4.2 Article

Isolation of planarian viable cells using fluorescence-activated cell sorting for advancing single-cell transcriptome analysis


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Post-transcriptional regulation in cranial neural crest cells expands developmental potential

Rachel A. Keuls et al.

Summary: Developmental potential is restricted after germ layer specification, but cranial neural crest cells challenge this by giving rise to both ectodermal and ectomesenchymal lineages. The mechanism behind this cell differentiation is poorly understood. This study demonstrates that cranial neural crest cells have a transient state of increased chromatin accessibility, and the deletion of miR-302 leads to premature specification of the ectomesenchymal lineage.


Review Biochemical Research Methods

Pluripotent stem cells: Basic biology or else differentiations aimed at translational research and the role of flow cytometry

Bipasha Bose et al.

Summary: Pluripotent stem cell research has been a game-changer in the modern era, especially with the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells. The expression of marker proteins and the use of flow cytometry are crucial for identifying and sorting pure populations of stem cells. Flow cytometry is also essential for assessing the differentiation of stem cells and sorting out potentially dangerous teratoma-forming cells. Overall, analytical flow cytometry and cell sorting are indispensable tools in pluripotent stem cell research and cell therapy.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Spatiotemporal transcriptomic atlas reveals the dynamic characteristics and key regulators of planarian regeneration

Guanshen Cui et al.

Summary: Cui et al. present a comprehensive three-dimensional spatiotemporal transcriptomic landscape of planarian regeneration, identifying a novel pluripotent neoblast subtype and new spatially specific genes essential to tissue regeneration. Their study sheds light on the coordinated responses and spatial awareness required for planarian regeneration, and provides a powerful tool for deciphering regeneration and identifying homeostasis-related genes.


Article Cell Biology

Establishment of a new method to isolate viable x-ray-sensitive cells from planarian by fluorescence-activated cell sorting

Miyuki Ishida et al.

Summary: In this study, a new method was developed to isolate viable neo-blasts that can proliferate in x-ray-irradiated planarians. The cells were stained and sorted using a simple staining method and showed high purity. This method provides new opportunities for isolating viable neo-blasts and understanding the regeneration process.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

SiftCell: A robust framework to detect and isolate cell-containing droplets from single-cell RNA sequence reads

Jingyue Xi et al.

Summary: SiftCell is a suite of software tools that can identify and visualize cell-containing and cell-free droplets, as well as quantify the contribution of ambient RNAs for each droplet. It provides a more comprehensive and accurate way to perform upstream quality control in scRNA-seq than existing methods.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

The effect of background noise and its removal on the analysis of single-cell expression data

Philipp Janssen et al.

Summary: In droplet-based single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq experiments, background noise caused by spillage from cell-free ambient RNA or barcode swapping events is characterized. The study finds that background noise levels are variable and directly proportional to the specificity and detectability of marker genes. Multiple evidences suggest that the majority of background molecules originate from ambient RNA. CellBender is identified as the method that provides the most precise estimates of background noise levels and yields the highest improvement for marker gene detection.


Article Cell Biology

Migratory regulation by MTA homologous genes is essential for the uniform distribution of planarian adult pluripotent stem cells

Yuki Sato et al.

Summary: Research on the migration of adult stem cells in vivo is hindered by the complexity of tissue structures and limited accessibility of the cells. In this study, two planarian homologous genes (MTA-A and MTA-B) were identified as being involved in neoblast migration. Knockdown of MTA-A disrupted homeostasis and regeneration, while knockdown of MTA-B inhibited neoblast migration. This study highlights the importance of MTA-A and MTA-B in maintaining tissue homeostasis and regeneration through neoblast migration.


Article Developmental Biology

Proliferation maintains the undifferentiated status of stem cells: The role of the planarian cell cycle regulator Cdh1

Yuki Sato et al.

Summary: The relationship between cell cycle exit and differentiation has been widely observed in stem cells and organisms, but the causal relationship is still unclear due to the complex regulation of the cell cycle. In this study, the planarian Dugesia japonica was used to investigate this relationship, and it was found that the cell cycle regulator Cdh1 plays a role in cell cycle exit and differentiation in this organism.


Article Cell Biology

Transcriptomics, regulatory syntax, and enhancer identification in mesoderm-induced ESCs at single-cell resolution

Mamduh Khateb et al.

Summary: Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can adopt lineage-specific gene-expression programs by stepwise exposure to defined factors. This study classified the gene and transcriptional features of ESCs and identified the regulatory regions and transcription factors controlling gene-expression programs at specific transitions.


