4.7 Article

Influence of shale bedding on development of microscale pores and fractures


Article Thermodynamics

Impact of supercritical CO2 exposure time on the porosity and permeability of dry and wet shale: The influence of chemo-mechanical coupling effects

Shifeng Tian et al.

Summary: CO2 storage in shale formation is a potential means to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. The interaction between CO2 and shale leads to changes in permeability, which is crucial for CO2 sequestration. This study investigated the effect of supercritical CO2 exposure time on the porosity and permeability evolution of dry and wet shale samples. The results showed that the porosity and permeability of both dry and wet shale initially increased and then decreased with exposure time, with an inflection point. The evolution of porosity and permeability in shale is controlled by the chemical-mechanical coupling effects, with mineral dissolution and mechanical weakening playing key roles. The inflection time was earlier in wet shale, indicating a shorter period of chemical dominance compared to dry shale. These findings highlight the importance of considering time-dependent chemical-mechanical coupling effects when evaluating shale gas production and CO2 storage capacity.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Thermodynamics

Dynamic evolution of shale permeability under coupled temperature and effective stress conditions

Guoliang Li et al.

Summary: In this study, permeability experiments were conducted on a shale sample from the lower Longmaxi Formation under various temperature, effective stress, and pore pressure conditions. The results showed that the permeability decreases linearly with increasing pore pressure, temperature, and effective stress. The absolute permeability also decreases with increasing temperature or effective stress. The Klinkenberg parameter was found to be positively correlated with temperature and effective stress. These findings provide important guidance for evaluating permeability changes and optimizing shale gas extraction efficiency in deep reservoirs.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Energy & Fuels

Evolution of porosity in kerogen type I during hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysis: Experimental study, mechanistic understanding, and model development

Bo Liu et al.

Summary: In this study, the role of water on organic porosity evolution was investigated by studying the pore structure characteristics of Qingshankou shale during anhydrous and hydrous pyrolysis over a wide range of temperature. The results showed that water played an important role in the evolution of organic porosity.
Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Lithofacies Types and Physical Characteristics of Organic-Rich Shale in the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Xichang Basin, China

Wei He et al.

Summary: This study investigated the petrology and lithofacies of the shale samples from the Wufeng Formation-Member 1 of the Longmaxi Formation in the Xichang Basin. It identified nine lithofacies and determined the lithofacies that are favorable for shale gas accumulation. This study is important for the exploration and development evaluation of shale gas.

ACS OMEGA (2023)

Article Engineering, Chemical

Apparent permeability of organic matter in shale considering pore size distribution

Yuanyuan Tian et al.

Summary: Gas flow in shale nanopores is crucial for shale gas exploitation. Organic matter, with its gas storage ability, plays an important role in gas shale reservoirs. Existing permeability models mainly focus on specific factors such as pore diameter or mathematical distribution, rather than pore size distribution. Our research shows that the Kapp curves of organic matter exhibit transition steps from transitional flow to slip flow, with porosity, dominant pore diameter, and frequency being the main factors affecting organic matter's Kapp.


Article Thermodynamics

Salt crystal: Natural proppant for enhancing shale reservoir production

Jiaxin Shao et al.

Summary: This study reveals the benefit of using salt crystals as a proppant to alleviate stress sensitivity in shale reservoirs. The microstructure analysis of salt crystals explains their compressive strength caused by structural differences. An innovative strategy of using proppants and salt crystals to support hydraulic and natural fractures is suggested for enhancing shale gas production.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Energy & Fuels

In-situ combustion technique for developing fractured low permeable oil shale: Experimental evidence for synthetic oil generation and successful propagation of combustion front

Alexander V. Bolotov et al.

Summary: The idea of in-situ combustion (ISC) for oil shale development and conversion has been proposed recently. This work provides experimental evidence of the successful establishment and propagation of combustion front in fractured, low-permeability oil shale.
Article Thermodynamics

Experimental study of effect of slickwater fracturing on coal pore structure and methane adsorption

Jun Li et al.

