4.6 Article

Analysis of the Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Environmental Sustainability in Developed and Developing Economies


Article Management

Economic policy uncertainty and green innovation based on the viewpoint of resource endowment

Yi Xu et al.

Summary: This study fills the research gap on the impacts of economic policy on green innovation by investigating the effects of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on green innovation using data from 269 Chinese cities between 2005 and 2016. The empirical results suggest that EPU promotes green innovation up to a certain point, but has negative inhibiting impacts beyond a threshold. This highlights the importance of taking actions to promote innovation and alleviate negative effects of uncertainty by both governments and enterprises, especially in resource-based cities.


Article Environmental Sciences

Evolution of household carbon emissions and their drivers from both income and consumption perspectives in China during 2010-2017

Sha Peng et al.

Summary: Household inputs and consumption play important roles in driving carbon emissions in China. Existing studies have mainly focused on consumption-based household carbon emissions and paid little attention to income-based accounting and policy-making. In this study, we used input-output analysis and structural decomposition analysis to calculate income- and consumption-based household carbon emissions from 2010 to 2017. Our results show that income-based household emissions have a higher proportion in total emissions compared to consumption-based emissions. Per capita income/consumption is the main driving factor for household emissions.


Article Economics

Economic policy uncertainty and trade: does export sophistication matter?

Constant L. L. Yayi

Summary: Despite the increased research interest in the economic effect of policy uncertainties, trade behavior during such times is still not fully understood. Using the trade gravity model, this study examines the effects of economic policy uncertainty on trade in 22 countries from 1997 to 2020, finding that both domestic and foreign policy uncertainties negatively and significantly affect bilateral trade, exports, and imports. Additionally, there are substantial variations in trade reactions to policy uncertainties across countries, with more export-sophisticated countries being resilient to domestic policy uncertainties and vulnerable to foreign policy uncertainties, while less export-sophisticated countries are doubly vulnerable to both types of uncertainties.


Article Business

The Impact of Government Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic and Brexit on the UK Financial Market: A Behavioural Perspective

Audrey Paterson et al.

Summary: During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, the Governor of the Bank of England mentioned the possibility of radical money-printing operations, causing significant losses in the financial market. This led us to investigate how investors' emotions were influenced by government policy announcements during this crisis, as well as the impact of Brexit on the UK financial market. Our findings indicate that frequent policy announcements shaped investors' psychology and affected market behavior during the pandemic.


Article Environmental Studies

Analysing the adoption barriers of low-carbon operations: A step forward for achieving net-zero emissions

Anil Kumar et al.

Summary: The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow, UK in November 2021 emphasized the need for immediate action on climate issues and achieving global net-zero emissions by 2030. This study focuses on identifying and analyzing key barriers to Low Carbon Operations (LCO) in emerging economies. Through a literature review and empirical study in the Indian automobile industry, the barriers were validated and analyzed using BWM and DEMATEL techniques. The results indicate that 'Economic' is the most influential category of barriers, followed by 'Infrastructure' and 'Operational'. The study provides managerial implications for overcoming these barriers and facilitating the adoption of LCO and achieving net-zero emissions.


Article Economics

Dynamic association of economic policy uncertainty with oil, stock and gold: a wavelet-based approach

Rajat Kumar Soni et al.

Summary: This research examines the relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and the oil, stock, and gold markets in India. Using monthly data from November 2005 to March 2022, the study utilizes wavelet-based coherence, correlation, and covariance plots to analyze the interaction between EPU and market behavior. The authors also employ wavelet-based quantile regression and wavelet-based Granger causality to assess the causality between EPU and the markets.


Article Business

Policy uncertainty, social responsibility and corporate M&A

Cong Li et al.

Summary: This paper examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and explores the mediating role of social responsibility. The findings suggest that higher policy uncertainty leads to lower probability of successful M&A and worse business performance after the event.


Article Environmental Sciences

Economic policy uncertainty and CO2 emissions: a comparative analysis of developed and developing nations

Munawar Iqbal et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty on the relationship between clean energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The findings suggest that economic policy uncertainty significantly increases CO2 emissions in both developing and developed countries. Therefore, reducing policy uncertainty can drive the development of environmental innovation and clean energy technologies.


Article Environmental Sciences

How do foreign direct investment flows affect carbon emissions in BRICS countries? Revisiting the pollution haven hypothesis using bilateral FDI flows from OECD to BRICS countries

Nicholas Apergis et al.

