4.7 Article

Phasing out coal power in a developing country context: Insights from Vietnam


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Economics of co-firing rice straw in coal power plants in Vietnam

An Ha Truong et al.

Summary: The study shows that co-firing biomass in coal power plants in Vietnam can bring positive business and social benefits, especially through reducing air pollution. Additionally, the job creation effect of collecting straw is greater than the job destruction effect of using less coal.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Decarbonization in state-owned power companies: Lessons from a comparative analysis

Philippe Benoit et al.

Summary: This study finds that state-owned power companies (SPCs) may be more effective in driving decarbonization compared to private sector companies. The distinct characteristics, relationships with government, financial sources, and market exposure of SPCs may result in different responses to government interventions on decarbonization. Therefore, they deserve more attention in the development of sector-wide decarbonization strategies.


Article Area Studies

Environmental justice and the politics of coal-fired thermal power in Vietnam's Mekong Delta

Nga Dao

Summary: This paper examines the development of Vietnam's power sector with a focus on the impacts of coal-fired thermal power on local livelihoods, food production, and water resources through the lens of environmental justice.


Article Energy & Fuels

Phasing out coal: An impact analysis comparing five large-scale electricity market models

Arne Poestges et al.

Summary: The achievement of climate targets has a significant impact on energy sector modeling and decision-making processes. Various policy instruments have been developed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, including administrative and market-based mechanisms for phasing out coal-fired generation technologies. This study compares five large-scale electricity market models and analyzes their differences in evaluating the effects of two coal phase-out strategies. The results provide insights for both modelers and decision-makers, highlighting the influence of reference scenarios and the importance of technical aspects in evaluating policy instruments.


Article Environmental Studies

Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: This study identifies key barriers to offshore wind power development in Vietnam and proposes policy options to address them. The underdeveloped policy environment, incomplete procedures, and immature infrastructure and supply chain are the main hindrances to the development of offshore wind power in Vietnam. The recommended policy measures include setting clear targets, adopting renewable portfolio standards, and streamlining leasing and licensing processes.


Article Environmental Studies

Political economy of just transition: Disparate impact of coal mine closure on state-owned and private coal workers in Inner Mongolia, China

Xinxin Wang et al.

Summary: This study examines the transition management of China's coal mine closure policy from a political economy perspective and explores the achievement of a just transition. Based on first-hand evidence from a coal city in Inner Mongolia, China, the study finds disparities in the treatment of coal workers from state-owned and privately owned mines. These disparities are fundamentally linked to China's political economic contexts such as rural-urban inequality, incomplete marketization, and authoritarianism. The study highlights the importance of understanding just transition through a political economy perspective and warns against homogenizing workers in the fossil fuel industry.


Article Environmental Studies

The political economy of coal phase-out: Exploring the actors, objectives, and contextual factors shaping policies in eight major coal countries

Nils Ohlendorf et al.

Summary: Political economy factors play a crucial role in explaining why some countries continue to expand their coal capacity. This study finds that regardless of political or economic systems, the ministry for energy, the head of state, and the ruling party are consistently the most important political actors, while utilities and mining companies have the most influence as economic actors. Economic growth, electricity system stability, and low electricity costs are key objectives for pro-coal actors.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Will the public in emerging economies support renewable energy? Evidence from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ying Yu et al.

Summary: Public acceptance and support are crucial for increasing the adoption of renewable energy technologies and policies. A study in Vietnam finds that people are willing to pay more for electricity generated by renewable energy sources, particularly those concerned about air quality and the profitability of utilities. The study suggests the importance of communicating the health benefits of reducing air pollution and improving transparency in utility financial statements.


Article Thermodynamics

Low-cost, low-emission 100% renewable electricity in Southeast Asia supported by pumped hydro storage

Bin Lu et al.

Summary: This study investigates the role of short-term off-river energy storage (STORES) in supporting 100% renewable electricity in Southeast Asia, finding that closed-loop pumped hydro storage has high potential and maturity. Comparative analysis with the Asia-Pacific Super Grid scenario shows that with support from STORES, Southeast Asia can achieve very high penetration of domestic solar and wind energy resources.

ENERGY (2021)

Review Environmental Sciences

Coal transitions-part 1: a systematic map and review of case study learnings from regional, national, and local coal phase-out experiences

Francesca Diluiso et al.

Summary: A rapid coal phase-out is crucial to meet the Paris Agreement goals, but faces challenges such as vested interests and social disruption risks. This paper provides a systematic review of historical coal transitions, highlighting the importance of targeting both demand and supply side transitions for successful coal phase-outs. Policymakers play a crucial role in facilitating coal transitions through regulatory instruments and investment plans.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Vietnam's solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries

Thang Nam Do et al.

Summary: This study analyzes the factors driving Vietnam's rapid solar and wind power expansion, highlighting the importance of generous feed-in tariffs, income tax exemptions, and land lease payment exemptions. Policy uncertainty and underprepared transmission grids are identified as major barriers. Lessons learned include the importance of strong price signals and a supportive investment environment for rapid uptake of solar and wind power.


Article Environmental Studies

The Challenges of Coal Phaseout: Coal Plant Development and Foreign Finance in Indonesia and Vietnam

Xue Gao et al.

Summary: Vietnam and Indonesia have seen cancellations of coal plants, with fuel switching, public opposition, and national planning being the main reasons in Vietnam, while Indonesia's reasons were more diverse. Vietnam had more cancellations than Indonesia, indicating it is farther along the coal phaseout agenda.


Article Economics

Explaining the slow progress of coal phase-out: The case of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Region

Peng Wang et al.

Summary: This paper analyzes the obstacles to coal phase-out in the Greater Bay Region, focusing on market, infrastructure, and regulatory challenges. Overcoming these obstacles requires a mix of policies to phase out coal and support the uptake of alternative energy sources, with a need for cooperation among different levels of government and regions.


Article Environmental Sciences

Analyzing transitions through the lens of discourse networks: Coal phase-out in Germany

Jochen Markard et al.

Summary: This paper utilizes discourse network analysis (DNA) to study the struggle over coal phase-out in Germany, finding that the anti-coal coalition was stable and ideationally congruent, leading to the successful implementation of policies, while the pro-coal coalition had more dispersed and inconsistent arguments.


Article Economics

Greening Asia's Economic Development

Paul J. Burke et al.

Summary: Asia is facing serious environmental challenges such as urban air pollution and the impacts of global climate change. However, there are growing opportunities for a transition to a cleaner economy powered by zero-emission energy sources. Economic mechanisms like emissions pricing and renewable portfolio standards have the potential to support a greener development model for the Asian Century.


Editorial Material Environmental Sciences

The future of coal in a carbon-constrained climate

Michael Jakob et al.


Article Economics

On some economic principles of the energy transition

Jorge Blazquez et al.


Article Environmental Studies

State versus market in China's low-carbon energy transition: An institutional perspective

Sufang Zhang et al.


Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

What motivates Vietnam to strive for a low-carbon economy? - On the drivers of climate policy in a developing country

Anne Zimmer et al.