Summary: Slickwater fracturing has a significant impact on the pore structure of coal seams, resulting in a decrease in pore volume and specific surface area, as well as severe blockage of micropores by residual liquid. The development of a gel breaker suitable for slickwater can improve the flowback effect and reduce reservoir damage.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

Chemical-mechanical coupling effects on the permeability of shale subjected to supercritical CO2-water exposure

Kang Yang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of ScCO2-water exposure on shale properties and reveals the changes in mineral composition, pore structure, and mechanical properties due to the chemical-mechanical interaction. The results indicate that the interaction leads to changes in shale porosity and permeability, with chemical reactions increasing the porosity in unstressed conditions and the chemical-mechanical coupling effects decreasing the permeability in stressed conditions. The findings highlight the importance of understanding the chemical-mechanical processes in shale for optimizing gas recovery and CO2 sequestration.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

Mineral dissolution and pore alteration of coal induced by interactions with supercritical CO2

Kang Chen et al.

Summary: CO2 injection into coal seams enhances coalbed methane recovery and achieves CO2 geological sequestration. Supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) interactions with coal alter pore structure and mineral compositions, increasing gas adsorption and storage capacity.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Engineering, Mechanical

Dynamic Brazilian splitting experiment of bedding shale based on continuum-discrete coupled method

Wei Tang et al.

Summary: This study investigates the dynamic mechanical properties and damage patterns of shale under dynamic loading through experiments and simulations. The results show that the loading rate has a significant impact on the dynamic strength and damage characteristics of shale. There are significant differences in the application of model parameters under static and dynamic loading conditions.


Article Energy & Fuels

The effect of water vapor on methane adsorption in the nanopores of shale

Zhaodi Zhang et al.

Summary: Water vapor has a lesser detrimental impact on methane adsorption in shale compared to preadsorbed water. The reduction in methane adsorption capacity and adsorption rate is due to water blocking and adsorption competition.


Article Thermodynamics

Sorption model of lacustrine shale oil: Insights from the contribution of organic matter and clay minerals

Jinbu Li et al.

Summary: This study proposes a new sorbed oil model to understand the adsorption capacity of kerogen and clay pores in shale oil. The findings suggest that free oil rather than total oil content should be considered when selecting favorable areas.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

Micro- to nano-scale areal heterogeneity in pore structure and mineral compositions of a sub-decimeter-sized Eagle Ford Shale

Qiming Wang et al.

Summary: The compositions of minerals, organic matter, and pore structures in fine-grained shale have an impact on reservoir properties. This study used various techniques to investigate the spatial heterogeneity in core-sized samples of Eagle Ford Shale, including microscale X-ray fluorescence mapping, (ultra-) small-angle x-ray scattering, and wide-angle X-ray scattering. The results provide insights into the variations in elemental and pore structure characteristics at different scales.


Article Thermodynamics

Effects of gas components, reservoir property and pore structure of shale gas reservoir on the competitive adsorption behavior of CO2 and CH4

Weidong Xie et al.

Summary: This study simulated the competitive adsorption behavior of CO2 and CH4 at in-situ conditions in shale gas reservoirs and analyzed the effects of binary gas components, shale properties, and pore structure on the CO2 adsorption affinity. Mathematical and geological models for CO2 injection into the Longmaxi shale gas reservoir to enhance CH4 recovery and achieve carbon sequestration were established based on experimental and reservoir parameters, and the feasibility and expected benefits were discussed.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Energy & Fuels

A quantitative analysis of flow properties and heterogeneity in shale rocks using computed tomography imaging and finite-element based simulation

James O. Adeleye et al.

