4.6 Article

Dissipative soliton resonance in a figure-eight multimode fiber laser


Article Optics

Multimode dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in a Yb-doped fiber laser

Chenghao Liu et al.

Summary: Experimental observation of mode-locked dissipative-soliton-resonance (DSR) pulses, including single-mode DSR pulses and multimode DSR pulses, in a Yb-doped fiber laser is reported. DSR pulses in single-mode state and multi-mode state can exist at the same time and can be output stably. The multi-mode DSR pulses exhibit same linearly broadening characteristics and bell-shaped spectral shape as single-mode DSR pulses. The results would be beneficial for expanding the knowledge of nonlinear dynamics to multimode fiber lasers and provide new insights for DSR pulse output with a fully multimode structure to get larger pulse energy.


Article Optics

All-fiber high-power spatiotemporal mode-locked laser based on multimode interference filtering

Shangzhi Xie et al.

Summary: In this paper, an all-fiber high-power spatiotemporal mode-locked (STML) laser is demonstrated by optimizing multimode interference (MMI) filtering. The experiment results show the generation of dissipative soliton pulses and the observation of multiple solitons. This work broadens the design dimensions of all-fiber high-power STML and has significant applications.


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Spatiotemporal Period-Doubling Bifurcation in Mode-Locked Multimode Fiber Lasers

Xiaosheng Xiao et al.

Summary: This study presents an observation and investigation of a novel high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, termed spatiotemporal period-doubling bifurcation (SPB), in spatiotemporal mode-locked (STML) lasers. The SPB state exhibits period-doubling bifurcation in both temporal shape and spatial beam of the pulses, resulting in pulse train modulation and fluctuating output beam profile. Numerical simulations and a simple iterative model support the understanding that spatial-dependent saturable absorption is the key factor for the unique spatiotemporal characteristic of SPB in multimode lasers.


Article Optics

Dual-wavelength harmonic mode-locked dissipative soliton resonance of Yb fiber laser

Yulong Tang et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates a dual-wavelength harmonic mode-locked DSR ytterbium-doped fiber laser using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror. By adjusting the feedback conditions, the laser can transition from fundamental frequency mode locking to harmonic mode locking with multiple orders. The unique features of DSR mode locking are maintained throughout the transition. This fiber laser has great potential for various applications.


Article Optics

All fiber spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser at 1.55 μm delivering multimode conventional solitons or bound solitons

Tiegang Guo et al.

Summary: This letter reports the experimental realization of spatiotemporal mode-locked operation in a hybrid all-fiber Er-doped laser cavity. The mode locking of longitudinal or transverse modes is achieved by changing the state of polarization controller or multimode fiber segment. Different types of multimode solitons are generated at ~ 1560 nm by adjusting the polarization controller. The study shows that the beam profiles are determined by the state of multimode fiber segment, which is different from previous research in full-MM fiber system.


Article Optics

Self-starting spatiotemporal mode-locking using Mamyshev regenerators

Bo Cao et al.

Summary: In this study, we report self-starting spatiotemporal mode-locking (STML) in a multi-mode Mamyshev oscillator without active assistance. Stable STML can be attained by increasing the filter separation.


Article Optics

Narrow bandwidth spatiotemporal mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser

Tian-Xu Zhao et al.

Summary: We report a narrow bandwidth spatiotemporal mode-locked ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on a homemade carbon nanotube/polyvinyl alcohol composite film and the multimode interference filtering effect. The laser achieves wavelength-tunable narrow bandwidth STML operations and numerical simulations are performed to study the pulse generation mechanism.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Harmonic Dissipative Soliton Resonance in an Er/Yb Co-Doped Fiber Laser Based On SESAM

Jing Li et al.

Summary: In this experiment, fundamental and harmonic mode-locking in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime are investigated in a net-normal-dispersion Er/Yb co-doped fiber laser based on the semiconductor saturable mirror (SESAM). By increasing the pump power and utilizing the combined effects of spectral filtering and saturable absorption, harmonic mode-locking can be achieved. Additionally, the pulse characteristics can be altered by incorporating dispersion compensation fiber (DCF).


Article Optics

Switchable femtosecond and picosecond spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser based on NALM and multimode interference filtering effects

Jia-Wen Wu et al.

Summary: This study reports, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the switchable generation of versatile femtosecond and picosecond spatiotemporal mode-locked (STML) pulses in an all-few-mode fiber figure-8 laser at 1.55 μm. The laser exhibits pulse-pattern-tunable function, allowing the pulse patterns to be adjusted from single-pulse, multiple pulses to soliton molecules in both femtosecond and picosecond pulse regimes. The theoretical analyses reveal that the nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) primarily contributes to the generation of femtosecond pulses, while the multimode interference filtering effect induced by the active few-mode fiber-passive few-mode fiber structure plays a role in the generation of picosecond pulses. These findings contribute to further understanding the characteristics of STML fiber lasers and their potential applications in optical communications, laser processing, and measuring.


Article Optics

Tunable spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser at 1.55 μm

Ze-Long Ma et al.

Summary: The spatiotemporal mode-locked multimode fiber laser based on semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors offers a low mode-locking threshold, continuously tunable wavelength, and adjustable number of output pulses, making it suitable for various applications in the field of all-optical signal processing, fiber sensing, and information coding.


