4.7 Article

Stable Li|LAGP Interface Enabled by Confining Solvate Ionic Liquid in a Hyperbranched Polyanionic Copolymer for NASICON-Based Solid-State Batteries


Article Chemistry, Physical

Boosting fast interfacial Li (+) metal batteries via ultrathin Al buffer layer

Shengnan Zhang et al.

Summary: An ultrathin Al film is deposited on the surface of Li(1.5)AI(0.5)Ge(0.5)P(3)O(12) solid state electrolytes (SSEs) by magnetron sputtering, forming a LiAl buffer layer to inhibit side reactions and provide a uniform interfacial electric field. Density functional theory calculations show that the LiAl alloy surface promotes lithium diffusion, inhibiting the formation of lithium dendrites. Assembled all solid state lithium metal batteries with LiFePO4 cathode exhibit improved cycle stability and rate performance.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Electrochemo-Mechanical Stresses and Their Measurements in Sulfide-Based All-Solid-State Batteries: A Review

Jiabao Gu et al.

Summary: Sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries face serious and unavoidable problems in terms of the generation and evolution of electrochemomechanical stresses due to the lack of a liquid electrolyte. In order to understand and address these issues, highly sensitive probing techniques are needed to measure and bridge the relationship between electrochemical reaction process and internal stress evolution. This article provides a brief overview of recent progress in uncovering the origins of internal stresses, stress measurement principles and devices, and the application of stress-measuring techniques in sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Garnet-Type Lithium Metal Fluorides: A Potential Solid Electrolyte for Solid-State Batteries

Ediga Umeshbabu et al.

Summary: We introduced a garnet-type lithium metal fluoride, Li3Na3M2F12 (M = Al, Sc, In), as solid-state lithium-ion conductors for the first time. The mechanically milled Li3Na3M2F12 compounds crystallized in a cubic garnet-like structure. The ionic conductivities of Li3Na3Al2F12, Li3Na3Sc2F12, and Li3Na3In2F12 are relatively low, but still better than the oxide analogues Li(3)Ln(3)Te(2)O(12) (Ln = Er, Gd, Tb, Nd). Strategies for further improving conductivities of garnet-type Li3Na3M2F12 were also presented.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Surface Defects Reinforced Polymer-Ceramic Interfacial Anchoring for High-Rate Flexible Solid-State Batteries

Yanda Fu et al.

Summary: In this study, a composite solid electrolyte (OV-LLZTO/PEO) is prepared by introducing LLZTO with surface defects into PEO, which forms a firmly bonded polymer-ceramic interface. This electrolyte membrane exhibits high mechanical strength, reduced interfacial resistance, and improved Li+ conductivity. Solid-state full-cells employing OV-LLZTO/PEO demonstrate excellent rate capability, power density, and capacity retention.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-Performance All-Solid-State Batteries Enabled by Intimate Interfacial Contact Between the Cathode and Sulfide-Based Solid Electrolytes

Jeongheon Kim et al.

Summary: In this study, a core-shell structure of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2-Li6PS5Cl composite was prepared to improve the electrochemical properties and energy density of all-solid-state batteries. The conformally coated solid electrolyte layer on the cathode surface allows for better Li-ion kinetics even during volume changes. The all-solid-state battery employing this composite showed improved reversible capacity, cycle performance, and rate capability.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Enabling 420 Wh kg-1 Stable Lithium-Metal Pouch Cells by Lanthanum Doping

Yanhua Zhang et al.

Summary: By doping with lanthanum (La), the preferred orientation of lithium (Li) growth changes, resulting in a dense and dendrite-free Li anode with higher areal capacity. The La doping also reduces the reactivity of Li metal towards electrolytes, establishing a stable interface.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Characteristics of interface between solid electrolyte and electrode in all-solid-state batteries prepared by spark plasma sintering

Huan Tong et al.

Summary: This study addresses the interface issues in all-solid-state lithium batteries by using spark plasma sintering technology. The results reveal that the sintering temperature and current direction significantly influence the characteristics of the electrode-electrolyte interface, with better performance observed at 500 degrees Celsius.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Smart construction of multifunctional Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3|Li intermediate interfaces for solid-state batteries

Jiahao Yu et al.

Summary: Due to its high ionic conductivity, low cost, and excellent air stability, the NASICON-type Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO)(4) (LAGP) electrolyte is considered a promising candidate for high-performance solid-state batteries. However, the poor interfacial compatibilities between LAGP and lithium metal hinder its commercial application. In this study, a nano multifunctional LiF@Li-zinc (Zn) alloy layer is introduced at the LAGP|Li interface to improve the interfacial stability and homogenize the Li-ion flux. This design leads to stable and tight interface with low resistance, effective inhibition of side reactions, and dendrite-free Li-ion flux.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Solid Li- and Na-Ion Electrolytes for Next Generation Rechargeable Batteries

Venkataraman Thangadurai et al.

