4.6 Article

Impact of Green Manuring on Health of Low Fertility Calcareous Soils


Article Agronomy

Evaluating Non-Composted Red Cotton Tree (Bombax ceiba) Sawdust Mixtures for Raising Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) in Pots

Muhammad Yasin et al.

Summary: The aim of the study was to evaluate whether non-composted Bombax ceiba sawdust mixed with nutrients could be used as a growth medium for okra. However, it was found that the non-composted sawdust had a negative effect on the growth of okra, despite the addition of nutrients.


Article Plant Sciences

PGPR-Mediated Salt Tolerance in Maize by Modulating Plant Physiology, Antioxidant Defense, Compatible Solutes Accumulation and Bio-Surfactant Producing Genes

Baber Ali et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that Enterobacter cloacae PM23 exhibits multi-stress tolerance and promotes plant growth under salinity stress. It mitigates salt stress by upregulating stress-related genes and producing beneficial substances. Inoculation with E. cloacae PM23 enhances plant adaptation to salinity stress, improving plant growth and antioxidant capacity.


Article Biology

Bacillus mycoides PM35 Reinforces Photosynthetic Efficiency, Antioxidant Defense, Expression of Stress-Responsive Genes, and Ameliorates the Effects of Salinity Stress in Maize

Baber Ali et al.

Summary: The study showed that salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria can alleviate the adverse impacts of soil salinity, promote plant growth, enhance antioxidant capacity, and increase crop productivity.


Review Plant Sciences

Role of endophytic bacteria in salinity stress amelioration by physiological and molecular mechanisms of defense: A comprehensive review

Baber Ali et al.

Summary: Climate change poses significant challenges to sustainable agriculture, with salt stress being a major factor affecting crop production worldwide. Microbial-based solutions, particularly endophytic bacteria, offer a natural and cost-effective approach to mitigate salt stress and enhance plant growth and yield.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance

Shah Fahad et al.

Summary: Agroforestry integrates different plants and animals in the same piece of land, promoting efficient resource utilization, providing various ecological services, enhancing biodiversity, reducing soil erosion, and improving agricultural productivity.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Iron Sulfate (FeSO4) Improved Physiological Attributes and Antioxidant Capacity by Reducing Oxidative Stress of Oryza sativa L. Cultivars in Alkaline Soil

Ammara Saleem et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of iron on germination, growth, photosynthetic pigment, antioxidant activity, and reduction of oxidative stress in different cultivars of rice. The results showed that iron treatment improved seed germination percentage, plant growth, and antioxidant enzymatic activity.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Nano-Priming against Abiotic Stress: A Way Forward towards Sustainable Agriculture

Abdul Salam et al.

Summary: Agriculture, which provides food for survival and health, faces challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and abiotic stresses. Nanotechnological approaches, particularly seed nano-priming, have shown potential in improving crop productivity and enhancing stress tolerance. This review provides an overview of recent advances in seed nano-priming and the mechanisms underlying plant stress-tolerance augmentation.


Review Biology

Plant Microbiome Engineering: Hopes or Hypes

Muhammad Siddique Afridi et al.

Summary: Plant microbiome plays a crucial role in plant health and productivity, and microbiome engineering aims to manipulate the microbiome to enhance important plant functions. However, there are various challenges and limitations in plant microbiome engineering.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Comparative efficacy of phosphorous supplements with phosphate solubilizing bacteria for optimizing wheat yield in calcareous soils

Muhammad Adnan et al.

Summary: Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major obstacle in sustainable crop production, especially in calcareous soils. The use of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) as bio-fertilizers can improve P availability in soil, and the application of organic amendments with PSB can further enhance the management of immobilized nutrients in calcareous soils.


Article Plant Sciences

Bacillus thuringiensis PM25 ameliorates oxidative damage of salinity stress in maize via regulating growth, leaf pigments, antioxidant defense system, and stress responsive gene expression

Baber Ali et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that B. thuringiensis PM25 strain has both salt tolerance and plant growth-promoting abilities. Inoculation of B. thuringiensis PM25 significantly improves phenotypic traits, increases antioxidant enzyme levels, and enhances the content of soluble sugars, proteins, phenols, and flavonoids in plants under salt stress. Additionally, B. thuringiensis PM25 reduces oxidative burst and increases compatible solutes in plants under salt stress.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Managing Phosphorus Availability from Organic and Inorganic Sources for Optimum Wheat Production in Calcareous Soils

Manzoor Ahmad et al.

