4.5 Article

Energy Dissipation Enhancement of Thin-Walled 6063 T5 Aluminium Tubes by Combining a Triggering Mechanism and Heat Treatment


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Crashworthiness performance of novel pre-deformation method applied square aluminum tubes

Muhammet Muaz Yalcin et al.

Summary: This study investigated the energy absorption capability and crashworthiness performance of Al6063-T4/T6 aluminum alloy square tubes under axial crushing through experimental methods. The use of PVC foam and polyurethane springs as reinforcement materials enhanced the energy absorption value. A novel pre-deformation process was applied to the tube inner surfaces to increase the strength. The experiment revealed that foam filling enhanced the energy absorbed more than wall-crushing, but wall-crushed tubes offered higher specific energy absorption in the T6 temper. The use of polyurethane springs significantly contributed to the crashworthiness performance compared to other samples.


Article Engineering, Civil

Crashworthiness investigation of draw bead in aluminum tubes under axial loading condition

Hamid Nikkhah et al.

Summary: This study investigates the effects of draw beads on the crashworthiness of aluminum tubes under axial quasi-static loading. The study uses experimental tests and finite element models to validate the results and determines the most suitable tube using a multi-criteria decision-making method. The study identifies a bead shape tube configuration with high energy absorption and low impact force.


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Efficient crash structure design for road traffic accidents of tomorrow

Jesper Christensen et al.

Summary: This paper discusses the importance of energy absorbing structures in automotive crash mitigation systems and highlights the innovative area of cross-sectional geometry in EAS design. It presents an efficient reduced order modelling methodology and provides a comprehensive and unbiased benchmark for evaluating and comparing designs, revealing both issues and potential for improvement.


Review Engineering, Mechanical

Energy absorption and dynamic behaviour of 6xxx series aluminium alloys: A review

R. Dubey et al.

Summary: This document reviews recent research on the mechanical properties of 6xxx series aluminium alloys and the crashworthiness of tubes made of these alloys. The review focuses on the material response at high strain rates and the structural response under quasi-static and dynamic loadings. It also discusses the effects of processing routes and heat treatments on the dynamic behavior of the alloys, as well as the correlation between material response and microstructural features.


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

Mechanical performance of multi-cell thin-walled tubes under static and dynamic axial loading

Yaozhou Li et al.

Summary: This study investigates the mechanical performance of multi-cell thin-walled tubes with small aspect ratio and diameter thickness ratio and the same weight through theoretical, numerical, and experimental research. Experimental tests were conducted under static and dynamic axial loading using a lightweight device impact test. The results showed that the dynamic amplification factor (DAF) for multi-cell tubes can be ignored at impact velocities below 50 m/s. Multi-cell partitioning improves energy absorption and reduces the increment of dynamic axial loads in thin-walled structures. The numerical model indicates that dynamic axial impact leads to strain hardening of the matrix material, resulting in increased force.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Crashworthiness optimization of crash box with 3D-printed lattice structures

Wenbin Hou et al.

Summary: This study investigates a novel crash box composed of an aluminum shell and a 3D-printed lattice core. The lattice structures, fabricated using carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 composites, achieved good lightweight and energy absorption characteristics. The kagome lattice structure demonstrated the highest specific energy absorption values through numerical analysis. A multi-objective optimization strategy was utilized to establish the optimal design model for the crash box, resulting in improved energy absorption with mass reduction using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II).


Article Engineering, Manufacturing

A numerical and theoretical study on crushing behaviours of variable thickness 12 right-angles section tubes

Junyuan Zhang et al.

Summary: Based on a theoretical crashworthiness model, this article investigated the energy absorption characteristics of variable thickness 12 right-angles section tubes during axial crushing. A theoretical solution for the mean crushing force was proposed and verified, and a crash box prediction was presented to demonstrate the potential of these tubes in energy absorption and their importance in vehicle concept design.


Review Engineering, Civil

Lightweight hybrid materials and structures for energy absorption: A state-of-the-art review and outlook

Guangyong Sun et al.

Summary: This article provides a critical review on the advances in hybrid materials and structures for crashworthiness and energy absorption performance. It discusses the hybridization of different materials to maximize their functional roles in lightweight structures. The evaluation and comparison of various hybridized materials in terms of crashworthiness and energy absorption are also discussed.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Comparative Study and Multi-Objective Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Foam and Honeycomb-Filled Novel Aluminum Thin-Walled Tubes

Yi Tao et al.

Summary: The application of foam and honeycomb materials in energy absorbing devices was studied, and the crashworthiness of different filling structures was compared and analyzed through simulation models and experiments. The results show that both foam-filled and honeycomb-filled thin-walled structures can improve energy absorption efficiency, but the filling styles have an impact on their mechanical properties.

