4.7 Article

Combining Ability and Inheritance Nature of Agronomic Traits and Resistance to Pink Stem (Sesamia cretica) and Purple-Lined (Chilo agamemnon) Borers in Maize


Article Agronomy

Impact of CGIAR maize germplasm in Sub-Saharan Africa

Vijesh V. Krishna et al.

Summary: This study examines the adoption and impacts of CGIAR-related maize varieties in sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2015. It finds that a significant proportion of maize varieties released during this period had CGIAR parentage, and that the cultivation of these varieties contributed to substantial economic benefits. The study also highlights the methodological challenges involved in large-scale impact assessments.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Production of hydrocarbon-rich bio-oil from catalytic pyrolysis of waste cooking oil over nickel monoxide loaded corn cob-derived activated carbon

Peng Li et al.

Summary: The bio-oil produced from the catalytic pyrolysis of waste cooking oil has potential to replace fossil fuels, but its low yield and high oxygen content reduce its value. To overcome this, a Ni/AC catalyst was used to convert the waste cooking oil into high-quality hydrocarbon-rich pyrolysis oil. The catalyst showed high deoxygenation activity, resulting in a bio-oil with 99% hydrocarbon content and high selectivity for aromatic hydrocarbons. The hydrogen produced by the catalyst facilitated deoxygenation and hydrocarbon production. This study provides valuable insight into a low-cost and efficient method for utilizing waste cooking oil.


Review Environmental Sciences

Metabolic-based insecticide resistance mechanism and ecofriendly approaches for controlling of beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua: a review

Muhammad Hafeez et al.

Summary: The beet army worm, a widely distributed polyphagous pest, presents challenges for management, with an over-reliance on chemical control leading to resistance, reduced natural enemies, and ecosystem pollution. Integrated pest management approaches are needed to provide alternatives to chemical control and reduce environmental hazards.


Review Agronomy

The use of microbial inoculants for biological control, plant growth promotion, and sustainable agriculture: A review

Ahmed S. M. Elnahal et al.

Summary: This review highlights the potential role and importance of microbial control agents in agriculture, including their use as biofertilizers and biopesticides, and their contribution to increasing crop productivity and sustainable development through improving plant resistance, growth, and development.


Article Plant Sciences

Impact of Exogenously Sprayed Antioxidants on Physio-Biochemical, Agronomic, and Quality Parameters of Potato in Salt-Affected Soil

Eman Selem et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that foliar spray of folic acid, ascorbic acid, and salicylic acid can significantly improve the growth, yield, and quality of potato under salt stress conditions. The application of antioxidant materials enhances the salt tolerance of plants. In particular, foliar spray of 200 mg/L ascorbic acid shows the best results in improving salt tolerance in potato grown in salt-affected soils.


Article Biology

Heterosis and combining ability for floral and yield characters in rice using cytoplasmic male sterility system

Essam A. Z. ElShamey et al.

Summary: Developing high-yielding rice genotypes is crucial for global food security. In this study, cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system was used for hybrid breeding, and the yield traits and floral traits of the genotypes were evaluated, along with their biochemical variations. The results showed that certain CMS lines and restorers exhibited good combining abilities for floral traits and grain yield.


Article Plant Sciences

Multivariate Analysis of Agronomic Traits in Newly Developed Maize Hybrids Grown under Different Agro-Environments

Mohamed Omar et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the performance of newly developed maize hybrids under different planting densities and sowing dates, and found that high planting density and optimal sowing date have a positive impact on increasing yield. The study also identified some stable and high-yielding hybrids, providing valuable recommendations for further maize breeding.


Article Plant Sciences

Combining Ability and Heterotic Patterns of Tropical Early-Maturing Maize Inbred Lines under Individual and Combined Heat and Drought Environments

Alimatu Sadia Osuman et al.

Summary: Information on combining ability and heterotic patterns of stress-tolerant inbred lines is crucial for developing climate-resilient maize hybrids. This study evaluated 150 single cross hybrids under different stress conditions, identified best testers, and classified inbred lines into heterotic groups. The best hybrids significantly out-performed the best controls in terms of yield under various stress conditions, indicating their potential for commercialization in sub-Saharan Africa.