Summary: This study aimed to investigate the impact of different organic and inorganic phosphorus sources on wheat productivity in calcareous soils. The results showed that applying 10 tons of organic manure and SSP or 100% acidulated RP can improve wheat yield and phosphorus use efficiency under calcareous soil conditions.


Article Plant Sciences

Short-term responses of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) to the individual and combinatorial effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and silicon in the soil contaminated by boron

Jing Ma et al.

Summary: The study found that B-rich soils can cause detrimental effects on spinach plants, but the application of silicon and NPK fertilizer can alleviate these effects and improve plant growth and composition.


Review Plant Sciences

New opportunities in plant microbiome engineering for increasing agricultural sustainability under stressful conditions

Muhammad Siddique Afridi et al.

Summary: Plant microbiome engineering is an untapped alternative strategy that can enhance plant growth and productivity under different environmental conditions. It has been proven to have crucial contributions to plant health and tolerance. More research is needed to understand the role of plant microbiome and improve microbial functions for better plant growth and production.


Article Plant Sciences

Individual and combinatorial effects of SNP and NaHS on morpho-physio-biochemical attributes and phytoextraction of chromium through Cr-stressed spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)

Jing Ma et al.

Summary: The application of sodium nitroprusside and sodium hydrogen sulfide can alleviate the adverse effects of spinach exposed to chromium stress, by improving growth, antioxidant defense system, and nutrient uptake. This finding is important for reducing the impact of chromium pollution.


Article Plant Sciences

Impact of foliar application of syringic acid on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under heavy metal stress-insights into nutrient uptake, redox homeostasis, oxidative stress, and antioxidant defense

Jing Ma et al.

Summary: Soil contamination with toxic heavy metals, such as lead, has a negative impact on plant growth and productivity. In this study, the effects of different concentrations of lead on tomato plants were investigated. The results showed that lead accumulation decreased plant growth, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant capacity. However, the application of synergic acid alleviated the toxicity of lead and improved plant growth.


Article Agronomy

Micronutrients Foliar and Drench Application Mitigate Mango Sudden Decline Disorder and Impact Fruit Yield

Ummadud Din Umar et al.

Summary: The study found that the application of micronutrients can significantly reduce the severity of mango sudden death disease and increase fruit yield.


Article Agronomy

Impact of Cultivation Practices and Varieties on Productivity, Profitability, and Nutrient Uptake of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cropping System in India

Ankit Saini et al.

Summary: This study aimed to investigate the impact of different cultivation methods and varieties on the productivity and profitability of the rice-wheat cropping system. The results showed that conventional tillage had the highest grain yield in both crops at both locations, while natural farming had the lowest grain yield. Reduced tillage had a negative effect on the grain yield of wheat and rice. Among the tested varieties, HPW 368 and Him Palam Lal Dhan 1 (HPR 2795) exhibited the highest grain yield and economic benefits.


Article Agronomy

Spike growth affects spike fertility through the number of florets with green anthers before floret abortion in wheat

Zhen Zhang et al.

Summary: This study found that increasing floret fertility in wheat production is closely related to the assimilates supply during early floret development stages, and not all florets become fertile, as some initially abortive florets will not develop into fertile florets.


Article Agronomy

Combining cover crops and low nitrogen fertilization improves soil supporting functions

Silvina Beatriz Restovich et al.


Article Plant Sciences

Green manuring effects on crop morpho-physiological characters, rice yield and soil properties

Md. Moshiul Islam et al.


Article Agronomy

Cover crop root contributions to soil carbon in a no-till corn bioenergy cropping system

Emily E. Austin et al.


Review Agronomy

A Review of Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture in Northern India

S. K. Yadav et al.


Review Agronomy

Zinc nutrition in rice production systems: a review

Hafeez-ur Rehman et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Evaluation of soil physical properties as influenced by various green manuring legumes and phosphorus fertilization under rain fed conditions

M. I. Sultani et al.


Article Geochemistry & Geophysics

Phosphorus retention in calcareous soils and the effect of organic matter on its mobility

Ray von Wandruszka