4.6 Article

Catalytic Biochar and Refuse-Derived Char for the Steam Reforming of Waste Plastics Pyrolysis Volatiles for Hydrogen-Rich Syngas


Article Energy & Fuels

Hydrogen/Syngas Production from Different Types of Waste Plastics Using a Sacrificial Tire Char Catalyst via Pyrolysis-Catalytic Steam Reforming

Paul T. Williams et al.

Summary: Single plastics and mixed waste plastics were processed using pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming with a carbonaceous char catalyst from waste tires. The gas yield was high, with total gas yields from single plastics ranging from 36.84% to 39.08%. The product gas was mainly composed of syngas (80 vol %) and the hydrogen yield increased with the temperature of the char catalyst.


Article Energy & Fuels

Hydrogen Production by Three-Stage (i) Pyrolysis, (ii) Catalytic Steam Reforming, and (iii) Water Gas Shift Processing of Waste Plastic

Rayed Alshareef et al.

Summary: The three-stage processing of waste plastic (pyrolysis, catalytic steam reforming, and water gas shift) for hydrogen production was investigated. The influence of process conditions in the water gas shift reactor, such as catalyst type, temperature, steam/carbon ratio, and support material, was studied. The Fe/Al2O3 catalyst showed the highest hydrogen yield, and increased Fe metal loading and addition of steam resulted in improved yield. Various catalyst support materials were also tested, with most showing similar hydrogen yields except for Fe/MCM-41.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming of waste plastics for enhanced hydrogen/syngas yield using sacrificial tire pyrolysis char catalyst

Yukun Li et al.

Summary: The study investigates the use of tire char as a sacrificial catalyst in a two-stage pyrolysis-catalytic steam reforming reactor system to produce hydrogen-rich syngas from waste plastics. The simultaneous steam reforming of pyrolysis volatiles and steam gasification of tire char significantly increases the overall yield of syngas and hydrogen. Manipulating the catalyst temperature, steam input, and char catalyst:plastic ratio has a significant influence on hydrogen yield. The presence of metals in tire char such as Zn, Fe, Ca, and Mg play a catalytic role in steam reforming reactions. The highest syngas production achieved was 135 mmol H2 g(plastic)(-1) and 92 mmol CO g(plastic)(-1) at a catalyst temperature of 1000 degrees C and steam weight hourly space velocity of 8 g h(-)1 g(-1) (catalyst). However, increasing the amount of char catalyst (4:1 char catalyst:plastic ratio) enabled hydrogen yields of 211 mmol g(plastic)(-1) and total syngas yields of 360 mmol g(plastic)(-1) to be achieved.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Analysis of hydrogen production potential from waste plastics by pyrolysis and in line oxidative steam reforming

Maria Cortazar et al.

Summary: The study investigated the valorization of different waste plastics through pyrolysis and oxidative steam reforming, validating a thermodynamic simulation tool using experimental results. The impact of process conditions on H-2 production and reaction enthalpy was assessed, leading to the determination of optimal conditions for oxidative steam reforming of plastics. The results demonstrated the potential interest of this novel valorization route, achieving H-2 productions up to 25 wt% under autothermal conditions.


Review Thermodynamics

Transport fuel from waste plastics pyrolysis - A review on technologies, challenges and opportunities

M. I. Jahirul et al.

Summary: This study reviewed the research findings of thermochemical conversion technologies of mixed waste plastics (MWP) into transport engine fuel. The study found that pyrolysis of MWP produces high oil yields and good fuel properties. However, certain types of plastics, such as polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride, are not suitable for pyrolysis due to the production of harmful gases. Engine testing with MWP oil showed delayed combustion and higher emissions. Further research is needed to address the challenges and issues for industrial and commercial applications.


Article Energy & Fuels

Hydrogen-rich syngas production from biomass pyrolysis and catalytic reforming using biochar-based catalysts

Yanjie Wang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the use of residual biochar-based catalyst in catalytic reforming process after biomass pyrolysis. The results show that biochar has abundant pore structure and catalytic activity, which is favorable for bio-oil reforming. The addition of Ni to biochar enables it to act as a support, reducing NiO to active Ni and protecting Ni from oxidation. It is found that 10wt% Ni/Char catalyst at 650 degrees C yields the optimal syngas production of 34.321 mmol per 1 g biomass. The addition of water significantly increases syngas production due to the thorough utilization of biological carbon.
Article Thermodynamics

Producing eco-methane with raw syngas containing miscellaneous gases and tar by using a municipal solid waste char-based catalyst

Zhenfei Mei et al.