METALS (2022)

Article Materials Science, Composites

Quasi-static axial crushing performance of thin-walled tubes with circular hole discontinuities

Hassan Alshahrani et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the crashworthiness performance of square pipes with induced holes. Taguchi technique has been adapted to determine the optimal crashworthiness parameters. The results indicate that crosshead speed and hole diameter have the highest influence on the absorbed energy, while the number and distribution of holes have the highest influence on the initial peak force.


Article Engineering, Civil

Crashworthiness design and impact tests of aluminum foam-filled crash boxes

Gaofei Wang et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a novel design of foam-filled crash boxes to enhance the energy absorption and protection capability. The study finds that partial filling design reduces material usage and increases specific energy absorption. An improved optimization strategy is proposed by considering material utilization and deformation stability. Experimental validation confirms the effectiveness of this method.


Article Engineering, Civil

Energy-absorbing properties of thin-walled square tubes filled with hollow spheres

Ben Jiang et al.

Summary: This study proposed a new thin-walled square tube structure filled with hollow aluminum metal spheres to improve its crashworthiness. Experimental and numerical simulation results showed that filling hollow spheres can change the deformation mode of the thin-walled square tube and increase its load-bearing capacity. The wall thickness, size, and stacking modes of the hollow spheres have significant impacts on the performance of the thin-walled square tube.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Crashworthiness Analysis of Square Aluminum Tubes Subjected to Oblique Impact: Experimental and Numerical Study on the Initial Contact Effect

Konstantina D. Karantza et al.

Summary: This study investigates the crashworthiness behavior of square aluminum thin-walled tubes subjected to axial and oblique impact loading. It examines the effects of crushing angle and initial contact between impactor and tube on plastic collapse initiation and energy absorption capacity. The results show that a 5 degrees oblique cornered crushing yields the highest energy absorption, while an initial contact-in-corner case exhibits higher energy absorption compared to axial and edged oblique loading.

METALS (2022)

Article Engineering, Civil

Axial compression behaviour of thin-walled metallic tubes under quasi-static and dynamic loading

S. K. Tak et al.

Summary: The finite element computations were used to study the axial compression behavior of thin-walled metallic tubes under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions in this research. Different geometric shapes of tubes demonstrate varied energy absorption and deformation characteristics under different loading conditions.


Article Engineering, Civil

Parametric analysis of energy absorption capacity of thin aluminum plates impacted by rigid spherical projectiles

Paulo Teixeira et al.

Summary: A finite element axisymmetric model was developed to study the energy absorption capacity of thin Aluminum plates in terms of ballistic limit. The study found that plastic work and friction dissipate the impact energy, while projectile radius and plate thickness have a significant influence on perforation energy. The ballistic limit shows a non-linear relation with plate thickness to projectile diameter ratio.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Phase Field Simulation of AA6XXX Aluminium Alloys Heat Treatment

Antonis Baganis et al.

Summary: The study investigated the effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys using a Phase-Field modeling approach. It focused on recrystallization and grain growth mechanisms, as well as the calculation of yield strength and hardness after different ageing treatments. The results showed that the pinning force of secondary particles led to a slight decrease in final grain radius, and different ageing temperatures had an impact on ageing conditions for distinct ternary systems.

METALS (2021)

Article Engineering, Civil

Application of tailor rolled blanks in optimum design of pure electric vehicle crashworthiness and lightweight

Luxin Yu et al.

Summary: The use of TRB structures can enhance the crashworthiness of vehicles. Optimizing the geometric distribution of TRB structures can reduce weight, increase energy absorption, and significantly improve the vehicle's crashworthiness.


Article Mechanics

Design of crashworthy attenuator structures as a part of vehicle safety against impact: Application of waste aluminum can-based material

Laksmana Widi Prasetya et al.

Summary: The study explored alternative materials for impact attenuators by using used cans, analyzing the impact with a nonlinear finite element algorithm and considering the thickness of the cans and impact velocity as main parameters. The results showed that the average energy of the attenuator for 1 mm thick cans was 16000 J, more than double that of 0.5 mm thick cans.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Multidisciplinary design optimization for hybrid electric vehicles: component sizing and multi-fidelity frontal crashworthiness

P. G. Anselma et al.


Review Engineering, Mechanical

Review of the crushing response of collapsible tubular structures

Vivek Patel et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Crashworthiness of CFRP/aluminum alloy hybrid tubes under quasi-static axial crushing

Meng Zang et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Vehicles Frontal Impact Analysis Using Computer Simulation and Crash Test

Dragos Sorin Dima et al.


Article Engineering, Civil

Crashworthiness optimization of automotive parts with tailor rolled blank

Guangyong Sun et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Crushing analysis and crashworthiness optimization of tailor rolled tubes with variation of thickness and material properties

Rihuan Lu et al.


Article Engineering, Mechanical

Crashworthiness behavior of aluminum profiles with holes considering damage criteria and damage evolution

Quirino Estrada et al.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Work-hardening and ductility of artificially aged AA6060 aluminium alloy

I. Westermann et al.