4.7 Article

Paired Root-Soil Samples and Metabarcoding Reveal Taxon-Based Colonization Strategies in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities in Japanese Cedar and Cypress Stands


Article Ecology

Grazing Intensity Rather than Host Plant's Palatability Shapes the Community of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in a Steppe Grassland

Maede Faghihinia et al.

Summary: The diversity and community composition of AMF in roots and rhizosphere soil of dominant perennial grasses were found to change in response to grazing intensity. Different virtual taxa of AMF showed varying responses along the grazing gradient, with Glomeraceae being the most abundant family. Grazing preference by sheep did not explain much of the variation in AMF diversity, but the two grass species exhibited different AMF community composition in their roots and rhizosphere soils. Overall, long-term grazing intensity may have favored disturbance-tolerant AMF taxa.


Article Forestry

Amplicon sequencing reveals the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition in Cryptomeria japonica at one local site

Akotchiffor Kevin Geoffroy Djotan et al.

Summary: This study aimed to characterize and compare the extra- and intraradical AMF communities of Cryptomeria japonica. Results showed no significant difference in AMF communities between the root and the surrounding soil, but a significant nestedness pattern was observed. The combination of plant DNA barcoding with amplicon sequencing is recommended for future studies to describe the intraradical AMF community of a specific tree species in forests.


Article Microbiology

Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in rhizosphere soil and roots in Vetiveria zizanioides plantation chronosequence in coal gangue heaps

Tianyue Gu et al.

Summary: This study investigated the structures of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi communities in the roots and rhizosphere soil of Vetiveria zizanioides at different ages in coal gangue heaps, and found that the composition of AMF communities in roots and rhizosphere soil differed, influenced by factors such as soil available phosphorus and pH. The research provided references for using mycorrhiza inoculation to remediate coal gangue heaps.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The Landscape of Recombination Events That Create Nonribosomal Peptide Diversity

Martin Baunach et al.

Summary: The study demonstrates that recombination plays a key role in the evolution of bacterial NRP synthetase genes, guiding the structural diversification of NRP families through mixing and matching of biosynthesis genes.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Interactive Tree Of Life (iTOL) v5: an online tool for phylogenetic tree display and annotation

Ivica Letunic et al.

Summary: The Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for displaying, manipulating, and annotating phylogenetic and other trees. The latest version 5 introduces a new tree display engine and several new features, such as a new dataset type and expanded annotation options. Users can now also manually annotate trees by hand, providing more flexibility and control.


Review Multidisciplinary Sciences

High-throughput molecular technologies for unraveling the mystery of soil microbial community: challenges and future prospects

Rachid Lahlali et al.

Summary: Soil microbial communities play a crucial role in soil fertility, sustainability, and plant health. Research has been conducted to study their structure, diversity, and activity to better understand soil biology and plant-microbe interactions. Advances in molecular biology and high-throughput biotechnological tools have been utilized to decipher the diversity and dynamics of soil microbial communities.

HELIYON (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Depression of the soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community by the canopy gaps in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation on Lushan Mountain, subtropical China

Guiwu Zou et al.

Summary: Canopy gaps have significant effects on soil AMF community, leading to decreased richness and diversity of AMF, with the response of AMF largely driven by vegetation transformation.
Article Plant Sciences

Disentangling the relative importance of spatio-temporal parameters and host specificity in shaping arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus communities in a temperate forest

Leonie Gruenfeld et al.

Summary: The study found variations in the AMF community composition in a small temperate forest site in Germany with respect to time, space, plant host species, and the coverage of AMF-associating woody species. Spatial factors had a greater impact on fungal community composition than time, mycorrhizal state of nearby woody species, or the identity of the host plant. The identity of the host plant was the only parameter that modified AMF richness in the roots.


Article Agronomy

Colonization status and community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the coniferous tree, Cryptomeria japonica, with special reference to root orders

Yosuke Matsuda et al.

Summary: The study revealed that AM fungal communities in the root systems of Cryptomeria japonica are influenced by soil conditions and vary among different root orders. It also found that the abundance and species richness of AM fungi change as roots age.


Letter Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2

Evan Bolyen et al.


Article Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

Root colonizing and soil borne communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi differ among soybean fields with contrasting historical land use

Valeria Soledad Faggioli et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Non-random association patterns in a plant-mycorrhizal fungal network reveal host-symbiont specificity

Siim-Kaarel Sepp et al.


Article Plant Sciences

Glomeromycotina: what is a species and why should we care?

Thomas D. Bruns et al.


Review Plant Sciences

Evolutionary history of mycorrhizal symbioses and global host plant diversity

Mark C. Brundrett et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Reciprocal Rewards Stabilize Cooperation in the Mycorrhizal Symbiosis

E. Toby Kiers et al.

SCIENCE (2011)