4.6 Article

Molecular Shape, Electronic Factors, and the Ferroelectric Nematic Phase: Investigating the Impact of Structural Modifications


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ideal mixing of paraelectric and ferroelectric nematic phases in liquid crystals of distinct molecular species

Xi Chen et al.

Summary: An experimental investigation of binary mixtures of organic mesogens RM734 and DIO reveals paraelectric and ferroelectric nematic phases. These mixtures exhibit complete miscibility and ideal mixing properties in terms of phase behavior and polarization density. The similarity in molecular shape, net longitudinal dipole moment, and the tendency for head-to-tail molecular association contribute to this behavior. The significant difference in molecular structures leads to poor solubility in crystal phases but enhances the stability of the ferroelectric nematic phase in the mixtures.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

The ferroelectric nematic phase: an optimum liquid crystal candidate for nonlinear optics

C. L. Folcia et al.

Summary: Materials with high nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibilities are considered as potential candidates for the next-generation NLO devices. Ferroelectric nematic (N-F) materials are argued to have the potential to become materials for the next-generation NLO devices. We conducted a study on a prototype N-F material and found a high nonlinear susceptibility in the transparent regime, which is one of the highest reported in ferroelectric liquid crystals. Despite the fact that the studied molecule was not specifically designed for NLO applications, it is concluded that there is still potential to obtain N-F materials with enhanced properties.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Multiple ferroelectric nematic phases of a highly polar liquid crystal compound

Rony Saha et al.

Summary: This work describes the synthesis and physical property measurements of a new compound, RT11001, which exhibits multiple high-polarity ferroelectric nematic phases. Various physical characterization methods are employed to show the different ferroelectric phases of RT11001, including a non-polar nematic fluid phase with non-polar smectic clusters, a transition to another polar nematic phase containing polar positionally ordered clusters, and indications of an additional polar biaxial liquid crystal phase at lower temperatures.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Supramolecular ferroelectric nematic materials

Richard J. Mandle

Summary: The discovery of a new variant of the N-F phase with polar order and ferroelectricity is a significant milestone in soft matter research. The preparation of hydrogen-bonded complexes between 4-(2,4-dimethoxybenzoyloxy)benzoic acid and either 4-nitropyridine or 3-fluoro-4-nitropyridine is described, and the complexes exhibit classical and polar nematic phases. DFT calculations support the hypothesis that the onset of polar order is a result of subtle interactions between regions of opposing electrostatic potential, rather than solely dependent on the electric dipole moment.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Fluid Layered Ferroelectrics with Global C∞v Symmetry

Hirotsugu Kikuchi et al.

Summary: This study reports new fluid layered ferroelectrics with the C-infinity v symmetry, in which the spontaneous polarization remains stable under zero electric field without any orientation treatment. These results provide useful insights into the mechanism of ferroelectricity due to dipole-dipole interactions in molecular assemblies.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Intrinsically chiral ferronematic liquid crystals: An inversion of the helical twist sense at the chiral nematic - Chiral ferronematic phase transition

Damian Pociecha et al.

Summary: In this study, strongly dipolar mesogenic compounds with a chiral center located in a lateral alkyl chain were synthesized and found to exhibit the ferroelectric nematic phase. The presence of molecular chirality induced helical structures in both the N* and N-F* phases, but with opposite helix sense. The relaxation frequency of polar fluctuations was only weakly influenced by the helical structure.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Emerging Ferroelectric Uniaxial Lamellar (Smectic AF) Fluids for Bistable In-Plane Polarization Memory

Yaohao Song et al.

Summary: Ferroelectric smectic A phase, a new type of liquid crystal state, exhibits higher packing density, refractive anisotropy, and spontaneous polarization compared to ferroelectric nematics. The delicate balance between liquid crystal elasticity and flow viscosity enables both the switching and memory of the polarization field.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

The effect of a lateral alkyloxy chain on the ferroelectric nematic phase

Ewan Cruickshank et al.