Article Biology

Identification of putative enhancer-like elements predicts regulatory networks active in planarian adult stem cells

Jakke Neiro et al.

Summary: By integrating epigenetic and expression data, we predicted enhancer elements active in adult stem cells that are responsible for regeneration. These enhancers are enriched with binding sites for transcription factors expressed in adult stem cells, and footprinting analysis supported their occupancy in these cells. Our study contributes to understanding the regulatory mechanisms of stem cells and the process of regeneration.
Article Biochemical Research Methods

Heterologous reporter expression in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea through somatic mRNA transfection

Richard Nelson Hall et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates the ectopic expression of non-native proteins in planarian cells and live animals using a luminescent reporter, overcoming the strong auto-fluorescence of planarian tissues. The expression of heterologous proteins is improved by modifying untranslated region (UTR) sequences and codon bias, allowing for the measurement of expression kinetics in both isolated cells and whole planarians. This research expands the toolbox for studying planarian biology and lays a foundation for the development and expansion of transgenic techniques in this unique model system.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Analytical performance of a 25-marker spectral cytometry immune monitoring assay in peripheral blood

Holly A. Jensen et al.

Summary: This study presented a spectral flow cytometry assay for longitudinal immune monitoring biomarkers in human blood, demonstrating high precision and stability. With a panel of 25 immune biomarkers, the assay achieved robust analytical performance and explored the impact of sample types and storage conditions on biomarker stability. The method showed promise for translational research applications.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

A single-embryo, single-cell time-resolved model for mouse gastrulation

Markus Mittnenzweig et al.

Summary: The mouse embryonic development model provides insights into mammalian cell fate acquisition. Recent studies show that most lineages exhibit combinatorial multifurcation dynamics rather than hierarchical transcriptional transitions.
Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Planarian stem cells specify fate yet retain potency during the cell cycle

Amelie A. Raz et al.

Cell Stem Cell (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Spatiotemporal single-cell RNA sequencing of developing chicken hearts identifies interplay between cellular differentiation and morphogenesis

Madhav Mantri et al.

Summary: By utilizing single-cell and spatial transcriptomics in chicken hearts, the authors conducted a census of cellular interactions from early to late four-chambered heart stage, identifying a distinct epicardial-mesenchymal cell population with a migratory phenotype.


Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Mitochondrial state determines functionally divergent stem cell population in planaria

Mohamed Mohamed Haroon et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that planarian pluripotent stem cells have low mitochondrial mass, which is a hallmark feature, and provides a mechanism to isolate live, functionally active PSCs from different cell cycle stages (G0/G1 and S, G2/M). Mitochondrial metabolism changes, characteristic of PSCs, are conserved in planaria and play a key role in organismal regeneration.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics reveal somitogenesis in gastruloids

Susanne C. van den Brink et al.

NATURE (2020)

Letter Biochemical Research Methods

FPbase: a community-editable fluorescent protein database

Talley J. Lambert


Article Zoology

Calcium ions in the aquatic environment drive planarians to food

Masato Mori et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis

Jeffrey A. Farrell et al.

SCIENCE (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The Drosophila embryo at single-cell transcriptome resolution

Nikos Karaiskos et al.

SCIENCE (2017)

Article Cell & Tissue Engineering

Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Functionally Distinct Classes within the Planarian Stem Cell Compartment

Josien C. van Wolfswinkel et al.


Article Developmental Biology

Comprehensive gene expression analyses in pluripotent stem cells of a planarian, Dugesia japonica

Norito Shibata et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Clonogenic Neoblasts Are Pluripotent Adult Stem Cells That Underlie Planarian Regeneration

Daniel E. Wagner et al.

SCIENCE (2011)

Review Cell Biology

Cellular and molecular dissection of pluripotent adult somatic stem cells in planarians

Norito Shibata et al.


Article Anatomy & Morphology

Flow Cytometry Methods for the Study of Cell-Cycle Parameters of Planarian Stem Cells

Hara Kang et al.


Article Cell Biology

Isolation of planarian X-ray-sensitive stem cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting

Tetsutaro Hayashi et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

SMEDWI-2 is a PIWI-like protein that regulates planarian stem cells

PW Reddien et al.

SCIENCE (2005)

Article Cell Biology

Distribution of the stem cells (neoblasts) in the planarian Dugesia japonica

H Orii et al.


Review Anatomy & Morphology

Intercalary regeneration in planarians

K Agata et al.