4.6 Article

Indication of Long-Term Changes of Algae Communities in a Hydrologically Transformed Estuary Sasyk, Black Sea, Ukraine


Editorial Material Environmental Sciences

Editorial: Multiple freshwater stressors-Key drivers for the future of freshwater environments

Doru Banaduc et al.


Review Environmental Sciences

Freshwater as a Sustainable Resource and Generator of Secondary Resources in the 21st Century: Stressors, Threats, Risks, Management and Protection Strategies, and Conservation Approaches

Doru Banaduc et al.

Summary: This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the threats, risks, and integrated water management elements in freshwater ecosystems. It discusses the impacts of human activities and conservation issues related to freshwater systems. The complex matrix of stressors, including pollution, habitat fragmentation, and unsustainable exploitation, significantly affects the qualitative and quantitative changes in freshwater ecosystems and their ability to sustainably provide products and services to human societies. Only internationally integrated policies, strategies, assessment, monitoring, management, protection, and conservation initiatives can prevent the long-term deterioration of Earth's freshwater resources.


Article Environmental Sciences

Preliminary Assessment of Ecological Status of the Siversky Donets River Basin (Ukraine) Based on Phytoplankton Parameters and Its Verification by Other Biological Data

Olena Bilous et al.

Summary: The study focused on phytoplankton and ecological status of water bodies in the Siversky Donets river basin, revealing higher species diversity and division numbers in smaller rivers, with no bloom events detected. Analysis of ecological parameters in the water bodies showed the impact of different algae species on the environment.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Early human impacts and ecosystem reorganization in southern-central Africa

Jessica C. Thompson et al.

Summary: Archaeological and environmental data from northern Malawi reveal that early Homo sapiens started significant ecosystem modifications during the Late Pleistocene, with the use of fire and climate changes leading to an ecological transition to an early anthropogenic landscape.


Article Environmental Sciences

The Role of Aquatic Refuge Habitats for Fish, and Threats in the Context of Climate Change and Human Impact, during Seasonal Hydrological Drought in the Saxon Villages Area (Transylvania, Romania)

Doru Banaduc et al.

Summary: The study found that climate change has affected the habitats of fish in the Carpathian Basin, especially during drought periods, where the number of refuge habitats for fish is limited, leading to significant survival pressure. The proposal of management measures is crucial for maintaining and improving the ecological support capacity of these refuges.


Article Plant Sciences

Centric diatom diversity in the lower part of the Southern Bug river (Ukraine): the transitional zone at Mykolaiv city

Olena P. Bilous et al.

Summary: The study documented the diversity of centric diatoms in the transitional zone of the Southern Bug River in Ukraine and compared it to earlier results from upstream sampling sites. New taxa were identified and discussed in relation to the relevance of estuary zones in diatom research.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Diversity of Algae and Cyanobacteria and Bioindication Characteristics of the Alpine Lake Nesamovyte (Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine) from 100 Years Ago to the Present

Petro M. Tsarenko et al.

Summary: The study of the algal flora in the alpine lake Nesamovyte over the past 100 years has revealed an increase in modern biodiversity, leading to vulnerability and degradation of the lake's ecosystem. The presence of a unique algae composition and the discussion of conservation issues are highlighted in the research.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessment of River-Sea Interaction in the Danube Nearshore Area (Ukraine) by Bioindicators and Statistical Mapping

Anastasiia Snigirova et al.

Summary: The study focused on analyzing the relationship between hydrochemical parameters and phytoplankton communities in the Danube coastal zone, using ecological bioindicators approach and statistical methods. The research revealed patterns in environmental parameter distribution and water quality status, showing that salinity and nutrients have opposite effects on phytoplankton. Additionally, the study found that high N:P ratios indicated an imbalance in ecosystem processes, and that certain indicator species could be used as ecosystem change indicators.
Article Biodiversity Conservation

Benthic Diatom Composition in Coastal Zone of Black Sea, Sasyk Reservoir (Ukraine)

Olena P. Bilous et al.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

JASP: Graphical Statistical Software for Common Statistical Designs

Jonathon Love et al.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

A unifying approach to understanding transitional waters: Fundamental properties emerging from ecotone ecosystems

Alberto Basset et al.