4.7 Article

Spatial Simulation and Prediction of Land Use/Land Cover in the Transnational Ili-Balkhash Basin


Article Environmental Sciences

Simulation of future land use/cover change (LUCC) in typical watersheds of arid regions under multiple scenarios

Qingzheng Wang et al.

Summary: The rapid development of the social economy has seriously affected the sustainable development of the region's land use. This study validates the PLUS model in a typical arid region and analyzes its applicability. The results provide planning recommendations for the development of land use in arid regions.



Spatio-Temporal Changes in Land Use and Habitat Quality of Hobq Desert along the Yellow River Section

Ruibing Meng et al.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023)

Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

Desertification process and its effects on vegetation carbon sources and sinks vary under different aridity stress in Central Asia during 1990-2020

Saibo Li et al.

Summary: This study evaluated desertification in Central Asia using five machine learning methods and the desertification difference index method. The results showed a decrease in desertification area, with severe and slight desertification decreasing and moderate and high desertification increasing. The net ecosystem production in Central Asia showed an increasing trend, but the fragile ecological environments in existing desertification areas have worsened.

CATENA (2023)

Article Biodiversity Conservation

Dynamic simulation of land use change and assessment of carbon storage based on climate change scenarios at the city level: A case study of Bortala, China

Ziyao Wang et al.

Summary: This study proposes an integrated model framework to simulate land use changes and carbon storage at the city level, and finds that controlling economic and population growth, promoting energy transition, and expanding woodland can increase carbon storage.


Article Environmental Sciences

Evolution of landscape pattern and the association with ecosystem services in the Ili-Balkhash Basin

Feng Huang et al.

Summary: This study examined the landscape pattern evolution in the Ili-Balkhash Basin in Central Asia and its association with ecosystem services using a long-term dataset from 1992 to 2018. The findings revealed a significant conversion of bare land to grassland and expansion of cropland and urban land at the expense of forestland, grassland, and bare land. The more uniform distribution and regular shape of different land use and land cover types contributed to an increase in the overall ecosystem service value. These results provide valuable insights for land management and ecosystem services.


Article Environmental Sciences

Monitoring land degradation and assessing its drivers to support sustainable development goal 15.3 in Central Asia

Liangliang Jiang et al.

Summary: This study examined land degradation in Central Asia, establishing the OLDI index to monitor degradation and exploring driving forces in different areas. Most regions did not achieve Land Degradation Neutrality, with drought and anthropogenic disturbances identified as main drivers requiring restoration measures.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

The ecosystem service values simulation and driving force analysis based on land use/land cover: A case study in inland rivers in arid areas of the Aksu River Basin, China

Ling Xie et al.

Summary: The inland river basin ecosystem plays a crucial role in socio-economic stability in arid areas. This paper evaluated the ecosystem service values and investigated the response of land use/land cover to these values in the Aksu River Basin. The results showed an increasing trend in total ecosystem service values, with grassland contributing the most. Factors such as human activity intensity, vegetation index, temperature, and precipitation had significant effects on the ecosystem service values. The study also predicted a rapid increase in ecosystem service values in 2030, particularly in grassland areas.


Article Environmental Sciences

Human activities have markedly altered the pattern and trend of net primary production in the Ili River basin of Northwest China under current climate change

Fuguang Zhang et al.

Summary: This study investigated the impact of human activity on the pattern and trend of net primary production (NPP) in the Ili River basin (IRB) in Northwest China from 2000 to 2017. The results showed that cropland reclamation and cultivation, as well as afforestation, led to a significant increase in NPP, while grazing caused negative deviations in grasslands with potentially high NPP. These findings have important implications for land-use management and ecosystem restoration in Northwest China and Central Asia.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatial and Temporal Variation, Simulation and Prediction of Land Use in Ecological Conservation Area of Western Beijing

Jia Wang et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the trends of land use in the ecological conservation area (ECA) in western Beijing using different models, finding that construction land continuously increased over time while the areas of cultivated land and grassland significantly decreased. The results indicate that the continuous decrease of cultivated land is detrimental to the ecological service function of the ECA and not conducive to sustainable development in the region.


Article Environmental Sciences

Land Use Hotspots of the Two Largest Landlocked Countries: Kazakhstan and Mongolia

Jing Yuan et al.

Summary: The study investigates the land cover change in Kazakhstan and Mongolia over three decades, revealing that the conversion from grassland to cropland is the most common change. The land use hotspots are largely influenced by policy and policy shifts.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Spatial Simulation of Land-Use Development of Feixi County, China, Based on Optimized Productive-Living-Ecological Functions

Yichen Zhang et al.

