4.7 Article

Economic potentials of carnot batteries in 100% renewable energy systems


Article Energy & Fuels

Long-duration thermo-mechanical energy storage-Present and future techno-economic competitiveness

Andrea Vecchi et al.

Summary: This study investigates the potential of thermo-mechanical energy storage (TMES) technologies to meet long-duration energy storage (LDES) targets. Results show the priority of low storage costs over high roundtrip efficiency for LDES, endorsing new concepts based on thermochemical energy storage. Novel TMES using metal oxidation/reduction and CaO hydration/dehydration reactions can potentially meet the cost target and compete with long-duration solutions like hydrogen.


Article Thermodynamics

From coal to variable renewables: Impact of flexible electric vehicle charging on the future Indian electricity sector

Tony Shu et al.

Summary: India ranks third globally in overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with power and transportation contributing the most. This paper investigates the benefits of flexible electric vehicle (EV) charging on hypothetical Indian power grid infrastructures in 2037. The analysis shows that flexible EV charging can meet demand and reduce emissions, while inflexible charging leads to a need for additional generation capacity.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Thermodynamics

How flexible electrification can integrate fluctuating renewables

Leonard Goeke et al.

Summary: In this paper, the analysis shows that electrification can support the integration of fluctuating renewables and reduce the need for storage and thermal backup plants. The results from Germany demonstrate that flexible demand, especially from electric electrolyzers, can significantly reduce peak load and demand, as well as excess generation. Other sources of flexibility such as district heating networks and battery electric vehicles also contribute, while space and process heating have negligible impact. These findings are robust even with restrictions on grid expansion.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Thermodynamics

Techno-economic analysis of recuperated Joule-Brayton pumped thermal energy storage

Joshua D. McTigue et al.

Summary: This article presents a techno-economic model for pumped thermal energy storage systems, focusing on heat exchangers. It evaluates economic metrics and explores cost-efficiency trade-offs to optimize designs. The study finds that heat exchangers with effectivenesses up to 0.95 are economically feasible, but higher values result in larger components and higher system costs. The use of chloride salts as hot storage fluids improves round-trip efficiency, but the benefit may not outweigh the additional costs and risks compared to lower-temperature nitrate salts. The optimal designs have round-trip efficiencies in the range of 59-72% and competitive lifetime costs with lithium-ion batteries for 6-hour discharging durations.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Evaluating emerging long-duration energy storage technologies

Rui Shan et al.

Summary: We review commercially mature or under commercialization candidate long duration energy storage technologies, comparing their modularity, long-term energy storage capability, average capital cost, land-use footprint and equivalent efficiency. These insights are valuable to guide the development of long-duration energy storage projects and inspire potential use cases.


Article Energy & Fuels

Thermal Storage Power Plants (TSPP)- Operation modes for flexible renewable power supply

Franz Trieb et al.

Summary: This paper presents a simulation model for Thermal Storage Power Plants (TSPP) that can cover highly variable residual load patterns during the transition from fossil to renewable electricity supply. TSPP can generate highly flexible power on demand using electricity surplus from the grid, photovoltaic power, biomass, and natural gas. The feasibility of TSPP is tested for different configurations using a simulation model, and its technical and economical performance are analyzed based on a renewable electricity scenario in Germany.


Article Energy & Fuels

Economic, energy and exergy assessments of a Carnot battery storage system: Comparison between with and without the use of the regenerators

Suhong Liu et al.

Summary: This study provides an analysis of a Carnot battery system, showing the ability to store electricity at low cost without geographical constraints. The genetic algorithm is used to minimize the levelized cost of storage, and the use of regenerators significantly impacts the system performance.


Article Thermodynamics

High-temperature thermal storage in combined heat and power plants

Mei Gong et al.

Summary: This paper studies the potential and benefits of integrating a high-temperature thermal storage system into a biomass-fueled CHP plant. Energy and exergy analysis shows that the integrated system has only minor differences compared to the original system. Individual CHP companies can benefit from fuel savings and increased flexibility towards customer demands. The integrated system can increase the storage capacity of the national electric grid and help phase out nuclear power.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

The four generations of district cooling-A categorization of the development in district cooling from origin to future prospect

Poul Alberg Ostergaard et al.

Summary: Research on new advanced district heating concepts has been increasing since the definition of the first four generations of district heating in 2014. The fourth generation, which includes cross-sectoral integration into smart energy systems, has provided a framework for potential futures in district heating. To create a similar framework for district cooling, this paper defines the four generations of district cooling, which includes the development of different cooling systems and their integration with other energy sectors.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Cost comparison of thermal storage power plants and conventional power plants for flexible residual load coverage

Pai Liu et al.

