4.5 Article

Accelerating the Assembly of Defect-Free Atomic Arrays with Maximum Parallelisms


Article Physics, Applied

Parallel Assembly of Arbitrary Defect-Free Atom Arrays with a Multitweezer Algorithm br

Weikun Tian et al.

Summary: We demonstrate a parallel rearrangement algorithm that uses multiple mobile tweezers to independently sort and compress atom arrays in a way that naturally avoids atom collisions. Our algorithm offers a reduced move complexity compared to both single-tweezer algorithms and existing multitweezer algorithms, with a high degree of parallelism.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Trapping Alkaline Earth Rydberg Atoms Optical Tweezer Arrays

J. T. Wilson et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates that Rydberg states of ytterbium atoms can be trapped using a red-detuned optical tweezer, resulting in stable trapped Rydberg atom lifetimes exceeding 100 microseconds. The research also shows no evidence of auto- or photoionization from the trap light for these states. The coherence time between two Rydberg levels is measured to be 59 microseconds, exceeding the lifetime of untrapped Rydberg atoms under the same conditions.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Universal quantum computation and quantum error correction with ultracold atomic mixtures

Valentin Kasper et al.

Summary: In this paper, a platform for universal quantum computation with long-range entangling gates and quantum error correction is proposed, using a mixture of two ultracold atomic species. The system utilizes localized collective spins and phononic excitations to achieve entanglement. The authors also discuss a finite-dimensional version of the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code for protecting quantum information in the system.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays

Dolev Bluvstein et al.

Summary: This article demonstrates a quantum processor with dynamic, non-local connectivity, allowing highly parallel transport of entangled qubits across spatial dimensions. The architecture enables programmable generation of entangled graph states and can be applied in various applications including quantum simulation and metrology.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Multi-qubit entanglement and algorithms on a neutral-atom quantum computer

T. M. Graham et al.

Summary: Gate-model quantum computers promise to solve computational problems by utilizing neutral-atom hyperfine qubits and strong entangling interactions provided by Rydberg states. Several quantum algorithms have been successfully demonstrated on a programmable neutral-atom quantum computer.

NATURE (2022)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantum optimization of maximum independent set using Rydberg atom arrays

S. Ebadi et al.

Summary: By using Rydberg atom arrays, we experimentally investigate quantum algorithms for solving the maximum independent set problem and observe quantum speedup on the hardest graphs.

SCIENCE (2022)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array

Alec Jenkins et al.

Summary: This study reports a fast, scalable, and high-fidelity qubit architecture based on 171Yb atoms, and proposes a near-deterministic loading protocol that is expected to play an important role in quantum simulation and information applications.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

An optical tweezer array of ground-state polar molecules

Jessie T. Zhang et al.

Summary: Researchers have extended the molecular assembly technique to an array of five molecules, enabling control and manipulation of multiple molecules and unlocking the ability to study molecular interactions. They have outlined the technical challenges and solutions inherent in scaling up this system, providing a platform to utilize the vast resources and long-range dipolar interactions of molecules.


Article Optics

In situ equalization of single-atom loading in large-scale optical tweezer arrays

Kai-Niklas Schymik et al.

Summary: We report the successful realization of large assembled arrays consisting of over 300 single 87 Rb atoms trapped in optical tweezers at a cryogenic temperature of approximately 4 K. By analyzing the fluorescence time traces of the trapped atoms and optimizing the power of each optical tweezer in a closed-loop manner, we achieved a high assembling efficiency with defect-free arrays in approximately 37% of the realizations.


Review Physics, Multidisciplinary

Quantum science with optical tweezer arrays of ultracold atoms and molecules

Adam M. Kaufman et al.

Summary: Single atoms and molecules can be trapped and controlled in optical tweezers, allowing for precise arrangement and control of large arrays for applications in quantum technologies. This new approach holds promise for future advancements in quantum information processing, quantum simulation, and metrology.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Quantum phases of matter on a 256-atom programmable quantum simulator

Sepehr Ebadi et al.

Summary: This paper demonstrates a programmable quantum simulator based on deterministic arrays of neutral atoms, realizing a quantum spin model with tunable interactions and investigating various new quantum phases and interactions. These observations offer a new perspective on the study of complex quantum matter and pave the way for investigations of exotic quantum phases and hardware-efficient realization of quantum algorithms.

NATURE (2021)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Efficient preparation of two-dimensional defect-free atom arrays with near-fewest sorting-atom moves

Cheng Sheng et al.

Summary: Sorting atoms in optical tweezer arrays using the heuristic cluster algorithm (HCA) can efficiently prepare defect-free atom arrays in arbitrary geometries, with low number of moves and high filling fraction demonstrated experimentally. The HCA is suitable for large-scale atom assemblers, essential for bottom-up quantum computation, quantum simulation, and precision measurement with hundreds of assembled atoms.


Review Physics, Multidisciplinary

Many-body physics with individually controlled Rydberg atoms

Antoine Browaeys et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Half-minute-scale atomic coherence and high relative stability in a tweezer clock

Aaron W. Young et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Optics

Enhanced atom-by-atom assembly of arbitrary tweezer arrays

Kai-Niklas Schymik et al.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Gray-Molasses Optical-Tweezer Loading: Controlling Collisions for Scaling Atom-Array Assembly

M. O. Brown et al.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Defect-Free Assembly of 2D Clusters of More Than 100 Single-Atom Quantum Systems

Daniel Ohl de Mello et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Observation of a symmetry-protected topological phase of interacting bosons with Rydberg atoms

Sylvain de Leseleuc et al.

SCIENCE (2019)

Article Physics, Applied

Fast High-Fidelity Readout of a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit via Machine-Learning Methods

Zi-Han Ding et al.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Ultracold molecules for quantum simulation: rotational coherences in CaF and RbCs

Jacob A. Blackmore et al.


Article Quantum Science & Technology

Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond

John Preskill

QUANTUM (2018)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator

Hannes Bernien et al.

NATURE (2017)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

An atom-by-atom assembler of defect-free arbitrary two-dimensional atomic arrays

Daniel Barredo et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Atom-by-atom assembly of defect-free one-dimensional cold atom arrays

Manuel Endres et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Rapid Production of Uniformly Filled Arrays of Neutral Atoms

Brian J. Lester et al.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Collisional blockade in microscopic optical dipole traps

N Schlosser et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Sub-poissonian loading of single atoms in a microscopic dipole trap

N Schlosser et al.

NATURE (2001)