4.4 Article

Smallholder farmers' perceptions, coping and adaptation strategies to climate variability in the UNESCO designated cultural landscapes of Konso, Ethiopia


Article Environmental Studies

Smallholder farmers' perception of climate change and choice of adaptation strategies in East Hararghe Zone, Eastern Ethiopia

Titay Zeleke et al.

Summary: This study compared farmers' perceptions with temperature and rainfall trend analysis, adopted an MVP model and discovered differences in the choice of adaptation options between poor and nonpoor households.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Perceived Climate Change and Determinants of Adaptation Responses by Smallholder Farmers in Central Ethiopia

Girma Geleta Megersa et al.

Summary: This study aims to explore the impact of climate change on smallholder farmers in central Ethiopia and analyze their adaptation measures. The study found that farmers' perception of climate change was generally consistent with climate trend analysis, and they adopted various adaptation strategies to cope with climate-related shocks. The research also revealed significant associations between demographic and socio-institutional variables such as age and education of the household heads, family size, access to extension services, and farm and nonfarm incomes with farmers' adaptation practices. Therefore, strengthening local institutions to enhance the adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to climate change is of great importance.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Climate change adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers in Nigeria: does non-farm employment play any role?

Gideon Danso-Abbeam et al.

Summary: The study found that rural non-farm employment helps to enhance smallholder farmers' adaptive capacities, as participants are more likely to utilize a greater number of adaptation techniques. Therefore, in order to increase farmers' ability to adopt more climate change adaptation strategies and to boost farm productivity, efforts must be made to provide more employment opportunities in rural areas.

HELIYON (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Gender-specific determinants of Zai technology use intensity for improved soil water management in the drylands of Upper Eastern Kenya

Amos Mwenda Ndeke et al.

Summary: The study revealed that gender plays a role in determining the choice and use-intensity of zai technology, with more women farmers using the technology compared to men. Factors influencing choice for women farmers included total cultivated land, access to farm implements, and group membership, while for men, it was total cultivated land, group membership, and access to extension services. In terms of use-intensity, factors such as total land cultivated, livestock densities, group membership, and training frequency on soil and water management were important for women farmers, while for men, it was total cultivated land and perceptions on soil erosion.

HELIYON (2021)

Article Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary

Smallholder Farmers' Perceptions, Adaptation Constraints, and Determinants of Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Chengdu

Robert Becker Pickson et al.

Summary: This study found that smallholder farmers were aware of the negative impacts of climate change on their livelihoods, mainly in terms of changes in climatic conditions affecting rice production. The farmers felt constrained by factors such as unpredictable weather, limited resources, and lack of information, which hindered their adoption of climate change adaptive strategies. Various resources and technology significantly influence smallholder farmers' capacity to respond to climate warming, highlighting the need for policymakers to consider these factors in designing effective adaptation measures.

SAGE OPEN (2021)

Article Ecology

Perceptions of Climate Variability and Soil Fertility Management Choices Among Smallholder Farmers in Northern Ghana

Edward Martey et al.

Summary: The study examines the factors influencing the adoption of integrated soil fertility management practices in Ghana, revealing that demographic, farm-related, and institutional factors, as well as perceptions of climate variability and shocks, play a significant role. Farmers adopt risk-averse decisions and mitigation strategies in response to climate shocks, with different perceptions leading to diverse combinations of ISFM practices. Providing timely climate information and promoting better fit ISFM practices can enhance adoption rates.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Rural farmers perception and coping strategies towards climate change and their determinants: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan

Sajjad Ali et al.

Summary: Climate change has severe impacts on Pakistan's agriculture sector, with smallholder farmers in KPK province adapting by using strategies such as irrigation, non-farm activities, and early planting. However, barriers like lack of funds and seed availability hinder their adaptation efforts. More awareness, timely information, extension services, and investment facilities are needed to support farmers in coping with climate change in the long term.


Article Environmental Sciences

Climate change and variability adaptation strategies and their implications for household food Security: The case of Basona Worena District, North Shewa zone, Ethiopia

Fiker Hilemelekot et al.

Summary: The study investigated the impact of climate change and adaptation factors on household food security in Basona Worena District, central highland of Ethiopia. Findings revealed a 35-year drought period and the influence of climate variability on household food security. The study suggests implementing feasible soil and water conservation interventions and livelihood diversification measures to ensure household food security.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The effect of smallholder maize farmers' perceptions of climate change on their adaptation strategies: the case of two agro-ecological zones in Ghana

Danley Colecraft Aidoo et al.

