4.6 Article

Harnessing solar and wind for sustainable cross-border electricity trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion


Article Area Studies

Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade?

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: This paper reviews the progress of establishing an ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and identifies the key barriers to cross-border electricity trade in ASEAN. By analyzing political, technical, institutional, economic, environmental, social, and time dimensions, the paper concludes that it is premature for ASEAN to pursue strong power sector market integration due to significant barriers, particularly economic and institutional barriers. The paper suggests focusing on bilateral power purchase agreements and large-scale investments in solar and wind power between 2022 and 2030, which would contribute to stronger regional integration in the electricity sector while promoting renewable energy adoption.


Article Environmental Sciences

Balancing renewable energy and river resources by moving from individual assessments of hydropower projects to energy system planning

Jeffrey J. Opperman et al.

Summary: As governments and non-state actors strive to minimize global warming, a primary strategy is the decarbonization of power systems which will require a massive increase in renewable electricity generation. While hydropower provides low-carbon generation, the construction of hydropower dams has led to a loss of free-flowing rivers, declining fish populations, and displacement of millions of people. This paper explores strategies to achieve renewable energy expansion while sustaining social and environmental benefits, emphasizing the importance of system-scale power planning and hydropower site selection. Case studies from Chile, Uganda, and Colombia demonstrate the potential for balanced solutions and improved financial performance.


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

ASEAN's energy transition: how to attract more investment in renewable energy

Roman Vakulchuk et al.

Summary: The energy transition in ASEAN is slow with limited investment in renewable energy. This study examines the factors that hinder the attraction of capital, such as carbon lock-in and regulatory practices, and provides recommendations based on international best practices to overcome these obstacles.


Article Economics

Phasing out coal power in a developing country context: Insights from Vietnam

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: Vietnam pledged at COP 26 to phase out unabated coal power by the 2040s or as soon as possible thereafter. This study investigated the drivers for Vietnam's decision, identified barriers to a successful phase out, and proposed potential strategies. The primary driver was the ambition to attract international support for green growth initiatives due to limited financing options for new coal power projects. Key barriers included concerns about electricity shortages and incomplete regulatory frameworks for clean power options. Recommended strategies involve reforming regulations, political prioritization, and building community and enterprise support. The findings are relevant to other developing countries.


Article Energy & Fuels

Moving beyond the NDCs: ASEAN pathways to a net-zero emissions power sector in 2050

Kamia Handayani et al.

Summary: This paper uses the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) to assess the pathways for achieving net-zero emissions in the ASEAN power sector by 2050. The LEAP simulations indicate that ASEAN member states need to utilize their renewable energy potential and undergo a technological transformation to reach the net-zero emissions goal.


Article Energy & Fuels

Pumped Storage Hydropower for Sustainable and Low-Carbon Electricity Grids in Pacific Rim Economies

Daniel Gilfillan et al.

Summary: This paper examines the status and potential of pumped storage hydropower development in 24 Pacific Rim economies. It finds that pumped storage hydropower has significant potential to support the transition to zero or low-carbon electricity grids by balancing renewable energy systems and minimizing social and environmental impacts.


Article Economics

Power connectivity in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)-The need for a wider discourse

Muyi Yang et al.

Summary: Despite efforts in the power industry, the slow progress of power connectivity in the GMS cannot be fully understood and expedited without considering wider issues such as geopolitics and socio-economic factors.


Article Water Resources

Impounded rivers, compounded injustice: contesting the social impacts of hydraulic development in Laos

David J. H. Blake et al.

Summary: Laos has rapidly expanded its hydraulic infrastructure, leading to environmental, economic, and social injustices. Research shows that resettlement measures have not addressed underlying issues of poverty, inequity, exclusion, and social injustice. Significant reforms in water governance and human rights are needed for a water justice paradigm in Laos.


Article Limnology

Impacts of a floating photovoltaic system on temperature and water quality in a shallow tropical reservoir

Peipei Yang et al.

Summary: A three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological lake model was used to study the impacts of floating photovoltaic (PV) systems on hydrodynamics and water quality in a shallow tropical reservoir in Singapore. The model predicted changes in water temperature, stability, mixing energy, chlorophyll a, total organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations under the PV panels.


Article Energy & Fuels

Hourly predictions of direct normal irradiation using an innovative hybrid LSTM model for concentrating solar power projects in hyper-arid regions

Abdallah Djaafari et al.

Summary: This study develops hybrid LSTM models for assessing hourly direct normal irradiation (DNI) using meteorological datasets. The proposed models show low relative errors and reduced input dimensions, making them reliable for estimating DNI in arid desert areas and locations with similar climatic features.


