4.7 Article

The peaking potential of long-duration energy storage in the United States power system


Review Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Decarbonizing power systems: A critical review of the role of energy storage

Mehdi Jafari et al.

Summary: Meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets requires a multi-pronged approach, including decarbonizing the power sector. Energy storage systems play a crucial role in the transition towards renewable-based power supply. However, there are gaps in the current research, such as the lack of consideration for ambitious emissions targets and the importance of local context and technological factors.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Quantifying Risk in an Uncertain Future: The Evolution of Resource Adequacy

Derek Stenclik et al.

Summary: As the power grids transition towards decarbonized energy mix, reliability and provision of grid services become increasingly important, especially when utilizing variable renewable energy sources. Weather conditions have a significant impact on the power system, and the implications of changing reliability need to be carefully considered.


Article Economics

On the role of electricity storage in capacity remuneration mechanisms

Christoph Fraunholz et al.

Summary: This study discusses the impact of capacity remuneration mechanisms on non-conventional capacities like electricity storage, highlighting how specific designs can bias towards certain technologies. Through theoretical analysis and simulations, it is found that electricity storage has capacity value and should be included in any capacity remuneration mechanism, with the implementation of call options and strike prices enhancing the competitiveness of storages. However, determining the amount of firm capacity provided by electricity storage remains a challenge.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The symbiotic relationship of solar power and energy storage in providing capacity value

Daniel Sodano et al.

Summary: This study utilizes a loss of load probability model to estimate the capacity credit of solar photovoltaics and energy storage under high penetrations, finding that their synergistic effects can significantly improve system reliability by reducing daily peak demand hours and offering new insights into their potential benefits.


Article Energy & Fuels

The design space for long-duration energy storage in decarbonized power systems

Nestor A. Sepulveda et al.

Summary: Wind and solar energy need to be supplemented by energy storage and firm generating capacity. Long-duration energy storage is seen as a potential solution to intermittency in renewable energy generation. The key parameters for the performance of energy storage are energy capacity cost and discharge efficiency. Storage systems with durations exceeding 100 hours have the greatest impact on electricity cost and firm generation.


Article Energy & Fuels

Beyond short-duration energy storage

Omar J. Guerra

Summary: Research identifies cost targets for long-duration energy storage technologies to enhance their competitiveness in the market against various low-carbon generation technologies.


Article Energy & Fuels

Battery Energy Storage Contribution to System Adequacy

Pantelis A. Dratsas et al.

Summary: This study evaluates the contribution of energy storage systems to resource adequacy of power systems with increased renewables penetration, focusing on short-term storage like battery energy storage systems (BESS). The research shows that BESS can significantly contribute to system adequacy, with energy capacity being the most important parameter, and appropriate management can enhance reliability, reduce generation costs, and support renewable energy integration.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Quantifying the challenge of reaching a 100% renewable energy power system for the United States

Wesley J. Cole et al.

Summary: The study suggests that achieving 100% renewable energy in the contiguous United States may require slightly higher CO2 abatement costs, especially as the system approaches full renewable penetration. Additionally, sensitivity analysis under different conditions highlights the importance of considering various factors such as technology development, compliance requirements, and transmission availability.
Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Assessment of the Capacity Credit of Renewables and Storage in Multi-Area Power Systems

Guanchi Liu et al.

Summary: Capacity credit refers to the ability of renewable energy sources and/or other resources to replace conventional generators without reducing system reliability. Locational aspects are crucial in assessing supply adequacy from transmission, storage, and renewable energy sources in multi-area power systems. The proposed methodology quantifies the capacity credit of renewable energy sources and storage in a multi-area power system, aiming to inform integrated system planning for large-scale interconnected low-carbon power systems.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The potential for battery energy storage to provide peaking capacity in the United States

Paul Denholm et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Role of Long-Duration Energy Storage in Variable Renewable Electricity Systems

Jacqueline A. Dowling et al.

Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Declining Capacity Credit for Energy Storage and Demand Response With Increased Penetration

Keith Parks


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Assigning value to energy storage systems at multiple points in an electrical grid

Patrick J. Balducci et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Energy Storage as a Peaker Replacement Can solar and battery energy storage replace the capacity value of thermal generation?

Derek Stenclik et al.


Article Energy & Fuels

The value of energy storage in decarbonizing the electricity sector

Fernando J. de Sisternes et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

How much bulk energy storage is needed to decarbonize electricity?

Hossein Safaei et al.