Summary: The paper compares the cost of thermal storage power plants (TSPP) with various conventional power plants, showing that TSPP require less fuel and offer greater flexibility. TSPP have lower electricity costs compared to conventional power plants and serve as an effective hedge against rising fossil fuel market prices and CO2 cost additions.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Key components for Carnot Battery: Technology review, technical barriers and selection criteria

Ting Liang et al.

Summary: This article provides a comprehensive review of the key components of Carnot Batteries, including compressors, expanders, thermal energy storage, heat exchangers, and working fluids. It highlights the development status, technical performance, operating parameters, and cost functions of these components. The article also identifies the critical research barriers and development needs for further advancement of Carnot battery systems.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The role of sustainable bioenergy in a fully decarbonised society

Henrik Lund et al.

Summary: This paper aims to identify the role of sustainable bioenergy in achieving the Danish government's goals of reducing 70% of CO2 emissions and reaching a fully decarbonised society. The presented methodology and approach are relevant for other countries heading in the same direction. The focus is on developing sustainable biomass resources and conversion technologies within the energy and transport sectors, paired with carbon capture utilisation and storage, to coordinate with other sectors and achieve a fully decarbonised society.


Article Energy & Fuels

Exergoeconomic optimization and working fluid comparison of low-temperature Carnot battery systems for energy storage

Ruoxuan Fan et al.

Summary: This study establishes theoretical models for two Carnot Battery systems and analyzes and compares their performance with different working fluid pairs. The results show that the R245fa-HFO-1336mzz(Z) working fluid pair has the best economic performance and power-to-power efficiency, while the HFO-1336mzz(Z)-R245fa working fluid pair has the highest exergy efficiency.


Article Energy & Fuels

On the operational characteristics and economic value of pumped thermal energy storage

Janna Martinek et al.

Summary: This paper evaluates the optimal operation and annual value of a pumped thermal energy storage (PTES) system in different grid scenarios. The study considers factors such as thermal storage capacity, heat pump and heat engine capacities, and startup/shutdown cycling costs. The results show that the PTES system's energy value and heat engine capacity increase with the contribution of variable renewable energy sources and the ratio of heat pump to heat engine capacities. The operational patterns and energy value of the PTES system also vary between scenarios dominated by solar photovoltaics or wind energy.


Article Energy & Fuels

The bidding strategies of large-scale battery storage in 100% renewable smart energy systems

Meng Yuan et al.

Summary: This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the bidding strategies of large-scale Li-ion batteries in 100% renewable smart energy systems. The results show that large-scale battery storage plays a limited role in future energy systems that follow the smart energy system concept. The findings of this study provide general strategies for battery bidding and operation in 100% RE systems.


Article Energy & Fuels

Techno-Economic Comparison of Utility-Scale Compressed Air and Electro-Chemical Storage Systems

Coriolano Salvini et al.

Summary: This paper compares the techno-economic performance of utility-scale diabatic compressed air energy storage (D-CAES) systems and Battery Energy Storage (BES) systems based on consolidated technologies like Na-S and Li-Ion. The study finds that Na-S technology-based systems consistently exhibit better techno-economic performance than Li-Ion based ones.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Smart energy Denmark. A consistent and detailed strategy for a fully decarbonized society

Henrik Lund et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a strategy for achieving a fully decarbonized Danish energy system by 2045, which could also be applicable globally. The analysis includes computer simulations on an hourly basis to design a Smart Energy System that can balance all sectors of the energy system. The analysis considers various factors such as international shipping and aviation, sustainable biomass utilization, and energy exchange with neighboring countries. Furthermore, the energy system is coordinated with other sectors to achieve a fully decarbonized society. The paper also discusses the employment impact of investing in decarbonizing the Danish economy.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Review and validation of EnergyPLAN

P. A. Ostergaard et al.

Summary: Energy systems analyses play a crucial role in transitioning towards renewable energy-based energy systems. This article examines the validity and contribution of EnergyPLAN through a comprehensive analysis of its applications and findings. The study reveals the widespread use of EnergyPLAN across different systems and stages of development, and highlights important insights obtained through its application.


Article Energy & Fuels

Conversion of combined heat and power coal-fired plants to Carnot batteries-Prospective sites for early grid-scale applications

Ales Basta et al.

