4.8 Article

Investigating Strain between Phase-Segregated Domains in Cu-Deficient CuInP2S6


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Robust Threshold-Switching Behavior Assisted by Cu Migration in a Ferroionic CuInP2S6 Heterostructure

Zhipeng Zhong et al.

Summary: This research presents a stable threshold-switching device based on Cu/CIPS/graphene heterostructure, achieved after investigating the activation of Cu's ionic conductivity. The device exhibits exceptional threshold-switching performance, with good cycling endurance, high on/off ratio, low operation voltages, and an ultrasmall subthreshold swing. The stable resistive-switching mechanism is interpreted with a drifting and diffusion model of Cu ions under the electric field, making the layered ferroionic CIPS material a promising candidate for information storage devices.

ACS NANO (2023)

Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Phonon anharmonicity in Cu-based layered thiophosphates

Rahul Rao et al.

Summary: In this work, temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy studies were conducted on three layered metal thiophosphates: CuInP2S6, CuCrP2S6, and CuInP2S6-In4/3P2S6 heterostructures. These materials are emerging multiferroics, with CuInP2S6 and CuInP2S6-In4/3P2S6 exhibiting ferrielectric polarization at room temperature while CuCrP2S6 is both anti-ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic at low temperatures. The Raman spectra of these compounds were analyzed, revealing the influence of temperature on the P-P and P-S stretching modes, primarily driven by nonlinear effects.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition in the van der Waals compound CoPS3

Takahiro Matsuoka et al.

Summary: We investigated the insulator-to-metal transition and crystal structure evolution of CoPS3 under high pressure. The compound exhibits a structural transformation accompanied by a reduction in volume and becomes metallic. The metallic CoPS3 shows a hole-dominant conduction with multiple conduction bands and displays linear magnetoresistance and incomplete high-spin low-spin transition. Our study also summarizes the comprehensive phase diagram of MPS3 compounds that metalize under pressure, including M = V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cd.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Large-Scale Domain Engineering in Two-Dimensional FerroelectricCuInP2S6 via Giant Flexoelectric Effect

Chen Chen et al.

Summary: Room-temperature ferroelectricity in two-dimensional materials has the potential for developing atomic-scale functional devices. However, the controllable generation of uniform domains in 2D ferroelectrics remains challenging. In this study, we demonstrate the artificial generation of large-scale stripe domains using the flexoelectric effect in 2D ferroelectric CuInP2S6. We mechanically switch the out-of-plane polarization in ultrathin CuInP2S6 with giant strain gradients. The density of stripe domains can be controlled through substrate strain engineering.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Ferrielectric-paraelectric phase transitions in layered CuInP2S6 and CuInP2S6- In4/3P2S6 heterostructures: A Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction study

Rahul Rao et al.

Summary: To better control the properties of emerging ferroelectric materials, it is important to understand the microscopic origins of their phase transitions. This study focused on CuInP2S6 (CIPS) and CuInP2S6 and In4/3P2S6 domains (CIPS-IPS), and found that both the movement of Cu ions and the strain of anion octahedral cages play important roles in the ferroelectric-paraelectric transition.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Ultrafast Nonlinear Absorption and Second Harmonic Generation in Cu0.33In1.30P2S6 van der Waals Layered Crystals

Aamir Mushtaq et al.

Summary: The nonlinear optical behavior of Cu0.33In1.30P2S6 bulk heterostructure was studied. Large two-photon induced nonlinear absorptions and self-defocusing were observed using the Z-scan technique. These observations can be utilized for designing optoelectronic and ultrafast photonic devices.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Size effect on optical and vibrational properties of van der Waals layered In4/3P2S6

Hailin Zhou et al.

Summary: In this work, the thickness-dependent optical and vibrational properties of In4/3P2S6 are comprehensively investigated. Optical birefringence and anisotropic photoelectric response are observed, which are closely related to the monoclinic symmetry of the crystal lattice. The disappearance of Raman scattering, absorption, and photoluminescence intensity at about three to four layers indicates enhanced structural disorder and lattice incoherence approaching the monolayer limit. Phonon softening and bandgap widening are accompanied by thickness reduction before reaching the critical thickness. These findings provide insights into the finite size effect on the physical properties of metal thiophosphates and offer potential device applications by utilizing the property of optical anisotropy.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Revealing Fast Cu-Ion Transport and Enhanced Conductivity at the CuInP2S6-In4/3P2S6 Heterointerface

Marti Checa et al.

Summary: This study uses quantitative scanning probe microscopy methods combined with density functional theory to explore the nanoscale variability in the dynamic functional properties of the ferroelectric material CIPS and the nonferroelectric material IPS. It reveals evidence of fast ionic transport that mediates a significant out-of-plane electromechanical response of the CIPS surface in the paraelectric phase. It also recovers the local dielectric behavior during the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition and demonstrates the tunable conductivity enhancement at the CIPS/IPS interface.

