4.7 Article

Quantifying the Contribution of Driving Factors on Distribution and Change of Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation in the Mongolian Plateau


Article Forestry

The mangrove blue carbon sink potential: Evidence from three net primary production assessment methods

Xiaoxuan Gu et al.

Summary: Mangrove forests are significant carbon sinks, and new high-resolution methods like sap flow investigation (SF) are being developed for evaluating their carbon sequestration capacity. Traditional methods like the LG and LA methods, while having their own advantages, are compared with the more convenient and efficient SF method in this study.


Article Environmental Sciences

Quantitative assessment of the effects of climate, vegetation, soil and groundwater on soil moisture spatiotemporal variability in the Mongolian Plateau

Fanhao Meng et al.

Summary: The study in the ecologically fragile Mongolian Plateau reveals a significant decrease in soil moisture with groundwater as the dominant influence. Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration are the main control factors for soil moisture spatiotemporal variability, with interactions among factors playing a crucial role.Meteorological forcing is not the sole dominator of soil moisture spatiotemporal variability, and different factors have varying influences across ecological zones.


Article Agronomy

The variation of net primary productivity and underlying mechanisms vary under different drought stress in Central Asia from 1990 to 2020

Saibo Li et al.

Summary: This study quantitatively explored the variations and mechanisms of net primary productivity (NPP) under different drought stress in Central Asia using Google Earth Engine. The results showed an increasing trend in vegetation productivity, with significant NPP increases in semi-arid and dry sub-humid zones. Land cover change had a greater impact on vegetation productivity than climate change in Central Asia.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatial-temporal pattern of cultivated land productivity based on net primary productivity and analysis of influencing factors in the Songhua River basin

Shiliang Yang et al.

Summary: Inefficient utilization of cultivated land leads to low development state of land productivity. The key challenge in improving land productivity lies in understanding the spatial differentiation pattern and the impact of various factors. This study used net primary productivity (NPP) to calculate and analyze the productivity of cultivated land in the Songhua River basin in China. The results showed spatial differentiation and identified the main factors influencing productivity. This information is important for formulating effective policies to protect land and improve land productivity.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Widespread increasing vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture

Wantong Li et al.

Summary: Vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture has been increasing in (semi)arid areas, but state-of-the-art land surface models fail to capture this trend. Decreased soil moisture availability and declining precipitation have led to global vegetation vulnerability and reduced carbon uptake.


Article Environmental Sciences

Contributions of Climatic and Anthropogenic Drivers to Net Primary Productivity of Vegetation in the Mongolian Plateau

Chaohua Yin et al.

Summary: The actual net primary productivity (ANPP) of the Mongolian Plateau (MP) from 2000 to 2019 was estimated using a modified Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) model. The study found that the ANPP of vegetation on the MP has been steadily increasing, with human activities playing a significant role in vegetation restoration.


Article Environmental Sciences

Quantifying the Influences of Driving Factors on Vegetation EVI Changes Using Structural Equation Model: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China

Zhengnan Gu et al.

Summary: Vegetation cover is crucial for the stability of regional ecosystems. This study used MOD13Q1 enhanced vegetation index data to analyze the trends in vegetation cover in Anhui Province, China from 2000 to 2020. The study also examined the impact of land-use change and human activity on vegetation dynamics.


Article Environmental Sciences

Grassland greening on the Mongolian Plateau despite higher grazing intensity

Lijuan Miao et al.

Summary: The Mongolian Plateau experienced vegetation greening from 1982 to 2015, with precipitation and animal density being the most influential factors contributing to higher NDVI on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. The findings challenge the common belief that higher grazing pressure is the key driver for land degradation.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Carbon use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems in desert/grassland biome transition zone: A case in Ningxia province, northwest China

Lingtong Du et al.

Summary: The study found that the CUE of terrestrial ecosystems in the desert/grassland biome transition zone is higher than 0.5 but can vary based on ecosystem type and land use changes. There is a decreasing trend in annual CUE from 2001 to 2017, with most pixels expected to continue decreasing, potentially due to land use changes. Water stress and heat stress were identified as factors that could increase CUE, while the impact of temperature varied across different ecosystems.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Response of vegetation phenology to soil moisture dynamics in the Mongolian Plateau

Min Luo et al.

Summary: This study evaluated the impacts of soil moisture and drought on vegetation phenology in the Mongolian Plateau. The results showed a negative trend in soil moisture and an increase in drought, which had significant effects on vegetation phenology. The study also found strong seasonal variations in the influence of soil moisture on vegetation, which decreased with soil depth.

CATENA (2021)

Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Quantifying influences of natural and anthropogenic factors on vegetation changes using structural equation modeling: A case study in Jiangsu Province, China

Lin Yang et al.

Summary: The study utilized a structural equation modeling approach to quantify the impacts of natural environment, climate change, and human activities on vegetation coverage change in Jiangsu province, China from 2000 to 2015. The results revealed the significant influences of climate change and human activities on vegetation coverage change, with different driving mechanisms in northern and southern Jiangsu. Night light and road impact were identified as the best indicators of human activity change. This study provides a framework to better understand the complex interrelationships behind the spatial temporal change of vegetation coverage.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Diverse responses of grassland dynamics to climatic and anthropogenic factors across the different time scale in China

Yangyang Liu et al.

Summary: The study highlighted the importance of accurately quantifying the contributions of climate change and human activities on grassland dynamics for controlling grassland degradation. It found that during the period of 1982-1999, the increase in grassland ANPP was mainly driven by climate factors, while from 2000-2016, the decrease in grassland ANPP was primarily attributed to human activities.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Spatiotemporal variation and influencing factors of vegetation dynamics based on Geodetector: A case study of the northwestern Yunnan Plateau, China

Hong Huo et al.

