4.6 Article

In situ observation of thermal runaway propagation in lithium-ion battery electrodes triggered by high-frequency induction heating


Article Thermodynamics

Detecting the foreign matter defect in lithium-ion batteries based on battery pilot manufacturing line data analyses

Yue Pan et al.

Summary: This study focuses on the foreign matter defect introduced during the manufacturing process of lithium-ion batteries, and proposes a detection algorithm that achieves high accuracy in identifying defective batteries. The algorithm has the potential to enhance the safety and screening ability of batteries.

ENERGY (2023)

Article Energy & Fuels

Formulating energy density for designing practical lithium-sulfur batteries

Guangmin Zhou et al.

Summary: The authors analyze key Li-S cell parameters, propose an energy density calculation, and discuss the design targets for practical high-performance Li-S batteries.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Operando monitoring of the open circuit voltage during electrolyte filling ensures high performance of lithium-ion batteries

Hao Cui et al.

Summary: The wetting process is crucial in battery production efficiency and quality, especially for large-format or high-energy density lithium-ion batteries. This study proposes a method for in-situ monitoring of the open circuit voltage during electrolyte filling, providing valuable information about the process.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Reductive gas manipulation at early self-heating stage enables controllable battery thermal failure

Yu Wang et al.

Summary: This research successfully controls the thermal failure process of liquid batteries by manipulating the deleterious reactions at an earlier stage. By designing safety countermeasures, commercial Li-ion batteries can be effectively prevented from thermal runaway.
Review Electrochemistry

A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery Failure Hazards: Test Standards, Accident Analysis, and Safety Suggestions

Xin Lai et al.

Summary: This study comprehensively reviews the global safety standards and regulations of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), introduces a standardized test for thermal runaway triggering, and discusses recent fire accidents and the upgrading of test standards. Four suggestions for improving battery safety are proposed. This study is of great significance in enhancing the safety of lithium-ion batteries.


Article Energy & Fuels

Toward more realistic microgrid optimization: Experiment and high-efficient model of Li-ion battery degradation under dynamic conditions

Yifan Wei et al.

Summary: This article focuses on the degradation and life prediction of LFP batteries, and achieves accurate predictions through accelerated aging experiments and a reduced-order semi-empirical model. The model not only has fast computation speed, but also can be generalized to different conditions.


Article Energy & Fuels

No thermal runaway propagation optimization design of battery arrangement for cell-to-chassis technology

Changyong Jin et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the design and integration of battery components in electric vehicles, proposing a new solution called the brick configuration, and validates its safety and effectiveness through thermal runaway propagation experiments.


Article Electrochemistry

An Electrical-Thermal Coupling Model with Artificial Intelligence for State of Charge and Residual Available Energy Co-Estimation of LiFePO4 Battery System under Various Temperatures

Shuoyuan Mao et al.

Summary: This paper introduces an artificial intelligence-based electrical-thermal coupling battery model and an application-oriented procedure for estimating SOC and RAE in a reliable and effective battery management system. The paper also proposes a model-based strategy for controlling the battery's thermal state in low temperature. Simulation results show that the proposed method can accurately estimate SOC and RAE, and the preheating strategy significantly improves energy output.


Article Energy & Fuels

Fire and explosion characteristics of vent gas from lithium-ion batteries after thermal runaway: A comparative study

Huaibin Wang et al.

Summary: This study compares the fire and explosion hazards of vent gas emitted from different types of lithium-ion batteries after thermal runaway, and analyzes the composition and content of the vent gas. The results show that the fire and explosion hazards posed by the vent gas from LiFePO4 battery are greater than those from Li(NixCoyMn1-x-y)O2 battery. This indicates the need to reconsider the choice of cell chemistries and strengthen the safety design against fire and explosion in designing electric energy storage stations.


Article Energy & Fuels

A coupled conjugate heat transfer and CFD model for the thermal runaway evolution and jet fire of 18650 lithium-ion battery under thermal abuse

Depeng Kong et al.

Summary: Thermal runaway is a safety concern for lithium-ion batteries. This study develops a numerical model to predict the temperature, pressure evolution, and jet fire of the battery, considering the effect of state of charge (SOC).


Article Energy & Fuels

New hybrid scheme with local battery energy storages and electric vehicles for the power frequency service

Qingqing Yang et al.

Summary: This paper presents a new hybrid scheme using EV and local batteries to actively participate in grid services, improving optimal power scheduling and battery aging control in a microgrid environment.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Model and experiments to investigate thermal runaway characterization of lithium-ion batteries induced by external heating method

Changyong Jin et al.

Summary: The study investigates the combined impact of heating power and heating area on thermal runaway triggering, revealing that smaller heating areas with higher power density can trigger thermal runaway more quickly. Additionally, a thermal runaway prediction and recommended heating scheme map based on simulation results is proposed to shorten heating time effectively.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Unlocking the self-supported thermal runaway of high-energy lithium-ion batteries

Junxian Hou et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that two endogenous oxygen pathways involved in strong exothermic reactions lead to uncontrollable states in the NMC811|graphite pouch cell, with significant safety concerns. Approximately 41% of thermal-induced oxygen reacts aggressively with ethylene carbonate at the cathode/electrolyte interface, accelerating the self-heating rate and triggering thermal runaway. The residual oxygen that survives the reaction with carbonate spreads to the lithiated anode, generating major heat and bringing the battery to the maximum destructive temperature during thermal runaway.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Observation of memory effects associated with degradation of rechargeable lithium-ion cells using ultrafast surface-scan magnetic resonance imaging

Konstantin Romanenko et al.

Summary: As the demand for batteries grows, new screening methods are crucial in preventing catastrophic failures. Surface-scan MRI is a non-destructive technique that accurately detects electrode degradation and hazardous states during the charging process.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Questions and Answers Relating to Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Issues

Wensheng Huang et al.

Summary: This article comprehensively discusses issues such as electric vehicle accidents, lithium-ion battery safety, existing safety technology, and solid-state batteries, clarifying the failure mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries and providing advice on creating safer battery systems. The aim is to promote a safer future for battery applications and a wider acceptance of electric vehicles.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Prevention of lithium-ion battery thermal runaway using polymer-substrate current collectors

Martin T. M. Pham et al.

Summary: From the translation, we can understand that isolating electronically conducting material is a promising way to prevent thermal runaway in lithium-ion cells, and a metal-coated polymer current collector designed to disconnect internal short circuits shows reduced risk of thermal runaway during nail penetration. Through experiments, it was found that this type of current collector has lower mass and manufacturing costs, and reduces the risk of thermal runaway in cells during nail-penetration testing.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Initiation of thermal runaway in Lithium-ion cells by inductive heating

Akos Kriston et al.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Mitigating Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Xuning Feng et al.

Article Electrochemistry

Operando Analysis of Thermal Runaway in Lithium Ion Battery during Nail-Penetration Test Using an X-ray Inspection System

Tokihiko Yokoshima et al.


Article Thermodynamics

Failure mechanism of the lithium ion battery during nail penetration

Binbin Mao et al.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Thermal runaway mechanism of lithium ion battery for electric vehicles: A review

Xuning Feng et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

In-operando high-speed tomography of lithium-ion batteries during thermal runaway

Donal P. Finegan et al.