Summary: This study presents a quantitative evaluation of flow property influenced by micro-scale heterogeneities in shale rocks. Micro- and nano-Computed Tomography images of shale rock samples from different formations were digitized and computational simulations were carried out to compute parameters such as pore-volume distribution, porosity, permeability, and heterogeneity factor. The results revealed the impact of micro-cracks on permeability and porosity, as well as the morphological differences among shale rock samples. Additionally, the analysis showed an inverse relationship between tortuosity and porosity, permeability, and their degree of heterogeneity.


Article Thermodynamics

3D Printing of natural sandstone at pore scale and comparative analysis on micro-structure and single/two-phase flow properties

Rui Song et al.

Summary: This study presents the first attempt in literature to create a 3D printed sample of natural sandstone from a micro-CT image, achieving a printing resolution of 2 μm. Comparative analysis of pore structure, pore size distribution (PSD), porosity, and permeability between the 3D printed sample and the original sample is conducted using DRP simulation. The visualized CO2 displacing oil experiment is performed on the 3D printed sample and compared with experimental benchmark data. The findings provide insights into the pore structure mismatch, causes for such mismatch, and the oil wetting behavior of the printed sample.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Thermodynamics

Study of a low-damage efficient-imbibition fracturing fluid without flowback used for low-pressure tight reservoirs

Feifei Huang et al.

Summary: The novel nanoparticle-enhanced supramolecular fracturing fluid (NESF) improved oil recovery by enhancing heat resistance and interfacial properties, leading to a low oil permeability loss rate, high fracture conductivity retainment rate, and high imbibition recovery factor. Oil production from wells stimulated by NESF without flowback increased by 13.55% and the decline rate was significantly reduced.

ENERGY (2021)

Review Thermodynamics

Characterizing pore-level oil mobilization processes in unconventional reservoirs assisted by state-of-the-art nuclear magnetic resonance technique

Xiang Zhang et al.

Summary: This article highlights the importance of NMR in the development of unconventional resources, provides an analysis of different NMR methods for characterizing pore-scale oil mobilization, and outlines the controversies and challenges in the research.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Energy & Fuels

Hydrocarbon mixture phase behavior in multi-scale systems in relation to shale oil recovery: The effect of pore size distributions

Yinuo Zhao et al.

Summary: This study used engineering density functional theory to investigate the phase behaviors of hydrocarbon mixtures in multi-scale nanoporous media with the effect of pore size distribution. Under the PSD effect, the interplay between nanopores and bulk region influences phase transitions and properties of fluids, leading to the accumulation of heavier components in the smaller pores.
Article Energy & Fuels

Reservoir space and enrichment model of shale oil in the first member of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation in the Changling Sag, southern Songliao Basin, NE China

Liu Bo et al.

Summary: The study of the lithology, lithofacies, reservoir properties, and shale oil enrichment model in a lake basin with terrigenous clastics in the southern Songliao Basin highlights the higher hydrocarbon generation potential and effective reservoir space of laminated shale, with specific conditions leading to oil and gas enrichment.


Article Energy & Fuels

Numerical reactive flow transport simulation on core samples during acid fracturing in carbonaceous shale

Mohsen Farrokhrouz et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Main factors influencing the development of nanopores in over-mature, organic-rich shales

Mingming Wei et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Transport behaviors of real gas mixture through nanopores of shale reservoir

Fengrui Sun et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

A slip-flow model for oil transport in organic nanopores

Fengrui Sun et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Multiscale pore structure and its effect on gas transport in organic-rich shale

Tianhao Wu et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

2D and 3D nanopore characterization of gas shale in Longmaxi formation based on FIB-SEM

Shangwen Zhou et al.


Article Biochemical Research Methods

Updated methodology for nuclear magnetic resonance characterization of shales

Kathryn E. Washburn et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Lower Cretaceous gas shales in northeastern British Columbia, Part I: geological controls on methane sorption capacity

Gareth R. L. Chalmers et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

Application of SAXS and SANS in evaluation of porosity, pore size distribution and surface area of coal

AP Radlinski et al.