Summary: The study investigated the spatiotemporal variation in vegetation cover on the northwestern Yunnan Plateau from 2005 to 2015, revealing a negative overall trend primarily driven by natural factors such as soil type, elevation, geomorphic type, and vegetation type. Human factors played a weaker role in vegetation change, with the interaction of pairwise factors being more important than individual factors in affecting vegetation dynamics.


Article Biology

Global patterns and climatic drivers of above- and belowground net primary productivity in grasslands

Yuanfeng Sun et al.

Summary: The study reveals that precipitation, temperature, and evapotranspiration play vital roles in shaping the patterns of aboveground NPP and its partitioning to belowground, with belowground NPP patterns not mirroring those of the aboveground NPP. Despite positive correlations of aboveground NPP and total NPP with mean annual temperature, the fraction of belowground NPP is negatively correlated with it. The relationship between belowground NPP and climatic factors is considerably weak, indicating relative stability regardless of climate conditions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Global response of terrestrial gross primary productivity to climate extremes

Minshu Yuan et al.

Summary: This study reveals that future climate extremes will become more frequent and intense, leading to significant impacts on GPP. The response of GPP to extreme climate events is primarily driven by temperature and precipitation extremes, with varying sensitivity in different regions.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Relationship between net primary production and climate change in different vegetation zones based on EEMD detrending - A case study of Northwest China

Huiyu Liu et al.

Summary: The study utilized the EEMD detrending analysis to explore the relationship between NPP and climate change in different vegetation zones in Northwest China. It revealed the complexity of this relationship, with most vegetation NPP trends showing monotonic increasing trends but also shifts. Bioclimatic variables were found to have significant impacts on interannual NPP variations.


Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of climate change on vegetation phenology and net primary productivity in arid Central Asia

Lizhou Wu et al.

Summary: The research analyzed the phenological changes of vegetation in arid Central Asia, showing that vegetation phenology is affected by climate change and providing new insights into phenological responses to climate change in arid regions.


Article Environmental Sciences

NDVI Indicates Long-Term Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Forces from Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors in Mongolian Plateau

Enliang Guo et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the long-term vegetation dynamics on the Mongolian Plateau, finding significant increases in temperature and evaporation, and decreases in soil moisture and precipitation. The greening of vegetation is mainly influenced by climate and anthropogenic activities, particularly the economic growth and population in Inner Mongolia.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Accelerated increase in vegetation carbon sequestration in China after 2010: A turning point resulting from climate and human interaction

Yongzhe Chen et al.

Summary: China has significantly increased its vegetation coverage and terrestrial carbon sequestration capacity since the end of the 20th century, with both climate change and human activities playing comparable roles in the gains of gross primary production (GPP). Afforestation has been the dominant mechanism behind forest cover expansions in northern China, while climate change has promoted vegetation cover in most parts of southeastern China. Human activities, especially in southern, eastern, and northeastern China, have greatly contributed to the increasing trend in net primary production (NPP) during 2001-2018.


Article Environmental Sciences

Grassland type-dependent spatiotemporal characteristics of productivity in Inner Mongolia and its response to climate factors

Da Guo et al.

Summary: This study focused on the spatiotemporal changes of net primary production (NPP) in different grassland types in Inner Mongolia and their response to climate factors. The research found that precipitation had the strongest impact on NPP across different seasons, with varying correlations between different types of grasslands.


Article Environmental Sciences

Quantifying the contributions of human activities and climate change to vegetation net primary productivity dynamics in China from 2001 to 2016

Wenyan Ge et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the relative contributions of climate change and human activities to net primary productivity (NPP) in China using a two-step methodology based on RESTREND. Results showed a significant increase in NPP during the study period, with both climate change and human activities playing favorable roles in vegetation growth. Climate factors contributed 60.06% to vegetation changes, while human activities contributed 39.94% to NPP. Precipitation, temperature, solar radiation, and other climatic factors all had varying impacts on vegetation growth in different regions of China.


Article Environmental Sciences

Monitoring Vegetation Change and Its Potential Drivers in Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2019

Yao Kang et al.

Summary: The study used NDVI data from 2000 to 2019 to analyze vegetation changes and their impact mechanisms in Inner Mongolia. The results showed an increasing trend in NDVI, with decreasing trends spatially from northeast to southwest. Future predictions indicate most areas will continue to see vegetation increase, with drivers being mainly annual precipitation, soil type, mean annual temperature, and land use.


Article Geography, Physical

Variations and climate constraints of terrestrial net primary productivity over Mongolia

Gang Bao et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Assessing extreme climatic changes on a monthly scale and their implications for vegetation in Central Asia

Min Luo et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Net Primary Productivity Loss under different drought levels in different grassland ecosystems

Tianjie Lei et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests

Yin Li et al.


Article Environmental Sciences

Assessing the Dynamics of Grassland Net Primary Productivity in Response to Climate Change at the Global Scale

Yangyang Liu et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management

Chi Chen et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Carbon storage in China's terrestrial ecosystems: A synthesis

Li Xu et al.


Review Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI): facing the challenges and pathways of global change in the twenty-first century

Pavel Groisman et al.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Dynamic changes in terrestrial net primary production and their effects on evapotranspiration

Zhi Li et al.


Article Psychology, Developmental

Mother-Adolescent Conflict as a Mediator Between Adolescent Problem Behaviors and Maternal Psychological Control

Christine M. Steeger et al.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Geographical Detectors-Based Health Risk Assessment and its Application in the Neural Tube Defects Study of the Heshun Region, China

Jin-Feng Wang et al.