Summary: This study investigated the impact of impurities in the raw syngas on methanation over a MSWC-supported Ni-based catalyst. The H2/COx ratio, H2O concentration, and toluene concentration affected the production of CH4 and H2. A lower H2/COx ratio resulted in higher CH4 concentration and lower H2 concentration. H2O concentration below 12% did not inhibit methanation, while excessive H2O was detrimental and could damage the catalyst matrix. The Ni-MSWC catalyst showed good tolerance to toluene at lower concentrations, but higher concentrations caused carbon deposition and reduced CH4 yield. The introduction of H2O in syngas containing toluene alleviated carbon deposition but still inhibited methanation.

ENERGY (2022)

Review Thermodynamics

Tire pyrolysis char: Processes, properties, upgrading and applications

Ningbo Gao et al.

Summary: Waste tires are solid wastes with the potential for great harm to the environment. The pyrolysis of waste tires can recycle energy and produce reusable products. This paper reviews and summarizes the tire char, evaluates the production and application of tire char from waste tires, discusses the thermal decomposition behavior of different tire rubbers, and assesses the factors influencing the yield and quality of tire char. The physical and chemical structural characteristics of tire char are critically reviewed, and high-value application fields and developmental prospects of tire char are summarized.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Pyrolysis of typical plastics and coupled with steam reforming of their derived volatiles for simultaneous production of hydrogen-rich gases and heavy organics

Yuchen Jiang et al.

Summary: Pyro-reforming is a process that combines the pyrolysis of waste plastics with steam reforming of their derived volatiles. The study investigated the reaction behaviors and coke properties in the pyro-reforming of five representative plastics. The results showed that different plastics had different reactivity with steam and formed different types of coke, with PE having the highest hydrogen yield, PVC promoting heavy aromatics formation, and PET and PS forming inert polymeric coke.


Review Environmental Sciences

Hydrogen and Carbon Nanotubes from Pyrolysis-Catalysis of Waste Plastics: A Review

Paul T. Williams

Summary: Europe generates over 27 million tonnes of waste plastics annually, which is considered a significant potential resource. Research has focused on producing liquid fuels and aromatic chemicals through pyrolysis-catalysis, as well as hydrogen production via pyrolysis coupled with catalytic steam reforming. Waste plastics have also been explored as a source for carbon nanotubes.


Article Thermodynamics

Comparison of chars from municipal solid waste and wheat straw for understanding the role of inorganics in char-based catalysts during volatile reforming process

Zhenfei Mei et al.

Summary: This study compared the catalytic performance and structural changes of chars from municipal solid wastes and wheat straw in reforming volatiles. Results showed that char from municipal solid wastes was more active than that from wheat straw, with metals mainly existing as non-evaporable acid-soluble inorganics in the former and organically bound alkali and alkaline-earth metals in the latter. This finding will help improve the catalytic activity of char-based catalysts.

ENERGY (2021)

Review Energy & Fuels

Progress on Catalyst Development for the Steam Reforming of Biomass and Waste Plastics Pyrolysis Volatiles: A Review

Laura Santamaria et al.

Summary: This review focuses on the production of H-2 from biomass and waste plastics using pyrolysis-reforming, highlighting the bottleneck in the design of reforming catalysts. The study emphasizes the significant impact of catalytic materials and synthesis methods on the performance of the pyrolysis-reforming process.


Review Energy & Fuels

Thermochemical Recycling of Waste Plastics by Pyrolysis: A Review

Vineet Kumar Soni et al.

Summary: This review covers the recent highlights in the field of waste plastics pyrolysis, including key observations on plastic feeds, roles of catalysts, reactivities and product distributions of plastic in pyrolysis reactors.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Recent progress in the development of catalysts for steam reforming of biomass tar model reaction

Jangam Ashok et al.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Experimental study and modeling of heavy tar steam reforming

Qiang Li et al.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Recent advances in the gasification of waste plastics. A critical overview

Gartzen Lopez et al.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Thermochemical routes for the valorization of waste polyolefinic plastics to produce fuels and chemicals. A review

Gartzen Lopez et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made

Roland Geyer et al.


Review Agricultural Engineering

A review of biochar-based catalysts for chemical synthesis, biofuel production, and pollution control

Xinni Xiong et al.


Article Agricultural Engineering

Hydrogen production from biomass gasification using biochar as a catalyst/support

Dingding Yao et al.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Preparation of nickel-loaded on lignite char for catalytic gasification of biomass

Ben-Shui Wang et al.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Operating Conditions for the Pyrolysis of Poly-(ethylene terephthalate) in a Conical Spouted-Bed Reactor

Maite Artetxe et al.