Summary: This paper pays tribute to Prof. John B. Goodenough on his 100th birthday and highlights his contributions to solid-state ionics in the early stages. The paper focuses on the development of advanced Li and Na batteries based on solid-state electrolytes, discussing their safety, high energy density, and design flexibility. It also explores the challenges of lower ionic conductivity and poor interface compatibility in most solid-state electrolytes and discusses attempts to improve these aspects through hybrid electrolytes and interfacial engineering methods.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Constructing Self-Adapting Electrostatic Interface on Lithium Metal Anode for Stable 400 Wh kg-1 Pouch Cells

Peiyu Zhao et al.

Summary: The stable and flexible electrostatic self-adapting PBM interface effectively regulates lithium-ion deposition to achieve dendrite-free lithium metal batteries under harsh conditions, with high Coulombic efficiency and cycling stability. The PBM interface also features a low reduction potential and long-term stability, enabling high energy density and cycling stability in realistic conditions.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Evaluating Electrolyte-Anode Interface Stability in Sodium All-Solid-State Batteries

Grayson Deysher et al.

Summary: All-solid-state batteries have gained attention for their potential improvements in safety, energy density, and cycle-life. Sodium all-solid-state batteries eliminate costly materials and are ideal for emerging grid energy storage applications. This study emphasizes the importance of solid electrolyte selection and presents three emerging solid electrolyte materials. The results demonstrate that stable cycling performance can be achieved by selecting appropriate materials for the anode and cathode interfaces.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Melamine-Regulated Ceramic/Polymer Electrolyte Interface Promotes High Stability in Lithium-Metal Battery

Yaohui Liang et al.

Summary: By adding a melamine transition layer between poly(ethylene oxide) and the solid electrolyte, the physical and electrochemical properties of the composite electrolyte can be improved, leading to enhanced performance of all-solid-state Li-metal batteries.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Minimizing the interfacial resistance for a solid-state lithium battery running at room temperature

Qianchen Wang et al.

Summary: Developed a high ionic conductivity and low activation energy LAGP ceramic solid electrolyte, modified its interface properties to stabilize the cycling life of lithium symmetric cells, and achieved superior electrochemical performance for solid-state lithium batteries with a LiFePO4 cathode.


Article Chemistry, Physical

In Situ Visualizing the Interfacial Failure Mechanism and Modification Promotion of LAGP Solid Electrolyte toward Li Metal Anode

Can Cui et al.

Summary: Understanding the failure process of solid-state electrolyte (SSE) and providing potential solutions are crucial for the development of solid-state batteries (SSBs). In this study, the dynamic failure process of SSE is observed using in-situ electrochemical SEM, revealing the main origins of continuously generated side-reaction layer and stress-induced cracks. By introducing C3N4 as a modification layer, the interfacial side-reaction is restrained and Li+ flux becomes well-distributed, preventing stress-induced mechanical failure in SSE.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Boosting fast interfacial Li+ transport in solid-state Li metal batteries via ultrathin Al buffer layer

Shengnan Zhang et al.

Summary: Superionic conductor LAGP has been widely studied for its high ionic conductivity and stability. However, its application is limited by lithium dendrites and interface instability. By depositing an ultrathin Al film on the surface of LAGP through magnetron sputtering, an Al-LAGP material is formed. In-situ alloying reaction creates a LiAl buffer layer, inhibiting undesired reactions and promoting uniform distribution of the electric field at the interface. Density functional theory calculations show that the LiAl alloy surface facilitates lithium atom diffusion and inhibits dendrite formation. Experimental results demonstrate that Li/Al-LAGP-Al/Li symmetric cells exhibit low resistance and long lifespan, and assembled all solid state lithium metal batteries show improved cycle stability and rate performance.


Review Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Challenges, interface engineering, and processing strategies toward practical sulfide-based all-solid-state lithium batteries

Yuhao Liang et al.

Summary: This review critically summarizes the current understanding of interfacial issues in sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries and analyzes the main processing challenges they face. The corresponding approaches involving interface engineering and processing protocols for addressing these issues and challenges are summarized. Fundamental and engineering perspectives on future development avenues for practical application of high energy, safety, and long-life sulfide-based all-solid-state batteries are provided.

INFOMAT (2022)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

All-Solid-State Batteries with a Limited Lithium Metal Anode at Room Temperature using a Garnet-Based Electrolyte

Shaojie Chen et al.

Summary: The new all-solid-state lithium-metal battery (ASSLMB) with an ultralow negative/positive electrode capacity ratio (N/P ratio) shows longer cycling life compared to liquid electrolyte batteries at the same low N/P ratios. The study also investigates the effect of interface layer species on the cycling performance of ASSLMBs.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Characterization of hot-pressed von Alpen type NASICON ceramic electrolytes

Joseph M. Valle et al.