Article Environmental Studies

Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: This study identifies key barriers to offshore wind power development in Vietnam and proposes policy options to address them. The underdeveloped policy environment, incomplete procedures, and immature infrastructure and supply chain are the main hindrances to the development of offshore wind power in Vietnam. The recommended policy measures include setting clear targets, adopting renewable portfolio standards, and streamlining leasing and licensing processes.


Article Thermodynamics

Low-cost, low-emission 100% renewable electricity in Southeast Asia supported by pumped hydro storage

Bin Lu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the role of short-term off-river energy storage (STORES) in supporting 100% renewable electricity in Southeast Asia, finding that closed-loop pumped hydro storage has high potential and maturity. Comparative analysis with the Asia-Pacific Super Grid scenario shows that with support from STORES, Southeast Asia can achieve very high penetration of domestic solar and wind energy resources.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Global Atlas of Closed-Loop Pumped Hydro Energy Storage

Matthew Stocks et al.

Summary: Pumped hydro energy storage in closed-loop, off-river settings can overcome the challenges of finding suitable dam sites, providing more opportunities to support renewable energy generation. Through GIS analysis, hundreds of thousands of potential storage sites have been identified, with a vast combined storage potential capable of supporting large-scale renewable electricity development.
Article Environmental Sciences

The Greater Mekong's Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How ENSO-Triggered Regional Droughts Affect Power Supply and CO2 Emissions

A. F. M. Kamal Chowdhury et al.

Summary: The Greater Mekong Subregion is a transnational area with abundant hydropower resources, but the construction of hydroelectric infrastructure has raised concerns about environmental and societal impacts. Research shows that regional droughts reduce hydropower availability, leading to increased reliance on thermal resources and affecting production costs and CO2 emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Vietnam's solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the factors driving Vietnam's rapid solar and wind power expansion, highlighting the importance of generous feed-in tariffs, income tax exemptions, and land lease payment exemptions. Policy uncertainty and underprepared transmission grids are identified as major barriers. Lessons learned include the importance of strong price signals and a supportive investment environment for rapid uptake of solar and wind power.


Article Energy & Fuels

Energy Harvesting and Water Saving in Arid Regions via Solar PV Accommodation in Irrigation Canals

Ayman Alhejji et al.

Summary: This study aims to develop a practical approach to reduce water evaporation in the Egyptian irrigation system by covering canals with solar photovoltaic panels, while also considering factors such as energy cost, net present value, and greenhouse gas emissions to develop a technoeconomically feasible grid-connected renewable integrated system. By utilizing an innovative metaheuristic algorithm and comparing results with genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization, the optimal sizing and configuration of the on-grid solar PV accommodation for irrigation systems can be determined to minimize impact on the levelized cost of energy.


Article Thermodynamics

A zero-carbon, reliable and affordable energy future in Australia

Bin Lu et al.

Summary: Australia demonstrates high per capita energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, but leads in rapid deployment of solar and wind energy globally. Through modeling decarbonized electricity systems and electrification of various sectors, the country achieves significant reduction in emissions. Utilizing short-term energy storage and demand-side response, as well as large-scale energy grids interconnections, Australia shows a pathway towards reliable and affordable energy with high levels of integration of renewables.

ENERGY (2021)

Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Sustainable Energy-Related Infrastructure Development in the Mekong Subregion: Key Drivers and Policy Implications

Han Phoumin et al.

Summary: This study found that to meet the growing energy demand in the Mekong Subregion, a huge investment of approximately USD 190 billion-220 billion in power generation infrastructure is needed between 2017 and 2050, and this investment must be guided by appropriate policies.


Article Economics

Greening Asia's Economic Development

Paul J. Burke et al.

Summary: Asia is facing serious environmental challenges such as urban air pollution and the impacts of global climate change. However, there are growing opportunities for a transition to a cleaner economy powered by zero-emission energy sources. Economic mechanisms like emissions pricing and renewable portfolio standards have the potential to support a greener development model for the Asian Century.


Article Energy & Fuels

Electricity cooperation strategy between China and ASEAN countries under 'The Belt and road'

Tian-tian Feng et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Hydropower Development and the Loss of Fisheries in the Mekong River Basin

Ian Campbell et al.


Editorial Material Multidisciplinary Sciences

Deploy diverse renewables to save tropical rivers

Rafael J. P. Schmitt et al.

NATURE (2019)

Article Chemistry, Physical

Projecting the Future Levelized Cost of Electricity Storage Technologies

Oliver Schmidt et al.

Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Solar-power replacement as a solution for hydropower foregone in US dam removals

John Waldman et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Related to Hydropower on Shared Rivers-The Role of Regional Organizations

Ines Dombrowski et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin

J. L. Sabo et al.

SCIENCE (2017)

Article Economics

Cross-border trade in electricity

Werner Antweiler


Article Environmental Studies

The politics and economics of cross-border electricity infrastructure: A framework for analysis

Lidia Puka et al.