4.6 Article

Understanding the impact of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) leaf damage on maize yields


Article Entomology

Host selection and adaptation of the invasive pest Spodoptera frugiperda to indica and japonica rice cultivars

Peng Wang et al.

Summary: The study found that Spodoptera frugiperda had a stronger adaptability to japonica rice compared to indica rice, but growth, development, and survival rates of the insect on both rice cultivars were lower and longer than on corn.


Article Entomology

Flight Capability and the Low Temperature Threshold of a Chinese Field Population of the Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda

Hui Chen et al.

Summary: The fall armyworm is an invasive pest with the capability of long-distance migration. This study found that the flight capability of a field population from South China is higher than previously estimated. The research also discovered the low temperature threshold for flight of the fall armyworm.

INSECTS (2022)

Article Entomology

Impact of the exotic fall armyworm on larval parasitoids associated with the lepidopteran maize stemborers in Kenya

Bonoukpoe Mawuko Sokame et al.

Summary: The study shows that the exotic pest FAW can impact existing stemborer-parasitoid interactions associated with maize, even though the existing parasitoids cannot use FAW as hosts. The parasitoids attack FAW larvae but cannot reproduce, and in olfactometer bioassays, they are more attracted to plants infested by FAW.


Article Entomology

Updated assessment of potential biopesticide options for managing fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Africa

Melanie L. Bateman et al.

Summary: The fall armyworm has spread to many countries in Africa, causing a threat to staple crops such as maize. Farmers have increased their use of synthetic pesticides in response, but there is a need to find sustainable alternatives. Research has identified fifty biopesticides registered for fall armyworm management, with ongoing efforts in Africa and Asia for their development and use.


Article Agronomy

Damage, distribution and natural enemies of invasive fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. smith) under rainfed maize in Karnataka, India

Omprakash Navik et al.

Summary: The study assessed the occurrence, incidence, and damage severity of fall armyworm in maize fields in Karnataka, India during the rainfed condition, revealing widespread distribution and significant damage to maize. Co-occurrence with native stem borers and natural enemies were explored to combat this pest, with parasitoids found parasitizing different life stages of fall armyworm. These findings provide important groundwork for developing sustainable management strategies for fall armyworm.


Article Entomology

Lethal and oxidative stress side effects of organic and synthetic pesticides on the insect scale predator Rhyzobius lophanthae

Valeria Palma-Onetto et al.

Summary: Research showed that most organic pesticides had minimal impact on the insect scale predator Rhyzobius lophanthae, while synthetic pesticides often led to 100% mortality over time. Additionally, some organic pesticides caused significant oxidative stress in the insect. These findings suggest that organic pesticides could be a safer and more effective alternative for controlling agricultural pests compared to synthetic pesticides.


Review Agronomy

Global crop impacts, yield losses and action thresholds for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda): A review

Kathy Overton et al.

Summary: The fall armyworm is a highly polyphagous plant pest that severely impacts yields of various crops, with management strategies affecting yield loss and economic thresholds differing significantly. Standardized methods are needed to measure fall armyworm pressures effectively.


Article Entomology

A bet-hedging strategy rather than just a classic fast life-history strategy exhibited by invasive fall armyworm

Pengxiang Wu et al.

Summary: Invasive species are commonly believed to have a fast life-history strategy, with early reproduction and shortened lifespan. However, the study found that invasive fall armyworm populations reproduce earlier and have higher fecundity compared to native and lab-reared populations, indicating a bet-hedging strategy for successful invasion. The rapid evolution of life history within invasive populations may be influenced by the complex invaded environment.


Article Development Studies

An Environmental Justice Perspective on Smallholder Pesticide Use in Sub-Saharan Africa

Ellinor Isgren et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Parasitoids attacking fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sweet corn habitats

Robert L. Meagher et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Mortality Dynamics of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Immatures in Maize

Andrea Correa Varella et al.

PLOS ONE (2015)

Review Entomology

The sublethal effects of pesticides on beneficial arthropods

Nicolas Desneux et al.