4.7 Article

Construction of a portable immunosensor for the sensitive detection of carbendazim in agricultural products using a personal glucose meter


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Antibody-invertase Cross-linkage Nanoparticles: A New Signal Tag for Point-of-care Immunoassay of Alpha-fetoprotein for Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Personal Glucometer

Ling Li et al.

Summary: A simple and portable immunoassay method for detecting AFP in hepatocellular carcinoma was developed. By using antibody-invertase cross-linkage nano tags, AFP could be detected on a portable personal glucometer with good electrochemical responses and low detection concentration.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

Synthesizing of a nanocomposite based on the formation of silver nanoparticles on fumed silica to develop an electrochemical sensor for carbendazim detection

Ali Ozcan et al.

Summary: A nanocomposite (FS@Ag) was synthesized and used to prepare an electrochemical sensor for the determination of the pesticide CBZ, showing high sensitivity and low detection limit. The sensor exhibited good performance in real samples, suggesting it as an alternative method for quantifying CBZ.

TALANTA (2021)

Article Chemistry, Applied

Dual-functionalized gold nanoparticles probe based bio-barcode immuno-PCR for the detection of glyphosate

Naiyu Guan et al.

Summary: A gold nanoparticle probe dual-functionalized with anti-GLYP antibody and double-stranded oligonucleotides was synthesized for sensitive detection of glyphosate in food samples. The detection limit of the developed method was significantly lower than that of conventional ELISA, with efficient recovery rates for glyphosate in soybean, cole, and maize samples. The assay time for the method was 4 hours, showing potential for sensitive detection of glyphosate in foodstuffs and environment.


Article Food Science & Technology

Facile and sensitive detection of norfloxacin in animal-derived foods using immuno-personal glucose meter

Shan Gao et al.

Summary: A facile and sensitive immunoassay using personal glucose meter (PGM) was developed for the detection of NOR in animal-derived foods. The method utilized a competitive immunoassay format and PGM as the signal transducer, showing high detection sensitivity and specificity. The results obtained by the proposed method were in good agreement with commercial ELISA kits, providing an alternative method for facile and sensitive detection of NOR in animal-derived foods.


Article Chemistry, Applied

Portable and quantitative detection of carbendazim based on the readout of a thermometer

Ruijie Fu et al.

Summary: A portable and quantitative photothermal assay platform using AuNPs as indicators has been developed to detect CBZ. The presence of CBZ leads to AuNP aggregation and an increase in temperature, making this method user-friendly, cost-effective, and portable for on-site applications.


Article Chemistry, Analytical

A multicolor enzyme-linked immunoassay method for visual readout of carbendazim

Haoran Liu et al.

Summary: The study improved the traditional ELISA method by using gold nanorods to achieve visual semiquantitative detection of CBD, allowing for easy differentiation of CBD concentrations by the naked eye. This innovative approach shows promising application prospects in food safety and international trade.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase in the Synthesis and Modification of Nucleic Acids

Ivo Sarac et al.


Article Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

Kinetics of carbendazim degradation in a horizontal tubular biofilm reactor

Maria Luisa Alvarado-Gutierrez et al.


Article Medicine, Legal

Reproductive and possible hormonal effects of carbendazim

Elkiane Macedo Rama et al.


Article Marine & Freshwater Biology

Toxicity prediction of binary combinations of cadmium, carbendazim and low dissolved oxygen on Daphnia magna

Abel L. G. Ferreira et al.