Article Plant Sciences

Genetic Potential and Inheritance Patterns of Physiological, Agronomic and Quality Traits in Bread Wheat under Normal and Water Deficit Conditions

Mohamed M. Kamara et al.

Summary: Water scarcity is a major environmental stress that negatively affects the growth, production, and quality of wheat. The study found that drought stress significantly reduced wheat yield and photosynthetic efficiency, but increased antioxidant enzyme activities and proline content. Through hybrid analysis, some parental genotypes and combinations were identified with good potential for improving drought resistance and yield traits in wheat. Additionally, certain physiological traits were found to be important for indirect selection of wheat under water deficit conditions.


Article Plant Sciences

Molecular Genetic Diversity and Combining Ability for Some Physiological and Agronomic Traits in Rice under Well-Watered and Water-Deficit Conditions

Raghda M. Sakran et al.

Summary: This study evaluated diverse rice genotypes and their hybrids under water-deficit and well-watered conditions, and analyzed the genetic traits. The results showed that water deficit reduced rice growth and yield, while increasing leaf rolling and sterility percentage. Both additive and non-additive gene actions were involved in controlling the inheritance of traits, with additive gene action dominating for most traits.


Article Plant Sciences

Combining Ability and Performance of Extra-Early Maturing Provitamin A Maize Inbreds and Derived Hybrids in Multiple Environments

Olatise Oluwaseun et al.

Summary: This study aimed to analyze the impact of PVA hybrids on malnutrition and food security, and identify the most stable and productive hybrids. Factors such as different environments were taken into consideration in the selection of inbreds and hybridization, and the performance of the hybrids was evaluated in diverse environments.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Field evolved insecticide resistance in the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and its direct and indirect impacts on the endoparasitoid Aenasius arizonensis

Karuppan Shankarganesh et al.

Summary: The invasive mealybug on cotton, Phenacoccus solenopsis, is primarily controlled by conventional insecticides. However, these insecticides also have negative impacts on the potential biocontrol agent, Aenasius arizonenesis. The study found heterogeneity in the development of insecticide resistance and that profenofos, thiodicarb, and imidacloprid were hazardous, non-selective, and harmful to A. arizonenesis.


Article Agronomy

Characterization of wheat landraces and commercial cultivars based on morpho-phenological and agronomic traits

M. A. A. H. Gharib et al.

Summary: The study revealed wide genetic diversity among Egyptian wheat landraces, with certain landraces showing superiority in morphological traits and yield-related characteristics. There was a strong association observed between morpho-phenological and agronomic characters, with certain traits displaying close correlations with grain yield per plant.


Article Agronomy

Heterotic grouping of tropical maize inbred lines and their hybrid performance under stem borer infestation and low soil nitrogen condition in West and Central Africa

Muyideen Oluseyi Olayiwola et al.

Summary: The study aimed to identify maize inbred lines with resistance to low soil nitrogen and stem borer attack for hybrid development. General combining ability (GCA) was predominant over specific combining ability (SCA) in most traits studied, indicating the importance of GCA in hybrid development under different research conditions.


Article Agronomy

Sensitivity of the DSSAT model in simulating maize yield and soil carbon dynamics in arid Mediterranean climate: Effect of soil, genotype and crop management

Ahmed Attia et al.

Summary: The study calibrated and evaluated a cropping system model for maize production in sandy soils, and found the model to have good simulation results for crop growth, yield, soil water content, and other outputs. The sensitivity of the model to different soil, genotype, and crop management inputs was determined through multivariate analysis and variance decomposition methods. The research also explored the impact of compost application and maize residue retention on long-term yield and soil dynamics, highlighting the importance of these management practices for improved and sustainable maize production in arid regions.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Enhancement of drought tolerance in diverse Vicia faba cultivars by inoculation with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria under newly reclaimed soil conditions

Elsayed Mansour et al.

Summary: This study showed that co-inoculation of legume crops with Rhizobium leguminosarum and Pseudomonas putida can enhance drought tolerance and yield, with different cultivars exhibiting varying levels of tolerance under water-deficit stress.