ACS NANO (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Flexoelectric engineering of van der Waals ferroelectric CuInP2S6

Wenjie Ming et al.

Summary: In this study, an alternative switching mechanism for Van der Waals layered CuInP2S6 (CIPS) using the flexoelectric effect was developed. By engineering the topographic surfaces, strain gradient was created, allowing mechanical modulation of CIPS and the possibility of engineering multiple polarization states for device applications.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Vibrational properties of CuInP2S6 across the ferroelectric transition

Sabine N. Neal et al.

Summary: In this study, we investigated the properties of a two-sublattice ferroelectric material, CuInP2S6, by measuring its infrared and Raman scattering response across the ferroelectric and glassy transitions. Our findings, supported by symmetry analysis, phase stability calculations, and lattice dynamics, revealed the displacive character of the material, as well as the presence of two ferroelectric variants with opposite polarizations. We also observed a poorly understood relaxational or glassy transition below the ferroelectric transition temperature, characterized by subtle peak shifting and activation of low frequency modes.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Thermoreflectance characterization of the band-edge excitons observed in multilayered CuInP2S6

Ching-Hwa Ho et al.

Summary: Excitons are bound states of one electron and one hole attracted by electrostatic force in materials, especially in 2D semiconductors. This study observed Rydberg-series band edge excitons in multi-layered CuInP2S6 using mu TR measurements, demonstrating the potential application of CuInP2S6 in optoelectronic devices.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Structural Dynamics and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Computational Insights

Dibyajyoti Ghosh et al.

Summary: Semiconductor quantum dots possess exciting photophysical properties for various applications, and the choice of ligands significantly affects the structural fluctuations and optoelectronic properties of the QDs. The study showed that bulky and strongly binding ligands induce higher interfacial dynamics, while primary amine ligands are optimal choices for QD passivation. This insight may help in designing principles for screening and optimizing passivating ligands for different QD applications.


Article Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear

P2S5 Reactive Flux Method for the Rapid Synthesis of Mono- and Bimetallic 2D Thiophosphates M2-xM′xP2S6

Daniel G. Chica et al.

Summary: This study successfully synthesized high-quality single- and mixed-metal two-dimensional thiophosphate materials using a reactive flux technique, with crystal growth and single-step formation of different metal thiophosphates achieved by optimizing heating profiles. The homogeneity and quality of the materials were confirmed through energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and microscopy measurements.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Pressure-driven phase transformations and phase segregation in ferrielectric CuInP2S6-In4/3P2S6 self-assembled heterostructures

Rahul Rao et al.

Summary: The study explores the structural changes of Cu-deficient CuInP2S6 under pressure, revealing different phase transitions at different pressures which could potentially be utilized to tune the electronic and ferrielectric properties.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Tunable quadruple-well ferroelectric van der Waals crystals

John A. Brehm et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Local Strain and Polarization Mapping in Ferrielectric Materials

Sabine M. Neumayer et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Temperature-dependent Raman scattering and x-ray diffraction study of phase transitions in layered multiferroic CuCrP2S6

M. A. Susner et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Anomalous polarization switching and permanent retention in a ferroelectric ionic conductor

Shuang Zhou et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Giant negative electrostriction and dielectric tunability in a van der Waals layered ferroelectric

Sabine M. Neumayer et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Origin of giant negative piezoelectricity in a layered van der Waals ferroelectric

Lu You et al.


Article Physics, Applied

Raman study of a magnetic phase transition in the MnPS3 single crystal

A. V. Peschanskii et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Quantitative Analysis of the Local Phase Transitions Induced by Laser Heating

Anton V. Ievlev et al.

ACS NANO (2015)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-Tc Layered Ferrielectric Crystals by Coherent Spinodal Decomposition

Michael A. Susner et al.

ACS NANO (2015)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Coupling of Crystal Structure and Magnetism in the Layered, Ferromagnetic Insulator CrI3

Michael A. McGuire et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Dielectric Properties of Cu(In0,7Cr0,3)P2S6 Crystals under High Hydrostatic Pressure

O. Shusta et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

First principles phonon calculations in materials science

Atsushi Togo et al.


Article Physics, Condensed Matter

FULLPROF as a new tool for flipping ratio analysis: further improvements

C. Frontera et al.


Article Physics, Condensed Matter

Raman and x-ray diffraction studies of nanometric Sn2P2S6 crystals

AV Gomonnai et al.


Article Physics, Condensed Matter

Disordering effect on optical absorption processes in CuInP2S6 layered ferrielectrics

IP Studenyak et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Lattice dynamics and the ferroelectric phase transition in Sn2P2S6

MB Smirnov et al.