Summary: The study revealed that Ghanaian maize farmers employ various adaptation strategies to climate change, such as changing planting dates, crop diversification, using resistant varieties, and monitoring weather forecasts on radio. Factors influencing farmers' choice of adaptation strategies include farming experience, household size, and perceptions of climate change impact.

HELIYON (2021)

Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Impact of climate change on the staple food crops yield in Ethiopia: implications for food security

Ashenafi Yimam Kassaye et al.

Summary: Climate change is likely to have negative impacts on agriculture in Ethiopia, with projected declines in sorghum and wheat yields but increases in teff and maize yields. It is recommended to implement climate-smart agricultural practices to mitigate the long-term effects of climate change on crop production and address food security issues in the country.


Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Spatial Variability and Temporal Trends of Climate Change in Southwest Ethiopia: Association with Farmers' Perception and Their Adaptation Strategies

Abera Habte et al.

Summary: The study revealed high spatial variability of rainfall in the region with no consistent and significant annual and seasonal trends. Significant upward trends in annual maximum and minimum temperatures were observed at all weather stations. Farmers showed good awareness of climate change, with adaptation strategies focusing on soil and water conservation practices, crop diversification, modification of planting dates, agroforestry, and the use of drought-tolerant varieties. Efforts are needed to identify barriers to wider adoption of these strategies and to provide additional support to strengthen farmers' adaptive capacity.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Farm households' perceptions and adaptation strategies to climate change risks and their determinants: Evidence from Raya Azebo district, Ethiopia

Selamawit Fantahun Sertse et al.

Summary: The study shows that agriculture in Ethiopia is facing significant challenges from climate change, with farmers adopting various adaptation strategies to manage climate risks. Changes in temperature, precipitation, and rainfall patterns have been perceived by farm households, leading to adoption of measures such as crop diversification, mulching, and soil and water management to cope with the changing climate conditions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Determinants of choice of climate change adaptation practices by smallholder pineapple farmers in the semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana

Philip Antwi-Agyei et al.

Summary: This study in Ghana found that smallholder pineapple farmers have a high awareness of climate change and are implementing various adaptation practices. Institutional factors such as quality of climate information and access to credit have a stronger impact on climate change awareness and adaptation practice choice compared to individual factors.


Article Environmental Sciences

Farmers' perceptions about changes in climate variables: Perceived risks and household responses in different agro-ecological communities, Southern Ethiopia

Zelalem Dendir et al.

Summary: This study investigates farmers' perception of climatic change, related risks, and adaptation practices in various agro-ecological communities in Gurage zone, Southern Ethiopia. The research reveals that most respondents perceived declining precipitation and increased temperature, as well as an increase in extreme events like drought, flood, frost, and storm. Significant differences were found in farm management practices among different agro-ecological communities.


Article Geography

Smallholder Farmers' perception and adaptation to climate variability and change in Fincha sub-basin of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia

Israel Tessema et al.

Summary: This study assessed smallholder farmers' perceptions of climate variability and change, associated impacts on agriculture, and adaptive responses in the Fincha'a sub-basin of the Blue Nile River Basin in Ethiopia. Farmers perceived increased temperature, frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and overall change in seasonality of rainfall over the past 20 years. They have implemented various adaptation measures such as modifying crop and livestock production practices and investing in land and water management activities at household and community levels. The study also identified barriers hindering the adoption of adaptation measures, indicating a need for planned interventions to support effective adaptation strategies.


Review Environmental Sciences

Agricultural decision making and climate uncertainty in developing countries

Kurt B. Waldman et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

The role of climate in the trend and variability of Ethiopia's cereal crop yields

Meijian Yang et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Rural Livelihoods and Adaptation Strategies in Southern Ethiopia

Kushabo Araro et al.


Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Climate Variability and Farmers' Perception in Southern Ethiopia

Befikadu Esayas et al.


Article Development Studies

Farmers and policy-makers' perceptions of climate change in Ethiopia

Seyoum Hameso


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Smallholder farmers' coping and adaptation strategies to climate change and variability in the central highlands of Ethiopia

Arragaw Alemayehu et al.


Article Environmental Studies

The role of perception in subsistence farmer adaptation in Africa Enriching the climate finance debate

Pieter Pauw


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Perception of and adaptation to climate change by farmers in the Nile basin of Ethiopia

T. T. Deressa et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Adaptation to climate change in Ethiopia and South Africa: options and constraints

Elizabeth Bryan et al.