Summary: Foreign direct investment (FDI) from developed countries can both increase and decrease carbon emissions in developing countries. The impact of FDI on carbon emissions in developing countries depends on the origin country of the investment and the technologies and practices it brings.


Article Environmental Studies

Guiding Environmental Messaging by Quantifying the Effect of Extreme Weather Events on Public Discourse Surrounding Anthropogenic Climate Change

Andrew Noviello et al.

Summary: Anthropogenic climate change is expected to bring major changes to human society, with an increase in extreme weather events being one significant consequence. However, many Americans lack awareness of the link between climate change and extreme weather, likely due to a lack of direct messaging. This study analyzed the impact of natural disasters on climate change discussion through media and Twitter, finding that while the volume of climate change-related content increased after specific extreme weather events, the sentiment became more negative, indicating the influence of climate change deniers.


Article Business

How does environmental policy uncertainty influence corporate green investments?

Yingde Hu et al.

Summary: This study divided environmental policy uncertainty into policy content uncertainty (PCU) and policy enforcement uncertainty (PEU), and examined its influence on corporate green investments based on survey data from Zhejiang Province, China. The results showed that regardless of PCU or PEU, environmental policy uncertainty significantly inhibited corporate green investments. It was found that executives' environmental awareness did not increase corporate green investments, but significantly moderated the relationship between PEU and corporate green investments. The conclusion emphasized the importance of stable environmental policies and enhanced capacity for policy enforcement priorities to ease PEU and improve the effectiveness of environmental policies.


Article Business, Finance

The spillover effect of economic policy uncertainty: Evidence from analyst behaviors in Hong Kong

Zhaobo Zhu et al.

Summary: This paper examines the spillover effect of economic policy uncertainty on the financial market in an international financial center. It finds that high local policy uncertainty does not significantly affect analysts' earnings forecast accuracy or forecast dispersion in Hong Kong, but high external policy uncertainty from Mainland China, the U.S., Europe, and globally does decrease analysts' forecast accuracy. Both local and external policy uncertainties also have significant impact on analyst coverage and recommendations.


Article Business

Economic policy uncertainty and stock liquidity: the role of board networks in an emerging market

William Mbanyele

Summary: The study examines the role of board networks in promoting stock liquidity during high economic policy uncertainty in Brazilian firms from 2002 to 2015. Results indicate that economic policy uncertainty disproportionately affects stock illiquidity, particularly in high-risk, small, and competitive industries. Additionally, the study finds that board networks play a crucial role in enhancing stock liquidity, especially when economic policy uncertainty is high.


Article Thermodynamics

Energy consumption, pollution haven hypothesis, and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Examining the environment-economy link in belt and road initiative countries

Wenqing Li et al.

Summary: This paper examines the relationship between the environment and the economy in 89 Belt and Road Initiative countries and tests the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and the pollution haven hypothesis. The results show an inverse U-shaped relationship between environmental degradation and economic growth. Foreign direct investment generally has a positive impact on environmental quality, but region-specific results vary.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

The impact of economic policy uncertainty on carbon emissions: evaluating the role of foreign capital investment and renewable energy in East Asian economies

Yasir Khan et al.

Summary: The study found that economic policy uncertainty, trade, and GDP are positively correlated with carbon emissions, while foreign direct investment and renewable energy consumption contribute to an improvement in environmental quality. Additionally, there is a two-way association between CO2 emissions and economic policy uncertainty, energy consumption, economic growth, and trade.


Article Environmental Sciences

Does policy uncertainty threaten renewable energy? Evidence from G7 countries

Khalid Khan et al.

Summary: This study evaluates the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on renewable energy (RE) in the G7 countries. The findings suggest that EPU negatively affects RE across all quantiles, with high EPU having a rapid influence on RE. The effects of EPU on RE vary across countries, with decreasing impact in Germany and increasing impact in Italy, Japan, the UK, and the USA in the long run. It is important to ensure greater economic stability for the sustainable development of RE, and this can be achieved through involving all stakeholders in policy-making and sharing complete information about economic policies.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The environmental Kuznets curve, based on the economic complexity, and the pollution haven hypothesis in PIIGS countries

Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente et al.

Summary: This study investigates the dynamic association between economic complexity, foreign direct investment, renewable energy, urbanization process, and carbon emissions in PIIGS countries. The results show an inverted-U and further N-shaped relationship between economic complexity and CO2 emissions, confirming the presence of the environmental Kuznets curve hypotheses. The findings also support the pollution haven hypothesis and reveal the inhibiting effect of renewable energy on CO2 emissions. Urbanization process exerts significant pressure on environmental quality. Additionally, a bidirectional causal link is found between economic complexity and CO2 emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Clean energy consumption, economic growth, and environmental sustainability: What is the role of economic policy uncertainty?