Summary: This article reports the synthesis and characterization of two series of low molar mass liquid crystals in order to investigate the influence of a lateral alkyloxy chain on the formation and stability of ferroelectric nematic phase. The two series differ by the addition of a fluorine substituent. The members of both series exhibit different phase transitions depending on the length of the lateral chain, with a reduction in nematic-isotropic transition temperature and an increase in ferroelectric nematic-nematic or isotropic transition temperature observed as the chain length increases. These findings suggest that the lateral alkyloxy chain adopts specific conformations that affect the mesophase behavior.


Article Physics, Fluids & Plasmas

Ferroelectric nematic liquid-crystalline phases

Nerea Sebastian et al.

Summary: This article provides an overview of the development and properties of materials exhibiting ferroelectric nematic phases, highlighting the significant observations of giant dielectric permittivity values, polarization values an order of magnitude larger than in classical ferroelectric liquid crystals, and comparable nonlinear optical coefficients to several ferroelectric solid materials. Key observations of anchoring and electro-optic behavior are also examined. The collected contributions lead to a final discussion on the challenges in materials development, theoretical description, experimental explorations, and potential applications of the ferroelectric phases.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

General phase-structure relationship in polar rod-shaped liquid crystals: Importance of shape anisotropy and dipolar strength

Jinxing Li et al.

Summary: Researchers have proposed a principle for designing and controlling the phase behaviors of ferroelectric materials, and through experiments and analysis, they have discovered that the interplay between shape anisotropy and polarization field leads to diverse behaviors in polar liquid crystals.
Article Chemistry, Physical

A new order of liquids: polar order in nematic liquid crystals

Richard J. Mandle

Summary: This article presents the latest research progress in the field of nematic liquid crystals, including the discovery of new nematic phases, the understanding of their molecular origins, the role of molecular structure, and future directions.


Article Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Stereoisomer effect on ferroelectric nematics: stabilization and phase behavior diversification

Junchen Zhou et al.

Summary: This research focuses on the molecular geometry effects on the phase behavior of ferroelectric nematics. By synthesizing pure stereoisomers, it was discovered that the phase diagram of the material is strongly dependent on the mixing ratio. The results suggest that the ferroelectric nematic phase can be stabilized at room temperature with appropriate compositions.


Article Physics, Fluids & Plasmas

Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal thermomotor

Marcell Tibor Mathe et al.

Summary: A thermal gradient-induced circular motion of particles placed on ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal sessile drops is shown and explained in this study. The experiments demonstrate the unique properties of fluid ferroelectric liquid crystals, where the laminar flow drives the rotation of particles and gives them electric charge.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Development of emergent ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals with highly fluorinated and rigid mesogens

Yaohao Song et al.

Summary: The emerging ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals have attracted broad interests for their unique material properties and the challenge of limited material choice. This work presents a design of novel ferroelectric nematic materials and confirms their characteristics through rigorous experiments.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Multiple Polar and Non-polar Nematic Phases

Stevie Brown et al.

Summary: This study reports liquid-crystal materials with up to three nematic phases, each exhibiting different properties such as ferroelectric order, apolar order, and local antiferroelectric order. The modification of molecular structure through increasing lateral fluorine substituents leads to a direct isotropic-ferronematic phase transition in one of the materials.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Temperature-Dependent Reactivity of a Non-heme FeIII(OH)(SR) Complex: Relevance to Isopenicillin N Synthase

Vishal Yadav et al.

Summary: The study found that non-heme iron complexes exhibit different reactivity with a tertiary carbon radical, providing a new working model for C-S bond formation in isopenicillin N synthase. The results suggest that kinetic control may play a crucial role in the selectivity of non-heme iron rebound processes.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Ferroelectric nematic phase at and below room temperature

Atsutaka Manabe et al.

Summary: The liquid crystal 1 exhibits ferroelectricity at room temperature, with a relative permittivity of over 20000 observed in the ferroelectric nematic phase. It enters the ferroelectric nematic phase directly from the isotropic phase upon cooling, without the formation of a conventional nematic phase.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Development of ferroelectric nematic fluids with giant-ε dielectricity and nonlinear optical properties

Jinxing Li et al.

