4.8 Editorial Material

Neuroscience: Seq-ing maps in the olfactory cortex


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

High-throughput sequencing of single neuron projections reveals spatial organization in the olfactory cortex

Yushu Chen et al.

Summary: By using high-throughput sequencing-based neuroanatomical techniques, this study revealed that the connectivity in the olfactory cortex is spatially structured. Single olfactory bulb neurons target specific locations in the piriform cortex and also project to functionally distinct extra-piriform targets in a coordinated manner.
Article Neurosciences

Evolving the olfactory system with machine learning

Peter Y. Wang et al.

Summary: Artificial neural networks trained to perform olfactory tasks exhibit similarities with the fly and mouse olfactory systems in terms of connectivity and structure. These networks develop independent pathways for identity and valence classification when trained to recognize odor identity and assign emotional significance to odors.

NEURON (2021)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Structure and flexibility in cortical representations of odour space

Stan L. Pashkovski et al.

NATURE (2020)

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

High-Throughput Mapping of Long-Range Neuronal Projection Using In Situ Sequencing

Xiaoyin Chen et al.

Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Encoding of Odor Fear Memories in the Mouse Olfactory Cortex

Claire Meissner-Bernard et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Stimulus dependent diversity and stereotypy in the output of an olfactory functional unit

Ezequiel M. Arneodo et al.


Article Neurosciences

Cortico-cortical projections in mouse visual cortex are functionally target specific

Lindsey L. Glickfeld et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Driving Opposing Behaviors with Ensembles of Piriform Neurons

Gloria B. Choi et al.

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Cortical representations of olfactory input by trans-synaptic tracing

Kazunari Miyamichi et al.

NATURE (2011)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Distinct representations of olfactory information in different cortical centres

Dara L. Sosulski et al.

NATURE (2011)

Article Neurosciences

Intrinsic biophysical diversity decorrelates neuronal firing while increasing information content

Krishnan Padmanabhan et al.


Article Neurosciences

Differential axonal projection of mitral and tufted cells in the mouse main olfactory system

Shin Nagayama et al.


Article Neurosciences

Representations of Odor in the Piriform Cortex

Dan D. Stettler et al.

NEURON (2009)