Chaokai Xue et al.

Summary: The impact of clean energy consumption on CO2 emissions in France, as the third largest European economy, from 1987 to 2019 was analyzed. The study found that clean energy consumption does not contribute to emissions reduction in the long run, while economic policy uncertainty poses a threat to environmental sustainability by increasing emissions levels. Economic growth boosts CO2 emissions, while urbanization supports environmental quality.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Environment management policy implementation for sustainable industrial production under power asymmetry in the graph model

Sharafat Ali et al.

Summary: This article explores the importance of implementing environmental policies for promoting cleaner industrial production and sustainable environmental management, emphasizing the impact of government's inherent power on industry preferences. It proposes a negotiation strategy based on power-asymmetry, and validates the method's effectiveness through a case study.


Article Business, Finance

Does policy uncertainty predict the death of M&A deals?

Man Dang et al.

Summary: Using a comprehensive sample of U.S. M&A deals from 2000 through 2020, this study examines the impact of policy uncertainty on deal cancellation. The findings suggest that policy uncertainty is a significant predictor of deal failure, and there is a negative association between policy uncertainty and target firm stock price levels. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between policy uncertainty and external investments through M&A.


Article Development Studies

Renewable energy and advanced logistical infrastructure: Carbon-free economic development

Syed Abdul Rehman Khan et al.

Summary: Economic development and growth heavily rely on energy consumption, with many countries depending on fossil fuels. To address environmental issues and achieve carbon neutrality, a shift towards renewable energy is necessary. Additionally, green policies are crucial for industries like tourism, and advanced logistics infrastructure and renewable energy play vital roles in enhancing economic growth and international tourism.


Article Environmental Studies

Countries with sustained greenhouse gas emissions reductions: an analysis of trends and progress by sector

William F. Lamb et al.

Summary: While global greenhouse gas emissions are still increasing, some countries have successfully achieved sustained reductions in their emissions, primarily in the energy sector. Though the total reductions of these countries are insignificant compared to global emissions growth, their experiences demonstrate the possibility of significant emissions reductions even with moderate climate action, while maintaining sustainable economic growth.


Article Economics

Economic policy uncertainty and growth nexus in Pakistan: a new evidence using NARDL model

Jun Wen et al.

Summary: The study finds that Pakistan is facing various economic challenges, and political stability and coordination of macroeconomic policies are crucial for achieving long-term goals.


Article Environmental Sciences

How does economic policy uncertainty affect CO2 emissions? A regional analysis in China

Yan Liu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on CO2 emissions, finding that economic policy uncertainty has a negative impact on carbon emissions. There is a green paradox where environmental regulation increases CO2 emissions. It is suggested that different regions should implement various environmental policies to maximize emission reduction potential based on regional conditions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Greenhouse gas emissions from the global transportation of crude oil: Current status and mitigation potential

Sharath Ankathi et al.

Summary: Global crude-oil transportation contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions in the marine transportation sector. This study estimates the direct and well-to-hull greenhouse gas emissions related to crude transportation in 2018 and projects future emissions in 2050 under static and sustainable-development scenarios. The results suggest that fuel-switching strategies could substantially reduce emissions from crude oil transportation.


Article Environmental Sciences

Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis With Considering Ecological Footprint and Governance Quality: Evidence From Emerging Countries

Majid Mahmoodi et al.

Summary: Improving environmental quality and economic growth simultaneously has been a crucial concern for policymakers and researchers. This study investigates the relationship among ecological footprint, economic growth, renewable and non-renewable energies, and governance quality in two panels of European and Asian emerging countries. The findings validate the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and suggest a positive impact of non-renewable energy and a negative influence of governance quality on environmental quality.


Review Energy & Fuels

Sustainable Energy Transition for Renewable and Low Carbon Grid Electricity Generation and Supply

Moses Jeremiah Barasa Kabeyi et al.

Summary: This study reviews energy transition strategies and proposes a roadmap for sustainable energy transition. The study emphasizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global average temperature rise in line with the commitments of the Paris Agreement. It suggests that the transition should focus on energy savings, generation efficiency, and the substitution of fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Policy initiatives and technological advancements are needed to steer the global electricity transition towards a sustainable energy system.


Article Energy & Fuels

Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Carbon Emissions: Evidence at China's City Level

Lili Fu et al.