Summary: This study examines the techno-economic prospects of converting coal-fired combined heat and power plants into Carnot batteries (CB), proposing smaller power plants as more suitable candidates for retrofitting. It describes the use of direct electrical heating, thermal energy storage, and integrated heat exchangers in the proposed system.


Article Energy & Fuels

Design and performance of a long duration electric thermal energy storage demonstration plant at megawatt-scale

Jan Rudolf Eggers et al.

Summary: This paper presents a solution for long duration energy storage using Electric Thermal Energy Storage (ETES) technology, which utilizes low-cost natural rocks as the storage medium for electricity. The paper describes the design, measurement results, and performance of an ETES demonstration plant with a charging power of 5.4 MW, showing stable operation and a storage capacity of 87.5 MWh over multiple cycles.


Review Energy & Fuels

Carnot Battery development: A review on system performance, applications and commercial state-of-the-art

Andrea Vecchi et al.

Summary: This article provides a review of the latest developments in Carnot Battery technologies, including the collection and comparison of techno-economic performance data, discussions on system-scale applications, and updates on commercial developments. The study reveals differences in the techno-economics of different Carnot Battery technologies, a wide range of performance metrics, and a discrepancy between scientific research and ongoing projects in terms of system implementation. The article suggests harmonization of these discrepancies and consideration of location-specific integration for future advancements and deployment of Carnot Batteries.


Article Thermodynamics

The benefits of 4th generation district heating and energy efficient datacentres

Peter Sorknaes et al.

Summary: This paper explores the energy system benefits of transitioning district heating infrastructure from 3rd generation to 4th generation, and evaluates the costs and energy effects at a national level. It also investigates the impacts of different cooling solutions in datacentres. The study found that transitioning to 4th generation district heating reduces system costs and improves energy efficiency in Denmark, and increasing the temperature outlet of datacentre waste heat adds value to the system.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

The electrification of transportation in energy transition

Meng Yuan et al.

Summary: The study examines the role of transportation electrification in the mid-to-long term, focusing on the coupling of electric vehicle deployment and power system decarbonization. A case study in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region suggests that achieving 100% EV penetration by 2050 could lead to energy savings and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by at least 11%.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Energy & Fuels

Hybrid energy networks and electrification of district heating under different energy system conditions

Peter Sorknaes

Summary: As electricity systems globally shift towards increasing levels of variable renewable sources, it is important to electrify other energy sectors for efficient integration. District heating electrification has been identified as one of the key sectors for integrating variable renewables, offering diverse energy conversion technologies and cost-effective energy storage solutions. Research shows that with higher levels of variable renewables, the need for electricity-consuming conversion units like heat pumps becomes more crucial. Two future energy system scenarios for Austria and Denmark, with varying degrees of district heating utilization, showcase different perspectives on electrification under different conditions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Proposal of 100% renewable energy production for the City of Cuenca-Ecuador by 2050

Daniel Icaza et al.

Summary: This research presents a scenario for a 100% renewable energy system for the City of Cuenca, Ecuador, with a projection to the year 2050. The transition process includes changes in the productive matrix, legal reforms, and the implementation of new renewable energy sources and infrastructure such as electric vehicles and tram systems. The goal is to achieve a 100% penetration of renewable energy in all systems across Ecuador, ensuring a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.


Article Thermodynamics

Techno-economic analysis of an integrated liquid air and thermochemical energy storage system

Sike Wu et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Smart energy cities in a 100% renewable energy context

J. Z. Thellufsen et al.


Article Economics

A holistic view on sector coupling

Gilbert Fridgen et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Early decarbonisation of the European energy system pays off

Marta Victoria et al.


Review Energy & Fuels

Carnot battery technology: A state-of-the-art review

Olivier Dumont et al.


Article Thermodynamics

Integration of liquid air energy storage into the spanish power grid

Mathieu Legrand et al.

ENERGY (2019)

Proceedings Paper Energy & Fuels

Evaluating Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) Based on Price Arbitrage Operations: with Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) as an Example

Chunping Xie et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Projecting the Future Levelized Cost of Electricity Storage Technologies

Oliver Schmidt et al.

Article Thermodynamics

Smart energy and smart energy systems

Henrik Lund et al.

ENERGY (2017)

Article Thermodynamics

Levelised Cost of Storage for Pumped Heat Energy Storage in comparison with other energy storage technologies

Andrew Smallbone et al.


Review Agronomy

Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment

Felix Creutzig et al.