Summary: This study developed a coupled spatial/developmental suitability evaluation system to identify and optimize the productive-living-ecological spaces of Feixi County, China. The results showed improvements in coordination and spatial development through simulation models and evaluation methods. The findings can help support the sustainable development of Feixi County's spatial layout.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

A Bibliometric Analysis on the Effects of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services: Current Status, Progress, and Future Directions

Jie Xu et al.

Summary: This study discusses the hotspots and keyword categories of research on land use change (LUC) and ecosystem services based on 1860 publications. It analyzes the number of published articles, top authors, organizations, journals, and subject categories. The study also examines the changes in land use area, pattern, and spatial pattern, as well as the limitations of existing research. The main goal is to assist researchers in identifying potential research gaps.


Article Computer Science, Information Systems

Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region-A Case Study of Southwest China

Jun Wang et al.

Summary: Rocky desertification is a critical ecological and environmental problem globally. Evaluating land cover products and understanding their differences is important for researchers and users. This study assessed the accuracy and consistency of three land cover products in a rock deserted region of China, finding variations and providing guidance for users in similar areas.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Predicting future urban waterlogging-prone areas by coupling the maximum entropy and FLUS model

Jinyao Lin et al.

Summary: This research has developed a robust method for predicting future waterlogging-prone areas by coupling the maximum entropy (MAXENT) and the Future Land Use Simulation (FLUS) model. The study confirmed the accuracy and feasibility of this method and identified impervious surfaces, population density, and green areas as key drivers behind urban waterlogging issues.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Cost-benefit analysis of ecological restoration based on land use scenario simulation and ecosystem service on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Mingqi Li et al.

Summary: Ecological degradation constrains regional sustainable development, and ecological restoration is significant in alleviating this issue. This study simulated different ecological restoration scenarios and quantified their costs and benefits using a patch-generating land use simulation model. The results can guide ecological restoration planning and policy formulation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


Article Environmental Sciences

Intensity Characteristics and Multi-Scenario Projection of Land Use and Land Cover Change in Hengyang, China

Zhiwei Deng et al.

Summary: Intensity Analysis was used to analyze the land use and land cover change in Hengyang, and a novel transition pattern was proposed to represent the size and intensity of the transition. The study found that 2005 was a significant turning point in the speed of change. The loss of cultivated land and forest contributed to the gain of built-up land, but the mechanisms behind these transitions were different. The PLUS model projected a decrease in forest, cultivated land, and grass in the future, with a slight increase in water areas.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatiotemporal Changes in Ecological Quality and Its Associated Driving Factors in Central Asia

Qian-Qian Xia et al.

Summary: This study used remote sensing data and ecological index to analyze the spatiotemporal changes and influencing factors of ecological environment quality in arid Central Asia. The results showed that the EEQ in this region was poor and exhibited a trend of gradual deterioration. The spatial distribution was clustered and influenced by both natural and human factors. These findings are important for environmental protection and regional planning in arid and semi-arid regions.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Comparison of multimodel simulations of land use and land cover change considering integrated constraints- A case study of the Fuxian Lake basin

Zhiqiang Lin et al.

Summary: This study explores the optimal model for simulating land use and land cover change in a specific basin by comparing different simulation models under the same conditions. The study finds that simulation results are more accurate under joint restrictions and the PLUS model performs the best in simulating and predicting LUCC.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Simulating the spatiotemporal variations of oasis rural settlements in the upper reaches of rivers of arid regions in Xinjiang, China

Ling Xie et al.

Summary: This study used cellular automata-agent-based model and patch-generating land use simulation to simulate and predict the spatiotemporal variations of rural settlements in an oasis. The results showed that human decision-making behaviors were the main factor in the changes of rural settlements. The patch-generating land use simulation model achieved better accuracy in simulating the spatiotemporal variations. This study is of great importance for the environmental protection of rural settlements in the oasis and sustainable settlement planning in arid regions.

PLOS ONE (2022)

Article Forestry

The Effects of Land-Use and Climatic Changes on the Hydrological Environment in the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province

Kuifeng Zhao et al.

Summary: The study found that land use and climate change in the Qinling Mountains have different effects on the hydrological environment, and under future climate change and land-use patterns, the runoff in the Qinling Mountains watershed shows an upward trend. However, blindly increasing the forestland area in the Qinling Mountains may not achieve better hydrological effects.

