4.5 Article

Applying and reporting relevance, richness and rigour in realist evidence appraisals: Advancing key concepts in realist reviews


Review Psychology, Developmental

Explaining psychosocial care among unaccompanied minor refugees: a realist review

Hanna-Sophie Ulrich et al.

Summary: Research on the psychosocial care of unaccompanied minor refugees has focused on socioepidemiological approaches and expert perspectives, but lacks comprehensive understanding of context factors and mechanisms underlying current care. The study identified key contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes influencing psychosocial care for UMRs, highlighting the importance of transitions, cultural and gender sensitivity, and care availability. The literature suggests a need for inclusive perspectives and intersectional approaches to inform policy recommendations.


Review Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

Realist review

Rebecca Hunter et al.

Summary: While systematic reviews are still widely used in the field of sport and exercise psychology, realist reviews are gaining popularity because they offer more explanations and theories as to why interventions work, who benefits from them, and in what context they are effective. Despite the increasing popularity of realist reviews, their application in the sport and exercise sciences is still limited. This paper aims to increase awareness of the utility of realist research by providing an introduction to realist review and explaining the steps involved.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Unpacking the design, implementation and uptake of community-integrated health care services: a critical realist synthesis

Ferdinand C. Mukumbang et al.

Summary: This study employs a critical realist synthesis approach to identify the mechanisms and factors that contribute to the success or failure of community-integrated care initiatives. Results reveal different bundles of mechanisms at the systems, provider, and user levels, highlighting their influence on the implementation of such programs.


Review Medicine, General & Internal

A realist review protocol on communications for community engagement in maternal and newborn health programmes in low- and middle-income countries

Sara Dada et al.

Summary: This study aims to understand how community engagement through communication components contributes to intended and unintended outcomes in maternal and newborn health programming. Using realist review methodology, the study will develop program theories on communication for community engagement, conduct a systematic review of the literature, and extrapolate context-mechanism-outcome configurations to provide a causal understanding. The findings will inform engagement activities and be shared with stakeholders and experts.


Editorial Material Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

The Importance of Developing Rigorous Social Science Methods for Community Engagement and Behavior Change During Outbreak Response

Henry C. Ashworth et al.

Summary: Despite increasing international attention, anthropological and socio-behavioral elements of epidemics are still understudied and under-resourced compared to the traditional outbreak response infrastructure. The importance of socio-behavioral elements in understanding transmission and control of outbreak-prone pathogens, as demonstrated in the current COVID-19 pandemic, is problematic. There is a need for greater focus on socio-behavioral components in outbreak response, along with continued development in areas such as community engagement and behavioral modeling and change.


Review Medical Informatics

Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) for medication reconciliation at care transitions: a rapid realist review

Catherine Waldron et al.

Summary: A rapid realist review was conducted to develop theories explaining the impact of Personal Electronic Records of Medications (PERMs) on medication reconciliation at care transitions. Ten provisional theories were identified, relating to design, implementation, and use of PERMs. These theories are interdependent and may collectively impact the effectiveness of PERMs in practice. Further evaluation is needed to test their validity.


Review Education, Scientific Disciplines

Optimising the delivery of remediation programmes for doctors: A realist review

Tristan Price et al.

Summary: This study conducted a realist literature review to determine the mechanisms behind the effectiveness of remediation programs for doctors to restore patient safety. Effective remediation programs focus on developing a doctor's insight and motivation, as well as reinforcing behavior change. Providing safe spaces, using advocacy to promote trust, and framing feedback sensitively can enhance a doctor's insight, while involvement in remediation planning, correcting causal attribution, goal setting, and destigmatizing remediation can increase motivation.


Review Health Care Sciences & Services

Tabletop Board Game Elements and Gamification Interventions for Health Behavior Change: Realist Review and Proposal of a Game Design Framework

Daniel S. Epstein et al.

Summary: The study found that various design methods, such as design by local teams, pilot testing, clearly defined targets of behavior change, and conscious attention to all aspects of game design, can enhance the efficacy of behavior change games. Additionally, delivery with other mediums, leveraging behavioral insights, prior training for delivery, and repeated play were identified as important factors in achieving desired outcomes.


Review Psychiatry

The role of trust and hope in antipsychotic medication reviews between GPs and service users a realist review

L. M. Grunwald et al.

Summary: This study explores the barriers and facilitators of conducting antipsychotic medication reviews in primary care for individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychosis without specialist mental health input. Several mechanisms have been identified as potential barriers, including low expectations of recovery, perceived lack of capability to participate in reviews, lack of information sharing, perceived risk and uncertainty regarding medication and illness trajectory. Possible mechanisms to counteract these barriers include realistic expectations of medication and increased information sharing and trust between General Practitioners and service users.


Review Medicine, General & Internal

Sustaining community-based interventions for people affected by dementia long term: the SCI-Dem realist review

Thomas Morton et al.

Summary: This realist review identified critical factors for the long-term sustainability of community-based interventions for people with earlier-stage dementia, including the ability to continually attract and retain members, having support from staff and volunteers, other services and organizations, and secure funding/income. Mechanisms such as emphasizing socializing and person-centeredness, reducing stigma and logistical barriers, providing support for personnel, networking, and skilled financial planning were found to be important for sustaining such interventions. A theoretical model was presented, highlighting the need for longer-term funding, stigma-free and person-centered provision, and a robust support network for small scale and rural groups facing particular challenges.

BMJ OPEN (2021)

Review Medicine, General & Internal

Engaging communities in non-communicable disease research and interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review protocol

Sonja Klingberg et al.

Summary: This study aims to generate an understanding of community engagement in non-communicable disease research using a realist review approach. It seeks to examine the effectiveness, reasons, circumstances, and target population of community engagement without assuming that such practices result in more ethical research or effective interventions. Through a combination of theoretical and empirical literature, realist interviews, and stakeholder consultation, the study will provide critical insights for research and community engagement in low- and middle-income countries.

BMJ OPEN (2021)

Article Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary

Examining the Application of Retroductive Theorizing in Realist-Informed Studies

Ferdinand C. Mukumbang et al.

Summary: Transcendental realism, a philosophical perspective dealing with causal powers governed by universal laws of nature, provides a useful framework for social science research, but has been criticized for offering weak methodological guidance. This study found that retroductive theorizing, a central activity in realist-informed research, is minimally and inadequately applied and described in studies. Abduction and retroduction, key to realist-informed research, are seldom explicitly applied and described in such studies, highlighting methodological inadequacies.


Review Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

The impact of including carers in museum programmes for people with dementia: a realist review

Debbie Kinsey et al.

Summary: Including carers in museum programmes for people with dementia may have both positive and negative impacts on the individuals, carers, and their relationship. Consideration of different dyads is important to support positive outcomes.

ARTS & HEALTH (2021)

Article Philosophy

Retroductive theorizing in Pawson and Tilley's applied scientific realism

Justin Jagosh


Review Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Realist Synthesis for Public Health: Building an Ontologically Deep Understanding of How Programs Work, For Whom, and In Which Contexts

Justin Jagosh


Review Health Policy & Services

Knowledge translation for realist reviews: a participatory approach for a review on scaling up complex interventions

Jennifer A. Boyko et al.


Article Psychology, Clinical

The Abductive Theory of Method: Scientific Inquiry and Clinical Practice

Tony Ward et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

RAMESES publication standards: realist syntheses

Geoff Wong et al.


Article Health Care Sciences & Services

Realist synthesis: illustrating the method for implementation research

Jo Rycroft-Malone et al.