Summary: This study uses data from 325 prefecture-level cities in China and finds that economic policy uncertainty has a significant impact on city's carbon emission intensity, with a one percentage point increase in uncertainty leading to a 4.28 percentage point increase in carbon emission intensity.


Article Thermodynamics

A relaxed consensus plus innovation based effective negotiation approach for energy cooperation between smart grid and microgrid

Mohamed A. Mohamed

Summary: This paper proposes a distributed energy management approach using a relaxed consensus + innovation method for negotiation between microgrids and smart grids to achieve convergence in trading prices and transaction power. By analyzing the impact of uncertain parameters, it is demonstrated that this method is suitable for energy management in the system.

ENERGY (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

Investigating the moderating role of economic policy uncertainty in environmental Kuznets curve for South Africa: Evidence from the novel dynamic ARDL simulations approach

Maxwell Chukwudi Udeagha et al.

Summary: This paper examines the moderating influence of economic policy uncertainty on the environmental Kuznets curve in South Africa and provides policy recommendations for improving environmental quality.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Effect of policy uncertainty on environmental innovation

Khine Kyaw

Summary: Uncertainty in economic policies and regulations has a negative impact on firms' environmental innovation, with significant effects appearing after 5-6 years but dissipating thereafter. These findings are relevant to other countries, highlighting the detrimental effects of policy and regulatory uncertainty on climate change mitigation and environmental sustainability.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

The impact of rapid urbanization on residential energy consumption in China

Weilong Wu et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of urbanization on residential energy consumption in China and finds a positive U-shaped relationship between urbanization rate and direct energy consumption. Economic development has a significantly positive effect on both direct and indirect energy consumption. In contrast, population agglomeration has adverse effects on immediate energy consumption while positively influencing indirect energy consumption.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Article Economics

Economic policy uncertainty and corporate investment: Does quality of governance matter?

Umar Farooq et al.

Summary: A stable economic condition is crucial for an organization's success, and better governance can mitigate the adverse effects of economic uncertainties. This study reveals the impact of economic policy uncertainty on corporate investment decisions and demonstrates that better governance quality can mitigate the negative impact of uncertainty on investment.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The impact of climate policy uncertainty on renewable and non-renewable energy demand in the United States

Yunfeng Shang et al.

Summary: This paper evaluates the impact of climate policy uncertainty on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in the United States. The study finds that economic growth promotes renewable energy demand while crude oil prices reduce it. In contrast, climate policy uncertainty reduces non-renewable energy demand. The paper provides policy implications for reducing non-renewable energy consumption and promoting renewable energy use in the United States.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Green Technology Innovation: Evidence from China's Enterprises

Xuan Yang et al.

Summary: In some cases, enterprise fears uncertainty more than the policy itself, and this fear can impede innovation. However, this study finds that uncertainty is the source of enterprise's innovation. The research shows that economic policy uncertainty has a slightly promoting effect on green technology innovation of Chinese-listed enterprises, with a stronger impact on state-owned enterprises and high-tech enterprises.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Industrial Output: The Regulatory Role of Technological Progress

Songping Zhu et al.

Summary: Since the 2008 financial crisis, economic policy uncertainty (EPU) has become crucial for the stable and healthy development of the economy and society. This paper's empirical analysis on China's industry panel data from 2005 to 2017 reveals that EPU has a significant inverted U-shaped nonlinear effect on industrial output, and technological progress plays a positive regulatory role in the impact of EPU on output growth.


Article Energy & Fuels

Greenhouse gas emissions and its driving forces in the transport sector of South Africa

Oluwole Joseph Oladunni et al.

Summary: The reliance on fossil-based fuels for powering vehicles in the South African transport sector leads to significant greenhouse gas emissions. Factors such as population growth, economic expansion, energy intensity, passenger vehicles, and freight transport contribute to the increase in emissions. Population and economic growth have the most significant impact on GHG emissions, while other factors are often dependent on these two main drivers.


Article Economics

Economic policy uncertainty and carbon emission trading market: A China's perspective

Kai-Hua Wang et al.

Summary: This paper investigates the heterogeneous responses of carbon emission trading prices to different time frequencies of economic policy uncertainty. The empirical results reveal that the relationship between economic policy uncertainty and carbon emission trading prices is dynamic and unstable. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the impact of economic policy uncertainty on carbon emission trading markets and provide valuable insights for policy-making.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The impact of climate policy uncertainty on renewable and non-renewable energy demand in the United States

Yunfeng Shang et al.

Summary: This paper evaluates the impact of climate policy uncertainty on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in the United States and provides interesting findings regarding the influence of crude oil prices, economic growth, and climate policy on energy demand.


