.

ACS OMEGA (2021)

Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Nanocoating Is a New Way for Biofouling Prevention

Santosh Kumar et al.

Summary: Biofouling poses significant challenges to the maritime industry, but recent developments in using nanomaterial-based anti-fouling coatings show promise in addressing these issues while remaining environmentally friendly. Hybrid nanocomposites of organic-inorganic materials offer a unique solution to preventing biofouling, and photocatalytic nanomaterials have shown potential for inhibiting marine fouling. Overall, advancements in polymer science and nanotechnology are contributing to the development of eco-friendly marine coatings that combat biofouling effectively.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Phytoplankton in the Tara Ocean

Juan José Pierella Karlusich et al.

Annual Review of Marine Science (2020)

Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Love at First Taste: Induction of Larval Settlement by Marine Microbes

Sergey Dobretsov et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The Role of Biofilms Developed under Different Anthropogenic Pressure on Recruitment of Macro-Invertebrates

Eva Cacabelos et al.


Review Archaeology

The use of -omics tools for assessing biodeterioration of cultural heritage: A review

Beata Gutarowska


Review Engineering, Environmental

Marine Plastic Debris: A New Surface for Microbial Colonization

Robyn J. Wright et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A Critical Review of Bottom-Up Proteomics: The Good, the Bad, and the Future of This Field

Emmalyn J. Dupree et al.


Review Chemistry, Medicinal

Marine Natural Products from Microalgae: An -Omics Overview

Chiara Lauritano et al.


Article Microbiology

Complete Genome Sequence of Vibrio campbellii DS40M4

Sophie M. Colston et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Metabarcoding and metabolomics offer complementarity in deciphering marine eukaryotic biofouling community shifts

Jean-Francois Briand et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Living on the edge: biofilms developing in oscillating environmental conditions

Sergey Dobretsov et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Discrimination of Four Marine Biofilm-Forming Bacteria by LC-MS Metabolomics and Influence of Culture Parameters

Laurie Favre et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Bioinspired nanocoatings for biofouling prevention by photocatalytic redox reactions

Priyanka Sathe et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Long-term microfouling on commercial biocidal fouling control coatings

Thirumahal Muthukrishnan et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Antifouling properties of zinc oxide nanorod coatings

Marwan Al-Fori et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Effects of substratum type on bacterial community structure in biofilms in relation to settlement of plantigrades of the mussel Mytilus

Yi-Feng Li et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantitative Proteomics Study of Larval Settlement in the Barnacle Balanus amphitrite

Zhang-Fan Chen et al.

PLOS ONE (2014)

Article Engineering, Environmental

Characterization of biofouling in a lab-scale forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (FOMBR)

Qiaoyun Zhang et al.


Review Environmental Sciences

Proteomics insights: proteins related to larval attachment and metamorphosis of marine invertebrates

Kondethimmanahalli H. Chandramouli et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Proteomic and metabolomic profiles of marine Vibrio sp 010 in response to an antifoulant challenge

Kondethimmanahalli H. Chandramouli et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

The effect of surface colour on the formation of marine micro and macrofouling communities

Sergey Dobretsov et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

iTRAQ-Based Proteomic Profiling of the Barnacle Balanus amphitrite in Response to the Antifouling Compound Meleagrin

Zhuang Han et al.


Review Microbiology

The seaweed holobiont: understanding seaweed-bacteria interactions

Suhelen Egan et al.


Review Plant Sciences

Marine Proteomics: A Critical Assessment of an Emerging Technology

Marc Slattery et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

PCR Primers for Metazoan Nuclear 18S and 28S Ribosomal DNA Sequences

Ryuji J. Machida et al.

PLOS ONE (2012)

Review Geochemistry & Geophysics

Biofilms and Marine Invertebrate Larvae: What Bacteria Produce That Larvae Use to Choose Settlement Sites

Michael G. Hadfield


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Correlation between pigmentation and larval settlement deterrence by Pseudoalteromonas sp sf57

Yi-Li Huang et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Metagenomic analysis of the coral holobiont during a natural bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef

Raechel Littman et al.


Review Microbiology

The biofilm matrix

Hans-Curt Flemming et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Challenges for the Development of New Non-Toxic Antifouling Solutions

Jean-Philippe Marechal et al.


Article Biology

Barnacle cement: a polymerization model based on evolutionary concepts

Gary H. Dickinson et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

2D Gel-Based Proteome and Phosphoproteome Analysis During Larval Metamorphosis in Two Major Marine Biofouling Invertebrates

Vengatesen Thiyagarajan et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Marine chemical ecology

Valerie J. Paul et al.


Review Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Inhibition of biofouling by marine microorganisms and their metabolites

S Dobretsov et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Metamorphosis of a scleractinian coral in response to microbial biofilms

NS Webster et al.