FORESTS (2022)

Article Environmental Sciences

Impacts of land use/land cover patterns on groundwater quality in the Guanzhong Basin of northwest China

Fei Xu et al.

Summary: This study analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of groundwater hydrochemical parameters in the Guanzhong Basin and assessed the relationships between the groundwater parameters and land use/land cover (LULC). The results showed that higher groundwater parameter concentrations were observed in the north of the plain than in the south. Forest and water bodies showed a positive effect on most hydrochemical parameters, while bare land and cropland revealed a negative effect. Additionally, the simulation results predicted a significant decrease in forest areas in the southern part of Guanzhong Plain by 2030, leading to potential groundwater quality deterioration.


Article Construction & Building Technology

Multi-scenario simulation and ecological risk analysis of land use based on the PLUS model: A case study of Nanjing

Lina Gao et al.

Summary: With the expansion of economic activities in cities, the ecological environment is gradually being destructed, and urban planning plays an important role in solving these issues. This study uses the PLUS model to simulate and evaluate the land use situation of Nanjing in 2025 under different scenarios, finding that the ecological risk levels vary under different scenarios. In densely populated areas with concentrated built-up land, attention should be paid to ecological environment protection and the construction of ecological corridors.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Temporal and spatial variation analysis of habitat quality on the PLUS-InVEST model for Ebinur Lake Basin, China

Qianqian Wei et al.

Summary: Improving habitat quality is crucial for biodiversity conservation. This study used the InVEST and PLUS models to assess habitat quality and degradation in the Ebinur Lake Basin from 1990 to 2020 and predict land use change under different scenarios. The findings showed an increase in cultivated land, grassland, and construction land, and a decrease in forest land, water bodies, and unused land. Habitat quality showed an increasing trend followed by a decreasing trend. Ecological zoning identified key protected areas, key restoration areas, and moderate development zones. Comparing the ID and EP scenarios in 2030, the EP scenario led to an increase in high habitat quality, benefiting the ecological security of the basin.


Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

The spatial prediction and optimization of production-living-ecological space based on Markov-PLUS model: A case study of Yunnan Province

Lingling Wang et al.

Summary: The study examines the current status of PLES in Yunnan Province and predicts the quantitative structure change and space layout optimization for 2035 and 2050. The results indicate that the layout of PLES in the province is currently disordered, but in the future, the industrial production space will expand, and both living space and water ecological space will increase. The overall development trend is more orderly.


Article Environmental Studies

Comparison of Three Ten Meter Land Cover Products in a Drought Region: A Case Study in Northwestern China

Junmei Kang et al.

Summary: The ecological and natural conditions in drought regions are harsh, with prominent features of water shortages and land desertification. In this study, the accuracy and spatial pattern distribution differences of three high-resolution land cover products (FROM-GLC, ESA, and ESRI) in drought regions were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the FROM-GLC product had the highest overall accuracy, while the ESRI product had the lowest overall accuracy. The spatial consistencies of the three products were low, and the mapping accuracy for grassland, bare land, shrubland, and other vegetation types needs improvement. The FROM-GLC, ESA, and ESRI products can be used as auxiliary data in research related to water and cropland resources in drought regions.
Article Biodiversity Conservation

Multi-scenario simulation of ecosystem service value for optimization of land use in the Sichuan-Yunnan ecological barrier, China

Chen Li et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates the importance of key ecological function areas in protecting ecosystems and enhancing ecological services, while also highlighting the relationship between land use change and ecosystem service value. Different scenarios for land use optimization in the SichuanYunnan Ecological Barrier show varying impacts on ecosystem service value and economic benefits, with the use of the coupled GMOP-PLUS models providing a new approach for addressing key technical challenges in large-scale ecological planning.


Article Biodiversity Conservation

Coupled SSPs-RCPs scenarios to project the future dynamic variations of water-soil-carbon-biodiversity services in Central Asia

Jiangyue Li et al.

Summary: This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of future climate change and human activities on ecosystem services in Central Asia, finding that land-use changes will lead to decreasing trends in multiple ESs, emphasizing the need for different management strategies to maintain the balance among key water, soil, carbon, and biodiversity services.


Article Ecology

Simulating urban land growth by incorporating historical information into a cellular automata model

Haijun Wang et al.