Article Economics

Energy consumption, finance, and climate change: Does policy uncertainty matter?

Francis Atsu et al.

Summary: The study explores the long-term relationship of energy consumption, financial development, and economic policy uncertainty for BRICS countries. Findings suggest that fossil fuel consumption and policy uncertainty contribute to CO2 emissions, while renewable energy, bureaucratic quality, and financial development help reduce emissions. Promoting economic policies that encourage innovation and stimulate investment in energy efficiency technology is crucial in reducing CO2 emissions.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

How economic policy uncertainty processes impact on inclusive green growth in emerging industrialized countries: A case study of China

Kuiying Gu et al.

Summary: This study focused on China and explored the impact of economic policy uncertainty on inclusive green growth, finding a multi-dimensional relationship between the two. Haze pollution was identified as an intermediary factor affecting the relationship, while media attention was found to moderate the impact, facilitating the transition towards a neighbor-friendly green growth approach.


Article Energy & Fuels

A two-stage optimal scheduling method for active distribution networks considering uncertainty risk

Hengrui Ma et al.

Summary: This paper proposes a two-stage optimal scheduling method considering uncertainty risk for Active Distribution Network (ADN), investigating the optimal dispatching process with energy storage system. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for model optimization, and simulation results on IEEE-33 bus system demonstrate the high effectiveness of the proposed method.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

The Heterogeneity Research of the Impact of EPU on Environmental Pollution: Empirical Evidence Based on 15 Countries

Ying Chen et al.

Summary: The uncertainty of economic policies significantly affects per capita CO2 emissions, with higher uncertainty leading to larger negative impacts on emissions. This effect is more pronounced in emerging market countries compared to advanced countries.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Do Economic Policy Uncertainty and Geopolitical Risk Lead to Environmental Degradation? Evidence from Emerging Economies

Muhammad Khalid Anser et al.

Summary: Since the turn of twenty first century, economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and geopolitical risk (GPR) have escalated across the globe, affecting both economic and environmental impacts. The study explores the impact of EPU and GPR on ecological footprint in selected emerging economies, revealing that EPU and non-renewable energy consumption increase ecological footprint, while GPR and renewable energy decrease it. Causality tests also show both uni-directional and bi-directional causality between some variables.


Article Engineering, Chemical

Investigating the Impact of Economic Uncertainty on Optimal Sizing of Grid-Independent Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Mostafa Rezaei et al.

Summary: This study examines the economics of three grid-independent hybrid renewable-based systems for small-scale load, finding the standalone solar/wind/electrolyzer/hydrogen-based fuel cell integrated with a hydrogen-based boiler system as the best alternative. Economic uncertainty analysis shows fluctuations in total net present cost and levelized energy cost around the benchmark value, as well as changes in optimal sizes of photovoltaic and wind turbine systems. Several practical policies are introduced to address economic uncertainty in the energy sector of developing countries.


Article Economics

Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and firm carbon emissions: Evidence using a China provincial EPU index

Jian Yu et al.

Summary: This study examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on manufacturing firms' carbon emission intensity in China, finding a significantly positive effect of EPU on carbon emission intensity. The channels through which EPU influences carbon emission intensity are mainly the share of fossil fuels in total energy consumption and energy intensity.


Article Environmental Sciences

Economic policy uncertainty, energy consumption and carbon emissions in G7 countries: evidence from a panel Granger causality analysis

Burak Pirgaip et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Enterprise Sustainability: Economic Policy Uncertainty, Enterprise Investment, and Profitability

Aijun Guo et al.


Article Engineering, Environmental

Rising middle and rich classes drove China's carbon emissions

Liyuan Wei et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Affect CO2 Emissions? Empirical Evidence from the United States

Qing Wang et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Effect of natural resources, renewable energy and economic development on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries

Danish et al.


Article Business

Economic and policy uncertainty in climate change mitigation: The London Smart City case scenario

Gabriela Contreras et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

The carbon footprint of agricultural crop cultivation in India

Diksha Sah et al.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural food production to supply Indian diets: Implications for climate change mitigation

Sylvia H. Vetter et al.


Article Economics

Testing for Serial Correlation in Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models

Benjamin Born et al.


Article Economics

Testing slope homogeneity in large panels

M. Hashem Pesaran et al.


Article Economics

A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence

M. Hashem Pesaran


Article Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods

Testing for cross-sectional dependence in panel-data models

Rafael E. De Hoyos et al.


Article Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods

Testing for serial correlation in linear panel-data models

David M. Drukker