Summary: Researchers have developed superhigh-epsilon fluid materials with high dielectric permittivity, strong second harmonic generation, and macroscopic spontaneous polar ordering through rational molecular design and machine learning analyses. They confirmed that the polar structures are identical for all the synthesized materials and successfully extended this strategy to high-molecular weight systems, creating polar soft matters with spontaneous symmetry breaking.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A New Class of Chiral Nematic Phase with Helical Polar Order

Hiroya Nishikawa et al.

Summary: A novel chiral nematic phase Np* with a polar helical order has been realized, which is characterized by a continuously twisted polarization and ultrafast electro-optic switching performance. The properties of Np* differ from conventional cholesteric phases and have been confirmed through transmission spectroscopy and measurements. This unique Np*LC structure suggests new potential applications for electrically interchangeable photonic bandgaps.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Electrooptics of mm-scale polar domains in the ferroelectric nematic phase

Nerea Sebastian et al.

Summary: The recent discovery of the ferroelectric nematic phase has opened new opportunities for experimental research, but there are still many unresolved mysteries. The study found that confining surfaces have a significant influence on the formation of different types of domains, resulting in various twisted structures of the nematic director.


Article Polymer Science

Polar Liquid Crystalline Polymers Bearing Mesogenic Side Chains with Large Dipole Moment

Shuqi Dai et al.

Summary: This study demonstrated a general molecular design for emerging ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals by introducing large dipole moment and local bulkiness into rod-shaped mesogenic molecules. The extension of polar liquid crystal materials from small molecules to polymer systems provides vast technological potential for flexible supercapacitors, electro-optic devices, and nonlinear optical devices. The research also clarified that the magnitude of dipole moment plays a critical role in producing macroscopic polarity in side-chain liquid crystalline polymers.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

On the molecular origins of the ferroelectric splay nematic phase

Richard J. Mandle et al.

Summary: The study shows that subtle changes in molecular structure can enable denser packing of molecules exhibiting polar order, indicating that the reduction of excluded volume is the origin of the polar nematic phase. Additionally, molecular dynamics simulations are identified as powerful tools for predicting, identifying, and designing materials with the polar nematic phase and its precursor phases.


Article Chemistry, Physical

Surface alignment of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals

Federico Caimi et al.

Summary: The article investigates the surface alignment of the ferroelectric nematic phase and finds specific behaviors and factors that affect the alignment, such as orientation, defects, and electric field response.


Article Physics, Fluids & Plasmas

Simple molecular model for ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals exhibited by small rodlike mesogens

N. Madhusudana

Summary: Nematic liquid crystals, a liquid medium with apolar orientational order, have been found to exhibit a ferroelectric nematic phase in compounds with certain molecular structures as temperature decreases. A simple model involving cylindrical rods with surface charge density waves is proposed to explain why certain compounds show the ferroelectric nematic phase. The weakly first-order nature of the transition from NLC to FN is suggested to arise from a coupling of the polar order and medium density.


Article Physics, Multidisciplinary

Ferroelectric-Ferroelastic Phase Transition in a Nematic Liquid Crystal

Nerea Sebastian et al.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

First -principles experimental demonstration of ferroelectricity in a thermotropic nematic liquid crystal: Polar domains and striking electro-optics

Xi Chen et al.


Article Chemistry, Physical

A nematic to nematic transformation exhibited by a rod-like liquid crystal

Richard J. Mandle et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

A Fluid Liquid-Crystal Material with Highly Polar Order

Hiroya Nishikawa et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Rational Design of Rod-Like Liquid Crystals Exhibiting Two Nematic Phases

Richard J. Mandle et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

An Azo-Bridged Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal with Highly Enhanced Second and Third Harmonic Generation

Yongqiang Zhang et al.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Symmetric and non-symmetric chiral liquid crystal dimers

T. Donaldson et al.


Article Computer Science, Software Engineering

Ambient occlusion and edge cueing to enhance real time molecular visualization

Marco Tarini et al.