Article Optics

High-power synchronous multi-wavelength solitons from a multimode mode-locked fiber laser system

Zhaokun Wang et al.

Summary: We implemented a multimode fiber (MMF) laser system mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation technique for controllable synchronous multi-wavelength soliton generation. Synchronization of different wavelengths is achieved by special mode transmission in MMF, producing optimized power output with balanced two-color intensities. The output includes dual- and tri-wavelength synchronized femtosecond pulses, providing a simpler solution for achieving pulse synchronization directly from a laser oscillator.


Article Optics

Switchable and spacing tunable dual-wavelength spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser

Jin-Gan Long et al.

Summary: The paper introduces a novel dual-wavelength STML laser with switchable and spacing tunable functions, based on the multimode interference filtering effect, having lasing wavelength tunability and flexibility. By adjusting the polarization controllers, the dual-wavelength STML pulses can be switched to single wavelength operation, with spacing tunable from 8 nm to 22 nm.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Narrowband Mode-Locked Fiber Laser via Spectral-Domain Intermodal Interference

Qun Gao et al.

Summary: This study demonstrates a hybrid-structure fiber laser consisting of SMF and FMF, capable of delivering stable near-chirp-free solitons for various applications. The experimental results validate the superior performance of the laser and highlight its significant research potential.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Spatiotemporal Mode-Locking in Lasers with Large Modal Dispersion

Yihang Ding et al.

Summary: In this study, the potential of achieving spatiotemporal mode locking under different modal dispersion conditions is explored, showing the significant role of the intracavity saturable absorber in counteracting the large modal dispersion. Additionally, a novel phenomenon of passive nonlinear autoselection of single-mode mode locking is observed, resulting from the interaction between spatiotemporal saturable absorption and spatial gain competition.


Article Optics

Observation of transition between multimode Q-switching and spatiotemporal mode locking

Kewei Liu et al.

Summary: The experimental observation of multimode Q-switching and spatiotemporal mode locking in a multimode fiber laser was reported. It was found that weak spatial filtering is essential for stable Q-switched pulses, while stronger spatial filtering is needed for spatiotemporal mode locking. Additionally, a reversible transition process between multimode Q-switching and spatiotemporal mode locking was achieved with specific spatial coupling and waveplates sets. The results contribute to understanding nonlinear dynamics in multimode fiber-based platforms and the development of high-pulse energy lasers.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

All Few-mode Fiber Spatiotemporal Mode-Locked Figure-eight Laser

Xu-Bin Lin et al.

Summary: This study introduces an all few-mode fiber figure-eight laser STML by a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror at 1.0 μm, capable of generating single and multiple pulses at different central wavelengths. Various types of bound-state solitons were also achieved, contributing to a better understanding of the nonlinear characteristics of STML fiber lasers and their potential applications in optical communications.


Article Optics

Buildup dynamics of multiple solitons in spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber lasers

Kewei Liu et al.

Summary: The study investigates the real-time buildup dynamics of multiple solitons in a spatiotemporal mode-locked multimode fiber laser, finding that the buildup processes are transverse mode dependent and the transverse modal composition of the generated pulses can differ among the solitons. A simplified theoretical model based on pulse energy evolution is proposed to interpret the role of 3D saturable absorber on the spatiotemporal structures of the mode-locking process. This work sheds light on spatiotemporal nonlinear dynamics in multimode fiber lasers, distinguishing them from single transverse mode fiber lasers.


Article Optics

Q-switched mode-locked multimode fiber laser based on a graphene-deposited multimode microfiber

Jia-Wen Wu et al.

Summary: The study presents the generation of Q-switched mode-locked pulses in an Yb-doped multimode fiber laser using a graphene-deposited multimode microfiber for the first time. The results show successful single-wavelength and dual-wavelength QML operations, indicating potential applications in optical sensing, measuring, and laser processing.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Mechanisms of spatiotemporal mode-locking

Logan G. Wright et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Dissipative Soliton Resonance in an All-Polarization Maintaining Fiber Laser With a Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror

Qihang Gong et al.


Article Optics

Harnessing a multi-dimensional fibre laser using genetic wavefront shaping

Xiaoming Wei et al.


Article Optics

Spatiotemporal self-similar fiber laser

Ugur Tegin et al.

OPTICA (2019)

Article Optics

Multimode nonlinear fiber optics, a spatiotemporal avenue

Katarzyna Krupa et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Generation of Two Dissipative Soliton Resonance Pulses in an All-Anomalous-Dispersion Regime Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser

Yunfeng Wu et al.


Article Optics

High-power mode-locked 2 μm multimode fiber laser

Yao Wang et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Dissipative Soliton Resonances in a Mode-Locked Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser

Junqing Zhao et al.


Article Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Multipulse Dynamics of Dissipative Soliton Resonance in an All-Normal Dispersion Mode-Locked Fiber Laser

Sourav Das Chowdhury et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Spatiotemporal mode-locking in multimode fiber lasers

Logan G. Wright et al.

SCIENCE (2017)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Characterization and compression of dissipative-soliton-resonance pulses in fiber lasers

Daojing Li et al.


Article Optics

Dissipative soliton resonances

W. Chang et al.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Roadmap to ultra-short record high-energy pulses out of laser oscillators

N. Akhmediev et al.


Article Physics, Fluids & Plasmas

Bifurcations and multiple-period soliton pulsations in a passively mode-locked fiber laser

JM Soto-Crespo et al.