Summary: Research has shown that incorporating historical information into urban growth simulation can lead to better control of urban growth and avoid blind expansion of new urban land. The similarity of expansion processes between historical and target periods, as well as the temporal distance between them, affect the simulation accuracy of the SM-Logistic-CA model.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Trade-Offs and Synergies of Multiple Ecosystem Services for Different Land Use Scenarios in the Yili River Valley, China

Mingjie Shi et al.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of different future land use scenarios on ecosystem services in the Yili River Valley, China, and analyzed the trade-offs and synergistic responses. It found specific trade-offs and synergies among water yield, carbon storage, soil retention, and nutrient export, providing valuable insights for decision makers and stakeholders.


Article Environmental Sciences

Dynamics of Vegetation Greenness and Its Response to Climate Change in Xinjiang over the Past Two Decades

Jie Xue et al.

Summary: The impact of climate change on vegetation growth is significant, with vegetation index in Xinjiang showing an increasing trend over the past 20 years, mainly influenced by precipitation, highlighting the correlation between climate change and vegetation growth in arid areas.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Relative contributions of climate and land-use change to ecosystem services in arid inland basins

Jiangyue Li et al.

Summary: This study aimed to investigate the impacts of climate change and land-use change on ecosystem services, finding that climate change affects water yield, soil retention, and carbon storage, while land-use change primarily influences habitat quality. The results suggest that current land-use policies should take into account the influences of both climate change and land-use change to achieve a balance.


Article Environmental Sciences

Land use optimization research based on FLUS model and ecosystem services-setting Jinan City as an example

Pengju Liu et al.

Summary: This study explores the idea of anti-planning to cope with the impact of urban expansion on the environment. By using the FLUS model to determine optimal land allocation, the ecological security pattern and landscape index of the city have been optimized, with reduced landscape fragmentation and increased aggregation degree.


Article Engineering, Civil

Spatial variations and controls on the hydrochemistry of surface waters across the Ili-Balkhash Basin, arid Central Asia

Beibei Shen et al.

Summary: The study in arid environment revealed the impact of climate change and human activities on water quality in lakes and rivers. Lakes experience intense evaporation while rivers are mainly influenced by glacier melt, snow melt, and human water extraction. Additionally, different geological backgrounds result in variations in water chemistry composition.


Article Environmental Sciences

Spatiotemporal changes in water, land use, and ecosystem services in Central Asia considering climate changes and human activities

Yu Yang et al.

Summary: Central Asia is facing water scarcity and ecological crises due to both natural factors and human activities, attracting international attention. Despite an increase in precipitation, rising temperatures and unbalanced regional development have led to overexploitation of water resources, exacerbating ecological issues, which must be urgently addressed.


Article Environmental Studies

Assessment and Estimation of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Landscape Patterns and Their Impact on Habitat Quality in Nanchang, China

Yanan Li et al.

Summary: Assessing and predicting habitat quality evolution based on land use change during urbanization is crucial for ecological planning and global sustainable development. Two models were used to predict land use changes in Nanchang, showing significant habitat quality decline in the past 20 years and continued pressure in the future. Each model has its strengths, providing valuable insights for exploring habitat dynamic evolution mechanisms.
Article Geosciences, Multidisciplinary

GLC_FCS30: global land-cover product with fine classification system at 30m using time-series Landsat imagery

Xiao Zhang et al.

Summary: This study developed a novel global 30m land-cover classification system for 2015 by combining Landsat imagery and high-quality training data, achieving high accuracy. The GLC_FCS30-2015 product provides more detailed spatial information and a wider variety of land-cover types compared to other existing products, making it a valuable resource for global land-cover analysis.


Article Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Understanding the drivers of sustainable land expansion using a patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model: A case study in Wuhan, China

Xun Liang et al.

Summary: Cellular Automata (CA) are widely used in modeling land use dynamics. This study introduced a patch-generating land use simulation (PLUS) model that achieved higher accuracy compared to other CA models. The model can help policymakers manage future land use dynamics and create more sustainable land use patterns.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Sustainable water management for cross-border resources: The Balkhash Lake Basin of Central Asia, 1931-2015

Weili Duan et al.


Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Large Hydrological Processes Changes in the Transboundary Rivers of Central Asia

Yaning Chen et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

A global dataset of crowdsourced land cover and land use reference data

Steffen Fritz et al.


Article Remote Sensing

Towards a common validation sample set for global land-cover mapping

Yuanyuan Zhao et al.


Letter Multidisciplinary Sciences

Open access to Earth land-cover map

Chen Jun et al.

NATURE (2014)

Article Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Temperature and precipitation long-term trends and variations in the Ili-Balkhash Basin

Lidan Guo et al.