4.7 Letter

Reply: The correlation of behavioural deficits post-stroke: a trivial issue?


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Mapping the deficit dimension structure of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale

Bastian Cheng et al.

Summary: This study used advanced machine learning techniques to analyze the dimensional structure of NIHSS and identified a five-dimensional representation, including left motor deficits, right motor deficits, dysarthria and facial palsy, language, and deficits in spatial attention and gaze. The study also validated the neurobiological basis of these dimensions through neuroanatomical and functional analysis, providing a valuable anatomical map for individualized stroke treatment and rehabilitation.


Article Clinical Neurology

The low dimensionality of post-stroke cognitive deficits: it's the lesion anatomy!

Christoph Sperber et al.

Summary: For years, dissociation studies on neurological single-case patients with brain lesions were used to infer cognitive functions in neuropsychology, but the association between deficits was considered of less value. In contrast, computational methods such as principal component analysis became popular for identifying cognitive functions in stroke patients. However, the anatomy of stroke lesions alone influenced the dimensionality of data and limited the interpretability of cognitive deficits and insights into human cognitive architecture. It is suggested to use qualitative criteria and dissociation patterns to refine estimates and optimize interpretation strategies in cognitive deficit studies.
Article Neurosciences

An empirical comparison of univariate versus multivariate methods for the analysis of brain-behavior mapping

Maria V. Ivanova et al.

Summary: Lesion symptom mapping (LSM) tools are used to identify neural structures critical for specific behaviors or symptoms. Univariate lesion symptom mapping (ULSM) methods compare test scores in patients with and without lesions on a voxel basis, while multivariate lesion symptom mapping (MLSM) methods consider effects of all lesioned voxels simultaneously. The study compared ULSM and MLSM methods, showing no clear superiority of either, but recommending their combined use for enhanced confidence in results.


Article Neuroimaging

Lesion Quantification Toolkit: A MATLAB software tool for estimating grey matter damage and white matter disconnections in patients with focal brain lesions

Joseph C. Griffis et al.

Summary: Lesion studies are crucial for cognitive neuroscientists and neurologists, but new evidence suggests neurological diseases like stroke are brain network disorders. The Lesion Quantification Toolkit is a MATLAB software package that provides tools for quantifying the structural impacts of focal brain lesions, aiding researchers in understanding the effects of white matter disconnections on cognitive and physiological consequences.


Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Brain disconnections link structural connectivity with function and behaviour

Michel Thiebaut de Schotten et al.


Article Neurosciences

Common Behavioral Clusters and Subcortical Anatomy in Stroke

Maurizio Corbetta et al.

NEURON (2015)

Article Clinical Neurology

Human brain lesion-deficit inference remapped

Yee-Haur Mah et al.