Summary: The Na-ion conducting solid electrolyte NASICON was investigated for its particle morphology, synthesis of von Alpen type, mechanical, and electrochemical properties, with a focus on hotpressing effects. The presence of glass phase and ZrO2 phase in hot-pressed samples was noted, along with variations in overall conductivity, hardness, and fracture toughness.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Bifunctional In Situ Polymerized Interface for Stable LAGP-Based Lithium Metal Batteries

Shengnan Zhang et al.

Summary: In this study, a bifunctional PVCA-based buffer layer was introduced to enhance the interface compatibility and stability of the NASICON-type LAGP electrolyte in ASSLMBs. The improved contact between LAGP and electrodes and the enhanced stability of LAGP enabled the ASSLMBs to exhibit excellent electrochemical performance, with low overpotential and superior cyclic stability.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Design of High-Voltage Stable Hybrid Electrolyte with an Ultrahigh Li Transference Number

Kewei Liu et al.

Summary: This study presents a hybrid electrolyte with single-ion conductivity, combining polymer with ceramic electrolytes, showing high Li transference number and good electrochemical stability. Compared to traditional electrolytes, this hybrid electrolyte exhibits high Coulombic efficiencies in lithium-ion batteries.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Self-Limited Free-Standing Sulfide Electrolyte Thin Film for All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries

Gao-Long Zhu et al.

Summary: An ultrathin, flexible, and chemically compatible Argyrodite SSE film was designed in this study, using a self-limited strategy with cellulose membrane as the skeleton to enhance its mechanical properties and ionic conductivity. The SSE film exhibited stable performance and high-rate capability in various types of all-solid-state lithium metal batteries, indicating its potential for high-energy-density applications.


Article Electrochemistry

DFT Electronic Properties and Synthesis Thermodynamics of Li x La1-x TiO3 Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries

J. M. Cervantes et al.

Summary: Lithium lanthanum titanate perovskites exhibit varied thermodynamic stability and electronic/magnetic properties, showing different conductive and magnetic behaviors on different surfaces.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High Interfacial-Energy and Lithiophilic Janus Interphase Enables Stable Lithium Metal Anodes

Guoxing Li et al.

Summary: The controllable design of an ordered LiF-rich and lithiophilic hybrid Janus interphase (LiF-HJI) using organic fluorination reagent as a functional SEI precursor has been reported in this study, which enables stable Li metal anodes under harsh conditions and greatly improves cycling stability and capacity retention.
Article Chemistry, Physical

Stabilization of NASICON-Type Electrolyte against Li Anode via an Ionic Conductive MOF-Incorporated Adhesive Interlayer

Ruo Zhao et al.

Summary: A metal-organic framework (MOF)-incorporated polymeric layer (ZCPL) was prepared to address the challenges of poor electro-chemical stability and insufficient contact against Li metal in NASICON-type electrolytes for solid-state batteries. ZCPL effectively prevented redox reactions and cracks, while providing fast Li+ transport pathways and ensuring uniform Li+ flow through the interface, leading to long-term cycling stability for both Li symmerical cell and Li/LiFePO4 full cell.


Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Tailoring inorganic-polymer composites for the mass production of solid-state batteries

Li-Zhen Fan et al.

Summary: Solid-state batteries are being revived as a safer and more energy-dense alternative to conventional Li-ion batteries, and the development of suitable solid electrolytes, such as inorganic-polymer composites, is crucial for their mass production. Various challenges in terms of processing technologies and integration into batteries need to be addressed for the successful implementation of inorganic-polymer composite electrolytes in solid-state batteries.


Article Electrochemistry

Antiperovskite Ionic Conductor Layer for Stabilizing the Interface of NASICON Solid Electrolyte Against Li Metal in All-Solid-State Batteries

Lei Gao et al.

Summary: The introduction of LiRAP Li2OHBr as a protective layer can improve the cycling stability of NASICON-type solid electrolytes in all-solid-state lithium batteries, by preventing adverse reactions caused by direct contact between SSEs and Li metal.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Nacre-Inspired Composite Electrolytes for Load-Bearing Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries

Aijun Li et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Design of a Multifunctional Interlayer for NASCION-Based Solid-State Li Metal Batteries

Shizhao Xiong et al.


Review Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

From nanoscale interface characterization to sustainable energy storage using all-solid-state batteries

Darren H. S. Tan et al.


Review Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Ionic conductive polymers as artificial solid electrolyte interphase films in Li metal batteries - A review

Shilun Gao et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Enhanced Adhesion Effect of Epoxy Resin on Metal Surfaces Using Polymer with Catechol and Epoxy Groups

Yucheng Zhang et al.


Review Chemistry, Physical

Fundamentals of inorganic solid-state electrolytes for batteries

Theodosios Famprikis et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Germanium Thin Film Protected Lithium Aluminum Germanium Phosphate for Solid-State Li Batteries

Yijie Liu et al.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Garnet Solid Electrolyte Protected Li-Metal Batteries

Boyang Liu et al.