Article Plant Sciences

Exogenously Used 24-Epibrassinolide Promotes Drought Tolerance in Maize Hybrids by Improving Plant and Water Productivity in an Arid Environment

El-Sayed M. Desoky et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the effects of 24-epibrassinolide (EBR24) on plant physio-biochemistry and crop water productivity under semi-arid conditions. It was found that irrigation water deficiency (IWD) decreased various physiological traits and crop productivity, but EBR24 had a protective effect and improved these parameters. Different maize hybrids showed varied drought tolerance, with certain hybrids exhibiting better performance under moderate or severe drought conditions.


Article Agronomy

Stem borers revisited: Host resistance, tolerance, and vulnerability determine levels of field damage from a complex of Asian rice stemborers

Finbarr G. Horgan et al.

Summary: Yield losses from rice stem borers are influenced by the nature of the rice variety, timing of attack, and composition of the stem borer species assemblage. Different herbivore-rice interactions and damage levels were observed across various rice lines exposed to stem borers. Stem borer species displayed preferences and performance differences on rice at different growth stages, with a correlation between rice responses and stem borer attacks mainly observed at the reproductive stage. Recommendations for phenotyping studies to assess rice resistance, tolerance, and vulnerability to stem borer complexes were provided for both controlled and field environments.


Article Agronomy

Molecular Genetic Diversity and Line x Tester Analysis for Resistance to Late Wilt Disease and Grain Yield in Maize

Mohamed M. Kamara et al.

Summary: This study focused on late wilt disease in maize, identifying high-yielding and resistant hybrids, and discovering some excellent parental genotypes for favorable alleles. Non-additive gene action plays a crucial role in controlling yield and disease resistance. Analyzing parental genetic distance can help reduce the number of crosses evaluated in field trials.


Article Agronomy

Maize Seedling Establishment, Grain Yield and Crop Water Productivity Response to Seed Priming and Irrigation Management in a Mediterranean Arid Environment

AbdAllah M. El-Sanatawy et al.

Summary: Seed priming can significantly improve maize growth and yield, with even more pronounced effects under drought conditions.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Induction of cell wall phenolic monomers as part of direct defense response in maize to pink stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker) and non-insect interactions

P. Lakshmi Soujanya et al.

Summary: Pink stem borer (PSB) causes significant yield losses in maize. Plant-insect interactions induce phenolic compound mediated defense responses in leaf and stalk tissues, with resistant and moderately resistant genotypes accumulating higher contents of p-CA and FA compared to susceptible ones. The study suggests that phenolic acids may contribute to maize resistance mechanisms in the maize-PSB interaction system.


Article Environmental Sciences

Seed Halo-Priming Improves Seedling Vigor, Grain Yield, and Water Use Efficiency of Maize under Varying Irrigation Regimes

Abdallah M. El-Sanatawy et al.

Summary: The study found that seed halo-priming, especially with 4000 ppm NaCl, can improve seed germination speed and seedling vigor of maize, increase seedling dry weight, and enhance grain yield and water use efficiency under deficit irrigation regimes.
Article Agronomy

Relationships between Stalk Resistance and Corn Borers, Agronomic Traits, and Cell Wall Hydroxycinnamates in a Set of Recombinant Inbred Lines from a Maize MAGIC Population

Ana Lopez-Malvar et al.

Summary: Corn borers are the most important pest affecting maize, and resistance to them can compromise plant fitness and yield. Stronger resistant maize lines may exhibit higher concentrations of cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamates, but also characteristics like early maturity, low grain moisture, and reduced plant height. Selecting for resistance may therefore have negative impacts on yield. A breeding strategy focusing on grain yield to tolerate corn borer attack is recommended.


Article Agronomy

Combining Ability and Gene Action Controlling Grain Yield and Its Related Traits in Bread Wheat under Heat Stress and Normal Conditions

Mohamed M. Kamara et al.

Summary: The study evaluated diverse bread wheat genotypes under different planting times and temperature conditions, identifying ideal genotypes for heat tolerance and high yield through genetic analysis.


Article Food Science & Technology

Maize flour fortification in Africa: markets, feasibility, coverage, and costs

John L. Fiedler et al.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Progress in the Spanish National Barley Breeding Program

M. P. Gracia et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

QTL mapping for Mediterranean corn borer resistance in European flint germplasm using recombinant inbred lines

Bernardo Ordas et al.