4.2 Article

Influence of atomistic protrusion on the substrate on molecular luminescence in tunnel junctions


Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Bright Plasmons with Cubic Nanometer Mode Volumes through Mode Hybridization

Tong Wu et al.

Summary: This research proposes a new interpretation for light confinement in picocavities formed by ultrasmall metallic protuberances inside the gap of metal-insulator-metal nanoresonators. It demonstrates that the brightness of the protuberances supporting dark resonances can be significantly enhanced by strong coupling with nanoresonator modes with nanometric dielectric spacers. Moreover, it clarifies the role of gap plasmons in this coupling and proposes a general strategy to design extremely localized modes with cubic nanometer volumes and unprecedented brightness.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Influence of an atomistic protrusion at the tip apex on enhancing molecular emission in tunnel junctions: A theoretical study

Jia-Zhe Zhu et al.

Summary: The study investigates the influence of an atomic-scale protrusion at the tip apex on the emission properties of a point dipole in the plasmonic nanocavity using electromagnetic simulations. Results show that such a protrusion can significantly increase the quantum efficiency of molecular fluorescence. It is also found that the quantum efficiency monotonically increases as the tip approaches the dipole to the point of contact due to the lightning rod effect induced by the protrusion.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Bright Optical Eigenmode of 1 nm3 Mode Volume

Wancong Li et al.

Summary: This study reports on the discovery and design of bright single optical eigenmodes with quantum-optical mode volumes of about 1 nm(3). By utilizing a quasinormal mode theory to treat fields and electron nonlocality, spill-out, and Landau damping around atomistic protrusions on a metallic nanoantenna, localized modes with radiation efficiencies reaching 30% were achieved, providing up to 4 x 10(7) times intensity enhancement.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-molecule laser nanospectroscopy with micro-electron volt energy resolution

Hiroshi Imada et al.

Summary: A single-molecule spectroscopic method with micro-electron volt energy and submolecular-spatial resolution has been developed to induce molecular luminescence in scanning tunneling microscopy. The state-selective characterization of energy levels and linewidths of individual electronic and vibrational quantum states of a single molecule has been demonstrated. Tuning energy levels of molecular systems through the Stark effect and plasmon-exciton coupling in the tunneling junction opens up possibilities for creating designed energy-converting functions.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Single-molecule tautomerization tracking through space- and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

Benjamin Doppagne et al.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Spin-Triplet-Mediated Up-Conversion and Crossover Behavior in Single-Molecule Electroluminescence

Gong Chen et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Selective triplet exciton formation in a single molecule

Kensuke Kimura et al.

NATURE (2019)

Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Electrically Driven Single-Photon Superradiance from Molecular Chains in a Plasmonic Nanocavity

Yang Luo et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Electrofluorochromism at the single-molecule level

Benjamin Doppagne et al.

SCIENCE (2018)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A classical description of subnanometer resolution by atomic features in metallic structures

S. Trautmann et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Electrically driven single-photon emission from an isolated single molecule

Li Zhang et al.


Review Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Atomic-Scale Imaging and Spectroscopy of Electroluminescence at Molecular Interfaces

Klaus Kuhnke et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Real-space investigation of energy transfer in heterogeneous molecular dimers

Hiroshi Imada et al.

NATURE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Visualizing coherent intermolecular dipole-dipole coupling in real space

Yang Zhang et al.

NATURE (2016)

Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Single-molecule optomechanics in picocavities

Felix Benz et al.

SCIENCE (2016)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Atomistic Near-Field Nanoplasmonics: Reaching Atomic-Scale Resolution in Nanooptics

M. Barbry et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Vibrationally resolved fluorescence excited with submolecular precision

XH Qiu et al.

SCIENCE (2003)